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untitled 2


My words are hot
and soon they’ll be all over the streets like
a bootleg remix tape

50 cents is no more than a half dollar when I holler
and Eminem and them are candy coated chocolate
They'll melt in my hand
before I'll watch my mouth

the pages of history turn but no one reads

The truth is written on the wall but none take heed

We feed war with hate
rape the minds of our children
filling them with contempt.
while we congratulate our countrymen and brothers
for slaying others

go to a rally for peace
just make sure you take your piece
in case violence erupts
and someone tries to make our beliefs seem corrupt

Shoot them all dead
and trample their doctrines and beliefs
with your moral high horse
Tell them

"I’m worried about you
but I can’t help you out cuz there’s already to much on my plate"

I’ll show where to go though
I know I’ve never been down this road
but I must know the way
There’s no peace in my home
but follow me anyway

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