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tagErotic CouplingsDream Sequence?

Dream Sequence?


You find yourself in the midst of a remarkable dream. You lie on your bed, in just your panties, which you prefer to sleep in..especially when you are alone for the weekend. Your hair cascades across the pillow, revealing the nape of your neck. You can feel hot breath, lips and hear soft moans in your mind, which seem so real. Shamefully, your lover has never explored this area, which good lovers know is a secret door. Unlocked, it opens a world of possibilities, and sends shivers up and down your spine.

Light nibbles, and the soft sucking, electrify you in ways you've never known. You feel yourself growing damp, and instinctively you reach your hand down there to feel the heat emanating from between your legs. The coarse feel of a tongue sliding up and down your neck is exhilarating, and you rub the outside of your panties in unison. Soon you feel a shift, and the tongue tastes the soft skin of your shoulders. Back and forth, up onto your neck, teasing, tantalizing you.

A new sensation is added as you feel strong, yet gentle hands as they glide over your body. Never in the same spot for very long, yet slow, ever so slow they wind themselves over you. Soon, the tongue and lips follow suit. Long, slow licks up your spine, all the way to your neck at the base of your hairline. Then back down again, all the way to the top of your panties. You're excited, stimulated and secretly hoping for more.

You feel his chest as it rubs against your luscious ass. You instinctively push against, up off the bed. He moans seductively, knowing he is driving you crazy. Which is crazy, your lover knows none of this. He grips your arms and puts them out at your sides. Pushing them down, holding you tight to the bed, you can feel his power. You are unable, and certainly unwilling, to make him stop. You can hear him breathing softly in your ear, as his tongue slips around it. He softly bites your ear, and moans..a deep, masculine sound. You are putty, in his hands.

Suddenly, you feel him head back down your spine. He still moves slowly, but the unexpected aspect of his move, makes you shiver again. The feeling of his hot mouth sucking his way down your back, just adds to the pleasure. You feel him at the top of your panties. Licking the smooth spot just above them. You never realized it, but this is an erogenous zone. He knows. Your hot ass lifts and falls as he performs. His tongue slides up and down your panties, and occasionally you feel him take soft bites out of it. He reaches up, and pulls your panties down. Again, excruciatingly slow. You try and coax him into hurrying, with your mind, but of course he'll have nothing to do with that.

As you squirm on your bed, you feel your nipples as they move across the soft sheets of your bed. You pull your hands in, and pinch them. The feeling is sublime, and in another time, you will learn that he knows the secrets of a woman's breast as well. Your panties have been pulled down to your thighs, completely revealing your ass. You feel his tongue slide up and down, inside and out. He pulls up on your thighs, a hint to lift yourself up off the bed a little. You obey, and hear him as he takes a deep breath, taking in your scent. You hear him moan again, knowing he is pleased. It is a site to behold.

You continue to play with your breasts, and you now feel him nibbling on the insides of your thighs. Your lover would normally dive right in, but this one, will not be hurried. It's excruciating, but still exhilarating. His tongue touches everywhere, except your tasty little bud. Your thighs, back to your hot ass, up it, down it, and even to the spot just about where your panties would be, if he hadn't pulled them down.

His hands grip your thighs, and flip you over onto your back. Your breasts juggle around and the look in your eye is priceless. Sort of like prey ready to be devoured, mixed in with surprise and anticipation. You pray to God he will dive on in, but again, aggravatingly, he will not. Another long breath, another long smell of your scent. He eyes you hungrily. Your hands are all over your breasts now, nipples hard as glass. He spreads your legs further, knees up, revealing the beautiful bounty. A soft puff of hair above the bud, and nothing below. Perfect.

His tongue flicks all around the swollen area of your nether regions. Each time, you feel as though he will give you relief, but he continues his assault elsewhere. On your thighs, down to your ass, up your burgeoning slit, but painfully right over your bud to the soft hair above. God, this is making you crazy. Who does this man think he is? You reach down and grab his hair, pushing him into you. He reacts by rolling you to the side, and smacking your ass hard. When you are repositioned correctly, he orders your hands back to your breasts. You quickly obey.

You can feel his tongue tasting you, closer and closer. Your lips are swollen and begging to be touched and he does. He takes your lips into his mouth and sucks softly on them. The feeling is amazing. Your lover knows nothing of this. Long, slow sucks on each side, have left you begging for him to finish you. His hands slide up to your belly, removing your hands from your breasts and replacing them with his own. You feel him put his mouth all around your clit, and he sucks in. Not quite what you had in mind, but damn it feels good and it certainly is a move in the right direction.

As you feel your clit swell into his mouth, feel your lips lift off you, you feel the first flick of his tongue over your. Heaven. He softly taps it on the hood with just the tip. Your breathing quickens, and you pray for a swift ending to this amazing dream. Your hands squeeze his as he pinches your nipples. Each time his tongue touches your clit, you can feel the electricity race from your clit to your nipples. His next move is to swirl his tongue all around your bud. You are swollen and ache for his touch. You lift your legs up, and he rewards you by licking all the way down to your ass. Another Oh my God moment ensues. My lover would never do that, you say to yourself. A long, slow lick back to the clit, up and over and your head swims. You can feel the coarseness of his tongue amazing well now. He moves your hood out of the way, and slides it down your clit. Then up and over, swirling. Stiffening his tongue, he slides it inside you, releasing a torrent of your hot, tasty juices. He laps them up eagerly, thrilling you further.

He moves his hands from your breasts, and has you put yours back on them. Sliding his hands over your belly, he makes you quiver yet again. He kneads the insides of your thighs and takes a firm grip with his tongue. After at least twenty minutes of this torture, he has decided to set you free. You feel the pace quicken at your engorged clit. His hands spread your ass in a new, and exciting way. Up your clit, over it, back down, inside you, around your ass, up down all around. A torturous roller coaster ride from hell. You pinch your nipples furiously, as he works his magic. Your ass rises and falls, your breathing is nearly quite out of control.

His tongue swirls, slides, up and down, you feel the start of a long journey to unimaginable pleasure. He senses you are nearing that point, and you feel his finger slide into your soaking wet pussy. At first, he slides it in and out, and it feels good. Occasionally, you feel another one of those out of body moments, but they only last for a second. Your mind tries to wrap itself around what is happening, when the pleasure becomes increasing intense. He has found your gspot, something else a great lover would know about. You feel his finger slide in small circles around it. It pulses and throbs as he manipulates it masterfully. The feeling is phenomenal, unlike any you've ever felt.

All the teasing, torturing, moving around and changing positions, has stopped. One consistent lick up and down your clit as he massages your gspot. You gasp at the intensity. You look down at him in utter disbelief. He has full control and you are just holding on. You know you will have to let yourself go, and you have full faith in his ability to deliver. The first waves of orgasm sneak up on you, then drive through you like a freight train. Wave after wave of thunderous orgasm rip through your body. You scream Oh My GOD, over and over. Your toes curl, a sure sign that you are in full throes of cumming. He never lets off, never stops working your gspot. You buck up against his face, over and over.

After what seems like forever, you feel the waves wash away. He slows down, with his tongue and his finger. You are ravaged. Your sheets are soaked just below your throbbing pussy. In a spectacularly unexpected event, you find yourself unable to move. He is pleased. Mission accomplished.

You awake minutes later. It is dark, and you are alone. Was that all just a dream? You move around, trying to find your place on the bed. Suddenly, your leg touches something cold and wet. Oh God, it's the wet spot.

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