Stories by Neonurotic

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A math student looking for easy answers finds a hard problem.

by Neonurotic
Gay Male 03/05/2019
9.8k 9 1 11

The woman of his dreams is not who he thought she was.

6.5k 1 1

An online hook-up turns into a real life crazy-sexy time.

11.6k 6 6

A shy virgin learns to let go of the past.

by Neonurotic
First Time 02/22/2019
18.2k 5 2 7

Superior service, rail guests come first class, always.

by Neonurotic
Gay Male 02/20/2019
11.3k 9 12

In a lake of horny toads.

by Neonurotic
Anal 07/12/2014
31.2k 12 15

It's all good and fun until some dick gets hurt.

35.2k 11 14

A prank calls up a cemetery full of horny zombies.

42.3k 22 3 26

Just desserts, served.

20.6k 1 1 2