Literotica Editor's Profile

@bad_hobbit has published 109 Works since 01/01/1970

Contact Editor
 PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: In the short time since I signed up as a volunteer editor, I've had 2 or 3 requests for help most days. I make it a point to reply to them all - I seem to be the only volunteer editor who does this - & I've helped where I could. But recently I've been sent a lot of stuff which is of very poor quality, so I've become much more choosy about who I help. The advice that the brilliant & much missed Terry Pratchett of Discworld fame gave to one would-be author who wanted to be published was "allow grammar & punctuation to enter your life." It takes a lot of my time to edit a story, so if all you want is for me to find the 4 missing commas you need to get past the moderators and be published on the site, please don't trouble me. I'm not interested in correcting grammar & punctuation for people who don't understand the basics and can't be bothered to read & correct their own work or even use a spell-checker, and I PROMISE I WON'T BE KIND If your introductory request email shows poor literacy, don't expect me to even ask for your story. However, what I'm most definitely interest in is working with capable authors who want honest & informed feedback on their work, & genuinely want to improve their stories and their writing in general. I'm prepared to spend hours of my time helping someone who is already a good storyteller to tell their story even better. So if you feel you meet these criteria, email me. I'll usually ask for your story, I'll read the first 2 pages, and if I think you really shouldn't be writing, I'll tell you in no uncertain terms. But if your story interests me & is well-written, I'll commit a lot of my time if necessary to read & comment on the rest. If you're really good - & I've had the privilege of editing several pieces that fall into this category - then I'd be delighted to enter into a long-term & mutual writing & editing relationship with you. I love reading well-written stories by people who really know their craft, and I'm always interested in their opinions of my own work & how it can be improved. Please also check the categories I will review; I don't like the idea of inflicting or receiving pain, I don't understand or enjoy horror as a genre, I'm not qualified to edit gay sex stories and I won't touch anything 'yukky'. So, if you want to know about me, I'm a straight British male with a University degree. In my career as a management consultant I've written and edited literally thousands of business documents, from basic reports to (successful) sales proposals for contracts worth hundreds of millions of pounds. (And I regularly despair of my fellow graduates who can't fashion a coherent sentence). Although I don't have any formal creative writing qualifications, I'm part of a writers' group with several published authors, I've so far launched nearly 50 stories onto Literotica (almost all of which have been rated around 4.5 or higher), & I have many non-erotic prose and poetry pieces that have won literary competition prizes. In my view, writing is about connecting with the reader. The grammar, spelling and punctuation should make the text understandable, easy to read and unambiguous. The text should also be free of clichés, 'clunky' phrases and 'purple prose'. But crucially, the story should be authentic, self-consistent and believable, even if it's science fiction or fantasy. If you can write well and would like some honest feedback; if you want to make your story more 'real' and believable; or if you wish to improve the way you express your ideas, please contact me. I'm busy, but I genuinely enjoy working with good, committed authors to help them improve their work. I'm pretty open-minded and I'll read most things & give honest feedback - if that's really what you want. And I love collaborating with good authors who would like to share ideas and to review each other's work.
This editor will edit stories in the following categories:
Erotic Couplings
Reviews & Essays
Loving Wives
Chain Stories
Novels and Novellas
Humor & Satire
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
First Time
Letters & Transcripts
This editor can edit stories in the following languages:
Submission Format
This editor can accept submissions in the following formats:
Microsoft Word document (.doc)
Member Information
01/01/1970Member since
10/01/2019Editor since
10/24/2019Last updated