Depression. Anxiety. Panic Attacks. etc

Ibsen said:
Been thinking, and I think I would succeed better as a chef. If I enlist at all.

I rekon you gotta find your talent and use that. Then not only will you be good at what you're doing you'll enjoy it as well.
Wow this thread has had quite a workout the last week or so and it is great to see.
Sometimes it is really hard to deal with the thoughts and feelings that go with any of this stuff, add to that the people who don`t understand or believe, or who give such simple but useless advice, and yeah it sucks.
But, and this is one thing I try and take away with me everytime I post, even though I may be bitching and moaning I am trying to help myself, I am at least off loading some of my hate and fear, I am not expecting anyone here to do any of this for me, although I do take a lot from what others have posted, that is my choice to help my self.
As much as it would be great to have someone fix it, that is as likely as just snapping out of it. So I off load my crap, pick up the good stuff others have left here, and start off again, trying to make each day a little better than the last. Some days it works, even if only minutely, but I will take that rather than let myself slide back into the pit, even if I don`t move forward that is still a gain.

I know if I let myself slide, the thoughts and feelings that come with that are almost unbearable, so I do everything I can to halt that slide, I may come here and post some of those unbearable thoughts and feelings, but they need to be out of my head, and if that is all I can do today, then that is enough.
This is my battle, my life, ultimately my decision to carry on.

So bitch, moan, whinge and groan I may do, I may feel like just ckecking out, I may think about it everyday, but that is just one of hundreds of thousands of thoughts that run through my mind, why should I listen to that one, more than any of the others, if the other thoughts are irrational crap, I see no reason to think that that one particular thought should be any different.
Anyway, what does this mean, I am responsible for ME.

:eek: Guess who just got a little carried away.
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quoll said:

:eek: Guess who just got a little carried away.

That wasen't getting carried away, that was just doing exactially what your post and this entire thread was made for. You expressed yourself and hopefully felt better. There's nothing wrong with that in the slightest.
I am someone who experiences Anxiety Disorder. No clue what class that is. Took meds for a VERY short period and it FUCKED me up big time. Right now I am coping it without the aid of medications and am doing reasonably ok. Breathing exercises help me deal with it though there are times where it will spike and result in sharp attacks. Shit happens, as they say.

For me, anxiety runs through the family as well as depression. My older brother has dystemic derpression and anxiety syndrome. He takes meds to keep him stable - to keep himself from suddenly abandoning everything he has and living on the streets. My grandmother has more anxiety syndrome than anything else.
FUCKING SHIT!!!!! :mad: :mad:

I wrote this long message, and all the shit just went lost as I was logged off and hadto log in to this siter again! Now this really made my day! :mad:
Calmed down a bit now, I have ordered a book about the FFL, naimly this. Hope it gonna answer some quesrtions. Then I am so sexually frustrated. I so wanna FUCK, but I have no one to fuck, so I use Miss Right. Thankfully, literotica is around, and specificly this made my cock real hard. Man, is she HOT!?
This could be an interesting week or two, changing meds, and the doc says it could get rough. Well as they say "Been there, got the mind altering drugs".
Hopefully this will ease the constant nausea, and maybe the anxiety too, although I have had conflicting opinions on that.
Of course the other worry is side effects, still I can always go back on the old ones I guess.
Anyway consider yourselves warned if I go a little bit loopier :D
Hmm great, headaches already.
quoll said:
This could be an interesting week or two, changing meds, and the doc says it could get rough. Well as they say "Been there, got the mind altering drugs".
Hopefully this will ease the constant nausea, and maybe the anxiety too, although I have had conflicting opinions on that.
Of course the other worry is side effects, still I can always go back on the old ones I guess.
Anyway consider yourselves warned if I go a little bit loopier :D
Hmm great, headaches already.

quoll not to be flippant or anything, but have you tried smoking a bit of pot for the nausea? Gil has gone off all his pain meds because they upset his tummy so much, and a couple of cones every night help his pain and "mellow him out" and ease his icky tummy, and when he gets the munchies he actually enjoys food. Just a thought :)
Bandit58 said:
quoll not to be flippant or anything, but have you tried smoking a bit of pot for the nausea? Gil has gone off all his pain meds because they upset his tummy so much, and a couple of cones every night help his pain and "mellow him out" and ease his icky tummy, and when he gets the munchies he actually enjoys food. Just a thought :)

Bandit, not something I had thought of, the last time I indulged, I actually overindulged, not a well quoll.
However if the new meds don`t make any significant difference, then I may have to become indulgent again, as the nausea is just so tiring.
Thanks for the thought.
Well that answers that question about what would happen if I went off the meds. :mad:
"Could get rough", No fucking could about it.
Ibsen said:
We are with you 100% Quoll! :)

Thanks mate.:)

Well I have to say that was a really shitty day, but things seemed to have calmed down, fingers crossed.
Thanks to my Poss and two very special friends who eased me through yet another rough time.
Love you very much. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Well, lets hope you continue to feel better.

I feel kinda good actually. Lonely, and not happy, but still, I´m not sad at all. A bit conserned perhaps, but thats all. Got a time at the social service guys there I gonna try convince them in giving me cash for the rent of an apartment. Thats not whats bothering me, that is just good. Whats on my mind... well, I´ll let the ones really intrested PM me and take it there. Too much info to be put on a public forum, might have people who knowsme here...

Yesterday was really bad though. I have comed to the conclusion that I suck at runing. I try, but my pulse was up on frigging 180! For jogging! I mean, there must be some serious wrong with me. Becouse I am not the type who sit still. I walk severall kilometers without problems or pause, I just cant run. Yet.
*feels the need to complain*

I hate exams. I've failed every continuous assesment this semester yet I've tried so hard. I failed 2 exams last Christmas by 2 lousy %. And now I've got finals starting on Tuesday and I'm in state. I feel so utterly hopeless and stupid. People keep telling me it'll be grand and to stop being so negative but I can't help it. I try so so hard and get nothing back. I got 0% in my last test and I was so upset over it. It doesn't help that I suffer from depression. So far I've held it back this time but if I fail my finals God only knows what kind of a state I'll get into this time. :(
Wee and yay! My book came today! :nana:

Gonna read it real good. The author says in the preface that one should have whery good pysichal condition to join, wich directly sort me out... As My phsychal condition is perhaps good, but hardly excellent. :(

Well, maybe in the future. Who knows? Or I do it the "easy" way and join the US army, if I must join anything like that at all. :)
I lifted this from another thread as I thought it had some interesting links.
CBT is reportedly a very successful drug free way of dealing with anxiety, depression and a host of other problems.
I am still researching this myself so I don`t have any great knowledge as yet.

littleroundman said:
As an addition to my earlier comments in this and other similar threads:

The Australian National University has a team of researchers currently running an excellent program, which includes an online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy self help course which I can strongly recommend, especially for those either unable or afraid to access CBT through regular means.
It can also be seen as an excellent "taste tester" for people currently receiving medication who wish to explore the value of combined drug and CBT therapies.

The course offers a choice between 6 levels, including one for people currently receiving treatment from a health care professional.

It is free, run by professionals and allows participants to participate anonymously in research being run by the university into depression etc.

Visit the site and register at:

And while you're there, you may want to have a look at their excellent information site which also has some free online tests that measure anxiety and depression levels, for those who are unsure.
Thanks for the links to the moodygym site, quoll. It looks interesting and possibly might be helpful for me to know ways that my depressed SO can consider. He hasn't improved at all and sometimes slips into even worse moods. On my part, I try not to despair that he refuses to consider professional help or medication. He's a glutton for pain, I guess. :(
Well, tomorrow I have a time schedued to meet with a SS worker there I gonna try to motivate why I should get help to move out. Hopefuly, they wont be too cold hearted, as I really dont feel good here, so I will hopefully get the rent, electric and water bills paid. Hopefully...
It went... I dunno actually. He listened to me and what I said, and said that they would call me next thueseday. So I wait with excitement...
Have been off the anti-anxiety meds for almost a week now and feeling calm. I think it helps that my husband is also less depressed and also that he seems to be out of the emotional relationship with the female colleague (unless they're carrying on by email and phone calls during the work day).

My new strategy is more relaxed--come what may, one day at a time.

Hello all,
I dont post much on this board, but this thread caught my eye and i thought i would check it out.
I am a 21 year old male, and I have been suffering from anxiety, social anxiety, and depression for as long as I can remember. I have always been very shy, I think i was just born that way. However, I think it was the pressure from my family to break free of that, that made me so self-conscious of it. Its like people constantly ask you, "Why are you so quiet? you need to open up more." This put pressure on me to improve on this, and this has been going on since about the 5th grade. This is also the time when boys and girls begin to socialize, and being a shy person, I didnt really talk to many girls at the time. All my friends began talking to girls on the phone, hanging out with them at the mall, etc. and I felt pressured, becuase i felt like i wasn't normal and that I had to get into a relationship in order to be normal. But because i stressed so much over it, I never could get the nerve to ask a girl out. I was shy and awkward at the time, but i lived with it. I mean I was a young boy,and still had other things on my mind more then anything. Then High school came. A whole new crowd of people and i was extremely nervous. At the time i was also very self conscious of my appearance, from my friends teasing me. I was a little on the chunky side at the time. Friends tease each other, but i really really took it personally, because i associated my appearance with all my problems, including why i wasnt popular with the girls. Anyways, because i was so shy and quiet when i started high school, i was a very very easy target. The more i got picked on, the farther i hid into my shell. I wouldnt talk to hardly anyone, just kept to myself all the time. I felt like i was constantly being watched, and judged, and laughed at by everyone around me. Getting through every day was a total chore. I was kind of like the girl on "the breakfast club" the one that was really quiet. And to make problems worse at the time i needed help more then ever, my father was really suffering from anxiety and depression at the time. of coarse back then, no one hardly heard of anxiety, or social anxiety. So he would come home from work all stressed out every day, and pretty much took it all out on me. He never really hit me, but he did a pretty good job of making it seem like i was a complete no good fuck up. He would come home, cuss me out, cuss my mother out, then go in his room and slam the door shut, and stay in there all night. I had always had a fear of my father, but this made it 10 times worse, which i belived caused my anxiety. Every day, i lived in fear, scared of who would pick on me at school, and scared of whether or not my father would scream at me. This was pretty much my first two years in high school. After that I decided i needed a change, and went to the vocational school. Nothing really changed at first though. I got picked on a whole lot, and had also put on a lot more weight, making me more self conscious. My dad got on some anti depressants, and I started to work out, and watch what i eat. Dad mellowed out a lot, and then so did I. I lost about 80 lbs total, going from 280 down to 200 pounds. Although i was still very self conscious after that. I started to make friends with my class mates, and started going to parties. This was when i discovered alcohol, and started using it to calm my social anxiety. Although i didnt abuse it at the time because i could rarely get it, but when i drank, i drank a lot. So high school was over, and still no gf's at all, except for a few dates my friends hooked me up with, through my 4 years of high school. I was scared to death that everyone thought i was gay. So at this time graduation parties were everywhere, and i went to my friend Jc's party. This is where I met amber. She approached me, and started talkin to me. I was shy, but this didnt seem to bother her. The truth was she was hitting on me, and hitting on me bad, but since i had so low self esteem, i felt that no girl would want me. So i got drunk as the night went on, and i really opened up to her, and I pretty much spent the whole night with her. I didnt think nothin of it and went on with life. Then a year later, her other brother had a graduation party. once again she was hitting on me a lot, but i kept sayin she is just playin around, she doesnt like me. then she called me like a week later and told me that she liked me. It felt so good to be loved by someone. we spent some time together and really hit it off. I was completely in love, and thought i would be with her for the rest of my life. She also took my virginity, which is one of my fondest memories because i actually had feelings for her, which made it so much better. this lasted for about 2 months, when the day came that she broke up with me. I was completely devestated. I literally just wanted to die. I had been depressed before, but this was the time that it really set in. I just wanted to be left alone. i quit callin my friends, never wanted to do anything but lay around and feel sorry for myself. Eventually, I sought help. Didnt do much for the first few months, cause i was still keeping so many things inside. At this time i got on drugs pretty bad. Not hard drugs, just pot only. I was smoking it at least 4 times a day, but not because i enjoyed it, it was to escape. Finally I made the decision to get on Prozac. After a while it broght my seretonin level up, and i began feeling better, enjoying life more, and socializing more. I started to open up more to the opposite sex, and made some really good girl - friends, and had a couple of relationships since then, but they all only lasted a couple weeks, because these girls were completely wrong for me. So here I am today. Still a little awkward around girls, but with much improvement. Ive actually been asked out by a few girls but they were girls i wernt interested in. I know go out a lot and hang with friends all the time. I dont smoke the pot anymore, mostly because i get drug tested from my job, but my drinking increased a lot when i turned 21. now that im working full time, i keep it to the weekends. I quit taking the prozac, and feel that im doing great without it. Yea, every once in awhile, i feel really anxious around people, and I get into some really bad moods sometimes, but i have come to accept it as part of me. I think thats the hardest part of getting over depression, but the most important part. You have to find out who you are, accept it, and learn to love it. I think anti depressants are great to get you out of the rut, but i feel that once your out of the rut, and running good, It's time to get off of them. The only gripe i had about the prozac, was that i kind of felt nothing. I would never get mad at anyone, no matter how bad they screwed me over, and wouldnt get upset over anything. This is great, to get your seretonin levels back up, but I feel that its not normal to be like this all the time. It's completely normal to get into bad moods occasionally. However It's when you are always in a bad mood when u need the anti depressants. but this is just my opinion on this. Right now I am single, and I get a little lonely sometimes, but I hang in there cause I know that I get less awkward around the opposite sex all the time,and that I am a really good guy and that some day a wonderful woman will see that and step into my life. I hope my life story helps some of you, and doesnt bore you, lol just kiddin
Ibsen said:
It went... I dunno actually. He listened to me and what I said, and said that they would call me next thueseday. So I wait with excitement...
Keeping our fingers crossed for you, hope you can get away from the stress for a bit.

MercyMia said:
Have been off the anti-anxiety meds for almost a week now and feeling calm. I think it helps that my husband is also less depressed and also that he seems to be out of the emotional relationship with the female colleague (unless they're carrying on by email and phone calls during the work day).

My new strategy is more relaxed--come what may, one day at a time.

Well that`s good news of sorts, I hope the calmness stays around for both of you. :rose:

CountryBoy20 said:
................. Right now I am single, and I get a little lonely sometimes, but I hang in there cause I know that I get less awkward around the opposite sex all the time,and that I am a really good guy and that some day a wonderful woman will see that and step into my life. I hope my life story helps some of you, and doesnt bore you, lol just kiddin
Ok I know I didn`t quote all of it but I did grab the most important bit IMO.
I did read it all and like so much on this thread there were many parallels to my life in there. I am certain that your story will help many who read it, just recognising that you are not alone, realising you have a "real" illness can make a huge difference to someones outlook on life. Add to that the fact that yours ends on such an up note and it can`t help do some good.
Thanks for sharing.
Self-Safe Hypnosis

This technique can help you to take your mind off your thoughts, and it also makes you aware of things in your environment which can help your body to calm down and make you realise you are safe.
You don`t have to close your eyes to do this.
The more you practise it, the better you will get.

How do I do it?

Say 5 things you can SEE around you.

Say 5 things you can HEAR around you.

Say 5 things you can FEEL touching the outside of your body.

Say 4 things you can SEE around you.

Say 4 things you can HEAR around you.

Say 4 things you can FEEL touching the outside of your body.

Say 3 things you can SEE around you.

Say 3 things you can HEAR around you.

Say 3 things you can FEEL touching the outside of your body.

Say 2 things you can SEE around you.

Say 2 things you can HEAR around you.

Say 2 things you can FEEL touching the outside of your body.

Say 1 thing you can SEE around you.

Say 1 thing you can HEAR around you.

Say 1 thing you can FEEL touching the outside of your body.

It doesn't matter if you get out of order or if you repeat the same thing.
Try saying it out loud (even a whisper), as this can sometimes be more effective.

What do you think?

What happened to the thoughts you were having when you started the exercise?
Did you notice anything happening in your body as you were using the exercise?
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I tried to post a reply here some days ago, somehow it just fucked up. And guess if I got pissed. Think I was about to kill the comp. Just felt like ripping the screen of its cables and throwing it on the floor with all my strength.

I´ve clmed down a bit, but my friends in school tells me that I doesnt seem to be hapy anymore. Wich I aint... :(

No sign of the social serivce guy, he told me he should call 2-3 days ago... *Sigh*

Still singel, still virgin. Still glasses, tinnitus and no runing ability. Life is so greate.... not.

And one other thing, why does it seems as I cant post those long posts? The shit just go wild and it comes up a error message when I try... :?

I cant be a (fighter-)pilot, wich makes me even more depressed... As I really love flying. Thinking of starting with aerobatics when I can afford. Another of my dreams is to fly the Reno Air Race. That would be so fun! :D
quoll said:
Self-Safe Hypnosis

This technique can help you to take your mind off your thoughts, and it also makes you aware of things in your environment which can help your body to calm down and make you realise you are safe.
you don`t have to close your eyes to do this. The more you practise it , the better you will get.

How do I do it?

Say 5 things you can SEE around you

Say 5 things you can HEAR around you

Say 5 things you can FEEL touching the outside of your body

Say 4 things you can SEE around you

Say 4 things you can HEAR around you

Say 4 things you can FEEL touching the outside of your body

Say 3 things you can SEE around you

Say 3 things you can HEAR around you

Say 3 things you can FEEL touching the outside of your body

Say 2 things you can SEE around you

Say 2 things you can HEAR around you

Say 2 things you can FEEL touching the outside of your body

Say 1 things you can SEE around you

Say 1 things you can HEAR around you

Say 1 things you can FEEL touching the outside of your body

It doesn`t matter if you get out of order or if you repeat the same thing.
Try saying it out loud (even a whisper), as this can sometimes be more effective.

What do you think?

What happened to the thoughts you were having when you started the exercise?
Did you notice anything happening in your body as you were using the exercise?

I have done this a few times now, probably not as often as I should, as I have found it difficult to switch off when I am down or angry, etc.
The few times I did do it, made a difference though, it helps to bring you back to reality I guess and I noticed by the time I was down to the two times section I was actually finding more things than when I started. You actually start to take more notice of your surroundings, appreciate the world around you a bit more, which has a very calming effect. Even though I have only done it a few times I am noticing that when I start to become anxious or stressed I do start looking for things, I may not go through the whole process , but I suspect in time the mind will be retrained to do just that when these situations arise.
I think it`s a sort of pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time exercise, hard to worry when you are busy looking, listening and feeling.