The mark197205 and Shagly thread!

# 7

Post #1 With that he crouched down and waited until the night turned darker...
Post #2 The next morning they were taken down to their father's study and informed that they would be traveling to St. Mary's until proper husbands had been found.
Post #3 He could feel that something, was going to happen soon, he felt it deep within him.
Post #4"It doesn't matter. I want them, and you'll give them to me."
Post #5Through blurred eyes, Marcus and Stephen watched their charges turn and run deeper into the forest, before blackness swam around them and overtook their wounded bodies.
Post #6.her sister... would come back safe.

Katherine only got a few more yards before she felt herself being jerked back against a hard body. Her head ached as his fist knotted and tangled inside it as he grips her around the waist. "Where is Lady Desiree?" his voice sounds scratchy, as he runs his tongue over her ear. He spins her around, pressing her close to his body, her arms wedged between them.

Lady Katherine tried to move her legs, to kick at him, but her long gown was a hendrance in her attempts. Looking up into the eyes that radiated pure evil, Katherine spit into his face. His hand came up, wiped the spittle from his face, before his lips crushed against hers. Katherine's heart beat faster in her chest and she struggled against him. She was repulsed when she felt his tongue thrust against her closed lips. She twisted and thrashed more, finally her mouth relented and opened. His tongue slide in quickly and Katherine bit down hard.

"Bitch," he growled as his closed fist came up and hit her.

Katherine's eyes closed and her head began to swim. Dots appeared in front of her eyes, and the pain in her face was like nothing she had ever imagined. "Perhaps, one lioness was enough after all. I'll hunt your sister down later." Grasping her wrist, he pulled her along with him, moving in the opposite direction that the camp had been and where Desiree had run to.

Katherine no longer fought, she followed him, and began to think. She was resourceful as was her sister. She would either escape or be found. She only hoped that Marcus and Stephen lived, and since this man, didn't have Desiree, she knew her sister was somewhat safe. Desiree and her had spent many nights out alone, much to their fathers anger. But that had been when they were small children, and only on their father's land.

"Here we are, my lady," he bowed mockingly at her.

Looking out, she saw two horses. Both strong and obviously well trained. With a wave and a whistle the two beasts moved towards their master. "I had only wanted one of you, but since your father was dumb enough to send you both out, I had decided I wanted double the pleasure of his lovely women. Though I must only have one, I'll get your sister and together, I'll teach you many things." He quickly tossed her onto the brown stallion. He grabbed her hands and bound them with a leather strap, then secured it to the saddle.

Mounting up behind her, he whistled to the black animal and the cluster headed further and deeper into the woods. Katherine's mind running circles around possible ways to escape. She would have to wait, bide her time and see what this man, wanted. For now, she kept her thoughts to herself.

"By the way Lady Katherine, I am known as Horatio," he felt her tremble and heard her intake of air. "Ahhh, you have heard of me. Then my dear, you know what I plan on doing to you...don't you." He growled into her ear, his hand moving from the reins to pinch and twist her breasts.

Post 8
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# 8

Post #1 With that he crouched down and waited until the night turned darker...
Post #2 The next morning they were taken down to their father's study and informed that they would be traveling to St. Mary's until proper husbands had been found.
Post #3 He could feel that something, was going to happen soon, he felt it deep within him.
Post #4"It doesn't matter. I want them, and you'll give them to me."
Post #5Through blurred eyes, Marcus and Stephen watched their charges turn and run deeper into the forest, before blackness swam around them and overtook their wounded bodies.
Post #6her sister... would come back safe.
Post #7He growled into her ear, his hand moving from the reins to pinch and twist her breasts.

Lady Desiree had held Stephen close to her. Her eyes continuing to watch his chest rise and fall. She would share her glances with Marcus, he had been able to stay conscious for sometime, before he would drift off again.

Desiree had no idea who the man that had attacked them was, she only knew that he was just as skilled as her father's favorite men, and he had her sister. She knew this. She had felt it. Her heart had cried out to her. The connection they shared was strong, and when one was in danger the other knew it. That was how they each had saved the other from their many escapades.

She closed her eyes and pictured her beautiful sister's smile. She felt her fear. Katherine was scared, and this frightened Desi more then anything, for Kat was strong and Desi was often the weaker of the two.

"My Lady, we've arrived."

Desiree looked up and saw the church, twisting her head she looked further up. The villiage of St. Mary's was large and full of travelers. Perhaps, the evil one had come here. No... Desireee knew that would have been to easy.

She waited with the two soldiers as the ladiesmaids ran inside the nunnery calling for help.

Soon a group of nun's ran outside, a priest followed close behind them. Orders were given and servants ran into the villiage. Before very long, men of all shape and sizes ran up to the wagon. Working together they lifted the unconsious Stephen from her Ladyship's lap. Then another group moved Marcus.

Desiree followed behind wanting to stay with the two men she was so familiar with. The only two she trusted. She needed them to get better, for Kat would not last long in the clutches of the mad man.

Turning to the priest she ordered that the finest physicians be brought there in due haste, with no regards to payment. She knew her father would pay the costs. She then ordered a messager to deliver news to her father and the surrounding Lord's, that resided near her lands and those of St. Mary's.

Desiree knew that time was of the essence and everyone needed to act quickly before it was to late. Desi could feel Kat getting further and further away, soon the connection they shared would be severed and if and when that happened, only Kat could save herself.

Post 9
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*wandering through reading the next instalment of the interesting story unfolding here...*
# 9

Post #1 With that he crouched down and waited until the night turned darker...
Post #2 The next morning they were taken down to their father's study and informed that they would be traveling to St. Mary's until proper husbands had been found.
Post #3 He could feel that something, was going to happen soon, he felt it deep within him.
Post #4"It doesn't matter. I want them, and you'll give them to me."
Post #5Through blurred eyes, Marcus and Stephen watched their charges turn and run deeper into the forest, before blackness swam around them and overtook their wounded bodies.
Post #6her sister... would come back safe.
Post #7He growled into her ear, his hand moving from the reins to pinch and twist her breasts.
Post #8when that happened, only Kat could save herself.

Katherine was exhausted. Horatio had kept a grueling pace, only stopping to exchange the weight of them to the other stallion. He had released her hands only long enough to relieve herself and even then he had kept a rope knotted to her ankles. The rope had barely been long enough for her to hide behind the trees as she cared for her personal needs. She had tried to undo the knot, but it was to secure, so she had resigned herself to being tethered to the man for know.

She had fallen asleep sometime during the night. The morning sun had woken her and now what stood in front of her made her shiver. They had arrived. Katherine looked out to her left and saw the keep that would soon be her prison. The five sided structure, looked massive and she knew that when her father's men came to aid, it would be a hard fought battle to reach her.

Two turrets stood high, supporting the front of the castle. She could see the portcullis from her position in front of Horatio. As they rode closer, she could hear the sounds of the morning villagers preparing for their Lords arrival. She shuddered as the morning breeze whipped across her skin.

“Cold my dear?” the menacing voice whispered in her ear, and pulled her closer to him. Katherine had only spoken a few words to Horatio, she chose now not to answer him. Instead she took in her surroundings. They rode into the courtyard the gates closed behind them, locking her behind his walls.

Horatio dismounted then lifted Katherine from the steed's back. He ordered a bath readied for her as he pushed her towards another man. Horatio walked away and pulled his horses over to the watering trough then left them in another's care. Horatio watched as Katherine was lead away. He moved off to his library, he had a letter to write and he needed his own bath as well.

Katherine fell into the man and her bound wrist were cut free. “You will die along with your Lord if you don't release me.” The man looked at her and smiled. His teeth rotted with decay and his breath smelled of ale and garlic. Katherine swallowed the bile that had threatened to expel itself as he laughed at her, spittle hitting her face. Lifting her arm, she turned her head and wiped the moisture from her cheeks.

He pulled her through the court yard and into the great hall. Katherine's eyes fell on tapestries that hung along the walls. The floor of the keep was surprisingly clean. She had been in many homes where filth was allowed to build up, but whoever was in charge of this keep, was like her father's servant and kept the place clean and free of filth. Kaherine's stomach stirred to life as she smelled the scent of food coming from the kitchen.

She was pulled harder by the man, as he dragged her up the turret steps. Turning to her right, they walked along the walls that overlooked the courtyard. Katherine looked down on the people and the animals through the small slits in the walls. She took in the gallery as he pulled her into another room. The brute pushed her into the room and she stumbled to the bed post, her legs still weak from riding for so long. The man glared at her then swung around and locked the door behind him.

She sat there, and finally her body gave in and the tears fell from her eyes. Rolling onto her side, she buried her face into her hands and let her fears overtake her. Soon her tears became hiccups and after that she felt her body give in to the utter exhaustion of the ordeal. Her last thoughts were of her sister, as were her prayers.

Post 10
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# 10

Post #1 With that he crouched down and waited until the night turned darker...
Post #2 The next morning they were taken down to their father's study and informed that they would be traveling to St. Mary's until proper husbands had been found.
Post #3 He could feel that something, was going to happen soon, he felt it deep within him.
Post #4"It doesn't matter. I want them, and you'll give them to me."
Post #5Through blurred eyes, Marcus and Stephen watched their charges turn and run deeper into the forest, before blackness swam around them and overtook their wounded bodies.
Post #6her sister... would come back safe.
Post #7He growled into her ear, his hand moving from the reins to pinch and twist her breasts.
Post #8when that happened, only Kat could save herself.
Post #9Her last thoughts were of her sister, as were her prayers.

Stephen woke up, the sun streaming in through the small thin fabric that covered the window of his room. His eyes took in his surroundings, a small table to his right with just a stumb of a candle left, across the room he saw an old wardrobe closet, its age and use were evident from the crooked doors that hung lose on their hinges. As he scanned the room he noticed the pain in his arm was throbbing as well as a searing pain was felt in his thigh. He noticed a slight movement to his left. Turning his head, his eyes fell on Lady Desiree.

She slept in what Stephen could only describe as uncomfortable. Her legs were stretched out, her slippers showing from under her dress, along with the hint of a slim ankle. Stephen's eyes traveled over her sleeping form, taking in her long legs, narrow hips and slim waist. He rarely got a chance to study this particular woman so closely. She often was always on the move, never resting. Marcus and he were constantly rescuing them from trouble or hiding it for them.

As she slept he continued to peruse her form. Her breasts, though small were enough to make a man wish to see more then the proper gowns allowed. His own palm had been itching to do more then just see them two years ago, when he finally took the time to notice her for more then just the trouble she caused him. Her face was one an artist would wish to sit and paint for hours. Her high cheekbones and small delicate nose, with its slight tilt at the end, made one beg to press a gentle kiss to it. When her eyes were sad they resembled the color of the fall leaves of gold, that fell in the autumn breeze. He had seen her eyes that color, not often but on occasion. When her sister and her were up to mischief the color changed to one of deep copper, he wondered now what they would be like if she were to experience passion.

Stephen groaned at the thoughts he was allowing to run rampart in his mind, and then he saw the eyes of his Lady open. The color of the falling leaves looked back at him, and she hurried to his side. Her hand touched his head and smoothed back his brow. "Your awake," her soft voice reached his ears.

"Aye," he said, his voice sounding gruff and scratchy to himself. He thought as to why she was in his room and why he hurt so damn much, then his memory came flooding back. "Thank God, your all right, MiLady and your sister, I take it she is well?" He closed his eyes before she answered. When he opened them, he didn't catch the tear she had wiped away. "I'm glad to know ol' Marcus got the best of the man. I recognized him, just as I threw the knife. Many a man and woman will be glad that Horatio McFalcon is dead."

Stephen breathed deep then looked back to Desiree, it was then he noticed her translucent features and his heart stopped for a moment. "What is it Miss?" he hadn't wanted to ask the question, the paleness of her skin would have been answer enough.

Desiree told him that men were searching everywhere for Lady Katherine and the man. "Horatio McFalcon, you know it is him?"

Closing his eyes once more he answered, "Aye, it's him. I'm sure Marcus will find her Lady Desiree." His hand covered her's and he curled his fingers around it. Stephen only prayed that it wouldn't be to late for the other sister. "Marcus is a great tracker, if Horatio has her, he'll rescue her, and if she has gotten away, she is a smart woman, she'll make it to safety."

Desiree looked up to the ceiling fighting back the tears, that had been falling for the last three days. "Marcus is still here, Sir Stephen."

"What?" Stephen tried to sit up straighter, but the wounds tore through him and he growled out in pain. "How long has he been here? How long have I been here?"

"Three days," the solemn answer fell from her lips and tears trickled down her face. "Sir Stephen, the knife you threw... it hit Marcus in the back." She watched the soilder's eyes grow huge and his head fall back to his pillows. "Horatio spun him around when he saw us, your knife flew free at the same time and pierced Sir Marcus. He is recovering also. However, his wound was not as serious as yours, though he still is unable to travel."

Stephen's mind filled with guilt and worry. Without Marcus, Lady Katherine's chances of a speedy rescue were almost non-existant. He looked at Desiree, "Tell me what is being done to rescue your sister."

Desiree explained to him that as soon as they arrived at the nunnery, she had ordered missives to all the surrounding Lords as well as sent messengers to her father and to the finest physicians for Marcus and himself. The men of the villiage as well as farmers and soilders were still hunting for the man and her sister, but they had only been able to track them to a small meadow, before a violent storm erupted the next day.

He held up his hand, "No need to continue, the storm would have washed most, if not all the tracks away."

"Yes." Desiree stood and looked down on the man that had sworn allegience to her father and her family. "I know that she is still alive Stephen, I can feel it. She is scared, but she isn't hurt. I also know of Horatio McFalcon's reputation, she won't be unhurt for long. Marcus will be ready to ride in two weeks, you won't be ready for four more after that. I only stayed here long enough to make sure you both lived. I will leave you now, I must go find her myself."

Stephen's eyes bore into her, "You'll do no such thing!" He yelled, his voice booming and echoing off the walls.

Desiree's lips formed a thin, grim line, "Stephen, she calls to me, and I will go. I will mark my trail with linen. You'll be able to follow me, I will find her Stephen, and no matter what has happened to her, I'll bring her back to me."

His hand moved from her fingers to her arm and he pulled her to him, "Desiree, if you do this, your father will not forgive you. I won't be there to save you this time." He was surprised at the pain the idea of not saving her caused him, as well as the feel of her arm in his grasps.

Desiree felt a tremor of heat run through her arm and along her neck, bringing a blush to her cheeks, "My father loves me, he'll forgive, besides what worse can he do then make me live here at St. Mary's?"

"Make you a nun!" Stephen said in disgust, the thought of the beautiful and wild Desiree trapped in black habits and praying all day did nothing to humor his mood.

Chuckling Desiree removed his fingers from her arm, "Oh, Sir Stephen, he wants heirs, he'll not make me a nun." She touched his brow again, "You will need to rest, for if my plan fails, I'll need my childhood hero."

"Desiree, you are no longer a child."

"True, but I will always need my hero." She pressed a kiss to his fingers and moved to leave the room, a determined step to her walk.

Stephen called out to her, "Is Marcus able to move?"


"Send him to me," he paused. "Desiree, MiLady. You will do this I know, be cautious and safe."

"Always. Don't you remember, Kat planned the escapades, and I always told her we'd get into trouble, this time I will do the planning, and I'm more rationnal then her." She closed the door on the tyrade of fiascos he had rescued her from.

Post 11
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This is like the old serials they used to do at the cinema, stay tuned for our next gripping instalment!!

Its coming along real well Red. :cool:
# 11

Post #1 With that he crouched down and waited until the night turned darker...
Post #2 The next morning they were taken down to their father's study and informed that they would be traveling to St. Mary's until proper husbands had been found.
Post #3 He could feel that something, was going to happen soon, he felt it deep within him.
Post #4"It doesn't matter. I want them, and you'll give them to me."
Post #5Through blurred eyes, Marcus and Stephen watched their charges turn and run deeper into the forest, before blackness swam around them and overtook their wounded bodies.
Post #6her sister... would come back safe.
Post #7He growled into her ear, his hand moving from the reins to pinch and twist her breasts.
Post #8when that happened, only Kat could save herself.
Post #9Her last thoughts were of her sister, as were her prayers.
Post #10She closed the door on the tyrade of fiascos he had rescued her from.

Katherine stood in the library of her prision. The day had started out sunny, but now darkness flooded the skies. It had been three days since she had seen her sister, three days since Horatio McFalcon had brought her here. She heard a shuffle in the corner, and turned from the window. Her eyes rested for just a moment on Lucian, her guard. He went everywhere with her, except the privy, then it was Maggie's watch.

Horatio had not yet touched her, for that Katherine was thankful, but she knew that it would not be long. She had heard the noises from behind the wall of her bedroom. When she had awoke in the middle of the night, that first day, she had been shoved into her room, she at first had not known where the noises were coming from. Then to her horror she knew it was from the room next to hers. It was then that she understood that she stayed in the Mistress of the keep's bedchambor, that connected with the Lords chamber.

She had shuddered and buried her head in her pillows trying to drown out the sounds that had disturbed her rest. The woman behind the wall had pleaded off and on throughout the night. Sounds of thumps and smacks disturbed Katherine, and her heart was often in her throat. She feared not only for herself, but for the woman in the room next to hers. Her fear had driven her to move to the connecting door, but fear had also kept her from opening it, or saying anything through it.

That night she had finally cried herself to sleep again. The silent sobs of her tears were drowned out by the low moanful wails of the woman behind the wall. The following morning, Katherine had been taken from her room and led down to Horatio, she had passed a small woman and had noticed her bruised face and swollen lips. The young girl had walked slowly, as if she were in greater pain then the wounds that she could not hide. Katherine had known then that the woman had been the one from last night.

The meeting with Horatio was quick and simple. She would be allowed to roam the castle and a small fraction of the grounds under the watchful eye of Lucian or Maggie. She was to dine with him, whenever he was available and it was not an option for her to decline. He had informed her that a missive had been sent to her father so it would only be a matter of a week or a bit more before he arrived. She had asked what he wanted from her father, yet he refused to answer.

He had ordered her stipped of her clothing, bathed and then fed, having refused to do all these things when she had arrived. He had left his study for a brief moment, and Katherine had quickly moved around the room, looking for some weapon or some secret door to the outside world. As she hurried through her search, Horatio had come back, laughed at her and presented her to Lucian and Maggie.

Now, she looked at Lucian, she had no love for the man, nor any hate, he was just there. He refused to talk with her, unless it was necessary as well as he refused to allow her from his sight. When she had to take care of personal needs, he would take her to Maggie and thus Maggie's watch would begin. Maggie was the opposite of Lucian, she would constantly talk to Katherine, telling her how the Lord would use his women for a few days and then have nothing more to do with them. She would tell Katherine of different ways he would take his women, and she explained that most women he eventually tired of and he sent away.

Katherine would shudder when she had to be with Maggie, wishing for the silence of Lucian over the horrific tales of Horatio's escapades. Another night of unrest, and another night of screams came from behind her wall, however this night was different. This night, the sounds had ended suddenly. Katherine's heart had caught and she had pressed her ear to the wall, all she heard was the shuffling of feet, then Horatio's bellow for his steward. She heard the hurried footsteps that moved around his room, the mumble of voices and then nothing.

The following morning as she and Maggie headed to the privy, Maggie chattered on how young Miss Sally had passed away sometime during the night. Katherine had felt the blood drain from her face, and though Maggie told her that Miss Sally had been sick for a long time, Katherine knew that Sally had been the woman in Horatio's room last night. Her fears were only confirmed when she searched for the young bruised woman she had seen the day before.

Today Katherine waited for the axe to fall, it would be soon, she knew this. Horatio had lost a toy and she was easily accessible, she tried to think of ways she could escape him. Her thoughts had run quickly, from over taking Maggie, to attempting to seduce Lucian into wanting to fall in love with her and perhaps help her escape, but these thoughts dismissed themselves from her mind. Maggie though small, was fiesty and even though she was allowed privacy with Maggie, Lucian was never far. Her plan of seduction on Lucian wouldn't work, since she had found out from Maggie that Lucian preferred young men.

Katherine turned back to the window and took in the rain that spattered down hitting the walls of the keep. She heard the library door open and smelled the stentch of Maggie's unwashed body and clothing. Wrinkling her nose, Katherine stiffened herself, as Maggie walked towards her.

"Your to bathe Miss," Maggie's voice scratchy and hoarse came to her.

Katherine looked at her, a question in her eyes. "I just bathed this morning. I've not gone anywhere, done anything, so I am far from needing another bath."

Maggie shrugged her shoulders and wrapped her hand around Katherine's wrist, "The Lord says to bring you to him this evenin', bathed and prepared."

The gasp that escaped Katherine filled the room, her body began to shake and her eyes closed, as her body slowly started to sway. Lucian had quickly risen and caught her, then helped her sit on the small chair behind Horatio's desk. Katherine's eyes refused to open, her body slowly shaking as the sounds of the Miss Sally returned to haunt her mind. Lucian moved back to his place in the corner and Maggie stood there watching her.

Katherine placed her hands on the desk and her head on her hands. She tried to take calming breaths, and think of some way to avoid what she feared would happen. Maggie turned away, and sat down on the small stool near Lucian and waited. Katherine's tears slowly fell to the floor, as she took a deep breath, she felt something reaching for her. Breathing deeply, she focused on the feeling that was coming over her. "Desiree," she whispered. Her sisters face became clear to her. Her sister was coming to save her. Katherine felt it, she sensed it and with this new knowledge, she swore that she would endure Horatio McFalcon and then kill him in the end.

She stood up and moved from the desk, her back straight, her eyes focused on the library door. Her composure was regal as she accepted her fate. One solemn vow pressed into her mind. Horatio would not find her so easy to dispose of as Miss Sally, though her body would be used he would not break her spirit. Desiree was coming and Desiree would save her. Desiree would bring her home.

Lucian and Maggie followed the Lady from the library, each ones' heart as black as their Lord's, for they would do nothing to help the beautiful Mistress.

Post 12
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i wish i could read these posts but i don't have the patience to read all that. very sorry :(
Delta Smooth said:
i wish i could read these posts but i don't have the patience to read all that. very sorry :(

A good afternoon to the mistress of the thread. :rose:
Delta Smooth said:
i wish i could read these posts but i don't have the patience to read all that. very sorry :(

No need to apologize my friend... I write for the pleasure of writing and if someone enjoys reading it, great. I only hope you don't mind me doing them here... if so I can post a link to another thread... and it will not hurt or anger me at all.. ok :D

I'm glad to see you here :D
# 12

Post #1 With that he crouched down and waited until the night turned darker...
Post #2 The next morning they were taken down to their father's study and informed that they would be traveling to St. Mary's until proper husbands had been found.
Post #3 He could feel that something, was going to happen soon, he felt it deep within him.
Post #4"It doesn't matter. I want them, and you'll give them to me."
Post #5Through blurred eyes, Marcus and Stephen watched their charges turn and run deeper into the forest, before blackness swam around them and overtook their wounded bodies.
Post #6her sister... would come back safe.
Post #7He growled into her ear, his hand moving from the reins to pinch and twist her breasts.
Post #8when that happened, only Kat could save herself.
Post #9Her last thoughts were of her sister, as were her prayers.
Post #10She closed the door on the tyrade of fiascos he had rescued her from.
Post #11...they would do nothing to help the beautiful Mistress.

Desiree left Stephen and went in search of Marcus. She found him in the Study, his body still weak though he had managed to rise for a few hours yesterday and he looked to be trying to do the same today.

“You should rest, sometime soon,” she told him as she walked into the room.

Marcus looked up at Lady Desiree and saw the dull pain in her eyes. He hated to see that look in her features, he had always had a soft spot for the two sisters, and he knew that she was suffering, as was Kat.

He pushed his hand through his hair, the movement bringing a sting to the bandages and stitching that covered his wound. “Aye, perhaps later.”

Desiree sighed and moved over to the map. “What are you looking at?” she asked, her curious nature once more spurring her to action. She looked down over the parchment and followed the paths of rivers and lakes, as well as forests and glades. Her fingers soon found the village of St. Mary's.

“Perhaps I should study this or bring it with me.”

Marcus looked up at her, “Where are you going.... or should I say where do you think your going?” His eyes captured hers and he growled, “Lady Desiree you are not leaving this sanctuary!” Marcus threw his fist onto the desk, the quills rattled and the ink jars clinked. Desiree looked shocked by his outburst.

“Marcus,” she tried to reign in the urge to scream at him. “I will go find my sister, and honestly you can't stop me.” She eyed him, “Your wound was not as grave as Sir Stephen's but you still can't ride.”

His snarl only humored her as she continued, “I know that his keep is somewhere in these forests, right?”

“Aye, though where we don't know. No one has ever found it. It is rumored to be haunted.”

Desiree chuckled, “Yes, I have heard of that also, but I don't believe that is the case, neither do you.”

“No, I believe he has archers infested in the trees. People in the past have tried to explore these woods,” his fingers pressed down into the map. “But only bodies have been found or the people were never heard from again. No one is seen coming or going into them, it is as if,” Marcus paused his head and then nodded, “Well as if it doesn't exist beyond our sight.”

Desiree looked up at her father's trusted soldier. “Marcus, I can't wait. She is unhurt right now, but she will be soon. I know this, I can feel it. The danger is great, I understand, but I need to get to her. It will be to late to protect all of her, but if I can't save her body, then I perhaps can save her mind.”

Marcus hung his head, low. He had been doing his best not to think of the beautiful Katherine in the arms of the mad man. Feeling the strain of being up, begin to take his toll on him, he sat down on the chair behind the desk. “Your father will arrive in two days, I know I ask a lot, please stay here for those two days.” His face grim and pale, Marcus covered her hands with his, “Desiree, your right, we can't save her body, it will be to late for that, but I wish just like you to save her mind and her spirit.”

Desiree looked back at Marcus, her heart opening up to what she had not truly ever doubted, “You love her don't you?” she asked. She saw the answer in his eyes, and touched his cheek, “Oh Marcus, I know that you have, but I didn't know the depth till now. We will rescue her, I hope that it won't be to late, and if it is she'll need a strong man to bring her back to us completely.”

“I only hope to get her back.”

Desiree sighed, pulled her hand from his and made her way across the study. “I'll wait two days Marcus, but no more.Your right, I can't stop it from happening, nor am I foolish enough to try and do it alone.“ Turning to go Desiree paused, ”Stephen is awake and wishes to see you.“

Marcus pushed away from the desk and moved stiffly towards the door, “You know Lady Desiree, you may wish to spend the next two days with Stephen, I believe you'd learn a lot.“

She smiled at him, “Oh, I'm sure he'd be more then willing to teach me much, the randy rake he is.“

“He'd give up his rakish ways for you MiLady,” with those words, Marcus left the study and headed up to see Stephen.

Post 13
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RedHairedandFriendly said:
No need to apologize my friend... I write for the pleasure of writing and if someone enjoys reading it, great. I only hope you don't mind me doing them here... if so I can post a link to another thread... and it will not hurt or anger me at all.. ok :D

I'm glad to see you here :D

nope....i don't may annoy me at times but thats only because i never have a chance to read them ;)
# 13

Post #1 With that he crouched down and waited until the night turned darker...
Post #2 The next morning they were taken down to their father's study and informed that they would be traveling to St. Mary's until proper husbands had been found.
Post #3 He could feel that something, was going to happen soon, he felt it deep within him.
Post #4"It doesn't matter. I want them, and you'll give them to me."
Post #5Through blurred eyes, Marcus and Stephen watched their charges turn and run deeper into the forest, before blackness swam around them and overtook their wounded bodies.
Post #6her sister... would come back safe.
Post #7He growled into her ear, his hand moving from the reins to pinch and twist her breasts.
Post #8when that happened, only Kat could save herself.
Post #9Her last thoughts were of her sister, as were her prayers.
Post #10She closed the door on the tyrade of fiascos he had rescued her from.
Post #11...they would do nothing to help the beautiful Mistress.
Post #12“He'd give up his rakish ways for you MiLady,” with those words...

Katherine had spent the rest of the afternoon in a mind numbing state. She had accepted her fate and pushed back a part of her, the part that would cause her to think. Katherine didn't want to think, she knew that her life would change in just a few short hours, and no one within reach was willing to stop it.

She had shed silent tears while she bathed, then closed her eyes thought of her sister and pulled some inner strength from somewhere she had never had to tap before. Now, as the evening wore on and the meal was finishing, Katherine felt the overwhelming urge to take flight. Some may have viewed the Lady as weak, but in fact there was nothing she could do. She was guarded every waking moment, her door locked when she slept and she hadn't been allowed outside of the castle grounds without Lucian almost tethered to her.

"Eat, your meal."

Katherine's head snapped up and she glared at the man that had brought her to this place. "I seem to not have an appetite."

"That is your decision." Horatio had watched the beautiful woman for the last few days, and had noticed that her plate was usually left untouched, he would come up with a way to make her eat, it was just a matter of persuading her. He had been itching to take her as soon as he had her in his arms, but he had waited. The waiting was part of the pleasure, watching her jump when he came near, seeing the fear in her eyes when he stared at her, or seeing the look of horror when he pressed close enough to smell her, yet didn't touch her. "Thank you for bathing again today, I do enjoy the scent of a clean woman," he said as he downed the last of his wine. "Lucian," Horatio looked over to the guard, "take her Ladyship to my chambers, and do what must be done for my arrival."

Katherine's face paled and she pushed away from the table, turning to flee, where she didn't know, she had suddenly had an instinct to not give in, to battle the giant Lucian. She heard the laughing of Horatio as she felt an arm wrap around her waist and haul her back against a firm chest. Glaring at the man who know watched her with hunger and evil in his eyes, Katherine was roughly pulled away from the great hall, and dragged up the castle steps.

Lucian had said nothing, only grunted when Katherine began kicking and thrashing at his legs. Her nails raked his arms and he raised his hand to slap her.

"Enough!" Horatio bellowed, "You'll not mark my toy, you know what will happen to you."

Lucian stilled and glared at his Lord, lowered his hand and pulled the woman away, towards his Lord's chamber. Once inside he closed the door behind him, and pushed Katherine against it. He pressed his body fully against hers, growling low in her ear, he spoke. "I hope Malady you last a long time, for you are to high and mighty and need brought down some." He laughed as her lip began to tremble and he grabbed her wrist.

Taking Katherine a moment to recover over his vile words, she was stunned when she felt a shackle placed upon her wrist and another quickly clamp closed on the other. She looked down at the steel, it was thick, a long chain was attached to each clasp and then came together in a "Y", then was lead off to an iron ring that was attached to the floor. Her eyes scanned the room, its furnishings dark, barely any light could creep into the room. Though the sun had long gone down for the day, moonlight could barely venture into the small slitted windows.

A chill ran through Katherine as she felt herself shoved down to the bed. Watching Lucian move about the room, she saw him take a key from a wall. Her eyes followed him, as he unlocked the chain from the floor and hooked it to one that was attached to the wall of the bed. Though she knew it was fruitless, Katherine pulled on her bindings, the cuffs pulled on her wrists, but did not mar her flesh. The inner lining of her shackles were covered in soft fur, perhaps of rabbit or fox, Katherine knew not nor did she care, for fear was beginning to consume every thought.

She knew what would be next, and kicked out at Lucian's face with her slippered feet, trying to punish him, before he clamped down a fur lined shackle to her ankle. This time Lucian lost his temper and his arm, raised up and delivered a swift blow to Katherine's jaw, his eyes suddenly took on a look of shock as he looked at his own hand. Grimacing, he roughly pulled her other leg to him, and it soon was shackled and chained.

Katherine's head was spinning and she turned her burning cheek into her shoulder. Soon she could not move her legs and she lay there bound by chains to Horatio's bed. The stinging in her jaw, was painful, licking her lips, she tasted a small hint of blood where his hand must have landed as he had swung at her.

Lucian looked down at the woman, her lip slowly starting to swell and the red patch on her face, slowly beginning to turn a soft shade of purple. "Bitch!" He yelled at her. He leaned over her body, "You will pay dearly, for the trouble you have now caused me."

He turned and left her then, grabbing the torch that had been burning in the room. Shutting the door on the woman, he left her in complete darkness. Lucian moved back downstairs, he nodded to his Lord indicating all was well and ready upstairs. He moved swiftly out of the keep, dousing the torch, then moving to the stables. Lucian assumed he had one hour to make his way to his small forest hut, that he had built years ago, only his young lovers knew of this place and after he was done with their young bodies, they never were able to tell anyone of its existence.

He hated running, but he had marked the woman before his Lord could and only death would be his punishment. Lucian would return later, and though he did not care for women, he knew plenty of people that would. She would pay for the trouble she had caused him, it had taken him years to establish himself, here. Now he would have to move on and find his young playthings somewhere else.

Post 14
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