The mark197205 and Shagly thread!

# 41

Post 28,Post 29,Post 30,Post 31,Post 32,Post 33,Post 34,Post 35,Post 36,Post 37,Post 38,Post 39,Post 40,

Desiree and her sister Katherine took tea in the study, while Stephen and Marcus finished their port and discussed the upcoming birthday celebrations that would be taking place at Lord Philip's keep. Katherine continued to let her eyes rest on Marcus as Desiree continued to seek out Stephen's. As the evening grew later, the two sisters moved outside, escorted by one of Marcus' guards. Katherine led her sister to the gazebo that she had found comforting during the last several weeks that she had been recovering.

"What is it that has kept you distracted, beside your handsome escort?" Katherine asked her sister. She had been very aware of the stolen glances between Desiree and Stephen.

Desiree sighed, and hung her head low, "I'm to be married."

Katherine's eyes grew wide, "To Stephen? Father is allowing it?"

"No, to another. I wish it were Stephen, I have fallen in love with him, and I know he loves me as well." Desiree clutched her sister's hands in hers, and she squeezed them tightly. "I wish to marry Stephen, and I have come seeking your help."

Desiree looked into her sister's eyes, "I want to remain with him, but I'm not sure how I can. I don't wish to wed this other man."

"What does Stephen say about all this?"

"He says he will find away for us to be together, but I don't know how it will happen. You are wedded to Falcon, and though it was forced," she paused not wanting to continue, the words could cause hurt feelings, and she didn't wish to cause her sister more pain.

"I'm soiled, and no longer marriageable," Katherine finished the sentence for her sister.

Desiree embraced her sister, and stroked her hair. "Your still pure in our eyes, mine and the ones around you, even Father."

"I know, but it is not your eyes that will matter in society, when Father needs to do business, or even if I needed to. I don't know what will make me marriageable, again." She sighed, and began to pick at the nonexistent lint on her gown.

Desiree sat back and released her hold on Katherine, "Your be presentable again, after the annulment , and marriage to Marcus."

Katherine's eyes grew wide in her face, and she stared at her sister. "What are you talking about?"

"Marcus received Falcon's estates after agreeing to wed you. Once the death of Falcon is carried out, or the annulment goes through, he's to wed you, and you will be accepted into society again." She looked at her sister, not understand the new spark of anger that seemed to be erupting inside her.

Standing quickly, Katherine felt a well of fury beginning to rise up inside her. She know knew why Marcus had stayed by her side. It wasn't for her, or for any feelings he had for her, it was for this. She looked over the gardens, the castle and the surrounding lands. "I'm the lady of the keep, correct?" her question addressed to her sister, her voice low and heated.

"Yes," Desiree answered quietly, she too now standing, a feeling of dread creeping up on her.

Katherine looked at her sister, "We will have our birthday celebration here, and you shall stay with me, until we can work out how to get you out of this unwanted betrothal. If only you and Stephen had been intimate, then your name would be as sullied as mine," she chuckled low, "but that would have been to rich, and poor Father would have lost both his prizes wouldn't he."

Desiree said nothing, she had come to confess to her sister, that she had been with Stephen a few times over the last few weeks, and each time it was harder to not tell someone. She held back on telling her sister, locking her secret inside even more. "Stephen will help you I'm sure."

Katherine, didn't hear her sisters words. She had all ready given into her anger, and was heading back to the study, where Marcus and Stephen now were enjoying a game of cards.

"Marcus," she called for his attention, as she entered the room.

He stood and walked toward her, his face at first one of joy, but quickly became one of concern as he saw her anger evident in her features. "What is it Katherine?"

"Lady Falcon, to you."

His head cocked to one side, he looked behind Katherine, and saw Desiree enter, she only shrugged her shoulders in confusion. She really didn't know what was going to happen.

"Sir, it has come to my attention, that after the marriage of Lord Falcon and I has been dissolved I am to wed you."

Marcus sighed, this was not how she was supposed to find out, but he wouldn't' deny it. "Yes, it was drawn up by your father."

"I'm still the Lady of the keep, is that correct."

"Yes, you are," Marcus looked at her trying to study her, and see where all this was going.

Katherine felt hurt and betrayal, "You have worn out your welcome, staying here in my home, I ask that you leave until the matter between my marriage is over. When that happens then you may come back and run the grounds that you so obviously want so badly."

"What are you talking about."

Stephen moved to Desiree's side, and pulled her away, his own confusion on his face. "Let us retire Desiree, I'll take you to your rooms and you and your sister can talk more in the morning."

Desiree agreed, and started to leave, but was stopped when she heard her name. "Yes?" she said to her sister.

"Stay in my room this evening, I wish to have time to share with you."

With a smile, Desiree nodded her agreement, and left with Stephen. Katherine returned her attention to Marcus. "In the morning, you'll be expected to remove yourself from my land."

"Katherine... " Marcus started to speak.

"Lady Falcon," she told him, her own stomach rolling from the sound of that name coming from her lips.

Marcus glared at her, "Lady Falcon. This land is mine, your father has signed it over to me."

"My father would have had to line pockets once again, to make this legal. Falcon's not dead, the land is his until he is or until he's been found guilty of treason. This means you can not get your greedy hands on it, until he does, and even then I'm of age, and I'll not marry a man who wishes only to gain access to my property. Your no better then Horatio Falcon, because in the end that is what he wanted."

The fury that showed in Marcus' features after having been compared to Falcon was easily seen in his eyes. He grabbed her arm and hauled her against him, "I'm not him, nor would I ever do something like that to you."

"Really, you rescue me, and suddenly find yourself in a position to no longer be a landless night, but one of great wealth in property. You probably didn't wait till the ink was dry before you started making changes."

Marcus felt his grip on her tighten and he saw her wince, before he could ease the pressure, she angered him further with her next outrageous statement.

"You even force your hands on me like he did. Is that what you want, a woman to beat, and control?"

He released her immediately, and pushed her from him, "I think you need to go to bed Kate, Lady Falcon." His fist clenched to his side. How could she think he had only agreed to wed her for the land, and the privileges that came with it? Had he not shown her how much he cared for her?

"I will not wed, you. You will not have this land, because your a man, and think it is your right. I'll not be ruled any more by men."

Marcus said nothing. "I will expect you off my lands in the morning, and you will not return," she turned to go, and was cut short by his hand pushing the study door closed.

"I'm not going any where," he pulled her to him, and kissed roughly. His mouth sought to possess her's and for a moment, he thought she had succumbed to the heated passion that he felt burning inside him.

Suddenly she erupted in his arms. Her fingers came up and clawed at his skin, she bit and kicked at him. Her fist railed against his chest, and she screamed for help. Katherine saw only Horatio bending her to his will, she saw only him kissing and pulling at her, as terror erupted deep inside her. Marcus immediately dropped his hands, and stepped away. He knew why she was reacting this way, and he hurt inside to see the depth of her pain. Her mind had returned, but not all of her reasoning.

Stephen crashed through the door, Desiree close behind him. They had been ascending the stairs when they heard Katherine's screams. Now Desiree held her sister in her arm, and was glaring at Marcus, "What have you done?"

Marcus stood there unable to speak, or explain. Stephen looked to Desiree, "Take your sister to her rooms, and we'll figure all this out in the morning." Desiree nodded and pulled Katherine into her arms, and together they left the study.

"What was that all about?" Stephen asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, and sat down at one of the chairs in front of his desk. "I kissed her, and I think she saw him, and not me. She still has much healing to do, and now I've been ordered off her lands... she can do that you know, until we're married, this is her land."

Stephen nodded his head, his own problems dismissed for the time being. "We will all discuss it in the morning, and we'll work things out, in the meantime let us have a few drinks, and discuss how you will help me sweep Desiree away to wed me, before she is to wed the pompous Lord she's been promised to."

Post 42
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RedHairedandFriendly said:
Post 28,Post 29,Post 30,Post 31,Post 32,Post 33,Post 34,Post 35,Post 36,Post 37,Post 38,Post 39,Post 40,

Desiree and her sister Katherine took tea in the study, while Stephen and Marcus finished their port and discussed the upcoming birthday celebrations that would be taking place at Lord Philip's keep. Katherine continued to let her eyes rest on Marcus as Desiree continued to seek out Stephen's. As the evening grew later, the two sisters moved outside, escorted by one of Marcus' guards. Katherine led her sister to the gazebo that she had found comforting during the last several weeks that she had been recovering.

"What is it that has kept you distracted, beside your handsome escort?" Katherine asked her sister. She had been very aware of the stolen glances between Desiree and Stephen.

Desiree sighed, and hung her head low, "I'm to be married."

Katherine's eyes grew wide, "To Stephen? Father is allowing it?"

"No, to another. I wish it were Stephen, I have fallen in love with him, and I know he loves me as well." Desiree clutched her sister's hands in hers, and she squeezed them tightly. "I wish to marry Stephen, and I have come seeking your help."

Desiree looked into her sister's eyes, "I want to remain with him, but I'm not sure how I can. I don't wish to wed this other man."

"What does Stephen say about all this?"

"He says he will find away for us to be together, but I don't know how it will happen. You are wedded to Falcon, and though it was forced," she paused not wanting to continue, the words could cause hurt feelings, and she didn't wish to cause her sister more pain.

"I'm soiled, and no longer marriageable," Katherine finished the sentence for her sister.

Desiree embraced her sister, and stroked her hair. "Your still pure in our eyes, mine and the ones around you, even Father."

"I know, but it is not your eyes that will matter in society, when Father needs to do business, or even if I needed to. I don't know what will make me marriageable, again." She sighed, and began to pick at the nonexistent lint on her gown.

Desiree sat back and released her hold on Katherine, "Your be presentable again, after the annulment , and marriage to Marcus."

Katherine's eyes grew wide in her face, and she stared at her sister. "What are you talking about?"

"Marcus received Falcon's estates after agreeing to wed you. Once the death of Falcon is carried out, or the annulment goes through, he's to wed you, and you will be accepted into society again." She looked at her sister, not understand the new spark of anger that seemed to be erupting inside her.

Standing quickly, Katherine felt a well of fury beginning to rise up inside her. She know knew why Marcus had stayed by her side. It wasn't for her, or for any feelings he had for her, it was for this. She looked over the gardens, the castle and the surrounding lands. "I'm the lady of the keep, correct?" her question addressed to her sister, her voice low and heated.

"Yes," Desiree answered quietly, she too now standing, a feeling of dread creeping up on her.

Katherine looked at her sister, "We will have our birthday celebration here, and you shall stay with me, until we can work out how to get you out of this unwanted betrothal. If only you and Stephen had been intimate, then your name would be as sullied as mine," she chuckled low, "but that would have been to rich, and poor Father would have lost both his prizes wouldn't he."

Desiree said nothing, she had come to confess to her sister, that she had been with Stephen a few times over the last few weeks, and each time it was harder to not tell someone. She held back on telling her sister, locking her secret inside even more. "Stephen will help you I'm sure."

Katherine, didn't hear her sisters words. She had all ready given into her anger, and was heading back to the study, where Marcus and Stephen now were enjoying a game of cards.

"Marcus," she called for his attention, as she entered the room.

He stood and walked toward her, his face at first one of joy, but quickly became one of concern as he saw her anger evident in her features. "What is it Katherine?"

"Lady Falcon, to you."

His head cocked to one side, he looked behind Katherine, and saw Desiree enter, she only shrugged her shoulders in confusion. She really didn't know what was going to happen.

"Sir, it has come to my attention, that after the marriage of Lord Falcon and I has been dissolved I am to wed you."

Marcus sighed, this was not how she was supposed to find out, but he wouldn't' deny it. "Yes, it was drawn up by your father."

"I'm still the Lady of the keep, is that correct."

"Yes, you are," Marcus looked at her trying to study her, and see where all this was going.

Katherine felt hurt and betrayal, "You have worn out your welcome, staying here in my home, I ask that you leave until the matter between my marriage is over. When that happens then you may come back and run the grounds that you so obviously want so badly."

"What are you talking about."

Stephen moved to Desiree's side, and pulled her away, his own confusion on his face. "Let us retire Desiree, I'll take you to your rooms and you and your sister can talk more in the morning."

Desiree agreed, and started to leave, but was stopped when she heard her name. "Yes?" she said to her sister.

"Stay in my room this evening, I wish to have time to share with you."

With a smile, Desiree nodded her agreement, and left with Stephen. Katherine returned her attention to Marcus. "In the morning, you'll be expected to remove yourself from my land."

"Katherine... " Marcus started to speak.

"Lady Falcon," she told him, her own stomach rolling from the sound of that name coming from her lips.

Marcus glared at her, "Lady Falcon. This land is mine, your father has signed it over to me."

"My father would have had to line pockets once again, to make this legal. Falcon's not dead, the land is his until he is or until he's been found guilty of treason. This means you can not get your greedy hands on it, until he does, and even then I'm of age, and I'll not marry a man who wishes only to gain access to my property. Your no better then Horatio Falcon, because in the end that is what he wanted."

The fury that showed in Marcus' features after having been compared to Falcon was easily seen in his eyes. He grabbed her arm and hauled her against him, "I'm not him, nor would I ever do something like that to you."

"Really, you rescue me, and suddenly find yourself in a position to no longer be a landless night, but one of great wealth in property. You probably didn't wait till the ink was dry before you started making changes."

Marcus felt his grip on her tighten and he saw her wince, before he could ease the pressure, she angered him further with her next outrageous statement.

"You even force your hands on me like he did. Is that what you want, a woman to beat, and control?"

He released her immediately, and pushed her from him, "I think you need to go to bed Kate, Lady Falcon." His fist clenched to his side. How could she think he had only agreed to wed her for the land, and the privileges that came with it? Had he not shown her how much he cared for her?

"I will not wed, you. You will not have this land, because your a man, and think it is your right. I'll not be ruled any more by men."

Marcus said nothing. "I will expect you off my lands in the morning, and you will not return," she turned to go, and was cut short by his hand pushing the study door closed.

"I'm not going any where," he pulled her to him, and kissed roughly. His mouth sought to possess her's and for a moment, he thought she had succumbed to the heated passion that he felt burning inside him.

Suddenly she erupted in his arms. Her fingers came up and clawed at his skin, she bit and kicked at him. Her fist railed against his chest, and she screamed for help. Katherine saw only Horatio bending her to his will, she saw only him kissing and pulling at her, as terror erupted deep inside her. Marcus immediately dropped his hands, and stepped away. He knew why she was reacting this way, and he hurt inside to see the depth of her pain. Her mind had returned, but not all of her reasoning.

Stephen crashed through the door, Desiree close behind him. They had been ascending the stairs when they heard Katherine's screams. Now Desiree held her sister in her arm, and was glaring at Marcus, "What have you done?"

Marcus stood there unable to speak, or explain. Stephen looked to Desiree, "Take your sister to her rooms, and we'll figure all this out in the morning." Desiree nodded and pulled Katherine into her arms, and together they left the study.

"What was that all about?" Stephen asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, and sat down at one of the chairs in front of his desk. "I kissed her, and I think she saw him, and not me. She still has much healing to do, and now I've been ordered off her lands... she can do that you know, until we're married, this is her land."

Stephen nodded his head, his own problems dismissed for the time being. "We will all discuss it in the morning, and we'll work things out, in the meantime let us have a few drinks, and discuss how you will help me sweep Desiree away to wed me, before she is to wed the pompous Lord she's been promised to."

Such naughty writtings............... :p
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Sad huh...

And the two women are heading up to the bedroom.... eeeeekkkkk... what lurks in the shadows!!

OMG No!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
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# 42

Post 28,Post 29,Post 30,Post 31,Post 32,Post 33,Post 34,Post 35,Post 36,Post 37,Post 38,Post 39,Post 40,Post 41,

Horatio had watched the two women enter, and had immediately begun to rethink his plans. Two birds now were within his sites, and it was to much of an opportunity to not try and take them both. He waited patiently for them to ready themselves to be. His body reacted to the scars on his wife, and her firm body. All ready he could feel his blood running faster in his veins and he wanted to consume her. To ravish her body, and make her remember he owned it. She was his to command, and she had lived her carefree exsistance far to long while he'd been away.

Her sister was just as desireable as his wife, and the thought of taming her beneath him, brought a sinister smile to his face. Horatio would find away to take them both, after all, that is what he wanted in the first place. He ran his hand down the front of his breeches, and waited for them to rest. He listened to the melodious sounds of the two women, as his erection grew, firmer under his touch.

"Kate. I'm sorry if something has upset you concerning your marriage to Marcus," Desiree's voice reached Horatio's ears, and he stopped the stroking of his cock, intent on listening to the women.

He watch Kate slip the pins from her hair, and her tresses fell down her back, cascading to her waist. His fingers itched to run through them, and curl his fingers, pulling her head back, so he could taste her skin once more. With the words of Desiree still on his ears, he became more enraged, at the situation that was now becoming more clear.

With him out of the way, the landless Knight, Marcus would recieve his Katherine, and his land. Horatio vowed he'd not let that happen, as long as he breathed, and after tonight, he'd vow Katherine would die before he would allow the man Marcus to possess her.

"Desi, I'll not marry him. He doesn't love me."

"Doesn't love you? Are you blind? He was here the entire time you were sick. Reports were sent back to father from Marcus on your health, but Mason, the man I assume was your physician, sent his own reports. He spoke highly of Sir Marcus; how he waited on you day and night, was often found asleep from exhaustion by your bedside. Not love you Katherine? Your a fool if you truely think that."

Katherine sighed, and Hoartio's cock grew harder as she began to remove her dress, as did her sister. If the woman Desiree was correct in her assumption of Marcus' feelings, then revenge would just be sweeter, when Marcus found Katherine's body, if it came down to that. He hoped it wouldn't. Horatio wanted his wife with him for sometime, and her sister would make excellent dessert, until he had no more use for her, and then perhaps, he could rid himself of her later. His mind recalled a man from the orient, that had similar desires for women, and he knew he'd find the jewel Desiree to his liking.

"Let us not discuss this now, what is it you wish to discuss with me?" Katherine asked her sister, as she brushed out her hair.

"I want a plan to get out of the betrothal, that won't sully my name."

Katherine, looked in her mirror, and thought she saw a movement, her eyes stared at it, then dismissed her thoughts, as shawdows passed by her sister's movements. "Desi, have you done anything to sully your name?"

The room stilled, and Horatio raised a brow, "The young Miss takes to long to answer you." He said his voice low and meanacing as he emerged from the shadows.

Katherine's face paled and her world seemed to tilt to one side, as her fingers dropped the brush. Horatio could tell that the sister was about to scream, and he silenced her, w ith the toss of his knife. Desiree watched it fly through the air, and imbed itself into the wall next to her throat. "The next will be in your sister's throat, if you speak a word."

She had no doubt of his words, and only nodded that she would not speak. Her mind was now working to find someway to thwart the man's plans. Desiree looked to her sister, a pleading look of confusion, and worry. Her look paled futher, as she saw the terror filled face of Katherine.

Horatio advanced toward his wife, and grabbed her wrist roughly. Katherine trembled in fear, and her mind blanked, as she felt his fingers on her flesh again. "I see your making wedding plans again. I'm not even dead yet."

"You will be," Desiree whispered, as she watched him tie a long leather band to her sister's wrists.

"Aye, perhaps, but I shall enjoy myself immensely before I die."

Katherine whimped, and Horatio slapped her face, "Shut up. I'll deal with your whoring later."

He kept his eyes on Desiree, as he gagged his wife and threw her to one side. Horatio advanced on the other bird, that he wanted to capture. Desiree moved to one side, and threw the clay pitcher at him, missing him, but causing a loud crash. He immediately dove for her, and threw his weight into his fist. Skin and knuckles collieded, and Desiree fell limp to the floor.

Horatio was at Katherine's side within seconds, hauling her against him, he thrusted his spare knife against her throat. The knock on the door was quickly followed by the, "Are you all right?" of Marcus' voice.

"You know what to tell him," he whispered in her ear, before trailing his tongue across it. "I'll kill her, before he makes it through the door. You wouldn't want that, would you?"

Katherine shook her head no, and tears ran from her eyes. Horatio removed the gag, and pushed her toward the door. The knelt beside Desiree's limp form, and held the knife to her throat, the tip proding her skin. Katherine watched a small trickle of blood slip free of her sister's flesh, and coarse down her neck.

She took a steady breath, and called through the door, "I'm well Marcus, please leave, I'm not your wife yet, and you'll not be staying here any longer."

"What was the nose Katherine."

Her eyes searched out Hoartio's and she watched more blood spill down her sister's neck, "I was sleeping, and knocked over the water jug."

"Your all right?"

"Yes, no leave!" Her voice came across full of anger, as she tried to get him to go away. "Marcus, I won't discuss anything more with you and the subject is closed this evening."

She waited for him to speak, but as time creeped by, all she heard were his retreating steps behind te door. Katherine pressed her head against the wall, and shivered with relief. Her eyes looked back to Horatio's. "What now?" she asked.

"We leave my beauty." He pulled a vile of smelling salts from his pocket, and ran them under his sister-in-law's nose. Horatio held her tight, as she came around, having bound her arms and gagged her before he had returned her senses to her. "I'll kill her Kate, you know it as well as you know how badly I wish to make you scream. I miss that wife, your screams were such a comfort to me."

He kept his knife against his hostages throat, and nodded to his wife to go toward the secret panal he had entered her room from. Katherine did as she was told, and was not at all surprised to find herself inside the walls of her room, and then being instructed through an intricate maze of steps, and tunnels.

Horatio had all ready planned his second route of escape, as he had waited for his wife to come to bed. Then when he realized he needed another horse, for her sister he had rethought the layout of the passageways once more. Now once they had weaved their way down and around, he pushed his hand against another loose panal, that opened out to the east wing of the castle. Soon the black night was consuming them, as he and the women made their way to the stables, and he had Katherine saddle a spare horse.

The man and his two prisioners, left the castle grounds, with a few dead soldiers in their wake. Horatio would pay his devoted friends well, upon his return. "How did you manage to take out the guards?" Katherine would ask later.

"I still have loyal followers, dear. Your lover hasn't won them all over."

They continued into the night, until the morning light hit them, and the two women stirred from their slumbers. Tied to the horn of the saddle, they looked upon an old cottage. "Where are we?" Desiree asked her sister, then turned her eyes to Hoartio's.

"Just a little place, I grew up in, while I waited to gain my lost possessions." It was then that the women heard the sound of the waves coming from a distance.

"Off the cliff is a lovely little drop to the rocks below, please be careful, I'd hate to see you fall." He laughed as they approached the cottage, and the real nightmare for the sisters were about to begin.

Post 43
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RedHairedandFriendly said:
Post 28,Post 29,Post 30,Post 31,Post 32,Post 33,Post 34,Post 35,Post 36,Post 37,Post 38,Post 39,Post 40,Post 41,

Horatio had watched the two women enter, and had immediately begun to rethink his plans. Two birds now were within his sites, and it was to much of an opportunity to not try and take them both. He waited patiently for them to ready themselves to be. His body reacted to the scars on his wife, and her firm body. All ready he could feel his blood running faster in his veins and he wanted to consume her. To ravish her body, and make her remember he owned it. She was his to command, and she had lived her carefree exsistance far to long while he'd been away.

Her sister was just as desireable as his wife, and the thought of taming her beneath him, brought a sinister smile to his face. Horatio would find away to take them both, after all, that is what he wanted in the first place. He ran his hand down the front of his breeches, and waited for them to rest. He listened to the melodious sounds of the two women, as his erection grew, firmer under his touch.

"Kate. I'm sorry if something has upset you concerning your marriage to Marcus," Desiree's voice reached Horatio's ears, and he stopped the stroking of his cock, intent on listening to the women.

He watch Kate slip the pins from her hair, and her tresses fell down her back, cascading to her waist. His fingers itched to run through them, and curl his fingers, pulling her head back, so he could taste her skin once more. With the words of Desiree still on his ears, he became more enraged, at the situation that was now becoming more clear.

With him out of the way, the landless Knight, Marcus would recieve his Katherine, and his land. Horatio vowed he'd not let that happen, as long as he breathed, and after tonight, he'd vow Katherine would die before he would allow the man Marcus to possess her.

"Desi, I'll not marry him. He doesn't love me."

"Doesn't love you? Are you blind? He was here the entire time you were sick. Reports were sent back to father from Marcus on your health, but Mason, the man I assume was your physician, sent his own reports. He spoke highly of Sir Marcus; how he waited on you day and night, was often found asleep from exhaustion by your bedside. Not love you Katherine? Your a fool if you truely think that."

Katherine sighed, and Hoartio's cock grew harder as she began to remove her dress, as did her sister. If the woman Desiree was correct in her assumption of Marcus' feelings, then revenge would just be sweeter, when Marcus found Katherine's body, if it came down to that. He hoped it wouldn't. Horatio wanted his wife with him for sometime, and her sister would make excellent dessert, until he had no more use for her, and then perhaps, he could rid himself of her later. His mind recalled a man from the orient, that had similar desires for women, and he knew he'd find the jewel Desiree to his liking.

"Let us not discuss this now, what is it you wish to discuss with me?" Katherine asked her sister, as she brushed out her hair.

"I want a plan to get out of the betrothal, that won't sully my name."

Katherine, looked in her mirror, and thought she saw a movement, her eyes stared at it, then dismissed her thoughts, as shawdows passed by her sister's movements. "Desi, have you done anything to sully your name?"

The room stilled, and Horatio raised a brow, "The young Miss takes to long to answer you." He said his voice low and meanacing as he emerged from the shadows.

Katherine's face paled and her world seemed to tilt to one side, as her fingers dropped the brush. Horatio could tell that the sister was about to scream, and he silenced her, w ith the toss of his knife. Desiree watched it fly through the air, and imbed itself into the wall next to her throat. "The next will be in your sister's throat, if you speak a word."

She had no doubt of his words, and only nodded that she would not speak. Her mind was now working to find someway to thwart the man's plans. Desiree looked to her sister, a pleading look of confusion, and worry. Her look paled futher, as she saw the terror filled face of Katherine.

Horatio advanced toward his wife, and grabbed her wrist roughly. Katherine trembled in fear, and her mind blanked, as she felt his fingers on her flesh again. "I see your making wedding plans again. I'm not even dead yet."

"You will be," Desiree whispered, as she watched him tie a long leather band to her sister's wrists.

"Aye, perhaps, but I shall enjoy myself immensely before I die."

Katherine whimped, and Horatio slapped her face, "Shut up. I'll deal with your whoring later."

He kept his eyes on Desiree, as he gagged his wife and threw her to one side. Horatio advanced on the other bird, that he wanted to capture. Desiree moved to one side, and threw the clay pitcher at him, missing him, but causing a loud crash. He immediately dove for her, and threw his weight into his fist. Skin and knuckles collieded, and Desiree fell limp to the floor.

Horatio was at Katherine's side within seconds, hauling her against him, he thrusted his spare knife against her throat. The knock on the door was quickly followed by the, "Are you all right?" of Marcus' voice.

"You know what to tell him," he whispered in her ear, before trailing his tongue across it. "I'll kill her, before he makes it through the door. You wouldn't want that, would you?"

Katherine shook her head no, and tears ran from her eyes. Horatio removed the gag, and pushed her toward the door. The knelt beside Desiree's limp form, and held the knife to her throat, the tip proding her skin. Katherine watched a small trickle of blood slip free of her sister's flesh, and coarse down her neck.

She took a steady breath, and called through the door, "I'm well Marcus, please leave, I'm not your wife yet, and you'll not be staying here any longer."

"What was the nose Katherine."

Her eyes searched out Hoartio's and she watched more blood spill down her sister's neck, "I was sleeping, and knocked over the water jug."

"Your all right?"

"Yes, no leave!" Her voice came across full of anger, as she tried to get him to go away. "Marcus, I won't discuss anything more with you and the subject is closed this evening."

She waited for him to speak, but as time creeped by, all she heard were his retreating steps behind te door. Katherine pressed her head against the wall, and shivered with relief. Her eyes looked back to Horatio's. "What now?" she asked.

"We leave my beauty." He pulled a vile of smelling salts from his pocket, and ran them under his sister-in-law's nose. Horatio held her tight, as she came around, having bound her arms and gagged her before he had returned her senses to her. "I'll kill her Kate, you know it as well as you know how badly I wish to make you scream. I miss that wife, your screams were such a comfort to me."

He kept his knife against his hostages throat, and nodded to his wife to go toward the secret panal he had entered her room from. Katherine did as she was told, and was not at all surprised to find herself inside the walls of her room, and then being instructed through an intricate maze of steps, and tunnels.

Horatio had all ready planned his second route of escape, as he had waited for his wife to come to bed. Then when he realized he needed another horse, for her sister he had rethought the layout of the passageways once more. Now once they had weaved their way down and around, he pushed his hand against another loose panal, that opened out to the east wing of the castle. Soon the black night was consuming them, as he and the women made their way to the stables, and he had Katherine saddle a spare horse.

The man and his two prisioners, left the castle grounds, with a few dead soldiers in their wake. Horatio would pay his devoted friends well, upon his return. "How did you manage to take out the guards?" Katherine would ask later.

"I still have loyal followers, dear. Your lover hasn't won them all over."

They continued into the night, until the morning light hit them, and the two women stirred from their slumbers. Tied to the horn of the saddle, they looked upon an old cottage. "Where are we?" Desiree asked her sister, then turned her eyes to Hoartio's.

"Just a little place, I grew up in, while I waited to gain my lost possessions." It was then that the women heard the sound of the waves coming from a distance.

"Off the cliff is a lovely little drop to the rocks below, please be careful, I'd hate to see you fall." He laughed as they approached the cottage, and the real nightmare for the sisters were about to begin.


Twisty turny shocky developments! :eek: