How did you end up at literotica?


Nov 10, 2002
how did you end up at literotica?

how i ended up at literotica
almost a year ago i had this dream that my lover had sex with animals and that he wanted to eat me.

the thought of beastiology really freaked me out so off i went trying to find out as much as possible about it.

i found a link to a story about an 18 year old boy and his dog.

welcome to literotica!

after reading all of these stories i remembered that when i was i was peeing and this dog licked me.

so that's it folks
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well, I blame it all on my favorite singer, Al Stewart. Through him, I met my best freind.

She always falls for these small wirey guys who are unstable, I thought it might be a body type problem.
She told me she didn't like large guys but then admitted that this one large guy was kind of hot, and I discovered she was right, he was kind of hot!

So one thing lead to another, he got me thinking about cyber, so I came here to ask questions. I found that favorable body type does not guarantee stabilty and the big guy was nowhere near as nice or funny as Al.

With the help of the kind people on lit, I lost my cyber virginity, lost the big guy, kept my best freind, still like Al and am very happy to be here.
I was just looking for masturbation aids, frankly. I stayed because the people are so cool. Also, occasionally you can meet someone here for hot sex, always a plus!
I like reading the erotica... If I recall right, a good friend (entitled) turned me on to this place...
Already lost in the haze of history

...and I'm not THAT old! Go figure.

Anyhow, I'm pretty sure that I clicked on the link from the Erotic Ranks Web site (, under the category of erotic stories. I've always enjoyed erotica, but never seriously pursued it. I read the stories for several months, and then magically discovered the link to the forums!

I searched for 'erotic stories' a long while back, and here I am. :)

I first came to read the stories, then I got into the bulletin boards, and now I think I might be addicted. lol

I did a search on the internet for erotic stories and I ended up here. I still really only read the stories but sometimes I post on the boards.
sheath said:
I searched for 'erotic stories' a long while back, and here I am. :)

I first came to read the stories, then I got into the bulletin boards, and now I think I might be addicted. lol


Snap, except there is no might about it!:D
Being the cheap bastard I am, I was searching for free stuff on the net. Came across some free erotic stroy page that had a link here. The rest is history. :D
I initially came here for the stories, probably from a link somewhere in the ether. I've only just recently gotten up the nerve to start posting on the forums. ;)
My husband introduced me to lit :D Well the stories anyway. I then (a long time later) plucked up the courage to post one of my stories and i discovered the member boards....the rest is history :D
I meet a woman one night on ICQ
I no longer have ICQ

She brought me here to read a story together

Next day I explored and found the boards
my husband knew I enjoyed reading erotica... noticed the computer history full of porn links and was sick of the pop-ups .... knew of lit somehow & introduced me : )

loved the variety of stories...
eventually clicked on the chat link~~ my first experience w/ chat EVER (which led to the end of our marriage but the beginning of our realness w/ eachother)
then the boards and here I am...
Well done on making a thread for this, it makes an interesting subject to see how people drifted here.

I discovered Lit. when I was looking for Erotic stories and they have the best around, that's for sure. I found the forums to be very interesting, and a lot of useful information (believe me!!) so I've found it hard to stay away.
A web friend of mine in London told me about Lit. I've known about it for a couple of years, but only recently had the nerve to begin posting. Glad I have...people are cool here.

An online friend introduced me to the story side when he found out I liked the stories for a couple years, then found myself unattached, horny, and a little lonely, found the boards, and here I am.....might be addicted too LOL!
cricketbug said:
I like reading the erotica... If I recall right, a good friend (entitled) turned me on to this place...
Pun intended?

Actually, i was dragged on here to read the stories, too. Blame James MacGregor for my goofy presence. :)
I blame (or rather, praise) Yahoo! chat for bringing me here...

I was chatting away in an adult room (NOT cybering, BTW - just talking with friends) and someone mentioned 'lit'. Being the nosy person I am, I asked what they were talking about... and the person posted the web address.

I went in, read a few stories... and locked the site into my favourites. Considering that was more than a year ago, it's taken me an indecently long time to sign up & hit the bulletin boards - so now I'm making up for it :p
I was searching for some good stories to share with the husband when he got home...and found this site. It will take more than a life time to read them all...