Work out the Kiegels


Mar 21, 2003
My wife and I were talking about this, tried looking it up on google, and still don't have a clue on how to work out the kiegels.

Does anyone have a clue on what she could do?

Thanks in advance.
MylzDavis1975 said:
My wife and I were talking about this, tried looking it up on google, and still don't have a clue on how to work out the kiegels.

Does anyone have a clue on what she could do?

Thanks in advance.

Try spelling it "Kegel" and run your search again.
I prefer Google, but I'll just spew from my own brain rather than doing a search.

Basically, Kegel exercises involve clenching the PC muscle (pubococcygeal, sp?), which is the one she uses to stop the flow of urine if for some reason she has to stop mid-peeing. Just clenching it repeatedly counts as doing Kegels, afaik. I've found that it does help in tightening the vagina for sexual pleasure.
Thanks, I've typed it different ways, and kiegels got me the most responses when I searched before I came here. :D

Thanks for the link, that helped alot, she's doing the exercises in there, but it's kinda difficult because she starts to get a little "randy" after doing about 10 of them.:D

Well, gotta go, wife's doing the exercises LoL.
A short question, aren´t there Kegelexercices for men too... I can remember something like that... but now I´m searching and can´t find something.
Have her stop/start her peeing when she is.. and that'll help her locate which muscles to flex and hold.

THen she can hold them for 10 sec really tight, and then rest for a few seconds. Its great to do on car rides or house work or how/whenever.

Benwa balls are also good.
Yes, the exercises work on the man also, (to help delay cumming)

when you piss, stop in mid stream, those are the muscles you want to work. once you get the feel for which muscles to work, you can do the exercises anywhere, anytime. supposedly it take months of lots of sets to see an improvement.

I have never gotten there after a day or two I forget for a while and have to start all over.....
Yes, they work very well: I use them whenever I remember, just as a general exercise to help my way of life - especially when I am stuck nursing one or both of my little ones and have no chance whatsoever of getting to the bathroom anytime soon (even if I REALLY have to go).

They've helped me in several ways:

I'd practiced them off and on while urinating, hanging around, masturbating, and during sex before I got pregnant the first time, and the guys I've been with all really enjoyed my playing with them when they were in me and I "kegeled" them. :D Helped with the quality, duration, control and repeatability of my orgasms, too.

When I did get pregnant, they really helped since baby ALWAYS presses against the bladder. Kept me from peeing in my pants quite a few times. Then, when I gave birth, I only pushed for an hour with the first, and with my second (child and pregnancy) only pushed for about 7 1/2 minutes.

Between pregnancies, using Kegel helped re-condition my muscles, thereby allowing me to not only keep away from the peeing-your-pants syndrome, but to recover from having been stretched from a) the child being delivered and b) my doctor's HUGE hands (and I'm a small woman) going in to manually search for all the pieces of the placenta and then out to remove them. (Argh! Like giving birth 3 times in a row: one out, one in, then out again! Don't recommend it....) It also helped, when my "horny" hormones finally started kicking in again, to allow me to begin to recover my ability to orgasm, etc., etc. much like before the pregnancy. Took a lot of practice; but it is possible. Course, now I have to practice all over again since the birth of the second munchkin.... Oh, well.... :D

Oops, lightning just struck near my house, by the sound of the thunder, gotta GO!


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