How do you cope with your PMS side?


Really Really Experienced
Jan 24, 2003
How do you handle the PMS cycle, each month? You know the time guys, the one that is Punish My Spouse! When just getting out of bed can mean life or death, for you. When nothing you do can be right. When you do nothing at all, its still not right. How do you make it, from month to month?

It's survival of the male's for those three little letters PMS. Or as some women put it Punish My Spouse!
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I suppose I am lucky my SO doesnt get too bitchy with PMS but her sister sure got the family dose which might explain why she is on Husband No.3.

Men arent designed to walk on eggshells and do respond well to logic and the tangible.

We are not particularly perceptive to the unspoken word so the sound of breaking china is often the first inkling that there is a "major" problem afoot.

Who knows why we were made so different.
the dog and i evacuate to my brothers house or anywhere else, only coming home to sleep.

it's a long week.
PMS - Permissible Manslaughter Syndrome
PMS - Pack My Suitcase I'm going away for a week!
PMS - Punish Males Severely
PMS - Perturbed Mental State

My wife claims to have PMS pretty bad, but I guess she's good at controlling it. I never see much sign of it, thank god! :D
i seriously hate it. im usually really sad and i cry alot before it gets here and than i get pissed off at everything and my boyfriend gets in the crossfire. Hell a couple nights ago i got sad for no reason and just felt like pissing him off....i dont know maybe its the birth control patches and all those hormones and everything adding to the mix. He wants me to change it cause its making me "psycho" but if he cant deal with my crimson wave than what can he deal with? Not that i dont get the thrill of my week coming when ive had a lot of non-condom sex though, than im jumpin up the walls and happy as hell.
i get pissed off though when ignorant males have to go "oh shes on her period" whenever i get mad, fuck that i can be mad without whats going on between my legs,act like i cant get mad without that excuse, hell no! eat that you scum!!~!
Life can be "interesting" for a guy when the little lady suddenly goes doggy on him and turns into a weepy unreasonable bitch for no obvious reason.
Well, its not like a man to count days in the lunar cycle so when she hits her full moon, the poor slob she is attached to usually hasnt got a clue what he is in for.
It can take a few days of thinking" Why me?, What have I done to deserve this?" before the penny drops and often by then, its pretty well over.
Guys are too stupid to plan a defensive strategy for next month:rolleyes:
My lover knows my cycle better than I do. I'm still always a bit surprised that its 'that time' again each month. I get really horny right before PMS, so he spends a lot of time with me that week - then for some reason he's usually travelling the week after that! My solution to PMS: smoke more pot than usual; take a day off work if at all possible; eat a bit of chocolate every day - it really does help!
Can PMS just cover their bitchiness, explaining away horrible behavior? Why? Men you don't get three little letters, to excuse the moods you swing in? You deserve purple hearts for mastering a relationship that can spin completely out of control.

Only to have your lady in life, smile up at you and whisper "I am sorry its PMS, you know."
PinkOrchid said:
I don't PMS.

I reserve the right to be bitchy any fucking day of the week.

So just back off.

*snorts with laughter*

I think I'm going to type that out on a sheet of bright yellow paper, in BIG BOLD LETTERS.

And send it to the Music Man.


PinkOrchid said:

Cool, you beat me to it. :)

That thread really did help. Something I decided to do...since I'm on the pill, I can pretty much tell you the hour my PMS will hit with raging fury, so I mark it on the calendar. In red. So if anyone wonders why the fuck I'm raring to kill something, all they have to do is see the red. And if they don't like it, they can take a long drive and come back...well...whenever.

Speaking of that, today is a red day. :(

The Music Man probably needs prayers right about now.


PunkGrrl18 said:
i get pissed off though when ignorant males have to go "oh shes on her period" whenever i get mad, fuck that i can be mad without whats going on between my legs,act like i cant get mad without that excuse, hell no! eat that you scum!!~!

Me too. I posted what I had said becuase after I finished ranting and raving someone of course said, "oh it's just PMS" The timiing is waaaaayyyy off.
Come on Guys...

You can speak out here, its Freedom of Speech always on my posts. So the fact your life changes on a dime doesn't bother you?

Seeing this SO bite your head off. Go off on crying jags, only to be laughing the next second. Throwing things. Giving you looks that would kill, this doesn't bother you? Have her scream at you, break into a crying episode, only to expect you to hug and make her feel better? When you reach out for her, you have no idea she has regressed into the screaming wild woman again?

Some good men, here on Lit.

How about the trip to your local drug store, grocery store? The place you have to walk into for the dreaded 'Feminine Hygeine'
product. Where you are to purchase her tampons, pads have you any funny stories to share?

Everybody have a good day:rose:
i dont think guys should mine having to buy their chick tampons, grow the fuck up. Its not like you will ever see this clerk again in your life, its not a big deal. My boyfriend offers to buy me and our friends (most females) tampons he doesnt care he knows he could givea shit less what anyone at that store thinks of him, aww.
How do you cope with your PMS side??

Divorced her


Annora said:
How do you handle the PMS cycle, each month? You know the time guys, the one that is Punish My Spouse! When just getting out of bed can mean life or death, for you. When nothing you do can be right. When you do nothing at all, its still not right. How do you make it, from month to month?

It's survival of the male's for those three little letters PMS. Or as some women put it Punish My Spouse!

I thought it was "Putting up with Men's Shit"

But anyway, I find that Camomile Tea really helps with the cramps and nasua that I get. I also take my Midol. Sometimes moving around a lot helps (and sometimes it makes it worse)

As for the bitchiness. Why not let it all hang out? I think it's a chance to say what's *really* on your mind the rest of the month, when your trying so hard to be 'nice' IN fact, if your a little bitchy all month long, it doesn't all build up so much, and then you don't feel so 'out of control' of your emotions. Just something to think about...
I don't get PMS at all. Typically a day or two before my period starts, I might find myself tearing up at some of the more sappier commercials on TV, but beyond that, nothing. And I guess this is true, as my SO says he has absolutely no idea when my period is from mont to month. (I get really horny when it's over, not before, so he can't go by that!)
Re: Come on Guys...

Annora said:

How about the trip to your local drug store, grocery store? The place you have to walk into for the dreaded 'Feminine Hygeine'
product. Where you are to purchase her tampons, pads have you any funny stories to share?

I remember once I went to the grocery store. It doesn’t read as funny as it was at the time because I was a little high and it was one of those “had to be there” stories. There were three guys in a row (I was in the middle) on the express line. I was just getting the tampons and I picked up a TV guide. The guy behind me had a Playboy with his feminine hygiene product and the guy in front of me had a deck of cards with his. That’s all we were buying. I started to get a case of the giggles because I thought about the association of the 2 things that we were buying. I looked at their faces and they both had this REALLY tortured look. Well, it struck me as funny as hell and I just lost it right there on the line. I tried to stop but because I was high, I couldn’t stop laughing.

At first, everyone looked at me like I was nuts. Picture it – I’m all by myself, high as a kite with everyone looking at me while I'm trying to stop laughing, and I just couldn’t. The cashier, a middle-aged lady, asked what I was laughing at. Still giggling a little, I told her that I was sorry but I just found the combination of things that we were buying humerous(didn’t mention anything about the looks on our faces). Well, there was dead silence as everyone, including the cashier on the next line and the people behind us looked at the items we were buying. One-by-one, everyone started to laugh and within seconds there were about 7-8 people laughing to various degrees, which obviously drew the attention of everyone else around us. I could see that the other two guys were a little embarrassed and that helped me to finally stop laughing.

As I walked out, I caught up to the first guy and apologized for embarrassing him. He looked at me and just cracked up, which started me up again. To this day, when I’m in a store and someone (male or female) is buying those products, I look at what else they’re buying with it. I’ve never had a problem buying those things but I am more cognizent now about what I’m buying with it.

Sorry to be so long with this story. I know it doesn’t sound anywhere near as funny as it was at the time but just telling it here made me laugh again.