Best Friend Forever

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Best Friends Forever

We’re just friends,
BFF to the end.
She comes, she goes,
To tell her woes
I wish it’s me with her.

We’re just friends,
BFF to the end.
Yet, I want more
For rich or poor,
I want to marry her.

We’re just friends,
BFF to the end.
Then, her wedding,
My day dreading,
I can’t stop loving her.

We’re not friends,
BFF it was then.
I married Kate,
From my blind date,
Only, I don’t love her.

Like Diane
She loved another man.
She’s gone away,
What can I say?
I still want and love her.

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tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

and not what may have not been. TK U MLJ LV NV

normal jeannormal jeanabout 16 years ago
oh, unrequieted love is such a tragedy

I have come to really love your poetry. You don't pretend to be some grand snooty poet, you just bare your feelings and to me, that is (part of) what makes a good poet. Plus, it helps that you can spell ;)

as always, one of your devoted readers


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