I Believe In Angels

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I Believe In Angels

If anything can be a speech,
Then, this is truly mine,
Please listen closely, I beseech,
And I’m sorry that it rhymes.

For I believe in Angels,
I met one, don’t know her name,
Not wearing wings or halo,
She’s an Angel just the same.

She cast her gaze upon me,
I knew her thoughts without words,
She burned good will inside me,
And these are the words I heard.

“Follow the blind. Their vision can see without sight.
Listen to the deaf. They hear the music of life.
Stand up against evil and defend what is right.
Yet, never arm yourself with hatred, gun or knife.”

Angels live in all of us,
They help from time to time,
Listen to them we must,
When they show a subtle sign.

Pity the strong prevail,
They may inherit the earth,
But when they die they fail,
They will not hear Heaven’s mirth.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
they walk among us

Angels do exist. Just open up your mind and heart and look around you. Did someone just come into your life for a moment and leave you with some wisdom? You never see them again. It has happened to me many times in my life. Bravo, fictionwriter, I too believe in angels. I love your poem about them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

The pen of this author was indeed brushed by an angel's wing! Lovely. The flow and content were a riversong.

Unbridled_PassionUnbridled_Passionover 17 years ago

this is my favorite one so far!