Jazz, The Way I Know It

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you heard me in the darkness
never parting my lips to speak
only to lick them wet with heat
and anticipation
breaths filled with hesitation
at times, because of your moves
fingers playin’ grooves
that only John Coltrane
could musically maintain
up and down my spine run sizzling chills
courtesy of your melodic skills

and I danced with you
and the passion grew

as we took turns playing by subliminal cue
you become me, I become you
bodies slide as our skin becomes moist
rhythmic strokes leaving us no choice
but to sound out in pleasure using one voice
the ride smoother than a ‘69 Rolls-Royce
heart beats pound like percussion sections
while hips gyrate in circular directions
skin slippin’ ‘n’ slappin’
tongues dippin’ ‘n’ dappin’
and we both know what’s happenin’
tremblin’ thighs and
incoherent cries
of passion go splashin’
crashin’ the silence of the dark
then the mind rushing
ego crushing
shivers ‘n’ shakin’
nails diggin’ ‘n’ rakin’


deeper than a baritone
was the sound of your moan
and my high-pitched off-key
sang a song of sheer pleasure
that moment I’ll treasure
an unforgettable tune in my mind
eye candy for the blind
only hidden smiles in my eyes show it
show jazz....the way I know it

©the Mytsexxy/Sinsualmind Experience, all rights reserved

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BlueskyBeautyBlueskyBeautyabout 20 years ago
well done!

another 1 with spuratic rhyme. i know many here aren't fond of it but this poem danced so sweetly.

lovely poem hun!

Syndra LynnSyndra Lynnabout 20 years ago
This is wonderful!

Amazing rhythm and sexual tension.

flyguy69flyguy69about 20 years ago
Extraordinary promise

from this new poet. Very strong erotica, and i like the colloquial language. The jazz/musical metaphor could have been tighter, IMHO.

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