New Pleasures

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Thank you to all who inspire my mind and this poem on the threads of Lit!

flowing bodies
moving slowly
caressing each hidden place
passion fires dancing deep within
air fill with our moans and scents
pressing back against me
your desire rising past all hesitation
a long toy lay between us
harnessed to me, soon to be in you
your whimpers cry for more
as I rub against your sweetness
not yet entry, but so close
your desire building, outpacing any fear
waves of need caressing and crashing over you
reaching back you try to guide it in
only to have be pull just out of reach
allowing your need to build
fingers tracing over you
down along your spine
pleasure shivers flashing over you
one hand wraps around your waist
its fingers teasing your outstretched nipples
caressing your aflamed length
your mind knows only pleasure
only desire for more
for the toy
for me
my lips tease your neck
lightly nibbling
slow, excruciatingly slow, caresses
everything is too slow, and yet so right
your need is beyond your control
only my will keeps you in check
my other hand traces lower
a fiery path of need
skin of each smooth curve
electrified by the touch
nearer and nearer to the valley
to the centre of your stormy passion
your body parts making way
need controlling every motion
every pressing thrust
every thought engorged with desire
finally fingers caress the path to your winking secret
relief washes over you matched only by the pounding need for more
more pressure
more strokes
pressure glorious pressure against passion’s very door
flames of fervour consume your mortal body
ardour rising deep within your
deeper than your loins
your entire body clenching
needing release
but more than even that
needing to be filled
slowly a finger, wet with our nectar
slides just within the puckered edge
your body shudders with pleasure beyond heaven
ambrosia paled by the sensations
even the food of the gods could not satisfy you now
mountains quake under the power of your desire
pressing back
slowly stretching
slowly filling
need growing with each heartbeat
filling your mind now empty of worldly thoughts
finally there
hidden pleasures released
caressed to arise above the stormy passion
fireworks explode all around and within you
still unfulfilled
still needing more
your body quaking from the aftershocks
each stroke lighting more fires deep inside
body beyond conscious control
second finger joins the first
more shivers of pleasure
you lay beyond reason
beyond this world
beyond even the next
beyond all expectations
pulling them in
swallowing them
hungering for more
soon ready for a third
needing more
thrusting hard and long
it slips inside to join the others
your moan
clenching fingers
precum flowing
soaking sheets
our bodies
our world
firing our need
finally I whisper “you are ready. do you want me?”
wanting beyond reason to be filled
to be taken
to be pleasured deep inside
to feel me slide deep within
firm against your thigh
smoothly gliding over your skin
wet with pleasures
cool liquid
over fingers
over and inside
thrusting back
barely registering reality
far above the word
crying out
sliding in
crashing thunderclouds
pressing deep
rolling thunder of bliss
deep satisfaction
lightning bolts of hunger
slowly taking more
gradually deeper
connecting souls and bodies
flowing back and forth
all entwined
our dancing bodies
our emotions
our thoughts
further and deeper
you press back
allowing your body freedom
to thrust
to pause
to need
finally we rest together
deep inside
furthest in
beyond ecstasy
building need
faster strokes
caressing deep
each pull and push
rubbing hidden places
releasing deep pleasures
more delicious than the finest chocolate
more addictive than the hardest drug
far beyond the daily world
echoing each throbbing wave of pleasure
pulsing through each vein and nerve
each cell dancing to the melody of passion
far above the clouds
higher than before
speed beyond light
time stopping
release from fear
nature’s fury cannot rival
pleasure deeper than the seas
pounding forces of hurricanes
quaking with beyond tectonic forces
tidal waves so tall they caress the moon that calls them
flight of eagles in distant skies
timelessness of wind itself

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msboy8msboy8over 20 years ago
Such a sexy poem

It is such a sexy poem. I felt like I was there. It was the next best thing to actually having you take me with a strap-on Mistress. Thanks for the mental images and the pleasure they brought.

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