750-1000 Word Exhibitionist/Voyeur

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I always wanted my own business but could never think of what kind of business to open, that is, until I thought about writing 750-1,000 word custom stories for people. Once people discover that I'm a writer, they always tell me that I should write their life story. Okay, I will, only it will cost you. Then, they don't mention it again.

I realized a niche in today's business market. In the old days we'd have roving troubadours who would go from town to town telling people stories. Since the advent of the Internet, storytellers have been replaced with binary code of ones and zeroes and high quality digital videos.

I leased a small office between a Photographer's studio and an Artist's studio in my neighborhood. I figured that I'd redecorate it to my liking in between customers. Only, I didn't get a lot of customers that first day that I was in business. Actually, the first month that I was in business, I didn't get any customers until the day, Mr. Brown, the UPS man, darkened my door.

"Hi, can I help you," I asked trying to appear busy.

"I have a package for the photographer next door. Can I leave it with you? They aren't open, yet."

"Sure, no problem," I said accepting the package and signing for it.

"What do you do here," he asked looking around my Spartan office.

"I'm a writer. I write stories."

"I didn't think you'd need office space for that," he said scratching his head. "I'd think that's something you'd do out of your house."

"Yeah, I know," I said with an uncomfortable chuckle. "I write custom stories for people who have a difficult time recording a memory and who want it saved to paper or computer disk to read later."

"Oh, yeah? No kidding," he said looking from me to my computer and back at me again. "So what kind of stories do you write?"

"Every story you can imagine. You must have a story. Everyone has a unique story to tell. What's your story?"

"Oh, boy," he said with a big smile. "I can tell you some stories about some of my customers on my route. You know bored and lonely housewives who'd like a wild romp with the UPS man. I think it may be the uniform," he said looking down at himself.

"Yeah, there's something about those short pants that gets women going," I teased. "Would you like me to write one of your stories for you?"

"Gees, I don't know. How much do you charge?"

"Since you're my first customer, I'll write your story for free, so long as you do me a favor."

"Sure, what must I do?"

"You see a lot of people in your line of work. All you have to do is tell them about me and my business."

"Yeah, sure, okay. I can do that."

"Do you have some time, now?"

"Yeah, it's close enough to lunch. I can take a break."

"Have a seat," I said ushering him into the chair by my desk.

"How do I start?"

"Just think of a story that you'd like to record on paper and on computer disk and start talking."

"Okay, well, there's this one woman on my route, Lola, I mean, Mrs. Simmons. She's always flashing me her body. She's a real tease."

"Well, this sounds like a good story, a bit erotic, but there's nothing wrong with that," I said already typing away and taking the liberty to add some creative writing to his story.

"Anyway, she likes to pretend that she doesn't see me coming. Even though I beep my horn when I pull up to a house to let them know that UPS is here. I mean, I don't want to take all the packages out of the truck if there's no one home."

"Yeah, that would be extra work having to remove them from your truck and put them back inside."

"Well, one day, she was vacuuming naked with the overhead light on and shades up in the living room. No one could see her from the street, but I could as soon as I walked up on the porch. She has a nice body, B cup breasts, brown nipples, and a trimmed patch of pubic hair. She has a few extra pounds around her middle, ass, and thighs, but she's still a good looking woman, especially when she's naked. So, anyway, she made sure that I got an eyeful, two eyefuls, if you know what I mean."

"Does this stuff happen to you a lot?"

"More than you'd know."

"Well, I'm a typical guy and if she gets off showing, I certainly get off looking."

"Most men are voyeur and most women are exhibitionists," I said.

"I mean, she was bending at the waist flashing me pussy shots. Then, she'd turn around a full 180 with her head down while vacuuming giving me great views of her tits and pussy. She always gives me a boner."

"I envy the benefits of your job," I said embellishing his story as I typed.

"Another time, she opened the door while just wearing a loose towel and, when she accepted the package from me, her towel fell. It's obvious she does this stuff by accident on purpose, but it's a fun game we play."

"For the purposes of your story, what does she look like?"

"Oh, she's about 5'5", brown eyes, brown hair, and maybe 130 pounds. She's not thin, but she's not heavy by any means. She has a curvy body."

"Here you go," I said giving him printed copies of his story and a computer CD.

"That's it? You're done already?" He read his story. "I can't believe you wrote all this. Some of this I didn't even tell you. Wow! This is incredible. Thank you. Thank you very much. What's your name," he said extending his hand.

"Freddie, Bostonfictionwriter."

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chytownchytownabout 1 year ago

*****That was short and sweet. Thanks for sharing.

Cassy16Cassy16over 9 years ago
Good read

Read the complete series, lovely crisp short stories.


Tony NZ

gperry2843gperry2843almost 12 years ago
Another fun story.

This series could have gone on forever in all the different categories. I am sorry to reach the end. To your illustrious critics, I guess maybe some of us are more easily amused.

Take care, Erin.

I'm so sorry that I've made you feel ashamed and stupid, Erin. If you weren't so dumb, you'd realize that you lowered the standards of this site when you wrote your first 750-1,000 word story and continued to write 200 more of them. I see you are up to your old habit of bashing my stories and giving me zeroes. I hope you instill better manners in your child than how your parents have taught you. I've never bothered you, yet you still cannot refrain from attacking me and my writing. You have some serious emotional issues to resolve. I hope you will find someone who can help with your mental illness. There is medication that you can take. If you have already been prescribed medication, you really shouldn't stop taking your pills without first seeing your doctor. Take care, Erin. I wish you all the best in finding a cure for your lunacy. Have a nice holiday and thank you for taking the time to vote for my story and showing everyone how crazy you truly are.

PrincessErinPrincessErinalmost 16 years ago

You are really lowering the standards of the site by posting a story with this title. You are also making those people who struggle to write 750 words feel ashamed and stupid.

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