A Child was Born


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"W-who are-"

"Joseph, Mary did not sin," she said in a sweet voice.

Joseph was speechless. Was she a ghost? Her blue eyes stared at him entrancing him. "Who are you?" Joseph finally managed to say the words.

She smiled, melting his heart. "I cannot say who I am. I am just here to tell you that Mary is innocent. She is carrying God's child."

Joseph knew he shouldn't believe her, but he did. Something about the way she spoke made him believe everything. "God's child?"

"Yes. This child is going to be very special. She will need you Joseph. She loves you so much. I know you love her too."

"I do. I love her with all of my heart."

"Go to her. She's done no wrong."

Joseph was about to speak, when the woman slowly disappeared. Joseph reached out for her but felt nothing but softness melting in his hand.

He woke from his dream covered in sweat. "Mary! I have to find Mary!" He said out loud.

* * *

Joseph spent weeks looking for Mary. It wasn't until Miriam heard him asking for her down at the market that he was able to find Mary.

"You are Joseph?" Miriam asked quietly.

Joseph nodded. "Do you know where she is?"

"She is staying with me. She had nowhere to go."

Joseph's heart broke. "Take me to her, please. I need to talk to her."

Miriam nodded and led Joseph back to her house.

Mary was sewing her child some clothes when Miriam walked in the house with Joseph by her side. Mary stopped sowing and stared up at Joseph feeling scared.

"I am here for you Mary. I have come to be with you."

Mary was still in shock. She stayed still thinking it was all a dream. Joseph walked to her and took her sewing materials out of her hands and placed them on the table next to her. He took her by her hands and helped her stand up.

"I love you Mary. I am sorry I did not believe you."

"Joseph!" Mary whimpered throwing her arms around him.

They held each other as if they hadn't seen each other in years. Miriam watched the beautiful display of affection. She knew Mary would be fine.

* * *

"I want to marry you tonight," Joseph said.

"Tonight?" Mary echoed with a big smile on her face.

"Yes. We must marry soon, otherwise people will think that child is not mine."

"You want to marry me, knowing this child is not yours?" Mary asked curiously.

"Yes. I want to share my life with you. I know that child is special Mary. He will be our child."

Mary sighed and planted a kiss on his lips. "I want to be your wife."

"Than you shall be. Tonight after sunset, you will be my wife."

They'd managed to find a rabbi to marry them that evening. Mary wore a long white dress resembling her innocence. It hid her belly well and no one suspected she was carrying a child. Miriam was a witness to their marriage and was more than happy to see Mary smiling again.

"We must tell your father and mother," Joseph stated.

Mary looked frightened. "I understand. They must know."

Miriam overheard their conversation. "If they do not accept you, I hope you know that this will always be your home."

Joseph and Mary both looked at Miriam with adoration. Mary walked and put her arms around her. "You are a good woman Miriam. You will be forgiven."

Miriam cried. "You have been a loyal friend. You showed no resentment towards me. I thank you for that Mary."

Joseph hugged Miriam too. "Thank you for caring about Mary. You can count of us for anything."

"Thank you both." Miriam sobbed. She had made friends. Her life was different now. She would try to change for the better.

* * *

Mary took a deep breath before she and Joseph reach her parent's home. Joseph held on to her hand and they both walked together. Joseph knocked on the door. Mary's mother answered the door. Her eyes widened.

"Mary! What are you doing here? You need to go far away!"

Joseph nodded. "No she does not. This village is her home. She is my wife."

Mary's mother was speechless. Mary's father stepped from behind and eyed Joseph. "You married my daughter? Do you not know she is expecting a child?"

"I do know that. You will never believe her, and her reasons for having this child. Yes, the child is not mine but it will be a very special child. You will see."

"We do not want our daughter killed," Mary's mother said in a shaky voice.

"She will not be killed. She's my wife and the child she is having will be our child."

"Joseph, do you know what you are doing?"

"Yes I do. I hope you know what YOU are doing. Mary is your daughter. If you love her you will believe her. She is pure, she is my angel."

Mary's parents took a look at their daughters little belly and suddenly, they knew she was telling the truth.

* * *

That next night, Mary and Joseph were finally alone in Joseph's house. Mary was not sure what to expect from him. He was her husband now. Things would be so different. The night was warm and the stars outside hung brightly in the heavenly sky.

Mary stared out the window and smiled. "Thank you," she said to God.

Just then, she felt a warm hand touch her arm. Shivers ran down her entire body. She turned and saw her husband standing before her. Joseph touched her face and slowly ran his hand down to her neck and down past her breasts. Mary was wearing only a thin material blue nightgown, which didn't hide her dark nipples.

"I need you Mary," Joseph rasped.

"I need you too."

"Can we be together? I mean in your condition?" Joseph asked rubbing Mary's little belly.

"I believe we can." She smiled.

Joseph didn't say another word. He put his hands on the side of her nightgown and pulled it up. Mary put her arms up giving him full access to getting her nude. She wore nothing under her nightgown. She stood naked before a man for the first time in her life.

Joseph eyed his beautiful wife. He'd never seen anything so mesmerizing like Mary. Her breasts were big, round and so soft. Her nipples were very dark from being pregnant. Even though her belly was swollen, he could still see her soft brown pubes. "I love you so much. My wife, my love."

Mary blushed. "Even like this, you love me?"

"I think I love you even more because of this."

"Be with me Joseph. Take me."

Joseph peeled off his nightshirt and let his pants fall to the floor. He kissed Mary's lips so delicately as if he was afraid she'd break. Mary's breath was warm against his lips and her soft moans were like a sweet melody. Their naked bodies pressed against one another's feeling each other's heat.

"I love you Joseph. I love you," Mary cooed.

"I love you Mary. I never want to be without you." He moved his hands down to her breasts and gently squeezed them making her moan more. He then dipped his head down and put one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking on it gently.

Mary had never known such pleasure. So this is what it was all about? She was glad she had waited. Joseph took turns sucking both nipples and gently biting on them. Her nipples were so sensitive that she felt as if she would explode right then and there. Joseph's hands continued to explore his beautiful wife's body. He felt her soft skin underneath his hands, which got him even more excited. His hands went down to her buttocks and he stopped and stared into her eyes. Mary looked as excited as he felt. She was breathing heavily. Joseph's heart pounded. He moved his hands from her buttocks back up and around to touch her belly. Her rubbed her belly and knelt down to kiss it.

Mary watched his lips place sweet kisses all over her swollen belly. He then slid his tongue around it and stood back up. He kissed her passionately once again and moved his hand down managing to get it between her legs. Mary's eyes widened when she felt her husbands hand touching her most private area. His fingers searched for her opening.

"Oh!" she gasped as his finger slid inside of her.

Joseph kissed her lips softly. "You feel so warm my lovely wife. My one true love."

He began to move his finger in and out of her. Her warm juices coated his finger each time he moved it. She moaned softly closing her brown eyes. Her lips parted as the sweet melody of pleasure filled the room. He slipped another finger inside of her and she whimpered.

"It hurts?" He asked kissing her lips softly.

She opened her eyes slowly and smiled. "It must hurt I suppose. I am about to become a woman. Your woman."

Joseph felt his manhood harden even more. He was ready to turn her into a woman. He'd dreamed of the day he could drown inside of her, love her all night, for the rest of his life. He managed to slide his two fingers in and out slowly getting her ready for him. He'd be gentle with her. She was so delicate, so beautiful. She was his.

Mary reached down and grabbed his hard member. She felt him pulse as her hand wrapped around it. She moved it up and down watching the contentment on his handsome face.

"Better stop my dear. I have to save this for you."

He lifted her up easily and went to lay her down over warm handmade blankets. She stared up at him, her eyes filled with curiosity. She watched her handsome husband holding his stiff member. His eyes pierced at her filled with lust, love, passion all at once. He knelt down in front of her and spread her legs.

"I am yours Joseph, from this day on and for the rest of my life," she chanted sweetly.

Joseph leaned down and kissed her. He was careful not to place his big strong body on top of hers. He didn't want to hurt her in anyway. He rubbed her belly once more and positioned himself between her legs. He moved closer and his hard member searched for her opening. Once he found the treasure, he let himself slide inside of her.

"Uggggghh!" Joseph groaned. She was tight and wet. She felt absolutely heavenly. She was his angel, his everything. He'd never want anyone else. How could he?

Mary shut her eyes tightly. She was trying to get used to the pain. It was not just any pain, it was the most wonderful pain she had ever felt. He leaned over her careful not to lean in all the way. The only thing that separated their bodies from having full contact was her swollen belly.

Joseph dipped his head and sucked her hard nipples as their lovemaking began to progress. He thrust his hips harder getting deep inside of her, the deepest he could go. It wasn't long before he felt a rush of excitement going through all his body. He would explode, and it would be inside of her.

Mary was enjoying herself. Her handsome husband loved her just the way she had always imagined. His strong body glided above her as he continued to push himself in and out of her. His lips were wrapped around her sensitive nipples sucking them, gentle biting them. Mary's body went numb for a moment. She gasped.

Joseph let her nipple escape from his mouth and looked at his wife. She began to tremble underneath him. Her beautiful body was shaking violently. Suddenly, she cried out his name.

"Ooh! Joseph! Joseph! Ummmggghhh!"

Joseph was amazed. Never in his life had he seen anything so beautiful. He leaned down to kiss his wife. Then he exploded. He burst inside of her filling her up with his warmth and love. Mary pulled him closer to her and wrapped her legs around his waist. His hard stomach pressed gently against her belly. They kissed passionately, never wanting that moment to end.

"Joseph, my love! I love you so much!" Mary cooed.

"I love you Mary," Joseph whispered.

He slid out of her and realized they had made a mess. He saw her blood on the blankets. His heart raced. He knew he had made her into a woman.

"You are bleeding. You are a woman Mary."

Mary smiled. "I waited for this day. I cannot tell you how happy I am."

"I waited for this day too." He grabbed her hand and held it in his. "We will be together for life Mary. Just you and me, and our child."

* * *

Once the freezing December month came around, Mary was in no mood to even move. She would lie down all day in front of the fire fighting to keep warm. Joseph would attend to her as much as he could. He didn't mind taking care of her; after all he was her husband.

Then it happened. One night on the December 25th, Mary's child was born. It was not any ordinary birth. Mary felt a sharp pain and called Joseph. Joseph went to her but by the time he reached her a bright light blinded him. He closed his eyes and suddenly heard a baby's cry. Once he managed to open his eyes, he saw Mary holding the most beautiful child he'd ever seen. Mary's eyes watered.

"My son!"

"Our son," Joseph corrected and went to her. He carried the child. The precious child still had his eyes closed but his tiny hand grabbed Joseph's finger. He touched Joseph's heart.

* * *

As the couple took turns carrying the beautiful baby boy, who Mary had already named Jesus, they heard voices outside their home. Mary looked out and saw hundreds of people walking to their house with gifts. The bright light the baby had brought was still burning bright.

The people arrived to their homes and Joseph was the one to answer the door.

"We have come with gifts for your new born child." One man said handing Joseph a handmade quilt.

"Thank you, but how do you know about our child. We have not told anyone."

The man smiled and so did the crowd of people standing behind him. "We saw the light. Your child is special. He's a true blessing and we all got the same message from that beautiful light to welcome him to this earth."

"Yes, it is my son's birthday. It is indeed a very special day. It is his day."

"We all have gifts for your son. We brought food and friends. Let us celebrate with you this special day."

Joseph turned to see his wife holding the infant. She smiled sweetly. "Invite them in."

Everyone was welcomed to Joseph and Mary's home. They all celebrated the birth of this miracle child. From that day on, December 25th became what is known as Christmas. A time to give gifts and be with loved ones, but most importantly it was the birthday of a special child. A child who changed the word.

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bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123about 8 years ago
"A Child Was Born:" - An Adolescent Angelic Maiden, Mary of Nazareth and Her Betrothed Carpenter Intended, Joseph of Nazareth.

This story is a very intelligent and romantic modernizing of the historical Christian Realm version of The Bible, depicting the birth of Jesus The Christ, The Body and Son of God.

'Jessy19' has accomplished a fabulous work in her unique modernization of the Greatest Story Ever Told. It is written, through 'Jessy's' updated version, with total compassion, love and inspiration!

Though rare for any writings of 'jessy19' there is two (2) instances of spell-check and/or edit oversight(s). In the early paragraphs the writing refers to the "vessel" (i.e. bucket, water-skin, container) for carrying water is misspelled, twice. The correct spelling is P-A-I-L, pail. Both times, the misspelled word used indicates an ashen complexion, maybe even a chalky or faded color or complexion. Otherwise.....the story, in every element and literature category, appears to be pure perfection.

This writer, or a more honorable way to describe her is as an Authoress; is one of the very few of my all time, ever, favorite Authors (capitalized purposely)! Her writing is an almost exact duplication of my alter being. an entity of my soul, spirit and feelings come to life. Eerie, yet honorably appreciated and forever beholden to her ordained writing gift from God!

For those readers not aware, "jessy19" can now be found at storiesonline.net, (commonly known as SOL), under the same nom de plume!

Jessy, we implore you to continue the fabulous job and the devotion of a great portion of your life to bringing joy and enlightenment of the English language through your "pen" (aka typewriter) to your beautiful descriptive usage of words to paper, gaining for yourself only, the love, endearment, reading pleasure--and last but not least, of the hundreds if not thousands of reader's masturbation sessions and vivid fantasies--of the millions of your avid readers and fans!!


unicorn64unicorn64almost 11 years ago

I think you did well with this story. Although the bible says an angel talked to Mary and explained it to her. It also said an angel told Joseph not to worry. It says Joseph did not have relations with Mary till Jesus was born but this is still a lovely idea. I like it.

CachCachover 14 years ago
Joseph and Mary

Heretical,irreverent,blasfemous,erotic: beautiful and exciting. I loved it !

Keep on trucking.

AphroditesBelovedAphroditesBelovedover 15 years ago
Very sweet and romantic!

I like the way you told the story of Mary and Joseph! :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Great Portraial

I think that allowing them to make love before the birth shows that Men can love women when they are pregnant or even just overweight.

I like the fact that you showed how tender he was by kissing her pregnant belly and taking care not to hurt her.

Very well writen.

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