A Slight Detour

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College road trip takes a seldom seen sideroad.
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They’d been planning it for weeks, the road trip, a spring break trip across country. The plan had been to take two days to get to California, spend almost a week on the beach, hitting the waves, chasing the babes and getting hammered off their asses before coming back and finishing their senior year of college. Jake, Josh and Jeremy, the Three J’s they were called by their friends. It was their last hooray, one final chance to try and score some major pussy before their college days were over and they had to face the real world without the drunken binge parties they had every weekend at school. The trip had only just begun, and it looked as if they were about to get lucky before they’d even left the Midwest.

They’d driven for four hours and were getting hungry when they had pulled into some small Podunk town that was the first one they’d come to in about fifty miles. The road they were on, following the coarse set up by Josh, was a old two lane highway that seemed to take them through every hill and valley in the state of Kentucky. Problem was there weren’t a lot of fast food places, and even fewer restaurants. The town they’d finally stopped in had one big advantage, a bar and diner.

They’d been in the bar for about thirty minutes, having just gotten their meals, when the door had opened and two beautiful girls had walked in. They looked young, but they also looked hot, and most importantly, they looked at the three J’s. They looked and giggled before turning away and heading over to a booth a few tables away.

The diner had been almost deserted when they had walked in, only two other couples had been eating, and they had both left by now. It was that awkward time when it was too late for dinner, and too early for serious drinking. That at least had seemed the way it was to Jake, just the barmaid/waitress and the three of them had been in here for the past ten minutes. Somewhere in back there must have been a cook, but they’d never seen any sign of him or her. As horny as the three of them were, none of them were desperate enough for the barmaid, she looked about fifty years old, and all used up. Life must have been hard on her, and she hadn’t said more than ten words to them all the while they’d been there. Jake thought she’d scowled even deeper when the two girls walked in, if it were even possible for the creases on her face to get any deeper.

Jake, Josh and Jeremy had almost come to attention when the girls walked in, after all this was a fishing expedition of sorts, and the main fish—female—had just swam into the picture. Josh was the most flirtatious, he’d been smiling and checking out the girls ever since they’d come in.

One of them had short, real-looking; red hair, and was wearing a white halter top, and pink short shorts that hugged the ass at the top of her long, tan legs. Her breasts were stretching a halter top that looked three sizes to small to its capacity and there didn’t seem room for a bra. You could feel the tension in the fabric of the short shorts as she bent down to slide into the booth, they looked as if they’d burst. All of them stared as the normally hidden curve of the ass winked at them seductively.

The other girl was a petite, golden haired blond with deep blue eyes. She was wearing a medium length denim skirt and a white tank top. Her nipples appeared perky, and made you look twice to see if her ample chest was contained by a bra—it didn’t seem to be. While her clothes were not nearly as seductive, or revealing, she was a pleasure to eyes being fed by the old, crevice faced barmaid.

The old lady went over to the girls table almost before they’d sat down. She was talking to them in hushed tones, and once or twice she glanced back at the three J’s and had an immense scowl on her face. The girls for all the good the ladies looks and words were doing, kept looking over at the boys surreptitiously so the lady wouldn’t notice. They kept looking and throwing an occasional smile and flipping their hair. Obviously the old bat was upset about something, and the girls could care less. The girls looked as if they wanted the attention and they were definitely getting it.

Jeremy had gotten up almost as soon as the girls had sat down and gone over to the battered looking jukebox. He was intent on putting on some music, hoping the girls might get up and dance. Jake watched him, wondering what ancient song would come belting out of a juke box that looked as if it still held 45’s.

The old barmaid was leaving the girls now and going back to the bar. As if it were possible, she was frowning even more when she noticed Jeremy at the juke box. As soon as the old lady had turned her back upon the girls they’d shot million dollar smiles at the boys and even waved. Jeremy was still at the jukebox studying the songs, but Josh and Jake smiled and waved back, wondering where this was going.

Jeremy finally put some money in the juke and was heading back to the table, and right behind him was the barmaid with the check. Good thought Jake, they could pay and have an excuse to go and talk to the girls. He personally was beginning to wonder if the thin straps of the halter top on the redhead could be covering up bra straps, or if she had to be without a bra. If she was without a bra he couldn’t imagine how firm her breasts had to be to stand upon her chest so proud.

Just as Jeremy sat down at the table, the barmaid showed up with the bill.

“Here, take this, pay me quickly, and be out of here with you ‘all,” she said in a quick, angry sort of way. “And what ever you’re thinking don’t you dare go and talk to those two girls, their not interested in yours type, and their fathers aren’t folk you want to mess with,” she spat as she slapped the bill on the table and turned away.

“What they hell did you to do to piss her off while I was gone,” Jeremy asked, wondering both what they’d done, and how the barmaid had suddenly found more than a couple of words for them.

“Nothing, we just sat her and watched her having words with the two girls,” said Jake. “She seemed pretty pissed at them, but they were smiling and waving at us,” he continued.

An old Elvis song started to creak out of the worn out speakers on the juke box, and just as soon as it started the bar maid headed towards the machine.

“Elvis,” asked Josh in disbelief.

“Beats me,” said Jeremy,” it was the only thing they had that wasn’t country and was on a 45,” he suggested. “Besides, I think our lady friends kind of like it,” he finished smiling as he nodded his head towards the two girls.

The redhead had gotten up from her seat and started dancing, and she was pulling the blonde up after her, trying to get her to dance with her. The redhead’s ass was definitely to die for, and the shorts left very little to the imagination. When she danced they seemed to almost disappear up the crack of her ass, and you could easily see the awesome curve of her butt fighting to be controlled by the short cut hem. Josh could definitely tell too, that she had no bra on, and her nipples were looking pretty hard.

As for the blond, like Jake had noticed, she was a lot more conservatively dressed, but just as sexy. He could tell for sure she wasn’t wearing a bra, and her breasts looked tantalizing as she moved.

Just as soon as the girls started dancing, the juke-box suddenly went silent. They all turned to look at it, and saw the barmaid holding the plug and shaking her head. She just kept looking meaner.

“Pay your bill and get out, now if you know what’s good for you,” she snarled at them. “Better yet, forget the bill and go, but go now or you’ll regret it,” she finished.

“Oh lighten up Dorothy,” the redhead shouted over, “it’s just a song,” she said as she smiled at the boys. “And I like to dance, especially with cute boys,” she finished as she smiled at Jake, or Josh, or Jeremy, or maybe all three. She started to walk over to them.

The barmaid also started to walk over to them. Jake saw another figure now in the shadows of the kitchen looking out, he couldn’t see enough to tell if it was a man or a woman, but it was there, looking, waiting, maybe thinking about coming out.

The barmaid walked right by the boys and over to the redhead, cutting her off half way from reaching the boys table. Grabbing her by the arm she was speaking in low tones as she spun her around and took her back to her table and not too gently pushed her back into her seat. She said a couple of words to the blond and the blond seemed to pay more attention and nod in agreement to her. Satisfied that she’d said all she could at the moment the Dorothy, the barmaid turned her attention back upon the boys.

“OUT,” she shouted, pointing towards the door,” don’t bother paying and don’t you dare come back in here if you know what’s good for you.” She finished talking to them, her outstretched arm holding steady as it pointed to the door.

“Hey you guys, let’s just go, it’s late and we’re in some Podunk town in the hills, there are plenty of girls in California waiting for us, and at least we don’t have to worry about whether they’re underage,” Jake said as he got up from the table and threw some bills down to pay for the meal.

The girls overheard them talking, and came up to Jake.

“Here,” the redhead said as held up her drivers license, “see what that says, I’m even old enough to drink.” She smiled at him as she said drink while her eyes traveled down his body. “Alcoholic or not,” she winked as she licked her lips.

“Yeah, well,” Jake stuttered as he saw the look of wrath on the barmaids face, “your friend doesn’t look quite as old as you.”

“Yeah, she can’t drink unless I buy, but in another year we can go the bars together and get the guys. Until then I have to try to find a couple of guys for both of us.” The unspoken meaning was easily understood by everyone listening, most of all Dorothy, the barmaid.

“Carl, you want to come out here and show these boys the door, front or back it doesn’t matter to me,” Dorothy said as Jake saw the eyes in the shadow of the kitchen start moving.

Jake had a instant image of a cook with a belly bigger than he was tall, wearing an apron so greasy and disgusting it would make you swear off eating out for years. He figured that image would be coming out of the kitchen in about ten seconds carrying a cleaver that would make him look like a serial killer.

“Jeremy, forget it, we’re getting out of here, this place gives me the creeps, and I’m not going to disappear in the hills of Kentucky just on the slight chance we might get some pussy,” Josh said as he pushed Jeremy towards the door. He also nodded towards the kitchen and Jeremy saw the watcher. It was the unseen watcher that finally shut him up and helped get him out the door.

Just as they were leaving the door, the redhead shouted out.

“Maybe next time we’ll get to dance with you real slow, maybe even horizontally,” she smiled as she said it. Dorothy wasn’t impressed with this comment and slapped her across the face.

Jeremy stopped and made as if to turn around when he heard the slap, but Josh kept pushing him.

“Hey, maybe she’s a relative, or a cousin, or even her sister, who knows, let’s just get out of here, this place is making my penis shrivel up and disappear in fear,” Jake said as they finally made it through the door and to the car.

Jeremy had wanted to stay in the parking lot and wait for them to come out, but that had only lasted about five minutes before Dorothy had stuck her head out the door and pointed them off down the road. Obviously she had some kind of control over the girls, and wasn’t going to let them go until the boys had left.

Jake started up their Honda accord and off they went, heading once again West on the little two lane highway. After a couple of miles they noticed a car coming up fast behind them.

“Hey, maybe it’s the girls, they drove on out to find us,” suggested Jeremy, obviously still wanting to meet them face to face.”

“Yeah, or maybe it’s the local cop and we’ve broken some Podunk law,” said Josh as he noticed the light bar on top of the old fashioned car following them in the mirror. Josh looked at the speedometer and then at Jake, luckily they weren’t speeding, but obviously they’d caught the attention of the local police.

Figures thought Jake, not more than three hundred miles into their journey and they were already getting pulled over by cops for doing nothing wrong. He’d looked at the speedometer when he’d seen the light bar, which was just seconds before Jeremy announced it was a cop. The speedometer said 54 miles, and the speed limit was 55, but you could never know in these parts, the cops might just interpret it differently.

The cop car pulled up close behind them and stayed there. Jake watched his speed and watched the cop in the rearview mirror. He never once saw the cop talk on his radio like he was running their plates; it just seemed as if the cop was following them. They went on like this for about five miles, with the cop just following, everyone waiting for him to decide to make up a reason to pull them over. Finally at an intersection the cop turned right and pulled off the road. They all breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Less than a mile later they say a sign that said Chastity County, thanks for visiting with us, hope to see you again real soon.

“Yeah, come back real soon, I sure got that idea from the people in Chastity county,” said Jeremy. “I think only the girls want to see us again, and I’m not sure that anyone else in the whole dam county could care if a young man ever stopped by.”

“Yeah well, they sure want to protect the imagined chastity of their girls,” said Jake, “not that that redhead looked as if she’d never messed around, hell she looked like she must be the county slut, must be tough getting laid in Chastity,” he finished up, laughing at the joke he’d made.

“Well, we sure won’t be laying anyone in Chastity County anytime soon,” laughed Josh. “Especially not the ones that want it, now Dorothy, she looked like she wanted you pretty bad there, Jeremy,” laughed Josh.

“Dam, you’re mean, she just kept getting uglier and uglier the more we stayed there, she’d rather I be dead that in her bed,” suggested Jeremy, ignoring the jibe Josh had laid on him.

They all settled down, trying to forget about the girls and concentrate on the road ahead.

They’d been driving for about another ten miles when all the sudden a car was speeding up fast on their tail. The head lights looked the same as the cop car and they were wondering if the cop had changed his mind. Jake checked his speed again and saw that he still wasn’t speeding, and he wasn’t about to until they got on a real highway with real cops, in a real part of the country.

The car came up tight on them, flashing it’s lights as it pulled up behind them. Jake looked in the mirror and thought it looked like two girls in the vehicle, it was hard to tell since the sun had faded from the sky almost the minute they’d started out from the diner. The driver behind them just kept flashing their lights and honking now, obviously trying to get their attention.

“Why don’t you just slow down and pull over, we don’t need any trouble from the local hicks, maybe they’ll just pass and leave us alone,” suggested Josh. Jake was thinking the same thing, wondering how many more miles they’d have to drive on this road before finding civilization again. He put his blinker on and slowing down pulling over a bit to encourage them to pass.

They didn’t seem interested in passing, and instead were pulling over behind them. Jake was getting nervous, he didn’t really want to pull over in the middle of nowhere with some strangers in the car behind them. He started to pull back onto the main road, when he noticed the light inside the car behind them go on. It was the two girls from the diner.

“It’s them,” shouted Jake, “looking in the mirror again to confirm it.” They were waving at him, with the interior light on. It looked like the blond was driving, and the redhead was in the passenger seat. Jake looked harder and realized what he was seeing, the redhead had either taken off, or pulled down her top, and was flashing her tits at them. They were big, and her large nipples seemed to hypnotize Jake.

“The redhead’s half naked,” shouted Jake.

Jeremy and Josh turned around quickly at that one, and were more able to enjoy the view without having to drive and look in a mirror. She was pushing her breasts up to them, as if offering them to the boys.

“Holy shit!” shouted Jeremy, “pull over, they want us!” he finished, turning around to Jake, “pull over you idiot, they want to party with us.”

Jake looked at Josh and saw Josh smiling with a big earsplitting grin. Sighing and wondering if the cop was going to show up again, Jake saw a small drive or road coming up and turned on his signal, turning right down a narrow lane, just a small break in the trees and hills.

The girls behind them turned in also, and they both drove about a quarter of a mile down the dirt road, seemingly leading to nowhere, before Jake stopped the car. The girls stopped too, and the redhead hopped out faster than a jackrabbit and was running towards the drivers side door.

“Hey guys, you didn’t think we’d miss the opportunity to party that easy, did you,” she asked as she came up to the vehicle. She’d pulled her halter top back over her breasts, but the way it stretched tight against them, along with the hard erect nipples pushing through the thin fabric left very little to the imagination.

“You like them then, huh,” said the redhead as she notice Jake staring at her breasts, “maybe you’d like to suck on my nipples then,” she suggested as she leaned forward, pulling her top up and pressing her breasts through the window, right into Jake’s face.

Jake might have been a bit worried at the diner, but he wasn’t stupid enough to miss out on a sure thing when it hit him in the head. He opened up his mouth and she pushed her left tit right in, his hand reaching out and grabbing her around the waist as his tongue twirled around her nipple.

“Oh yeah, I knew you guys would have what it takes to make a girl happy,” the redhead said as she started running her hands through Jake’s peppered blond hair. “Penny, come on out and join the party, I think our friends want to make us scream,” she said, yelling at her friend the blonde who was still sitting in the car as if unsure what to do now.

“And you big boy, why don’t you come out of the car and show me what you can do,” the redhead said to Jake as she pulled back and grabbed the drivers door handle, opening the door for him. Jake got out, Josh was already getting out of his door, and Jeremy was moving just as quick, both of them hungry to not be left out.

“Katie, you know we shouldn’t be doing this,” the blonde was saying, still sitting in the car, her head stuck out the window, yelling at the redhead. Penny seemed a bit more conservative than Katie, and she was also still fully dressed. Katie had taken the opportunity to remove her top while Jake was getting out of the car.

“Come on Penny, it’s time we get you laid, besides were not in Chastity county anymore, so anything goes,” Katie said as she grabbed Jake’s hand and pulled him toward the hood of the Accord, pushing him down so he was sitting on the hood. She smiled at Jake as she leaned forward to kiss him, her hand sliding down into his lap.

“Why don’t you two go and help Penny out of the car instead of standing there like two lumps on a mossy log,” Katie said as she started to unzip Jake’s pants. “Women like it when a man opens the door for them, and if you want to get in the little virgins pants you’ve got to either get in the car or get her out,” she finished as she wiggled her hand into the crotch of Jake’s jeans and started to fondle his growing hardness.