Adventures of Cockweasel Ch. 05

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Hrny little goblin' adventure comes to a head.
3.4k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/24/2003
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Cockweasel gulped and turned to see who was approaching them in the alleyway. He had just stolen his rescuer’s sword and sold it for the money to hire a whore, who he had just soundly buggered in a dark alleyway near the docks of the city of Alastriel. Just as he had finished shooting his wad up the whore’s ass and was about to leave a shadow had fallen over him.

When the horny little goblin saw who it was that approached them he almost fainted in dread.

“Master! I..I..didn’t I, um..please I..” he stammered in terror as he dropped to his knees. Before him stood the evil sorceress Valeria the Black. Up until a couple of days ago Cockweasel had been Valeria’s slave, but when she had been knocked out during a spell battle with a demoness, Cockweasel had taken advantage of the unconscious sorceress and raped her. He had fled the tower in fear of what she would do to him when she awakened, and it was during his escape that he had run into the lovely paladin, Lady Gwyneth d’Lambert.

Cockweasel and Gwyneth had fled the sorceress’s tower after Cockweasel had lied and said that he had slain Valeria. The pair had traveled to Alastriel City, slaying Ogres and bandits, saving farmer’s daughters and even meeting some brave centaurs. Now, the object of his nightmares was standing directly in front of him, and she didn’t look in a friendly mood.

Cockweasel barely noticed the whore scamper past them and disappear into the night.

“Hello Cockweasel,” Valeria said to him, her voice low and ominous. Did she know what he had done to her? Was she mad that he had fled?

“H..hi m-Master..I mean Mistress!” he quickly corrected.

“You left me so abruptly,” Valeria said, her voice still soft. “I’m hurt.”

Cockweasel swallowed, he was surprised she hadn’t blown him up with a fireball already, or turned him into a toad, or something worse.

“I..umm..I…” the goblin stammered nervously, he thought he could see his life flashing in front of his eyes.

Valeria reached out and softly patted Cockweasel on the head. “There, there, there,” she said soothingly. “Just relax my little goblin. I’m not angry with you.”

“You’re not?” Cockweasel said in surprise. Now he really didn’t know what to think.

Valeria smiled sweetly. “Of course not Cockweasel my dear,” she said, stroking his leathery green cheek with her soft palm.

Cockweasel swallowed. She was really creeping him out now. Valeria crouched down in front of the goblin so that she could speak eye to eye with him. Cockweasel couldn’t help but glance down at the gaping neckline of her black gown and admire her deep cleavage. He trembled slightly as he remembered the way the sorceress’s large breasts had felt with his face buried between them.

“I understand you are traveled with the paladin Gwyneth now,” Valeria said, one of her fingers playfully toying with the collar of Cockweasel’s fluffy white shirt.

“Yes,” gulped Cockweasel with a nod.

Valeria stroked her hand across the goblin’s chest. “I need you to do me a favor my dear Cockweasel,” she said softly to him, her voice very seductive.

“Of course Master,” said Cockweasel. “Anything.”

Valeria smiled, running a fingertip around Cockweasel’s nipple through his shirt. “I want you to bring the paladin to me.”

Cockweasel’s eye’s widened, “What?” he asked in surprise. He gasped as the lovely sorceress’s hand slipped down lower and then pressed up between his legs, cupping his crotch in her palm.

“There is a clearing the woods just outside of town to the east,” Valeria said as she gave the trembling goblin’s crotch a squeeze. “Tomorrow at noon I want you to bring Gwyneth there. And I want you to take her sword away from her first.”

“You want me to betray her?” Cockweasel asked incredulously. Then he kicked himself, of course she did, she was an evil sorceress after all. But the idea of betraying Gwyneth who had always been so nice to him made the goblin’s stomach turn.

Valeria laughed, still fingering his cock through his pants. Then she gripped his balls tightly. Painfully.

“You will bring the paladin to me, without her weapons at noon!” Valeria snapped as Cockweasel yelped in pain.

Cockweasel swallowed, wincing painfully as she twisted his testicles. “Okay! I’ll do it!” he hurriedly agreed.

Valeria released her grip on his balls and smiled at him. “Good, I knew you were loyal Cockweasel.” The sorceress seductively licked her lips. “And if you do this my dear goblin, you can have my mouth. After all I know you enjoyed it last time.” She added, fighting back a scowl as she remembered waking up in her tower with the taste of the goblin’s cum in her mouth.

Cockweasel’s eyes widened, “you mean…”

Valeria’s smile widened and she nodded very deliberately, “I’ll suck your little cock if you do this for me.”

“Oh boy,” whispered Cockweasel with a gulp as Valeria vanished back into the bustle of the city.

The little goblin took a moment to let his racing heart slow down, and then trudged hurriedly back to the ‘Prancing Zebra’. His mind was racing and as he rushed back his eyes were constantly darting about, expecting Valeria to jump out at him again and peel his skin from his body. Was she really going to suck his penis? Could he betray Gwyneth? Had he really just fucked a whore up the ass? The questions floated around in the goblin’s brain as he made his way back to his room.

When he got there Gwyneth had still not returned so he decided to go to bed. Perhaps the best answer was to make up his mind in the morning, a good night’s sleep would do him a world of good.

Cockweasel awoke late the next morning to the sound of Lady Gwyneth’s voice.

“Cockweasel? Cockweasel? Wake up Cockweasel.”

He sat up with a start, rubbing his blurry eyes. The beautiful paladin was standing over his bed, she was still wearing the long gown he had seen her get changed into yesterday.

“Morning,” he grunted, punctuating the comment with a loud yawn.

“Where’s my sword Cockweasel?” Gwyneth asked him.


“My sword. It’s gone,” she told him, she sounded very worried.

“Oh right,” Cockweasel swallowed, it was now or never. He had to make up his mind. “I had to sell it.”

“Sell it?” Gwyneth frowned. “What for?”

Cockweasel swallowed, all he could think of was that day in the tower, with the sorceress Valeria lying unconscious on the floor as he crouched over her face and pushed his cock into her oh-so-warm mouth. “A poor farmer needed the money to feed his family. He said he could repay the money if we went to his house for lunch today.”

Gwyneth’s frown deepened, the paladin wasn’t quite sure what to say. Sure it was a very good deed on the goblin’s part. But that was her sword. “Did you really have to sell my sword?”

“Sorry. Maybe if we go get the money from the farmer like he said then we can get your sword back,” the goblin suggested.

Gwyneth shrugged. “I guess we don’t have a lot of choice.”

Cockweasel gave her a yellow-toothed grin as he got out of bed. The paladin rolled her eye’s as she noticed that his morning erection was forming a tent in his pants. Was he always horny?

“How far is the farmer’s house?” Gwyneth asked as she followed Cockweasel downstairs and out of the ‘Prancing Zebra’.

“It’s in the woods just to the east of the city,” Cockweasel told her. “Not far.”

Feeling a little naked without her sword Gwyneth followed her companion through the city and out of the east gate. She wanted to be mad at the little creature for selling her sword, but she reminded herself that it was for a good cause, she couldn’t hold that against him.

“What was the farmer’s name?” Gwyneth asked as they entered the small woods to the east of the city.

“Umm..Tom,” Cockweasel replied. He paused just inside the woods. “You lead the way, it’s just ahead from here.” He told her, none to keen to be the recipient of a fireball in the face from Valeria.

“Okay, whatever,” Gwyneth said with a shrug, stepping past the goblin and leading the way into the forest. Cockweasel was certainly acting weird this morning.

The little goblin followed the paladin into the woods, he had a very bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, was he doing the right thing? He barely even noticed the way Gwyneth’s firm ass swayed in her dress as she walked in front of him.

When they reached the clearing near the center of the woods, Cockweasel paused at the edge as Gwyneth continued on blindly.

There was suddenly a loud popping sound and a bright blue light streaked from the opposite edge of the clearing. Gwyneth reached instinctively to her hip where she usually kept her sword but found nothing. The beam of energy struck her in the chest, knocking her off her feet and curling around her body, holding her tight. The sound of laughter filled the woods and Valeria the Black stepped from the shadows, her fingertips crackling with the electric blue remnants of her spell.

“Valeria! I thought you were dead!” Gwyneth said in surprise as she struggled to break free of the magic bonds that held her.

Valeria laughed, “You are powerless to resist my spells without your magic sword. I have you at last Gwyneth d’Lambert.”

“No!” Gwyneth struggled harder against the sizzling blue energy as Valeria strode forward towards her.

“Very good Cockweasel, you have done well,” Valeria said with a smile as she stepped up in front of Gwyneth.

The immobile paladin looked in horror at Cockweasel as she realized she had been betrayed. “Cockweasel? Why?”

The little goblin’s face fell as he saw the immense disappointment on the paladin’s face, he felt sick to the stomach and wished he could go back in time and change his decision.

Valeria just laughed and began a new spell, her soft voice chanting as she weaved a complicated pattern with her fingertips. There was a strange whooshing noise, almost as if all the air were being sucked from the clearing, then there was a bright white light that blinded Cockweasel. He thought he could feel the earth shifting beneath his feet, and when his vision cleared he found he was standing in a very familiar room. Valeria had teleported them back to the Tower of Doom. There was a steel table in the center of the room, upon which lay Lady Gwyneth, her wrists and ankles where held by the same blue energy that had grabbed her back in the woods near Alastriel. Gwyneth was lying motionless and the whole table had a slight red glow to it. This didn’t look good.

“Go and sweep the stairs Cockweasel,” Valeria said with a dismissive wave of her hand as she opened one of her old spellbooks. She was obviously preparing some horrible spell in inflict upon the lovely paladin.

“But…” Cockweasel stammered, his mind racing. He couldn’t leave Gwyneth to this horrible fate. Could he?

Valeria sighed and turned to face the goblin. She put one hand on her hip. “You didn’t really think I’d suck your cock did you worm?” she said with a scornful laugh.

Cockweasel gulped as the sorceress shot him a withering glare. He then turned and fled the room, running downstairs to fetch his broom. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! What had he done? Cockweasel picked up his broom and slowly started to sweep the stairs, working his way upwards as he heard the sound of the sorceress starting to chant.

His hands were shaking as he half-heartedly swept the steps, not really focusing as the chanting from the top room increased.

There was suddenly a pain filled scream from the top of the stairs, Gwyneth was in pain. Cockweasel threw down his broom. “Bugger this!” he said, hurrying back up the stairs and peeking into the room at the top.

He saw that Gwyneth was awake and struggling against her magic bonds. Valeria stood in front of the table, her back towards Cockweasel as she chanted some wicked spell that would probably send the noble paladin into the Abyss.

“It’s now or never,” Cockweasel said softly to himself. “Are you are hero? Or are you just a horny little good for nothing goblin?”

As Cockweasel took a small, rather timid step into the room a massive figure suddenly appeared, standing over Gwyneth’s prone form. Cockweasel stumbled back out of the room in surprise as the figure gave a deep angry growl. The beast had the same red skin as the demoness that Cockweasel had tricked in this very room several days ago, but this demon was much larger and definitely male. The demon stood at least ten feet tall and it’s red body was covered with rippling muscle. The demon had razor sharp blades for hands a spiked tail and a massive gaping jaw lined with rows of jagged yellow teeth.

As the demon appeared, looming over Lady Gwyneth, Valeria’s chanting and spellcasting intensified, the whole tower shaking with the amassing energy.

Cockweasel took a brief moment to re-summon his meager courage and this time he entered the room at a run, charging towards the table where Gwyneth was bound.

The usually brave female paladin let out a scream of pure terror as the demon reached the edge of her table, it’s massive mouth opening and a deafening roar sounding through the tower. Valeria stood on the opposite side of the table from the demon, her casting almost complete as she started to laugh manically, her hands weaving the final gestures required to unless the demon on her petrified enemy.

Calling upon all his might, Cockweasel slammed into the back of Valeria’s legs, shunting her forward against the table. Valeria screamed in surprise as she was flung onto Gwyneth, her spell casting, seconds away from completion, interrupted.

The horrible demon, suddenly released from Valeria’s magic, shot forward, one of his bladed hands shooting out towards the table where the two women lay. The demon’s bladed hands stabbed into Valeria’s back, who was on top, and lifted her up off the table as she screamed in agony. It took a step backwards, raising the pierced sorceress up above it’s head. The demon let out another terrible roar and then bit down on Valeria, it’s already massive jaw stretching out to impossible sizes as it swallowed the screaming sorceress whole.

Cockweasel’s eye’s widened as he watched the demon destroy Valeria, knowing for sure that Gwyneth and him were next. Then his eyes caught sight of the large pentagram scrawled around the outer edge of the large room! Cockweasel knew from his experience with the succubus that the pentagram was the demon’s prison cell. It could not pass the edges!

The goblin reached forward and grabbed Gwyneth by her right arm, yanking her off the table as the demon consumed Valeria and gave another roar. His heart pumping Cockweasel dragged Gwyneth as fast as he could across the room, the demon raising a bloody claw towards the fleeing goblin and human and giving a shout of rage. Cockweasel and Gwyneth were almost to the edge of the room when the demon started to move towards them.

“Oh fuck!” swore Cockweasel, hauling the larger human across the last few feet as quickly as he could. They were almost there!

The demon crossed the dozen feet between them impossibly fast, a single leap placing it within reach of Cockweasel and Gwyneth. As the goblin hurried to drag the paladin through the doorway and out of the room the demon raised it’s hand high, Valeria’s blood still dripping from the end of the blade. Cockweasel gave a scream of terror as the blade plunged down towards Gwyneth! He’d been too slow! The blade plunged down towards Gwyneth’s legs as Cockweasel desperately tugged on the wrist, the goblin himself already outside the room now.

Cockweasel winced but the expected splash of blood and scream from the dazed paladin didn’t come. The demon’s clawed hand stabbed into Gwyneth’s dress, pinning her to the floor of the tower but not piercing her flesh. Cockweasel’s eyes widened and he pulled harder on Gwyneth’s wrist, trying to drag her through the threshold of the room. But the claw in her dress held her still and Cockweasel didn’t have the strength to rip her dress.

Without thinking Cockweasel jumped back into the room and kicked angrily at the demon’s arm. “Let go!” he yelled.

The demon gave a roar, the goblin’s kick not actually doing any damage. It yanked it’s bladed hand free from Gwyneth’s dress and slashed upwards.

Cockweasel gave a high-pitched squeal of pain as the demon’s claw sliced up across the calf of the leg he was kicking the demon with. A flash of pain shot up his leg and he tumbled to one knee, blood pouring from the vicious wound. Cockweasel looked up at the demon, seeing it draw back it’s vicious claw to strike the finishing blow, his miserable life would soon be over. He squeezed his eyes shut in terror, hopefully the Gods would be kind and his heroic death would redeem his lecherous life.

Suddenly Cockweasel felt himself yanked backwards. His eyes snapped open and he saw the demon’s claw slice the air a fraction of an inch in front of his eyes and he was pulled backwards out of the room. The demon lunged at them again as Gwyneth pulled him the final foot out of the room. The demon suddenly stopped as if striking and invisible wall and staggered backwards, roaring in rage.

Huddled at the top of the stairwell, both weak from their wounds, Gwyneth hugged Cockweasel against her bosom. “You saved my life!” she breathed gratefully, holding him tight. His body shaking with fear and adrenaline, Cockweasel passed out.

Several hours later, Cockweasel awoke to find himself lying back in the bed at the ‘Prancing Zebra’, Lady Gwyneth sitting at his side holding his hand in hers.

“How are you feeling?” she asked tenderly as she saw him awaken. She reached out and stroked his cheek with one soft hand.

Cockweasel blinked, a little dazed and overwhelmed by all that had happened that day. He glanced down at his leg, which was now just a dull ache and saw it was bandaged up, sticking out of the edge of the blanket. The demon had obviously not been just a dream. “Umm..better now,” Cockweasel said at last.

Gwyneth smiled down warmly at the goblin. “You were very brave Cockweasel. You save my life you know?”

Cockweasel nodded.

Gwyneth’s smile widened. “You’re a hero Cockweasel,” she said. “You double crossed the wicked sorceress Valeria the Black and she will do evil no more. For a while there I doubted you, but I was wrong. You should be rewarded Cockweasel!”

Cockweasel shrugged, “I don’t know about that,” he said, for once humble. His actions in the tower had given him somewhat of a new outlook on life. Perhaps he was a changed goblin?

“No, I insist,” Gwyneth pressed. “Anything you want is yours.”

Cockweasel blushed a little and shrugged, not really sure what to ask for.

Gwyneth smiled affectionately down at him again. “What was it that Valeria had promised you for going back to her?” the paladin asked. “Whatever it is I will give it to you.”

Cockweasel hesitated a moment. And then grinned. Perhaps he wasn’t such a changed goblin after all. “She um..are you sure?”


“Well, Valeria said that she would suck my penis,” he said with all honesty.

Gwyneth’s eyes widened a little, “Oh!” she said in surprise. “Well I.. ah.. that is,” she bit her lip and paused a moment. “Very well,” the paladin said at last as she pulled the blanket off Cockweasel, he was naked beneath.

Cockweasel grinned evilly at gave a satisfied sigh as the beautiful blonde paladin leant over in her chair and lifted Cockweasel’s green cock to her lips. He gave a louder moan as she sucked his soft cock into her warm mouth and started to suckle on him. “Oh yes!” he breathed, reaching down and running his fingers through her soft golden hair as he felt himself starting to stiffed under the ministrations of her delightful tongue. “This is the life,” the horny little goblin sighed as Gwyneth’s head bobbing up and down over his lap.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I didn't like that Valeria died just like that at the hands of the demon without the nasty little Goblin having his way with her at least once more. I think this antagonistic character was wasted unfortunately.

Part of the erotic comes from the fact, that the arrogant evil sorceress bossed Cockweasel around all the time. Hence Cockweasel managing to turn the tables and dominating her would have been very much erotic. I guess most readers hoped, that at some point Valeria will be put in a submissive position unwillingly. Unfortunately it never happened and the character simply died. A big wasted opportunity in my eyes...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

hey, this was very good! I want more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Good story

I really enjoyed reading about Cockweasel, I hope he returns one day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
love it

great story-telling and humor

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
left out

I have read ur whole series and left something to be desired although great over all no doubt there was not alot of sex for a 5 story series rate 4 stars

rorschach81rorschach81almost 12 years ago

OK, we need more of Cockweasel's adventures.

LeomannLeomannover 14 years ago
Great end to a great series.

Cockweasel is easily one of my favorite characters ever, and possibly the only horny, anti-ish-heroic goblin I know of. How you managed to simultaneously make the story incredibly hot and yet make well fleshed out characters is truly astounding. The again, its hardly a mystery, after all this was written by the most awe inspiring writer on the site, and perhaps in the entire world of erotic literature. I salute you.

sfaigonsfaigonabout 15 years ago
One of the best reads ever

I think that this story was more believable than your Agent Hooters and Agent Slut stories on Literotica. I absolutely loved this!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I really thought this was an excellent story. It's one of my favotite re-reads. I'd like to see more Gwyneth. And some Valeria the Black too. Your story rocked!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Very good.

Y'know, I'm making an adult game about goblins, and this has really been an inspiration- My only complaint is that he only got to 'do' one girl; Should have raped the sorceress, first. She had it coming. Please keep writing- Hope the little goblin gets lucky with the paladin soon! For a sample of the game, contact me at

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