AH Fantasies Ch. 12

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MrsDeathlynx finally gets a chance to experiment.
5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/14/2007
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Chapter 12; The "Picnic"

Late night; the best time of the day for a visit to FallingtoFly's 'Place in the Middle of Nowhere.' Deathlynx and MrsDeathLynx had wandered in. As usual, Deathlynx couldn't help himself, between bouts of discussing video games or classic cartoons with Trombonus, he bounded around the room pouncing and snuggling with the various women who found there way into the well furnished home. MrsDL rolled her eyes and shook her head at his antics. Blackrose was there, so the two fretfully schemed about forthcoming weddings.

Slyc_Willie was flirting with the women all around and receiving high praise for his skills. Kiten69 seemed to be in a strangely somber yet excited mood. The somber side was understandable, as S_Des was away for a few days, but that only made the excitement more remarkable. Everyone simply put it off to her perpetually bubbly personality.

The place was even busier than normal this night. In addition to the usual suspects, RedHairedandFriendly and CrimsonMaiden had decided to stop by for a visit. The two were busy making new friends. They had already met Scriptordelecto, Starrkers and MagicaPractica in other threads, but Ungenderless didn't get out much and was delighted to talk to them. Of course, there were always people joining in the nearly constant party, and LipsofanAngel was there to greet them with a friendly smile. After all, when you're in the middle of nowhere, there are no neighbors to be upset by late night parties or, sometimes, orgies.

SelenaKittyn wandered in and was warmly greeted by all. That was the signal that many in the room had waited patiently for. A single glance passed from FtF to Skip. Like many of the others, her knight in shining armor was in on the plan. It was his job to distract everyone who wasn't in on the scheme. Skip sent his page, Harv, to jump on the table. With all heads turned, FtF slipped behind MrsDL and whispered in her ear. "We should go for a ride."

MrsDL's face lit up at the suggestion and she hurried out after FtF. Deathlynx, ever the victim of his attention deficit disorder, couldn't help but notice his wife's disappearance and he slipped out after her. The two were easy to spot as they headed towards the stables. Lynx grinned as he transformed into his large feline form and pranced off. He couldn't help but think of the mischief he could cause the two.

As he approached the stables, he realized he should transform back. It wouldn't do to spook the horses. MrsDL had been bucked a long time before. The event had left her badly bruised and he hoped it hadn't effected her more permanently. As always the shift was easy, and in his typical black outfit, sticking to the shadows, and out of sight, was simplicity itself. He watched as his wife fed and patted the calm horses.

There was a noise behind him. Lynx turned around and barely managed to slip deeper into the shadows as Selena, Ungie and Kiten slipped around the corner. The three laughed and joked as they wandered over to the stables. MrsDL and FtF looked up and smiled as the group approached. Deathlynx grinned to see so many beautiful women in one place.

The grin faded as his world went black. The noise of his collapse and his sudden appearance, as he fell out of the shadows, caused the group of women to turn in surprise. MrsDL's eyes narrowed. She wondered what her precocious hubby was up to. Then Crim and Red stepped into view behind his unconscious form, followed by a giggling Magica.

Red took the lead in explanations. "You know, you really should be a little more careful when executing a plan. He is a sneaky bugger, so I can understand how he'd go unnoticed, but we thought we would lend a hand."

FtF was suspicious of how the three redheads knew of her plans, but accepted the unexpected aid nonetheless. She smiled warmly and nodded at the newcomers. MrsDL's suspicions quickly shifted from her husband to her hostess. She tried to discreetly back away, only to find her way blocked by Ungie. She shuddered as the tall woman slipped a hand around her waist and another onto her hip. It had often been joked that MrsDL was a closet bi, but she had never experimented. Ungie leaned forward to kiss her ear, a simple explanation of FtF's mysterious plan.

"So, what do we do with him?" Kiten's question was valid. In his feline form, he could very easily track the group, no matter where they moved.

"We can watch him for you!" FtF stared dubiously at Magica's very quick response. It didn't help that Crim and Red agreed just as quickly.

FtF turned to the group with her, the ones in on the original plan. "Kiten, do you think you could tie him up with some of the more effective knots Des has taught you?" The young woman grinned and nodded. FtF laughed and tossed her some rope. "Selena, can you stay and keep an eye on them?All of them?" Selena smirked but nodded her acceptance. She had originally only been intended as a lookout anyway, so keeping her here wouldn't spoil the plan any.

FtF sauntered over to MrsDL. She brushed a stray, light brown, loch from the captive's blue eyes and smiled gently. "Don't worry hun, we won't hurt him, or you for that matter. We just don't think this is an experience for witnesses. Maybe someday he'll be able to handle it, but not tonight." She ended with a suggestive purr. Her hand dropped to run a thumb lightly over MrsDL's nipple and received a shudder of pleasure in response.

Emboldened by the reaction, Ungie shifted the hand on her captive's hip to slide between her legs and begin a massage. She tightened her grip around MrsDL's waist, as the smaller woman nearly collapsed, bonelessly, with desire. Fire sparked within the inexperienced woman with only the slight pressure being rubbed through her clothes.

FtF turned back to see Kiten put the finishing touches on her knots. She nodded to Selena and turned to the stables. She led the three saddled horses out and helped the others mount. She took MrsDL's hand and helped her into the specially designed saddle in front of her. As the two most experienced riders, she anticipated an easy time of it, but knew MrsDL was in for more than she realized, even on the quick trail ride. MrsDL tried to shift in the unfamiliar saddle. FtF grinned. She knew the source of the mild discomfort and held the younger woman steadily in place.

With a command the horses set off. As they passed the prone form, and his guards, Kiten glanced down. "Is it really the best idea to leave him with the redheads?"

Ungie quickly jumped to their defense. "Hey! I resemble that remark."

FtF merely laughed. "Selena will keep them in line." Kiten and Ungie turned on the high powered flashlights to light their way, while FtF kept a steady grip on MrsDL.

The horses ambled on at a steady pace, and MrsDL began to squirm. She realized the saddle was a unique design in more than its capacity for dual riders. As the horse shifted, in its slow gate, a slight protrusion in the saddle began to rub back and forth between her legs. She bit her lower lip as pressure began to grow between her hips. As the nub plagued her clit, warmth began to spread. If there had been any doubts as to FtF's plan they dissolved beneath the weight of MrsDL's need, as it grew.

MrsDL gripped the saddle heavily. The slow progression of the small group extended her torment. Not only did it lengthen the time that she was exposed to the subtle torture, but it kept the manipulation of her tender mound slow. The maddening pace was just enough to fan the barely sparked embers of desire, but nowhere near enough to bring her anywhere near release. By the time FtF signaled a stop, MrsDL's heart raced.

Every nerve of her body screamed in harmony with her inflamed clit. The light wind whipped across her body, caught at her light, loose, clothing to taunt her excited flesh. Every brush of the soft fabric sent a tendril straight to her loins. FtF repressed a smile as she jumped from the saddle. Ungie and Kiten followed her example, if less expertly, no less quickly. MrsDL had more difficulty as her limbs quivered with the well honed lust.

FtF surveyed the area, as if the spot were new to her. In truth, it had been meticulously chosen with concession to MrsDL's allergy to grass. "I think this would be a good spot for our picnic." She took the leads for the horses and carefully tied them to one side, in a section they could graze in.

Kiten slid, unnoticed, behind MrsDL. The height difference allowed her to rest her cheek against the back of the other woman's neck as her hands slid around the lithe body. One arm slipped beneath the shapely breasts to tweak a tender nipple. The other hand found the waist of her pants and slid beneath.

"Our picnic? Nice euphemism," Ungie said with a grin. "It sounds good, but you know it's not necessary. We all know why we're here." The tall redhead continued to lay out the blanket, slightly jealous that Kiten got to tease the inexperienced woman, while she set the scene. She contented herself with the knowledge that there would be plenty of fun to go around. As she lit the candles, she wondered what fun might be had with such unusual tools at their disposal. Finally, she decided there would be time for such things at a later date. For now, they would need what little light the candles provided.

A soft moan escaped the willing captive as Kiten's hand slid downward, between the cotton pants and tight panties. The taller brunette's knees buckled. Her body screamed for more. Ungie scurried over to catch the two women and help them onto the carefully positioned blanket. Beneath was a bed of leaves to cushion their bodies, with all signs of twigs removed.

Kiten, an arm still trapped beneath her 'captive,'refused to stop the slow circle of her finger around MrsDL's engorged lust. MrsDL continued to moan, which inspired Ungie to help her from her shirt. MrsDL's arms raised willingly and the lightweight shirt flew at random. Ungie leaned over and took a large areola into her mouth. MrsDL's moans turned into soft screams. She silenced herself by biting the corseted breast that hovered above her. Ungie paused with a moan, but quickly returned to her own delectable treat.

"Hey! You weren't supposed to start without me!" Kiten and Ungie paused to turn and look at FtF. Now freed of her inhibitions, MrsDL wanted nothing to do with delays. Her hips shifted to grind her hot clit against Kiten's hand. Her own hands began to work the straps that held the corset closed.

FtF shoed Kiten aside and directed Kiten to strip MrsDL's pants. In moments the light clothing was gone and the thong quickly followed. Meanwhile, MrsDL managed to unlace the corset enough to tug it out of the way. She practically ripped the light weight shirt beneath in an effort to pull it up. Her mouth closed, on Ungie's lovely breast, to silence her growl of frustration. MrsDL's body complained with every second of neglect, as the cool air taunted her.

The breast slipped from her mouth, as Ungie shifted to one side. Ungie's own lips only released the captive nipple long enough for the maneuver. Kiten mirrored the much taller woman's pose. The two pressed against either side of MrsDL to keep her from squirming too much. Ungie continued to suck on the luscious, pert, nipple, while Kiten chose to lightly torment the other with caresses and soft pinches. They had heard the woman's husband brag about how much she writhed during her pleasure and wanted the most out of her first time with another woman between her legs. As skilled as Deathlynx might claim to be, he could not match their knowledge of a woman's body.

Then FtF's tongue darted out for an exploratory taste of her guest's sweet cream. She barely brushed MrsDL's nether lips, but the oversensitive flesh caused the woman to buck heavily. Her hips pushed forward, towards the mouth that had teased her. FtF smiled and bent to her ministrations with abandon. Her tongue flicked and swirled. She dragged across the engorged clit while the tip of her tongue raked the tender bottom of the inflamed mound. Her chin dug into the sensitive flesh between her current objective and the depths from which the nectar flowed.

MrsDL screamed in delight. The chin that assaulted her moved in time with the tongue and her body began to shake as the pressure and inferno built to a fevered level. Ungie nipped lightly at the nipple beneath her care. Like lightning, MrsDL's arms snaked free of the women to either side. One arm wrapped around Ungie, to press her head more firmly to the breast in appreciation. The other hand quickly found one of Kiten's lightly protected breasts and immediately began her own massage. Her attempts as teasing were hampered by the combination of her own inexperience and lack of muscle control. Her body sent random signals, almost constantly, that shot from the ecstatic agony between her legs. The intent meant almost more than the actions themselves, and the two other women began to moan softly in appreciation.

That was more than the woman could bear. The moment the sounds of a woman's pleasure ~other than her own~ broke through the clearing, her body gave in. MrsDL's hands gripped carefully, but powerfully, as her body arched. FtF grabbed at the hips before her and held her, if not immobile, at least manageable. MrsDL's body began to rock back and forth against the ground as wave after wave of orgasm crested across her shattered mind.

Ungie could no longer concentrate on the nipple, but it seemed her captive was beyond notice of the slight catalyst. She watched and felt the beautiful woman writhe in ecstasy. Warmth flared in her loins as the first scream of true euphoria burst from the pink lips. As the pressure began to build, Ungie was almost surprised to find her hand had slipped her skirt past her hips so she could ready herself for what promised to be a very fulfilling night.

Kiten was similarly occupied with preparations, except instead of her own hand, she slid a leg to either side of MrsDL's. As the woman bucked and squirmed, in her continued orgasm, Kiten rolled her hips forward so that the erratic and powerful muscles would press constantly against her own lust. Forward and back she shifted, to add to the taller woman's motion and bring herself closer.

By the time FtF lifted her head, with a grin, the other two women shook slightly with building need. MrsDL collapsed bonelessly onto the blanket. Ungie and Kiten glanced at each other, then at FtF. The question was clear, 'what next?' FtF pondered for a moment the best turn. Bringing the woman to orgasm had built her own need, but obviously not to the levels that Kiten and Ungie had brought themselves already.

FtF made a quick decision and slid behind Kiten. As one arm wrapped under the brunette's head and across her chest, a rumble arose from Kiten. When the second hand slid across her hip, beneath the waist of her pants and between her legs, she relaxed back into FtF's embrace.

"I think," FtF began, "it's time to see if she's picked up any of that tongue skill that her hubby's always bragging about."

Ungie grinned, Kiten smiled languidly, and MrsDL's head lolled to look at the blond, the obvious mistress of the night's activities. "I don't know, it tends to be a little hard to concentrate when that tongue gets going. But I'm more than willing to see what I can do." MrsDL's grin was feral, as her eyes locked with FtF's.

FtF smiled back. A finger slipped beneath the slight underwear that protected Kiten and redoubled its efforts. Kiten's resulting moan told MrsDL that FtF had other priorities at the moment. A nod reminded the, still relatively inexperienced, woman that Ungie remained free of obligation. Ungie, much farther along than even Kiten due to the use of her fingers, thought she was ready for the novice. The determined eyes that turned her way startled her. The hungry grin that spread across MrsDL's lips was nearly frightening in its intensity. The redhead's hips burned to see that expression directed at her.

MrsDL lunged. With surprise on her side, the smaller woman managed to topple Ungie onto her back and stun her long enough to strip the skirt free entirely. Even as Ungie tried to come to terms with the new situation, MrsDL gripped her powerful thighs and tugged. Her legs spread as she felt her knees pushed aside by the smaller woman's shoulders. Finally, her butt relaxed back onto the blanket. Then, her body tensed for another reason, as MrsDL's lips plucked at her waiting bud.

One of FtF's legs slid over Kiten, as the two spooned. With only a slight shift, Kiten was rolled backwards a little. But more important to FtF's intentions was the fact that her legs spread to take the weight of the new position more evenly. FtF's palm ground and circled against Kiten's pulsing clit. FtF's middle and ring fingers found their objective, the sopping heat of Kiten's need, and drove in. Kiten screamed in delight at the intrusion.

The scream inspired MrsDL, who had already lost herself to the fog of lust that the orgy readily created in her mind. Her mouth opened wide, as she had felt her husband's do countless times before, and her jaws pressed against the tender flesh above and below her victim's clit. As she lay on her stomach, she found it easy to throw much of her feeble weight into the maneuver. Only her own lips protected her prey from her sharp teeth. Ungie moaned in appreciation of the added pressure.

MrsDL cut the moan short as her tongue drove into the inflamed lust. Back and forth, she ground the sensitive mound into the woman's willing flesh. The moan resumed louder and more insistent. MrsDL suddenly remembered she had an advantage that her husband refused. Her lips tightened against Ungie's skin, in a grin, as the hard, ceramic, ball of her tongue stud traced the hidden base of Ungie's fiery mound. Ungie screamed.

The fingers spread apart as they buried themselves inside Kiten. Her muscles tried to clench against the blessed intrusion and draw it deeper still, but the resistence only further excited her. The fingers began to withdraw and rode across the hypersensitive nerves. Her body washed the fingers with lubrication, secure in the knowledge that they would plunge deep again. With equal surety, the fingers dove even more heavily and spread even wider. Kiten whimpered as her depths surrendered everything to the invaders.

Ungie reached out, but found nothing to grab. For a brief moment, she thought to clutch the back of her tormentor's head and mash it against her loins, but her submissive nature overcame the thought. Her hands clung uselessly to the blanket beneath her. The feeble grip offered no release, no escape from the mounting sensations. She screamed when she felt the mouth close slightly and press with as much force as Ungie wished to demand only second before. Then the jaws began to work open and closed, as if chewing her groin. The image, along with the knowledge that the woman feasted so willingly, overcame Ungie.

A third finger had joined in Kiten's torment, but this one hadn't entered her. As FtF's palm trailed circles over the engorged pearl, and two of her fingers thrust in and out of the hot depths, her pinky began to drag across even more tender skin. She felt the tight muscles begin to grow moist, as the brunette's body realized there was potential for even more delirium. She continued to circle and impale. With each pass her finger trailed over the puckered flesh. Finally, she felt it relax. With her next cycle, three fingers drove into Kiten at once and she screamed in ecstasy.

Ungie's hips shuddered against MrsDL's mouth. Despite the constant, breathless, moans that issued from the redhead, MrsDL knew she wasn't finished yet. A knee shifted in order to give her more balance and manage her weight, as she brought her hand between her captive's legs. She had to shift around to keep her elbow from catching her breast, but finally she found a comfortable position. Her finger pierced Ungenderless deeply.