Ami Ch. 03

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Ami wondered how she would tell William about Gopal.
4.4k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 02/07/2007
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That morning Ami awoke in Gopal's arms, she wiped the sleep from her eyes and purred while remembering the events of last night. She turned her head and looked at him while he was sleeping. Gopal had a delightful sexy smile on his face, was he thinking about what happened? Ami shivered. Oh, even while slumbering, Gopal's magnetism radiated toward her, setting her skin burning with desire.

Ami's hands began trembling, the mounds of her breasts started swelling, her nipples hardened, and she felt the juices of her pussy oozing down her legs. Oh God, Ami wanted Gopal to be awake and ravishing every inch of her body. However, Ami wanted to make Gopal's last day with her very special.

After a bit of thinking, she let out a soft moan as a devilish grin crossed her face. "It's time to give Gopal my version of a wake up call."

Ami slid out from under Gopal's arms and pulled back the sheets carefully, because she did not want him awake just yet. She paused, admiring Gopal's naked form. Ami moved quietly up to his face and kissed his lips gently. When she noticed he was dreaming, Ami scooted downward until her face and lips were close to his flaccid cock.

"Mmmm," its musky aroma was tantalizing.

Ami wanted to spread her legs and masturbate until she exploded in an earth-shattering climax. But she decided against it because she was never quiet when climaxing.

Refocusing her attentions on Gopal, Ami grasped his cock gently, licking around its tip and down the shaft as if it were an all day sucker. "Mmmm," she murmured. Ami glanced up as she sucked watching for some reaction. Surely her actions would cause him to stir. Gopal's eyes were closed and the rhythmic movement of his chest assured her that he was still asleep.

Ami loved the suspense, everything she was doing made her clit palpate and her nipples beg to be sucked. Oh God, she loved the feeling of a rigid member sliding in and out of her mouth. Sweat formed on Ami's brow and her body began shuddering uncontrollably. Ami increased the pressure and tempo of her actions. As she sucked Gopal's cock as the fingers of her other hand began massaging his balls lightly.

Ami almost jumped out of her skin and fell off the bed when Gopal moaned "Mmm."

She flashed him a seductive look and smirked. "I think it's time I wake up prince charming!" She desperately needed to have his fingers, mouth and cock all over her pulsating pussy. So Ami began sucking him more vigorously. She felt him move; this time when she looked up, he was wide awake.

Gopal was smiling like the cat that just ate the canary. "Oh my sweet love, what a delicious way to wake up! May I have some pussy pie for breakfast?"

Ami moaned, stopped sucking Gopal's cock and gave him one of her steamy "let's fuck" looks. "Yessss, eat my pussy. Oh honey, you're making it hard for me to want to go home today."

Gopal responded, "If I could find a way to keep you all to myself I would. But we both know that you have a loving husband at home. Ami just think of what you can share with William about the Kama Sutra. Don't worry about me, the memories of my time spent here with you will be enough to last me a life time. "

Ami giggled and her eyes lit up. "You know, I bet William already has a list of things to look up in the book and try as soon as I am home."

She turned her body around and spread her legs giving Gopal full access to her steamy pussy. She then licked her lips and resumed enticing his cock and balls.

Gopal enthusiastically Gopal dove into Ami's pussy and began licking it like a puppy eating its last meal. His slithering tongue flicked down the drenched flesh of Ami's slit and encircled her clit as his finger probed the inner folds of her vagina.

Ami's whole body was electrified with more sparks than a Fourth of July fireworks display. She stopped sucking his cock and with a bubbling voice shrieked, "Ooooh fuck Gopal, don't stop now."

His mouth enticed every inch of her pussy and ass, savoring its tangy sweet flavor. He moved and began probing her vagina with his tongue, receiving a gush of fluid. As he continued lapping at her hole, his fingers began briskly rubbing her clit.

Ami arched her back and showered his face with an earth-shattering climax. She then told herself, "My turn now," resuming sucking Gopal's cock with gusto, feeling its vein pulsate against the insides of her mouth. Ami felt him go rigid and knew he would cum soon. She stopped sucking and grabbed the base of his shaft and squeezed to prevent ejaculation. Afterwards she watched him for a moment before reaching down took hold of her left nipple and begin pinching and rolling it between her fingers.

Gopal quivered from head to toe and looked at Ami. "Suck my dick baby, make me cum!"

Ami's bubbly voice shrieked loud enough to shatter the windows. "God, I love it when you talk dirty!" Ami turned her attention to Gopal and deep throated him hard.

Gopal reached down and ran his fingers through Ami's hair and began fucking her mouth hard. All of a sudden he pushed her head against his pelvis, exploding spurts of cum down Ami's throat.

When his climax subsided, Gopal pulled Ami into his arms. "I love you Ami."

Ami responded "I know you do, but remember this is just hot sex. My heart belongs to William."

After a few minutes Gopal spoke with a quivering voice. "I must not be blinded by my feeling for you, because in my heart I know you're right Ami. We did have some great sex didn't we baby? I'll miss you Ami."

Ami knew that in her heart she truly had found a friend while in India. She felt tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Gopal, I'll miss you too. The time we have spent together will be etched in my memory. One day in the future, Gopal you'll marry and make some woman a wonderful husband. I hope you write to me often and I'll want to know how you are doing."

Ami shrugged her shoulder and looked down feeling awkward. "All I ask right now is that you keep what has happened between us a secret. I want to be the one telling William about what happened here. I know he'll understand that this was just sex."

Gopal agreed. "Is there anything I can do for you Ami before you leave?"

"Gopal, I'd be honored if you drove me to the airport and stayed with me until I board the jet."

Gopal told Ami that he would and then got dressed and left the room. He wanted to shower and change before taking Ami to the terminal.

When alone Ami sat quietly on the bed shrugging her shoulders. She felt torn between her commitment to her husband and desire for Gopal. After a while he love for William overruled her lust. Ami showered, dressed and began packing for the trip home. She then walked through the room giving it a last minute check to make sure she did not forget anything. Ami placed her luggage by the door and waited for Gopal.

Gopal sat on the bed, put his face in his hands and sobbed, letting all the emotions he was feeling out. How could someone so breathtakingly beautiful come into his life and just walk away? Gopal knew he should not be smitten with Ami because she was married. He couldn't help the sensations between Ami and him; a steamy passion fueled their sexual liaison. Ami had shown Gopal things that men his age didn't even know about. He reflected on things. Would he be able to love again without Ami clouding his judgment? Only time would give him the answer.

He got cleaned up, walked to her room and knocked.

Ami greeted him with a sad puppy dog look while thinking. God she hated good-byes. Nothing was said between them as Gopal picked up her luggage and took her to the airport.

After checking in and sitting down Ami turned to him and took his hand to comfort him. "You know, this is not really good-bye to me, because no distance between us can ruin our friendship."

Gopal leaned over and kissed Ami's hand. "I'll write you Ami and let you know what is happening in my life. I'm sure we can remain friends as you have shown me that age, culture, and continents do not affect a person's feeling for someone else. I am flattered to call you my friend."

Ami heard the call for her flight. She got up and hugged Gopal before walking away. Her face remained hidden so that he could not see her tears.

Gopal wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said nothing to Ami as he knew she was crying. He stood at the window until her jet was out of sight.

As the plane took flight Ami sat there with a million thoughts running through her mind. She knew that William and she could talk about anything. But still she worried if her tryst in India hurt him.

Ami smirked as she imagined what William might say. "Ami, I completely understand. Now, tell me everything and don't leave out any graphic details."

When the pilot announced that they could unfasten their seatbelts and use their cell phones, Ami put the earpiece in her ear and dialed the number, biting her lips while anxiously waiting to hear William's voice.

Ami thought at first he was gone, but on the fourth ring he answered. "Hello Doll. How's the flight home going?"

"Hello sugar. It's just departed from Delhi about thirty minutes ago and I still have a long way to go. Oh God, I have missed you! I should be home around 10 a.m. on United Airlines flight 637. How did your trip to Nashville go?"

"My meeting was fine. Oh God, I missed having you lying next to me every night. I'll be glad when I can hold you and make love to you again." Then Ami heard him chuckling, "How'd you like the book?"

She blushed, then whispered "My toy and I loved it! Now, will you please change the subject? I'm getting more turned on than I'd like to be here."

"Ok, I won't ask anymore until you're home. See you when you get here. I love you. Good-bye."

"I love you too darling. Goodbye."

Ami's flight landed without delay and she slowly cleared customs. While moving down the motorized walkway to the public area Ami saw William searching left and right for her.

When she caught William's eyes Ami waved. She took a deep breath to keep from showing her emotions.

William almost ran to Ami, picking her up, swinging her around, and kissing her hard. He noticed that she had a certain glow and a sparkle in her eyes and wondered if she did anything special while in India. After all, Ami was a very sexy woman, and he had given her an erotic book. William almost asked Ami about things, but decided to wait until they got home.

William kissed Ami again, tenderly and let his heart entwine with hers. His eyes lit up as they met hers and William exclaimed "Hello darling, welcome home! Wow, you look ravishing. The trip must have done wonders for you."

Ami looked deep into William's eyes and wondered if that was love or one of his "Okay, what happened?" glances. "I'm glad to be home, dear. India is nice to visit, but I prefer to be here in the USA. I'm tired and hungry and if you don't mind waiting, I'll tell you about my trip after dinner. Okay?"

William picked up Ami's suitcases and led her to the car. He continued talking along the way. "I took the pleasure in ordering a gourmet dinner tonight so that you can relax and not have to cook. When you are ready we can talk." William helped Ami into the car, stowed the luggage in the trunk and headed home.

When they got home Ami got out and unlocked the front door as William took care of the luggage. Once inside, she kicked off her shoes. "Oooooh it's so good to be home. Mmm, something smells good."

He told her to go wash up as Chef William put the finishing touches on the dinner. Ami did as instructed, afterwards returning to the table and sitting down. Oh my, William had really outdone himself, the table looked great. Ami complimented him as she sat the last dish of food on the table.

William popped the cork of the chardonnay and filled both their glassed with wine. "To my pretty wife Ami, welcome home."

Ami clinked her glass with his. "Thanks darling."

They sat quietly for a few moments just enjoying the meal. William began telling her of his business trip while leaving out all the boring details. After the meal, Ami told him not to worry about the dishes, and to go sit on the sofa. She would join him as soon as she refilled their wine glasses, and then she would tell him all about her trip.

William grinned eagerly and went into the living room. Ami soon came into the room, handed him his glass, then sat down beside him. William squirmed in his seat. He took a sip of his wine and glanced at Ami inquisitively. "Well, now that you have my full attention, how'd the trip go? I do hope you did not have to stay in a dusty third-rate hotel."

Ami sipped nervously and watched his reaction carefully with her eyes. She sighed, swallowed and spoke "William, I was surprised this time when I visited Delhi. Not only had the branch office got me a room in a five star hotel, but I had my own escort. A young man named Gopal. I must say that he was very efficient, and if you do not mind me saying very attractive and sexy."

William raised an eyebrow and waited, thinking he'd make her squirm a bit. "Sexy huh." He took a drink of wine and boasted, "Well, don't stop now. I want to hear every little sexy detail, you little minx."

Ami frowned and lowered her head. "As you well know, I'm always open and honest with you. I'd like to tell you about everything I did in India." She hesitated then asked a probing question before going on "William, tell me the truth. Will you be mad if I tell you what happened between Gopal and me?"

William pulled Ami close and kissed her cheek, "Why should I be mad? Honey, I know you have a very high sex drive."

"Hey, I bet you forgot all about the discussion we had about six months ago. We talked about trying new things and maybe even a threesome with another man." "It always turns me on to think of another man sliding his dick into your hot cunt." He then shifted as his cock began to swell and feel uncomfortable.

Ami's eyes lit up, her frown turned into a mischievous smile and felt her clit swelling. She did not know that telling William about her sexy encounter would be so arousing. "Oh my God, William you're right, I completely forgot. Now, are you ready to hear the rest of the story or do you want to fuck now?"

William flashed Ami a naughty glance and took a drink of his wine. "Oh, you're not getting off that easy Ami. Keep talking; the story is just getting interesting."

Ami gave William a sexy wink and continued. "Gopal, my escort met me at the airport. He had a car waiting to take me to the hotel. It was his job to make sure I had everything I needed. On the way to the hotel I asked him where I could go for dinner, since I knew very little about the restaurants there.

"He then asked if he could take me out to eat. I agreed and we ended up at this fancy restaurant. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him all throughout the meal. Ooooh, his voice, eyes and attitude drew me like a magnet. I knew he could smell my musky pussy juices in the air around the table. I tried to act coy and remain faithful to you."

"After dinner we went for a stroll in the cool evening air. That's when I saw a part of India that I never knew existed, a beautiful floral garden. As the two of us walked down its cobble path our casual conversation turned sexy. The next thing I knew, I was asking Gopal to join me in bed that night. Can you forgive me dear?"

William grabbed Ami by the arm and bellowed, "Woman, there is nothing to forgive. Now, get to the juicy parts, will you? My dick is throbbing!"

Ami took a sip of wine with trembling fingers and set her glass down on the coffee table. She did not know how much more she could tell William without grabbing him and yelling, "To hell with the story, I need to be fucked!"

She shuddered as pussy juices saturated her panties, then resumed the conversation. "God baby, by then I was tingling all over. I couldn't help myself. I wanted him. I needed to feel his lips on mine and his cock fucking my pussy. So we quickly went back to my hotel room. Once inside, Gopal and I could not keep our hands off each other."

William almost dropped his glass when he shouted with a bone jarring voice, "Hot Damn, I love it!"

His reaction made Ami jump and bite her tongue. "Now calm down a bit will you lover boy and I will tell you the rest of it."

She knew if she went on, her and William would have a wild fuck session later. "Gopal asked me what I wanted."

That's when she shot William a naughty smile and asked, "How do you feel about tying me up? I like to do some light bondage, but there must be no pain involved. I just love to be taunted until I can't stand it any longer. Then I will cum like a freight train out of control."

"William rung his hands and let out an evil laugh. "Oh fuck that sounds so exciting. I can't wait to tie you up and have my way with you. When do I get to do it?"

Ami squirmed in her seat and purred. "We could do it Saturday night that way it will give me time to recuperate from my trip. Now let me continue telling you what happened."

Gopal agreed. He tantalized me with his mouth, fingers, and cock until we both came like crazy. Afterwards we relaxed on the bed and I told him about the book you had gotten me. He told me to go and get it and he will show me the true world of the Kama Sutra. Oh my God did he, we fucked in every way imaginable, spending several nights exploring the many aspects of sex, the Indian way."

William unzipped his pants and took out his rock hard cock. "Ami I'm glad you had a good trip, I was hoping you would. Ooooh baby, see what you do to me, my cock is as hard as steel. Suck my dick!"

Ami downed the last of her wine and gave him a steamy sultry look, then stood and stripped right there in the living room. She licked her lips as she knelt in front of him and licked the pearly drop of pre-cum from the tip of his cock.

William's eyes lit up and he eagerly grinned as he watched her. "That's it make daddy's dick hard. Oh, my cock missed you, my pretty cum slut."

Ami winked flirtatiously, engulfing William's shaft slowly until her lips brushed his pubic hair. Her fingers squeezed his ball. She felt a gush of pussy juice oozing down her thigh.

Oh God, it really turned William on to watch her. He grabbed Ami by the head and shoved his dick down her throat, fucking it rapidly like a jack hammer. It wasn't long until William exploded his jism down her throat.

Ami swallowed eagerly, not wanting to miss any sweet drop, and purred. "Um-um that was delicious." She then got off the floor and sat down on the sofa.

William got weak in the knees and dizzy so he had to sit down beside Ami. He leaned over to Ami, winked, then kissed her deeply. While grinning like a Cheshire cat, he boasted "Wow, I needed that. Now let's go fuck some more."

Ami's eyes flashed with devilish passion and her nostrils quivered. ""Let me go get the book. I want to show you a few positions I've been anxious to try."

William got up and gave her a lusty grin "Where's your book doll?"

Ami thought for a moment and with a seductive tone whispered "It's in my purse which is in the bedroom. Let me go and get it."

Before Ami could do anything, William sneered, picked her up, and carried her off to the bedroom. He then sat her on the bed and handed her the purse.

Ami looked into his eyes "Horny devil aren't you?"

William just gave her a smirk and sat down on the bed beside her. As they thumbed through the book together William asked "What position are we going to try first?"

Ami flashed William a sultry smile and pointed to a picture in the book. "It's called, THE OPEN PINCER. She then went on reading from the book. "This is one of the most fulfilling sexual positions for a man. The woman would be in a submissive position, lying on her back with her thighs open completely. Then he takes hold of her ankles and spreads her legs even more. This gives him the ability to control her as his dick penetrates her pussy."