brookie: About Last Week

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What did sweet, young brookie's devilish Master do to her?
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Hi, kiddies, brookie here.

my Master (you all know him as BB) is taking a well-deserved rest at the moment and i thought i'd take a few minutes to address you all on this site. i'm not telling him that i'm doing this, i figure he'll just have to be surprised when he opens his email and finds this, after i leave, later in the week. [Tee hee hee!] (And i know that he'll be rather pissed that i hacked into his email acct. to do it but i just don't care. He'll forgive me. Or he won't. Either way, i'll get a spanking for it, which is another reason why i'm doing this.) All the stories you've heard and/or read about me are, for the most part, true: i am a 28 y/o Librarian who now works for the Library of Congress in Washington DC. i am a mute; i cannot talk. And i am a sexual submissive. i realized this fact during my third or fourth date with Chris ("BB.") And it went pretty much as he described it in his stories. It's not true that i capitulated to his whims on our first date, however. But he just likes to "say" i did for Dramatic Effect, as he puts it. Or maybe he just likes to take literary license and alter the facts for dramatic effect. i don't know. i'm not a writer, per se, but i am a voracious reader, to borrow one of his favorite terms.

The whole affair went down, though, just as he tells it: We met at his house for dinner. (It was delicious, BTW. He truly is a Master Chef and very creative while preparing meals. i really envy the girl who gets to marry him as she will get to eat really, wonderfully tasty foods.)

He is a very complex man. Sometimes talking to him is like speaking with an old, wise man who has seen and learned much of what the world has to offer. Other times, it's like talking to a ten year old boy. He likes to tell stories that would astound even the most jaded listener. And then he'll throw in a line that makes everyone giggle. His "dirty jokes" are often just the kinds of things that'll make you snicker. But if you've been on the receiving end of one of his sessions with the riding crop, and when the memories come flooding back from a previous bout of loving sex with him and said riding crop, well, i'll just say that to hear him tell a "dirty joke" often leaves my panties sopping (not to mention, leaving my poor, abused buttocks stinging) while i laugh and leave it at that.

Which leads to another fact about us: His love for my butt cheeks. What is it with this man and his love of my butt? i mean, all my life, it was just something that i sat on, dragged behind me, or just ignored. Then i meet him and all of a sudden, it's like, angels sing when i bend over and spread my butt cheeks for him! It's truly funny when i look at his face while bending over-- He almost looks like a little kid who's just been given his favorite dessert for his birthday. His eyes light up. His face curls up in a big, giant smile. And when i ask him to do as he pleases, he looks like he'll have a heart attack, he gets so excited! (My poor, abused asshole is dripping with a load of his cum, as i write this to you now.)

A "Dirty Old Man," as he likes to call himself? i don't think so. He's just a dirty, 10 y/o boy! Sure, he has a shock-white goatee beard on his chin and a goofy (his words,) walrus-type moustache that never cease to bring me pleasure when he goes down on me but his personality is still not as mature as he is.

And i think that's one of the things i love most about him. i've met many older people through my living here, in DC but none are as youthful as Master. Hell, he puts men my own age to shame, in terms of vitality!

Now, getting back to his facial hair: i just love, Love, LOVE it when he goes down on me! That blessed moustache/ beard of his never stops making me cum and cum and cum! His moustache alone, on my bare, smooth pussy lips just tickles me into orgasm after orgasm. And when he digs his chin, with the goatee/ beard, into my sensitive anus, OMG, I swear, it feels like my nerves are being assaulted by the most pleasurable sexual experience imaginable. Often, i'll have to push him away because my bare pussy gets so sensitized that it starts to hurt after i've cum 6 or 7 times. That just makes him want to do it more, though. And when he does that for me, well, that's one of the reasons why i fell in love with the man, all those years ago.

Master and i have been "together" on and off, for nine years, now. It's the longest relationship i've ever had. Sure, i've dated a bunch of guys over the past 9 years but none have been as loving, caring, helpful, hopeful as this crazy, caring, passionate and silly Dirty Old Man. The same one who's been fucking my ass, regularly, for the past 9 years! And i just can't imagine my life without him in it. Actually, that's not true. As i said before, he's very caring. Well, this is something i've never talked openly with anyone, not even Master himself: i know what he did to that bastard who attacked me, all those years ago. He won't talk about it to anyone but i'll tell you that when i saw that boy again, with his broken leg and when he told me how Master had hit him with a baseball bat and broken his leg, i was instantly terrified. Then I came to realize that, even though Master has preached non-violence until he's blue in the face, he'll still take care of those that he loves. And with that knowledge, i have continued to feel safe in his care.

And as you read this, BB, you Masterfully, goofy lover, just remember how much i love you. In all your Silly splendor.



BE SILLY!!!!!-!!

oxox -brookie, (Christofur's submissive)

PS- i hear BB stirring. i know that he'll wake up with a hard-on and when he does, he'll want to shove it up my ass. And when he does, i'll cum and cum, like always, until he fills my ass with his seed. i wonder, though, how did i get so lucky?


Hello, dear reader, BB, here. "brookie" had sent this letter to some friends of mine. One of them, Mike is his name, sent a response to me a day later saying that it sounded like brookie was having fun and he hoped that she enjoyed her spanking.

To which I replied:

Oh, she "enjoyed" it, all right. So did I! The real question should be, which of us enjoyed her punishment more?

Honestly, when one of the parties in question is into the whole pain/sex-thing (e.g: my dear brookie) and the other is into spanking tender, young bottoms for pleasure (like this Dirty Old Man is,) then the relationship is pretty much going to be synchronous from the get-go! And that, kiddies, really does make for what Mike calls "an amazing relationship!"

As for what her "punishment" entailed, let me tell you here---

First, after I'd realized what she'd done, the very next day, I asked her where the email had come from. She denied it, smilingly, so I knew that she knew that she had wanted to be "punished" for her intrusion into my privacy. And she knew that I knew. Another thing about her is the fact that she's always been so cute! And because she is, she sometimes thinks, mistakenly so, that she can get away with anything. And usually, this is true. But as soon as she saw that I looked serious, she straightened right up and took my line of questioning more somberly.

Seeing as how she was already nude (as soon as she walks through my door, clothing is forbidden,) I instructed her to fetch my riding crop (her personal favorite "torture device") and then lie across my knee.

Now what she didn't realize was the fact that I'd bought a nice bamboo switch and had been saving it for a special occasion. And well, I figured this was about as special as an occasion could get, so I pulled it out of it's hiding place under the cushion of my computer chair, here.

But first, I began lightly patting her bared buttocks with my hand and progressively got harder, swatting her ass up to full spanking! After about 10 blows on each butt-cheek, I started rubbing her pink bottom saying, "Your punishment's not nearly done, little bitch!"

Now, because young brookie cannot speak, I need to be careful not to hurt her too much. Her breathing let me know that I still had a ways to go before I exceeded her pain threshold. So I continued with the crop!

This one never fails to make my young slut cum like a faucet. After a few light taps I started swatting her in the same spot, harder and harder until she had a few nice red stripes going across her buttocks!

There's a leather loop on the end of the crop and if I'm carefully accurate, I can hit her on her tight puckered anal star and this always causes her to orgasm wildly. And while she was cumming, I intentionally flicked the leather loop to inflict a bit of pain on her clitoris, which was poking its head out of its hood, daring me to hit it. With this added pain/ sensation, poor little brookie went into loud, gasping paroxysms of pain/pleasure, like she'd only dreamed of!

And while she was flailing on my lap, I reached under my chair and grabbed the bamboo switch and struck her three times in each butt cheek, leaving rather violent-looking red stripes upon her bared ass flesh. And with the pointed end, again I flicked her clit, with perhaps a bit too much force, for young brookie began to cry...

The tears began pooling and there was quite a bit of spittle seeping from her lips, as well. At that point, however, I was unable to cease my devious mind and without a care for her limits or boundaries, I pushed the fat end of the switch, which is about 2 inches in circumference, into brookie's winking anus. This action, as brookie herself said, nearly killed her, causing her body to lock up in an orgasm so intense, I had to hold onto the poor girl or she would have jumped right off my legs and fallen on the floor, incurring at least a few deep bruises!

But as I said, there were no bruises on my little friend. A few welts on her ass, yes. But bruises? No.

This was just the first part of her "punishment..." There was more to follow.


Further tales of the punishments visited upon brookie's tail:


Four years ago, during one of brookie's 2 week visits/ journeys into total submission, we discovered, quite by accident, a really fantastic use for an everyday object found around my house. It was the toilet plunger! I keep the one in my home in my shower stall on the floor because the drain in my shower often gets plugged up with hair from whoever's taking a shower. (This is usually me, because I am such a hairy guy! In a darkened room, it's very easy to confuse me with a gorilla! Sure, you laugh because it's funny, but it's also very true!)

Anyway, I was washing my young friend's body and because she's sooo light, I'd picked her up and was fingering her like a little finger puppet. I remember watching her eyes widen like saucers just before hitting her G-spot, making her shoot her cum all over the shower stall walls!

I remember, because I'd been holding her diminutive frame up for so long and because she was wiggling sooo much, I had to set her down before I dropped her on her head in the shower, there, and I told her so. She steadied her feet and I set her down as lightly as I could. Well, what I didn't quite realize was that that damned plunger was right underneath her.

Now, because the plunger handle is two and a half feet long and brookie's inseam is only two feet, that means that the bumpy handle of the plunger had to go somewhere. And---that's right, you guessed it---because brookie's spasming cunt was right over the plastic handle, her vagina was filled with the top six inches of hard plastic doweling rod! And because my head was under the water, showering down, I couldn't hear anything wrong. Luckily, by the grace of God, she didn't lose her footing because that damned thing would have impaled her and really done some serious damage to her body! The only way she could let me know something was wrong was by grabbing onto my arm and squeezing it with all her remaining strength, just before she passed out from the pain/pleasure of having her pussy filled with the hard plastic rod! I looked at her predicament, noticed that she was in peril and turned off the water with one hand and grabbed her just as her legs were giving out, with the other arm.

I noticed that she had taken about fourteen inches of the rod into her pussy! Now since brookie is so small, my cock is only seven inches long, we later realized that she was very close to being really, dangerously hurt!

Well, that, as you can no doubt understand, put any sex we might have had out of our minds for that night. But I still remember that, the very next day, brookie was in the shower stall with her body poised to take in at least eight inches of that plunger's handle! I just stood there and watched with my erection getting harder and harder, as her tight pussy spasmed as it took in as much as she felt comfortable taking up her presently juicing cunt! Her juices were actually running, flowing down the handle, pooling on the floor of the shower stall!

I instructed her to get out of the stall, right then, and picked her up, off the rod and threw her onto my bed and proceeded to fuck her in her ass while manipulating her cunt with my fingers and then one of her favorite vibrators! And yes, we fucked each other into unconsciousness that day.

When we woke up, five hours later, we made slow, passionate love and then discussed what had been a very happy, fortunate accident and we decided to only use that plunger handle for "special" occasions.

Which brings us to this past week:

I have a hook bolted into my ceiling to hang things on. It's a rather strong hook; able to hold up to three hundred pounds of weight. (I've tested it, it'll easily support MY two hundred pounds plus brookie's slight weight, without a problem. It's perfect for a sex swing, etc..)

I rigged up five bungee cords to the hook in my ceiling, knowing that this would be enough for someone as light as brookie (she's only eighty-two pounds, soaking wet.) I fitted brookie into a harness and suspended her four feet above the floor in my bedroom. Then I bounced her around a bit, so she could get used to the feeling of near-weightlessness. Then I placed the plunger under her nude, suspended body, just so her pussy was over the plunger's handle again.

The look on brookie's face at that moment was priceless! She didn't know WHAT the fuck was going on. But she caught on quickly...

I bounced her up and down a bit until her cunt came in contact with the tip of the hard, plastic handle. Then I loosened the bungee cords lowering brookie downward, about six inches. As the handle began filling her cunt full of its hard girth, brookie's eyes told me that she understood what I was doing. But they also looked on, rather accusatorily, saying, "I know what you're doing, you dirty old man and I'm not sure that I approve of this." That is, until the first wave of orgasm hit her after only 5 strokes up and in to her tight body!

I bounced her harder, forcing more of the handle up into her hot, juicy cunt! It wasn't until she'd taken nearly a foot (twelve inches) of hard plastic up into her body that I realized that her cervix was being battered by the rod. I noticed the pain on her face and on her next upward bounce, I tightened the bungees, only allowing eight inches to venture into her free-flowing, wet cunt!

Then I left her there, to bounce as freely as she desired.

I came back, a half hour later and found her loving her "punishment!" I said that she was welcome, any time, to come and be punished. But it would cost her...

When I told her the "price" of my special punishments, she said/ signed that she'll be over more frequently, as time permits.

What was/is the cost?

As I demonstrated, at that moment--- while she was bouncing on the phallic object ---I pulled out MY hard cock and pointed it toward her clasping, winking, pink anal orifice. As she let her body bounce on the rod, taking eight inches deeply up her twat, I let her asshole take my dick all the way up, into it's furthest recesses! I didn't even need lube because, well, her ass was sooo full of all the sperm that I'd shot up it the day before, that it was just sooo smooth and easy a transition from straight cunt-fucking-sex to double-penetration, cunt-and-ass-fucking-sex!!

And little brookie enjoyed every stroke of the rods that filled her tight, little holes, as was evidenced by all the lovely girl cum flowing freely from her cunt!

She can be SUCH a fucking slut!

Is there ANY WONDER why I Love this little girl so?

The rest of this letter is addressed to a certain young, silly slut, whom I have loved for many years---

I hope you've enjoyed reading this retelling of our adventures, dearest brookie...

Now, I'm going to count to five, little girl. When I reach five, I want you to finally cum, you Silly bitch.



Threeeeeee...... (Can you feel yourself building up to it, slut?)

FOUR........... (Almost there... Just hold it for a bit more...)



CUM, you silly bitch!


Ahhhh... Now that that's done, I want you to go to bed WITHOUT cleaning yourself up. I want you to wake up tomorrow with the scent of your sex on your body and in your nostrils. I want you to smell what you did, feel the juices seeping out of you, for the rest of the day, all day, at work. If anyone asks what that smell is, just tell them it's "Eau De BB."




BE SILLY!!!!!-!!

oxox -BB


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Oooooh, thank You, Master!

Thank You, thank You, thank You, Master! i cannot thank You enough for taking such wonderful care of me during our 2 weeks together, last month. i loved every moment, every orgasm, every time You spanked my ass, every time You fucked my ass!

I keep reliving it in my head and every time i di, i have a mini orgasm. And every time i read this story of Yours, Master, i have a series of mind-blowing orgasms that, when combined with one of the toys you gave me, shoved up my anus, i cum and cum and cum!

i do love to take a few moments during my work day and read this. And when i do, i always need to use that vibrating butt plug You gave me, turn it on high and never fail to make myself soaking wet. i have had several co-workers ask where i go to take my breaks and why i always look so flushed when i come back. i've never told anyone, though, Master. And i don't think i ever will. It's OUR secret, Sir.

i just hope no one ever finds my secret, little alcove, where i go to relieve my desires. i will surely die from embarrassment if i'm discovered pleasuring myself, here in the Library of Congress!

When You come to visit me, Master, i will gladly show you all of the places I've found where we can sneak off and fuck like horny teenagers (Your words, Master.) (LOL)

i love you, Christofur, You Silly, horny bastard. And i cannot wait til' i can get your erection buried deep in my anus again.

xoxo, -brookie

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