Cael's Star


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Cael's lips closed over hers yet again, she could taste the salty-sweet taste of his blood on her lips, and instead of repulsing her it made her strain against him, wanting every inch of what he had to give. She gave a low moan as he bit at her lower lip, feeling her body rising, tensing beneath him, and as he had the evening before, he pulled away from the kiss to strike at her neck, letting his fangs sink into the tender flesh, filling his mouth with the intoxicating taste of her, forcibly shoving her over that shinning edge of orgasm with him, splintering in a million shards of light with a convulsive shudder. Cael twitched inside of her, his own climax over taking him, causing him to moan against her neck as he drank deeply, the spicy sweet taste of her almost more then he could bare combined with the sweet ecstasy of release.

He wrapped his arms about her, sitting back, keeping her impaled upon his cock, mouth locked on the small wounds his fangs had made in her neck. Star remained perfectly still, giving softly quivering moans and whimpers with the power and force of him. Slowly, hesitantly, he pulled his lips away, flicking his tongue gently over the pinpricks he'd created.

Star rested her head against his shoulder, letting him hold her body against his furred chest, as she strained to get her breathing under control. Cael brought his hand up to the back of her head, lovingly caressing her hair, running his fingers through the silken locks with the utmost in care and tenderness.

"My little love," Cael purred quietly against her ear, continuing to slowly stroke his fingers through her hair. He could feel her mind swirling in lazy contented thought, he knew she was sore, and that it had hurt more then she thought it would, and he knew she was aware of the amount of control he'd exerted at her expense. "I love you, Star." He felt her warm to him and his words, and a little niggling doubt as to if she was alright in bed. A fear she may be tossed aside.

"I… I love you, Cael." She spoke in a soft, shy voice. He simply held her tighter, knowing she had her doubts, knowing they would all prove untrue. "I'm sore." She whispered against his chest, then lifted her head to examine the place on his shoulder she'd bitten during their lovemaking. "The bite is gone already" she noted, a little frown creasing her forehead.

"Aye, does that disappoint you?" he said, amusement coloring his voice at the anger that flared in her body the moment she'd noticed her mark was gone.

"No…" she started, then hesitated, "Well yes, it does. You can mark me, but I can not mark you." She gazed back up at him, looking into the icy depths.

"Such is life, Star." He smiled that soft smile that held so much love, bending his face to kiss her gently on the lips. She returned the kiss lovingly, heaving a great and contended sigh as she melted happily against his chest yet again.

"Do not stop the biting on account that the marks do not stay, Star." He said, grinning a little wickedly, "Every time you bite me it sends little jolts of pleasure through me."

"I know," she whispered, nipping at his chest, then drawing his nipple into her mouth, rolling it between her teeth in the most teasing manner. She was rewarded with a little moan, while Cael's fingers dug into the back of her need, holding her tighter against him.

"Gods, Star." He moaned softly, she could feel his cock twitching to life within her and gave a little whimper, feeling a lance of pain. "Do not tempt me again, girl." He nearly growled, drawing her head away from his chest with a bit of force. "If you continue we will be at it again, and it will not be a pleasant feeling for you. Rest, my love, I do not wish to have you in pain." As the words left his mouth, he felt a stab of white hot humiliation lance through her mind, at the same time her eyes went down to avoid looking at him.

Cael cursed himself inwardly for his sharp words,I know she doesn't have the self-esteem, damnit.

"I guess I don't have as much self-esteem as I should." She whispered against him, her voice sounding perilously close to tears.

"Honey, what are you responding to?" he asked gently, lifting her chin up so she'd meet his eyes.

Star tried to look away, but he held her chin firmly between his fingers, "You said that you knew I didn't have enough self-esteem, and that you should have known not to be so harsh with me. Just a moment ago." She seemed seriously puzzled.

Cael watched her, looking deliberately into her eyes as he though quietly to himself.She is the most beautiful woman in this world. The most incredible lover, I'd love nothing more then to take her again, but I do not wish to cause her pain. I hope she understands this.

As Cael thought, Star's eyes grew wider and wider, glancing down at his lips then up at his eyes. "Your… its not the same as when you projected towards me… I can feel that you are simply in thought, there is no…" she searched for the correct word, "Push?" She stopped, gazing up at him then flushed furiously, "Did you mean those things you were thinking?" she asked hesitantly.

He nodded slowly, pressing his lips against hers. "Aye, I meant them all, little love. Just the scent of you drives me absolutely crazy."If she moves at all I think I'll go insane inside her. Cael groaned softly, fighting the urge to press himself deeper with her.

"You think loudly," she whispered under her breath, rocking her hips slowly against his. He responded by giving a little hiss and leaning in to nip at her shoulder.

"Star, I do not wish to harm you."Gods I want her so badly, if she doesn't stop I wont be able to control myself.

"You don't want me to stop."No I don't, but I don't want to harm her. "I am very sore…" Star said, responding to his unspoken thought.

"Let me hold you close, we can talk until you fall asleep, sweetheart." He brushed his lips against her neck, sighing happily at her closeness. "Now we know you can hear my thoughts. If you close your eyes and concentrate you will feel me in the back of your head, like a strange spot of emotions that are not your own. Look for it." He commanded softly.

She closed her eyes, taking a slow deep breath as she examined her own thoughts. After a moment she located the place that Cael had spoken of. Hesitantly she touched that odd place residing within her head. It was cool and comforting, and as soon as she touched it she felt him pour over her in a tidal wave of emotions and feelings causing her to pull away with a little gasp.

"Its you… Your in my head… " she said, awe touching her voice. "Is it like this for you?"

Cael nodded, smiling gently, "Yes, it is. Only with a human I've shared blood with. Sometimes a human will gain the ability as well, if I continue she share my blood with them."

"How many humans can you hear in your head like this right now?" She asked softly, a bolt of jealousy flaring brilliantly for a moment.

"One." Cael grinned roguishly. "Only you, you're the only one I want in my head."

She flushed with pleasure, unconsciously wrapping her warmth around that cool spot in her mind that was him and felt him tense in response. "What?" she said, recoiling, "Did I do something wrong?"

Cael closed his eyes, slow tears staining his cheeks red, "No… No little love, you did nothing wrong. I simply have never felt warmth like that." He nuzzled her neck softly, hugging her close.

"So… the reason I can feel you in my mind is because I've tasted your blood?" Star asked, wondering why the thought of it made something down low clench, causing Cael to moan, nipping at her shoulder in response.

"Woman, what are you doing to me?" Sliding his hands downwards he grasped her hips and pushed her up a little, letting her slide back down the length of him as he rocked his hips against her.

"You insist on staying inside of me, Cael." Star replied with a flush creeping along her neck to her cheeks, her shy manner resurfacing. She buried her face against his neck, warming his cool skin with her blushing.

Cael groaned against her, laughing softly, "Your not helping, Woman. Your so absolutely desirable with that shy charm of yours. And your incredible heat…" a shudder traveled through his body, making him twitch within her once again. "Gods be with me, I love the heat of you."

"If you cant focus on my questions, maybe I should get up." She chided, biting teasingly at his earlobe, worrying the soft flesh with her teeth.

"Wicked woman," he growled, involuntarily pushing his hips up against her in response. "Yes… You drinking my blood… gave you this power." He gave a little gasp, burying his fingers in the hair at the base of her skull, then continued. "It is likely the reason you were experiencing…. Gods, Woman." He closed his eyes, inhaling sharply at a particularly hard bite to the neck.

"Keep talking," Star whispered against his neck, rocking her hips very gently against his, still feeling incredibly sore.

"Yes, yes…. Its most like the reason you experienced such uncharacteristic rage today…" Cael's words trailed off into a hiss, lifting his hips up against hers in the most gentle manner he could manage, being able to feel her soreness.

"What do you mean?" She pulled away to look into his eyes, frown creasing her forehead.

"You want answers, you have to keep up the work." He said, raising an eyebrow at her. She gave him an icy stare, he complied.

"My blood acts as a… It's hard to explain. Let me see… Vampires and humans are different races. Some believe we're something of a missing link, a mutation in the human genes." He licked his lips, wetting them as he gazed at his little love. "It was found that Vampires generally only mate long-term with humans, and inevitably it was discovered that these humans would begin to possess certain traits, Gifts if you will." He could see she was beginning to become increasingly nervous.

"So what are you saying?" She asked, frowning.

"Vampiric blood is like a retro-virus. When ingested, it has a tendency to unlock latent genes in humans. A surprising number of human-kind is capable of telepathy, empathy, and a few others. Telekenetics and Pyrokenetics are among the rarer talents."

"So your saying each time I drink your blood I'll gain some new twisted power? Or maybe I'll mutate into something horrible?" She did not sound happy, he could feel her rage burning deep within her.

"No… no you should not mutate into anything, I haven't read anything about physical mutations." He raised one hand to lovingly touch her cheek, her expression didn't soften. "And not every time, I believe you build up an internal resistance to the effects of the vampiric blood after about five transfusions. You've had two, and telepathy is something you'll be dealing with, not just with me, but with others. On a lesser scale."

"Is there something else you aren't telling me?" She had a niggling feeling that he was hiding something, and inwardly she examined that ball of suddenly raw nerves within her own skull. "What are you not telling me, Cael?"

"Nothing, little love, I just was thinking of spending the rest of my life with you." An awful chill seeped into her bones, and she stared into his eyes.

"Are you planning on turning me into a vampire?" She asked, dread coloring her voice and emotions.

Cael hesitated in answering this question, she could feel it, feel his mind recoiling from any thought on the subject. "No, I will not turn you into a vampire." He said, and she could tell he was being honest, but he was definitely leaving something out.

Star began to get up, feeling angry suddenly, then she stopped, examining her feelings. "What does my anger have to do with it all?" She asked, puzzled.

"Well, when the body is going through changes its kind of like your human puberty, in a sense your body is developing to a higher more mature state, and in so doing is expending hormones. Does that make sense?" he looked earnestly into her eyes.

"Yeah, it makes sense." She seemed a little nervous, "Will you still like me even with these changes?" she asked softly.

"It is my personal belief that the humans in our lives are given these gifts to make them more compatible with us. When one person in a couple holds so much power it is terribly difficult to have a stable relationship." He held her tight, not letting her get up from his lap and kissed her lips lovingly, "I'd love you no matter what, though."

She struggled in his grasp a moment, frowning against the kiss for only so long as it took him to melt her completely with his tongue. Pulling away, just enough to talk, she said, "So basically, I'm changing genetically and hormonally? Puberty all over again? I thought you loved me."

It took a moment, but Cael finally did manage to catch onto the joke, bursting out in sudden crisp laughter, shaking his head.

"Took you a minute to catch that," she mentioned, glancing up at him, "How old are you again?"

"Four hundred eighty-eight," Cael said, smiling at her tenderly.

"And I'll continue to heal faster?" She asked, completely jumping subjects, his age was touchy for her.

"Yes, you will continue to heal at an accelerated rate, this is something all humans obtain after drinking blood for the first time, however the rate of healing is different for each individual. You seem to be healing at the average accelerated rate."

"Good to know I'm not special." She muttered under her breath, and he chuckled softly against her hair.

"Oh but you are, so very, very special." Cael whispered, kissing her forehead with an incredible tenderness.

A thought struck her, and she looked up at her lover curiously, "How were you made a vampire?" She asked, kissing the side of his mouth.

"I was born a vampire." He replied, grinning a little.

"Wait, born, I thought you had to do some sort of voodoo bloodletting ritual or some such?"

"Not quite as interesting as all that, I'm afraid." Cael chuckled softly, returning her soft kiss, but didn't offer up any more information.

Star secretly vowed to find out more information, but presently she yawned, stretching a little in his lap with a slight whimper. "Can I lay down now, Cael?" she asked.

"Oh… of course, sweetheart," Cael gently lifted her off his lap with a small shudder, then lay her out against the bare sheets, slipping under the covers to wrap her up in his arms. "I can not believe you're finally in my arms." He whispered, "Sleep now my love, you'll see me tomorrow evening." And surprisingly, Star did sleep, almost the moment her head touched the pillow.

If you enjoyed my story, please, take the time to vote! Oh, and I *love* feedback, If your interested in reading more about Cael and Star, please, let me know :) Thanks!

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A very well written story.Would love to read of these two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Beautiful story, I’d really love to hear more of Star & Cael. I’ve got a few unanswered questions but mostly I just want more of their relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


I enjoyed this story very much. The character of Cael is intriguing, sexy and kind with a dangerous edge. He’s fascinating. I liked how gentle he is with her. I found Star somewhat annoying as she runs hot and cold at a moments notice and can’t seem to make up her mind as to whether she likes him, loves him or resents him. Good writing though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Came for the porn, but instead found a story with emotions in a fantasy world made so realistic by the author. More!

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