Carrvale Cougar Club Ch. 04


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"Did you enjoy fucking Natalie, sweetheart?"

"Very much," he said. "Lovely and tight." He laughed. "I think I'm totally fucked out for the day now. After all, I have now fucked all three of you today."

"So you have," I sad, laughing as we watched Jane devouring her daughter's pussy. It wasn't long before she brought Natalie to a trembling climax, and I reflected idly that Natalie had a truly responsive metabolism.

Once they'd calmed, Jane eased to her feet and helped Natalie up, taking her by the hand and turning to me as I sat beside Matt.

"Liz, sweetie, I think you, me and Natalie should go and share my shower. We'll stay naked, I enjoy being ogled by the boys, but I want to be clean. Matt, if you and Tony use the downstairs bathroom you can have a quick shower as well."

"Good thinking, Mom. Want to go first, Matt? The downstairs shower is only big enough for one at a time," said Tony.

"There are fresh towels in the cupboard, honey," said Jane. She turned to me. "Okay, Liz, let's you me and Natalie go and get clean. If we don't move too much, we can all get in together."

"Lead the way," I said, laughing.

The shower was fun, with a bit of ass-squeezing and titty-fondling all round, but we didn't linger too long and half an hour after we came upstairs, three freshly showered and naked ladies headed back downstairs. Matt and Tony, both naked, were sitting on the couch waiting for us.

"Okay, gang," said Jane, "any ideas for what we do next? I think the boys are just about fucked out for the day, worse luck. And what shall we do for an evening meal? I vote takeaway."

"Good idea," I said. "I'll split the cost with you."

"No," said Jane. "We'll all want to do something like this again, yes?" Nods and murmurs of agreement all round. "Well, next time, Tony, Natalie and I will come to you. You provide a light lunch, you pay for evening takeaway. Sound okay?"

"If that's the plan, it's fine with me," I said. "When do we order, and what are we having?"

"I think I fancy Chinese," said Jane."How about the rest of you?" We all murmured agreement. "Any special requests, or should I just order the banquet for five?"

Consensus was the banquet, and we ordered it for eight o'clock delivery, the time now being just after six.

"Okay, folks, what shall we do until eight?" Jane asked again.

I'd been thinking, but I wasn't sure how well my idea would go down. Only one way to find out, of course.

"Jane? Natalie? You two both have dildos, you said earlier?" I'd surprised them, I think, but they answered readily enough, both in the affirmative.

"I don't know what you have in mind, Liz, but I suspect I'm going to like it," said Jane, with a grin.

"I don't suppose one of yours might be a double-ender, would it, Jane?"

"Sorry, no. Mine are both single-enders. What did you have in mind?"

"There are three of us women, and only the two guys. If we had a double-ender, one of the boys could have driven it for two of us, while the others had a one-on-one."

Matt and Tony had been listening closely, and Matt spoke up. "Jane? Have you any duct tape? Or some strong adhesive tape? Parcel tape, perhaps?"

"Both, as it happens, lover. What's your idea? Tape two of the dildos together?"

"Exactly! We'll need two of the same approximate diameter at the handle end, though."

"Which means we all need to get our dildos. Come on Natalie, ours are upstairs. Back in a moment, but Tony? Can you fetch the duct tape from the garage?"

"Sure thing, Mom," he said, and next moment Matt and I were alone in the sitting room. Matt grinned at me.

"You have a devious mind, Mom. I'm proud of you!"

"I just thought it might be fun for you guys to apply dildos to your lady loves," I said, with a grin of my own. Just then, Jane and Natalie came back with their three dildos. It turned out that one of Jane's, and mine, were the same model, with exactly the same diameter grip.

"Yours and mine, Jane," I said. "We tape them together, and one of the boys drives it for us as a double-ender, while Natalie gets serviced by her own."

Just then Tony came back with the duct tape, and the two dildos were quickly fastened together, handle-end to handle-end.

"Okay, boys, who's driving the doubler?" I asked

"Rock, paper, scissors?" said Matt, and Tony held out his clenched fist, while Matt held out his. "One, two, three! My rock blunts your scissors," he said. " I drive the double, you service Natalie." He turned to me. "Okay, Mom, how do we do this? On the floor?

"Yes, I think so. Jane?" So Jane and I positioned our pussies about a double-dildo length apart, the two of us on our backs, while Matt held the double dildo in position between us and we carefully moved together until we each had about half a dildo inside our pussies.

"Ready, ladies?" said Matt, and Jane and I murmured our assent.

"Okay, ladies, here goes!" he said, with a shit-eating grin a mile wide, and carefully slid the double-dildo towards me, just an inch or so, then back to push into Jane, gradually letting us each have more of it on each stroke until we each were getting the full length of our dildo, mine lime green, Jane's a vivid pink. Natalie's in contrast being a translucent neutral which Tony was busily sliding in and out of Natalie's pussy, to her obvious and audible pleasure.

I let myself relax, enjoying the feeling of my dildo moving in my pussy, especially since I wasn't the one moving it. Matt was dividing his attention between me and Jane, and I lifted my head a little, looking down the line of my body in time to see Jane's hand reach to her pussy. Hey! Good thinking, Mrs Wiest, I thought, and let my own hand steal down to my pussy. After the fun sex we'd shared earlier, I was wet, very wet, and my fingers moved easily over my pussy, my dildo moving easily between my fingers as Matt manipulated it.

Matt was moving the joined dildos at about the pace I tried for when I was fucking myself with my lime-green monstrosity and I let myself relax to enjoy the sensations it was inducing in me, my other hand moving to caress my breasts. Matt grinned at me when I caught his eye.

"Nice work, Mom." I laughed and blew him a kiss.

"Nice work, son," I retorted, and he grinned at me.

"However we describe it, work is one thing it's not," he said, laughing. "Pure pleasure, perhaps?"

"Pleasure, definitely," said Jane. Her legs were hooked over mine and she gave me a quick squeeze with her thighs. I blew her a kiss.

"How am I doing, ladies?" Matt said, keeping up the steady movement of our toys.

"Fucking great, as far as I'm concerned," said Jane, giving Matt's arm a squeeze.

"Definitely." I could feel the faint beginnings of an orgasm building in me, and knew it wouldn't be too long before Matt and the dildo, and my busy fingers, tipped me over the top. "How are you doing, Jane?" I asked.

"Very well, sweetie," came the reply. "Shouldn't be too long before I come. Tony's dad always said I had the quickest responses he'd known in a woman."

"I always came quickly for Jack as well, and I'm finding that Matt gets me going pretty quick, too," I said.

"Is that good or bad, Mom?" said Matt.

"Depends on my mood, honey. Sometimes I just want a quick wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am, sometimes I want to draw it out."

"Well, remember to let me know what you want, next time we fuck," said Matt, laughing.

"Don't worry, honey, I will, although I have no complaints so far."

"Phew, that's a relief," Matt said, laughing again.

"And I definitely have no complaints from when you fucked me after lunch," Jane added.

"Thank you both, ladies," said Matt. "It's a relief to this boy to know the women in his life are satisfied with his efforts."

"Just keep performing as well as you have so far and all will be well, stud," I said, fighting a giggle.

"Definitely," said Jane. "I'm already looking forward to our next time together, but enough chatter for the moment. If you keep those dildos moving like that I reckon I'm going to be coming in the next few minutes."

"Me, too," I said.

There was a tight scream from across the room and we all turned to see Natalie trembling in climax, her dildo buried deep in her pussy. Tony sat back and glanced across at us. He grinned. "I guess I drove it correctly," he said.

"Guess you did, honey," said Jane.

There was quiet for the next couple of minutes, except for the squish of the dildos in our pussies, until Jane said, in an urgent tone, "Oh, fuck! I'm coming," then shook as her climax hit her. The sensations, transmitted through the joined-together dildos, triggered my own climax and for a few moments there was turmoil as Jane and I rode out our orgasms together, watched by Matt with an awed look on his face.

Slowly, calm returned, and my breathing, and Jane's, returned to something like normal.

"Time to separate, I think," I said, and glanced up at Matt. "Hold the dildos steady, honey, while Jane and I extricate ourselves."

"Sure thing, Mom" he said, and held the dildos firmly as Jane and I wriggled back, unimpaling ourselves.

"I don't know about you," Jane said to me, "but I think a quick shower is in order."

I stood, and held my hand out to help her up. "Lead the way, honey," I said.

"Can I come, too," said Natalie.

"Of course you can, sweetie," said Jane. She turned to me. "I have a couple of shower caps, if you want to keep your hair dry?"

"Please," I said. She turned to Natalie.

"How about you, sweetie?"

"I was going to wash my hair tonight, anyway," said Natalie. "If I shampoo it now, that's it done."

"Okay, then, let's go and freshen ourselves. We won't be long, guys," she said, and took the dildos from Matt. "We can wash these as well."

It wasn't the quickest shower I've ever had, but it didn't take long, and I was soon drying myself on the big, fluffy towel that Jane passed to me.

"Are we staying naked?" said Natalie, "I'm enjoying the nude experience with the guys." She laughed. "I think I'm a natural exhibitionist."

"We said we'd stay naked until it was time for me and Matt to head for home," I said, "and that won't be for a couple of hours yet. And we have a takeaway to get through first."

"And that is due in about half an hour," said Jane, looking at her watch, the only thing she was wearing, apart from a happy smile. "Let's just sit and chat for a while. And not necessarily about sex," she added, laughing, leading the way downstairs..

So chat we did, the boys coming back from their own showers a few minutes later and joining in. About twenty-five minutes later the doorbell rang and Jane grabbed the robe she'd brought downstairs and slipped it on.

"Back in a moment," she said, and headed for the front door. A couple of minutes later she signaled us to join her in the dining room and in very short order we were tucking into the five course banquet we'd decided on.

Conversation was desultory as we ate, but after about half an hour we were finished, the plates and cutlery were in the dishwasher, the cartons were in the trash, and we each took our chosen drink with us back to the sitting room, red wine for me and Jane, a beer each for the boys, and a soda for Natalie.

We three women sat on the big couch, and Matt and Tony on the smaller couch. I raised my glass.

"A toast! To good, hard pricks, wet pussies, and good sex." The others echoed my words and we all chugged our drinks. Jane turned to me.

"Three o'clock tomorrow at your place, right?"

"Right. I'll have coffee and wine on standby, and nibbles. Which reminds me, I'll need to pop along to the mini-mart and acquire said nibbles, but I can do that in the morning. Be thinking about what we should organize for the boys, like do we go for a fixed evening, or leave it to the particular couple to agree between them."

"I think a scheduled regular evening is the best option, Mom, with the proviso that if anything crops up, that particular couple can settle on a different evening for that week. I take it we are agreeing on just the one night a week?" said Matt.

"I think just the one scheduled evening each week, but there's nothing to stop a particular couple from agreeing to extra occasions," said Jane, and winked at Matt, who grinned back at her. I glanced at Tony, and gave him a wink. He winked back at me.

"We'll sort something out tomorrow," I said. "Time for a slight change of topic, but it still involves naked people. Have any of you ever considered going to the nude beach at Elm Cove?"

"I've been there," said Natalie, surprising her mother, I think, "with Jill and Lucy. They had an open day, so it was free admission that day."

"And?" said Jane.

"We had fun," said Natalie. "It's just so much fun being naked with your friends, even when it's not for sex." She gestured. "There are lots of little clearings, and there's a concession with food and drink available. With naked waitresses," she added, laughing.

"Maybe we should try it, sometime," I said. "We've all enjoyed being naked here together for sex, it must be almost as much fun just being naked for the pleasure of not wearing clothes."

"There's another open day there next month," said Natalie. "Perhaps then would be a good time to go and see what nudism is all about."

"I vote yes," I said. "Who else?" All of us, was the answer.

"I'll find out the date and let you know," said Natalie. "Lucy liked it so much she became a member of the club there. I'll ask her."

We chatted generally after that, but a few minutes after ten Matt and I set off on the short walk back home.

"Enjoy yourself today?" I asked Matt as we strolled along.

"Are you kidding, Mom? One of the best days of my life. One of my fantasies, fucking Jane Wiest, actually happened and I finally got to see Natalie Wiest naked. I've wanted that for a long time, too. To actually fuck her as well almost blew my mind. She has a lovely, tight pussy."

We'd reached the house now and let ourselves in. I turned to Matt as he locked the front door.

"I'm going to have a whiskey before bed, honey. Do you want one?"

"Not tonight, Mom, but I'll have a beer." Getting the drinks took only moments and we slouched together on the couch. Matt turned to me.

"Mom? I'll sleep in my own bed tonight. If I sleep with you, my John Thomas will think he has to perform and frankly, I'm fucked out for the day."

"Okay, honey. There's always tomorrow, after the others have gone home."

"Very true." We set to and tackled our drinks. Neither of us rushed but by eleven o'clock Matt and I were both fighting yawns.

"Give me your empty glass, son, and get yourself off to bed. I leaned across and kissed him. "Sleep well, honey."

"You too, Mom," he replied, and then he was off, a tall, gangling young man with a lovely, talented cock. I smiled to myself. It's okay, honey. I need the rest myself!

I went into the kitchen and washed our glasses, put Matt's beer bottle into the recycling bin, and made my way upstairs. Brushing my teeth didn't take long, and at eleven twelve I slipped into bed, naked. By about eleven twenty, I was sound asleep.

* * * * *

And that's part 4 done. There will be more, I promise. Constructive criticism welcomed and if you ask a question make sure I have an address to reply to. Please vote, too. Go on, it's only a couple of mouse clicks!

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noahbudienoahbudie2 months ago

Good story, would love to see a group orgy get organized once all the moms have been thoroughly rogered once

Rapierwit24601Rapierwit246012 months ago

Your dialogue is stilted and wooden. Is this a a Royal Tea or a group fuck? There isn’t a teenager in ANY English speaking nation that uses the word “shall” with any regularity.

On the passion scale of 1 - 10 you score a -3. I imagine there are bridge games with more verve and lust. The sex is, at best, transactional, with no shared emotion. They’re merely mutually masturbating.

I believe your skills would be better served in writing appliance manuals.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Better by the chapter! Really wanting to hear the rules they end up with. 5☆

bluerowdybluerowdy2 months ago

Loving this story. I am looking forward to more chapters and sexual romps.

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