Carrvale Cougar Club Ch. 10

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Nude pix for Liz, Jane and Natalie - and a bit of porn.
6.2k words

Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 05/13/2024
Created 02/20/2024
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Carrvale Cougar Club -- Ch. 10

* * * * *

I thought I might wake up horny, and I did, and happily applied my dildo, giving myself a lovely orgasm, then took a quick shower, before dressing and ambling downstairs for breakfast.

Matt was already tackling his cereal and I helped myself to some, added milk and poured myself a coffee, as Matt had started our coffee machine when he came down. Breakfast was quiet, but it was a comfortable quiet, neither of us feeling the need to fill the silence with aimless chatter. I glanced at my watch. Nine-fifty.

"Jane will be here soon, honey. Is there anything you need to set up for the photo session?"

"A couple of things, yes. Thanks for reminding me. I'll do it now." He reached for his plate and bowl but I stopped him.

"I'll look after those, son, you go and get ready for Jane's photos."

"Thanks, Mom," he said, and he was away. I washed and dried our breakfast dishes and was just about to go into the sitting room when the doorbell rang. I quickly opened the door and ushered Jane in. Door closed, she gave me a hug and a quick kiss.

"Come on, into the sitting room. Matt's just setting things up."

"Okay." She laughed.

"What?" I said.

"No underwear, remember? It felt strange walking along here, feeling the air flowing freely around my pussy. I really enjoyed the sensation."

"I must try that sometime, but while we wait for Matt, he told me last night that he would love to spend the night in your bed."

"Ooh, that thought makes my pussy tingle, but I wouldn't dare, not with Mrs Crane living next door. I swear, that woman is a menace."

"Matt's idea was we go on holiday together somewhere and hire a cabin or cottage. No one except us needs to know who is in whose bed."

"That's good thinking on Matt's part," said Jane, just as Matt came in.

"What is?" he asked, curious.

"Going on holiday together, and hiring a cabin or a cottage so we can sleep together," said Jane.. She grinned. "Not that I would be expecting too much sleeping!"

"You like the idea?" I said.

"Yes, I do, but when? I don't have any leave booked at the moment, but the office only ask for a week's notice. What about you?"

"Pretty much the same," I said. "Any thoughts on when and where? It's six weeks before Matt starts college."

"It's the same for Tony and Natalie. So some time in the next six weeks, excluding this coming week. But where?

"Depends. Beach, or mountains?" I said.

"Beach, I think. Swimming and tanning, total idleness."

"I wonder if the nude beach has any cabins to rent," said Matt, grinning at the surprise on my face and Jane's. "We enjoy being naked together, so it makes sense. And talking of naked, aren't we due for some photographs?"

"I was just thinking," said Jane. "Natalie's friend Lucy will know if there are any cabins to rent. We'll ask Nat to ask Lucy, eh?"

"Definitely!" I said.

"Okay, Matt," said Jane, "let's go and take pictures."

"Mom?" said Matt.

"Yes, hon?"

"If you take anything tight off and put your robe on, I can photograph the two of you together when I've finished shooting Jane. Maybe with Natalie as well, this afternoon?"

I nodded. "I'd like that. Okay, son, I shall duly remove bra and panties and put my robe on, and I'll text Natalie and suggest she leaves her underwear off when she and Tony come along later. Okay, you two, go and take pictures. I'll join you when I've changed and texted Natalie. I want to watch, I'm starting to find the challenge of nude photography quite stimulating."

Right, text for Natalie first.

Natalie, Matt wants to photograph we three women together. Nude, of course. He suggests that when you and Tony come along later you dress like you did for your own photo shoot. See you later, Liz.

Now to get changed. In my bedroom I stripped naked and donned my shortie green robe, then went along to the spare room. The door was closed, so I knocked and heard Matt call out, "Just a moment, Mom."

It was about two minutes later when Matt opened the door and ushered me in. He gestured. "If you take the chair in the corner, Mom, you'll be able to see everything and I won't fall over you."

I moved across and took my seat, watching with interest as Jane adopted Matt's suggested poses, standing kneeling, sitting, while he snapped away, pausing every now and again to examine his shots on the rear screen of the camera.

It was just before eleven-thirty when he stopped. "Okay, Jane, take a break. I'll need to fit a fresh SD card to the camera before I photograph the two of you together. Just be a moment." And he went out. Jane grinned at me.

"That was fun. I think I probably flashed a little more pussy than I should, but I don't care, since it's only us who will see the photos and we're already familiar with each other's bodies."

"True, we are. I have to confess, Jane, I'd like to try some porn poses for Matt. Wrong, I know, but strangely tempting. We already have a few of us fucking."

"Ooh, those I'd like to see! And you're right, it is strangely tempting."

"What is?" said Matt as he came back into the room.

"Having you shoot us in some porn poses."

"Well, I'd love to try that. Those shots we took using the remote are a bit vanilla, they needed a third person to wield the camera and get more interesting angles."

"Take a few straightforward nude shots of me and Liz together, then we'll put on a show for you. Fancy a little pussy munching, hon?" Jane said to me, laughing.

"Yes, please. We could add dildos to the equation as well."

Jane's face fell. "Mine's still at home."

"No problem, I have three."

"Let's get these straightforward nude shots done first," said Matt,"because Natalie and Tony are due in about twenty minutes. Are we including them in our porn shoot?"

"We'll ask them, but I forecast agreement," said Jane, "my kids are a kinky pair."

"Take after their Mom, then," I said, laughing as Jane threw a mock punch at me."

"Okay, ladies, adopt your position. I suggest a few standing shots first, holding hands, arms around each other's waist, one slightly behind the other and so on."

"Okay, honey, let's do what the nice photographer suggests," said Jane, and we posed while Matt took about thirty photographs. Then the doorbell rang. I grabbed my robe and shrugged it on, making my barefoot way to the front door, opening it to a smiling Tony and Natalie, a Natalie in a light summer dress.

"No underwear, as instructed," she said with a grin.

"Come on in, both of you," I said, stepping aside to let them enter. "Matt was just taking some shots of your mom and me together, but I think we're finished those. Come on, we're upstairs," I said, leading the way.

In the spare bedroom Jane and Matt were sitting on the edge of the bed, sharing a kiss, Jane's left tit comfortably enfolded in Matt's right hand. Jane calmly lifted his hand off and stood to give Tony and Natalie a kiss and a hug each.

"There's only me under this dress, Matt," said Natalie, "so do you want to shoot a few shots of all three of us?"

"Yes, please. Ladies, can the three of you stand with your arms around each other's waist for a couple of shots, please," said Matt as Natalie quickly discarded her dress and kicked off her shoes. He must have taken twenty-five or thirty shots of the three of us, standing, sitting, kneeling, in fact just about every position three women naked together and comfortable with each other would adopt. Eventually, at about one, we paused for a break.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm ready for something to eat. I made some chicken sandwiches this morning, just need to get them onto plates, and we have some cherry tomatoes and potato chips as well, so shall we go down?"

"Are you dressing, Liz?" said Jane.

"With what we have planned for later, what's the point, I'd just be taking them off again," I retorted, laughing.

"And what have you got planned for later?" said Natalie, curious at the looks Jane and I were exchanging.

"We thought Matt could shoot some porn shots," said Jane, "participation optional."

"I'm in!" said Natalie, quickly.

"Let's eat first. We can discuss options as we eat," I said.

It was a lively meal, sandwiches boosted by a glass of wine each for me, Jane and Natalie, and a beer each for the boys.

"I want a pic of me and Jane eating each other out," I said.

"And I want one of me with a cock in my mouth and another in my pussy" said Natalie, with a feral grin.

"Dildo shots, too, please, Matt," I said, then laughed.

"Gods, listen to us! We'd be disowned by most of our friends if they found out," said Jane, laughing, too. "And talking of friends, Natalie, can you ask your friend Lucy if there are any cabins to rent at the nude beach," said Jane. "Matt and Tony want to spend a night or two with me and Liz, and we can't do that at home, too many nosy neighbors."

"There are cabins to rent, yes," said Natalie, "I saw them that time I went with Jill and Lucy. Apparently if you rent one you get membership of the Sun club for the duration of your stay." She grinned suddenly. "Wouldn't need to pack many vacation clothes, would we?"

We'd all just about finished our sandwiches and nibbles by now. "Anyone want any ice-cream for afters?" I said, "or should we leave that for this evening. I'm assuming you'll all stay for dinner. I'll phone for a takeaway later."

"Save the ice-cream for after the takeaway, Mom," said Matt. "I think we're all keen to get on with the photographs," and there was a chorus of agreement.

It was a fun session, as we were all familiar with each other's intimacies by now. Natalie got her cock in each end shot, and Matt took a couple of excellent shots of Jane and me munching on each other's pussy. One of my favorite shots is of Natalie sitting on Tony's erection, with me and Jane laying on each side of them as Natalie skillfully stimulates us both with dildos, Jane with my lime-green monstrosity and me with my custom-made offering. The triple -- no quadruple -- orgasm was pretty special, too.

"How do we view these photos?" Natalie asked.

"We have a SD card reader built into our video recorder," said Matt, "I just need to take the card from the camera and pop it into the reader, but mentioning video recorder reminds me, my Nikon shoots video, if anyone wants some action shots."

"I don't think I could manage to come again any time soon," said Tony, "save movie-making for another time we're together, let's just look at today's shots now."

"It's almost six, I' d better get the takeaway ordered," I said, "but what am I ordering?"

"That Chinese banquet for five was pretty good," said Jane, "shall we just have that again?"

Everyone agreed, so I got on the phone. About an hour was the estimate, and I turned to the others.

"It will be about an hour, so shall we have a picture show?" Yes was the consensus and we sat ourselves, we three females on the couch and the boys in the armchairs. When everyone was settled Matt used the remote control to set the photos on slideshow and we all focused on the screen.

There was generally silence at first, but once we got past Jane's solo poses to the ones of the two of us, and then the two of us plus Natalie, the comments started, usually affectionate, one or two critical, but in a constructive way, suggesting how poses might have been improved. We were just about to start on the porn shots when the doorbell rang. Matt paused the slideshow and I grabbed my robe and headed for the door. Sure enough, it was our takeaway and I tipped the delivery girl a five, rewarded with a beaming smile and "Enjoy!"

In the dining room Jane and Natalie had set out plates and Matt was busy setting out both cutlery and chopsticks. I unloaded the containers of food and set them on the table and turned to the others.

"Jane? Natalie? A glass of wine?"

"Yes, please," said Jane and Natalie nodded smiling agreement. "Matt? Tony? Beer?" Agreement again, and we were soon tucking into our banquet. Nobody had bothered to dress and I'd slipped off my robe after I'd put the containers on the table. A thought struck me and I tapped my wine glass with my fork to get everyone's attention.

"I've been thinking about the cabin at the nude beach. The point of the hire is to allow Matt to actually spend a night, or nights, in Jane's bed and for Tony to spend those nights in my bed, something we can't do at home because our neighbors are too observant, but how long do we hire the cabin for?

"My thinking was six nights, starting on a Thursday, finishing the following Wednesday morning, which means we don't miss any Cougar Club assignments."

"Good thinking, Mom," said Matt.

"I checked earlier and the sun club's office number is in the phone book, so I'll phone them tomorrow and make sure mid-week to mid-week is okay. If it's not, I'll book for a week and we'll sort something out for the Club. Jane, you and I have to book our time off work so if you make a tentative booking for two weeks, starting Monday week, I'll do the same and I'll check with the sun club, and text you confirmation or otherwise as soon as I can, okay?"

"Sure thing, Liz."

I glanced around. "Everybody okay with that?" Nods and murmurs of agreement all round. "Right then, let's tackle this mountain of food!"

Once we'd finished the banquet, and a dish of ice-cream each, we threw the cartons in the trash and loaded the dishwasher. It was full, so I started the cycle then joined the others in the sitting room.

"Everybody ready?" said Matt and received confirmation from everyone. "Okay, then, brace for sexy pictures," he said and we all gave our attention to the television screen. There were several comments as the slideshow played, mostly of the 'wow, look at that' or 'do I really look that silly when I'm fucking' variety, but there was silence for a moment after the last photo cleared. With a sigh, Natalie turned to Matt.

"Matt, honey? When we shoot some videos, can at least one of them be of your cock or Tony's going into my pussy when I'm being fucked doggy style. It feels great, so I want to see what it looks like. Those three stills you shot are great, but I want to see my pussy spread in action!"

"That will be a pleasure, Natalie. I tell you, it looks fucking awesome, and I always have to watch when I take one of you ladies that way."

Natalie laughed. "Nice to know at least one thing about me is awesome."

"Many more than just one, honey, I tell you three times," said Matt, and blew her a kiss. She grinned, and blew one back.

We were all pretty much fucked out and just chatted generally for a while, and Jane, Natalie and Tony headed off home at about ten-forty. Matt and I were in bed by eleven, asleep by ten past.

Everything went well next day. I phoned the sun club, confirmed they had cabins for hire, and that Thursday to Wednesday was okay, booked a cabin with three bedrooms and texted Jane accordingly, and by the time we met up for lunch everything was sorted. The weather was mixed so we actually ate in Toni's rather than the little park, and kept our conversation general. I even remembered to book the two weeks leave that spanned our nude beach time.

Matt and I made love on Monday night, but on Tuesday he abstained, saving himself for Jane on the Wednesday, for she was his Cougar Club partner that night. At seven-twenty I waved him off and settled myself to wait for my partner of the evening, Peter West, the only one of the boys I hadn't fucked yet.

He was prompt, and greeted me affectionately but shyly as I let him into the house. He was carrying a soft briefcase which he leaned against the wall in the hallway.

"We both know why you're here, honey," I said as I led him into the sitting room. "I'm in no rush to finish but I am to get started, but first, a question. Do you want to fuck me down here, in my bed, or both?" And I grinned.

He grinned back. "Both, if I can manage, Liz, but right here first, please."

"Here it is, honey, but we have too many clothes on, so do you want me to strip for you, do you want to undress me, or shall we undress together?"

"Strip for me, please, Liz, then I'd like you to undress me. It was always one of my fantasies, being undressed for sex by an older lady and Molly and Jane were both very obliging when I went to them.

"Undressing you will be a pleasure, honey, but first I need to undress me, so sit yourself down and let's get started." He sat, and I started playing the theme from The Stripper in my head, making as sensuous a production out of loosening my robe as I could, finally letting it slip down my arms and tossing it onto an armchair, to the accompaniment of an 'oh, wow' from Peter.

I struck a pose. "Like my outfit, honey?"

"Love it. Jason said you had a really sexy outfit when he came. Is it the same one?"

"Afraid so, honey."

"No, no, don't get me wrong, I was hoping it was the same one. It's fabulous, makes you look really sexy."

"Thank you, honey, that's very sweet of you." I blew him a kiss and continued my strip, loosening and removing my bra as sensuously as I could.

"You have gorgeous tits, Liz," he said.

"Thank you, again." I hooked my thumbs into my waistband, turned my back to him, and keeping my legs as straight as I could, bent from the waist to push the wisp of cotton and nylon down my legs, stepping clear and using my toes to flick my thong onto my pile of clothes. I struck another pose and Peter applauded.

"Sexiest thing I've seen in ages, so thank you again. Please, keep the stockings on."

"My pleasure, honey, and keeping my stockings on was always my plan. Now, stand up, it's your turn" Being a bit of a cooler day, Peter had worn a denim jacket, which he'd tossed onto one of the armchairs, leaving him in a button-through shirt and blue jeans, tan loafers on his feet.

"Kick your shoes off, honey," I said, reaching to unfasten his first shirt button as he responded to my request. I pulled the shirt clear of his jeans and stepped close to push the shirt back off his shoulders, letting my nipples, my very hard nipples, brush his chest, rewarded by feeling his hands come up to cup my tits.

"Nice touch, honey," I murmured as I unfastened his belt, then the button at his waistband, before sliding his zipper down, dropping to my knees to ease his jeans down so that he could step out of them. That left him in a tented pair of boxers which soon joined his other clothes, then I slipped off his socks. I got to my feet and, naked, we gazed at each other, then I stepped close and put my arms around his neck.

"Kiss me, honey, kiss me as a lover, not as your Mom's friend."

I'll say this for Peter, the boy can kiss! I broke the kiss and leaned back in the circle of his arms. I smiled up at him. "Time for our first fuck, honey, so how do you want me?"

"You mean, which position?"

"That's exactly what I mean, so what's your choice? Anything except anal, there are already enough rich proctologists. Plain, vanilla missionary? I can watch your face when you come, that way. Cowgirl? You get a rest while I do all the work," I said, and gave him a wink. "Or doggy style?"

"What exactly do you mean by cowgirl?"

"You can either lie on the floor or sit on the edge of the couch. I kneel astride you and lower my pussy onto your cock, then I ride you until you come, until we both come, and you play with my tits while I do."

"Well, I hope to try more than one of those while I'm here ... "

"As do I, honey."

" ... but this first time, cowgirl, please."

"Cowgirl it is. Couch or floor?"

"Which do you prefer?"

"I like them both, but the couch is easier on my knees."

"Couch it is, then."

"Okay, honey, slide forward until your ass is on the edge and let your Liz get at that pretty pole."