Dana Watches

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Tired businesswoman gets unexpected entertainment.
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Dana had flown into town that afternoon and then attended her dinner meeting. It was already well into the evening when she finally checked into her hotel. She was no stranger to business travel. This was the last leg in a one-week, four city sweep. Finally, after another meeting tomorrow, she would be heading home. She could get a good night's sleep for a change and hopefully, if her boyfriend is amenable, some attention would be paid to those more basic urges that at this point were pretty well suppressed by business and fatigue.

The tension in Dana's very attractive body slowly faded as her shower progressed. Her shoulders seemed to lower as her muscles relaxed under the hot stream of water. Stress was being replaced by the desire for sleep. She left the bathroom, her hair still damp. She was wearing just rather unflattering utilitarian panties under a T-Shirt that came down to her mid-thigh. With just the end table lamp dimly lighting the room, she fell onto the bed and stared at the ceiling, waiting for the last remnants of tension to leave her.

Then it started. The TV in the adjacent room came on with a boom. She heard the disjointed sound bytes from channels being switched until a selection was finally settled upon. She just didn't have the strength to get up much less go over to the phone to call the front desk to complain. She just lay there, hoping that whoever was in the other room would turn the sound down to a considerate level. She waited and waited. Oddly, she eventually found herself trying to listen to the program. Was it a newly released movie on a pay channel, a late-night talk show, an infomercial?

"Oh my God!" she thought to herself. "It's a porno channel!"

Dana just couldn't believe her luck. She was lying there, moments from much needed sleep, and now she had to listen to contrived grunting and moaning with cheap porno music in the background. That did it. She conjured up enough strength to roll over to her side and get up from the bed. She was headed over to the phone when she realized that there was a door that connected the two rooms. Without thinking things through too carefully, she quietly undid the chain and the dead bolt and slowly cracked open the door. Earlier in the day the maid had set the chain on the door in the other room but had forgotten to fully close it so it too was open just a bit.

Dana cautiously peeked through the small slit of an opening made by the two doors. She could see the bed on the far wall and its occupant, a man, dressed only in white boxer shorts. Dana's first reaction was to pull away from the door. Did he see her? What should she do now? Her curiosity made her look again, this time for a longer while. She thought the man was attractive and most likely in his early thirties and therefore close to her own age. Her heartbeat rose while she continued to risk discovery. She continued to look and take in the scene before her. The man lay very still. Only his hairless and very fit chest moved with slow but deep breaths. The flickering bluish light from the television strobed the bed, the man, and the wall. The harsh horizontal light accentuated the muscles in his abdomen.

Dana stepped back again from the open door and surveyed her situation. Obviously she had not been discovered and the gentleman was too engrossed in the program to notice that the door in his room was not completely closed. She assessed the risk of discovery as low and let her curiosity get the better of her. As a precaution, she turned out the only light in her room. With the deftness of a cat burglar, she brought the desk chair over without making a sound and took up her observation post. She leaned toward the opening, her head just an inch or so from the door, the light from the other room painting a vertical strip down one side of her face. Now she could concentrate on the man in the other room.

He lay there with both hands at his sides, his gaze fixed straight ahead. Dana took a moment to study him. He was tan and athletic but not overly muscular. He had jet black hair and a very neatly trimmed mustache. Her attentions moved down his chest and over his abdomen and eventually to the boxers. A slight bulge could be seen in the loose material.

From the sounds on the television, Dana determined that her new friend was watching a lesbian extravaganza. There were only the voices of women in various stages of orgasmic bliss. They were shouting their desires and screaming benefits of their effect. Dana soon realized that she too was becoming excited by the situation. She felt the beginnings of a warmth from deep within. It was a welcome feeling and one that would intensify as the evening's entertainment went on.

Dana's vision zeroed in on the man's increasing erection. As the women in the movie yelled the praises of a two-headed dildo, the material in the man's boxers began to rise and tighten. She was mesmerized by the whole situation. The man seemed mentally separate from his penis. The organ seemingly acted of its own accord and with out intervention or external assistance. He seemed to be completely oblivious to his growing member. He just kept staring at the television. It was all so fascinating to her. She watched almost without blinking until she was convinced that his cock had reached the full potential allowed by the limits of the boxer shorts. Only then did the man intercede. Without taking his eyes from the TV screen, his hand moved up and over his shorts and began to gently caress the cock that strained beneath.

The effect on Dana was predictable. She felt a tightness in her chest as her breathing rate increased. He nipples became hard and tingled to the point of distraction whenever the T-shirt shifted over her breasts. Dana was beginning to generate that inevitable dampness between her legs. Her hand went down and slowly rubbed her mound as if to quell the stirrings so that she could concentrate on what she was looking at. It was a futile gesture. Her juices soon saturated her panties and wet her fingers. Her sweetly delicious scent rose and entered her nostrils. It just served increased the state of her arousal. She finally surrendered to her unalterable fate. She would enjoy an orgasm this night.

That same eventuality was being deliberately played out in the next room. Dana watch transfixed while the man stroked his cock more aggressively. The boxer shorts had become a hindrance and so the flap was parted and the falling cotton unveiled the freed member just as a tent pole would be after ripping through taught canvas. Dana pulled away from door and gasped. Her hand covered her mouth and she gasped again. Her other hand pressed harder against her wet panties. She was both surprised and delighted at the man's revealed cock. The veined shaft was quite long and wide. The circumcised crown liberally oozed syrupy precum with each up-stroke of the man's gripping hand. Dana was not aware of it but at that exact moment, her mouth felt dry and she licked her lips. She did however make a very conscious decision to open her legs further and slide her index finger up and down her opening. She enjoyed the little bit of heat that was generated from the friction.

The man's breathing was now rapid and very deep. His stroking was long, deliberate, determined and only interrupted by moments when he ran the palm of his hand over the seeping head in order to spread his slippery precum along the shaft. A faint grimace of frustration flashed on the man's face. Even this slight presence of his shorts was too confining for him. He strong legs flexed, his abdomen rippled and he lifted his buttocks off the bed to slip the briefs completely away. Dana gasped again at the sight of the man's smoothly shaved balls. Dana licked her lips a second time and followed the man's lead. She stood only for a moment to remove her useless panties. The man now spread his legs wide on the bed and Dana did likewise on her chair. Her swollen pussy lips, covered in wetness, pulled slowly apart. The exposure of her wet inner folds to the air sent shivers through her spine. Her fingers instinctively slid inside her to fill the void. Her inner muscles clenched and twitched around the welcome intrusion.

The three of them, Dana, the man, and the television, were rushing to the inevitable conclusion. The women on the screen were tactlessly screaming about how much they loved to have their pussys sucked and how close they were to coming. The man was tickling and rubbing his balls with one hand and using the other in long complete strokes of his desperate cock. Dana was rubbing her breast and tugging at her nipples while the fingers of her other hand thrust in and out of her grateful pussy. The television ladies screamed with delight and the man grunted and moaned almost imperceptivity. The only sound emanating from Dana was a wet slippery sound with each stroke of her fingers.

The women on the television screamed in false orgasms but Dana was too focused on the man's climax to notice. For the first time he was no longer looking at the TV set. His head was pushed back into the pillows, his eyes shut tight. Every muscle from his shoulder, chest, abdomen and legs tightened like strained rubber bands. The hand around his balls gripped them with out motion. His other hand stroked at a feverish pace. He let out a great gasp, his head lifting up and then falling back into the pillows. His hand stopped stroking and gripped his cock as it erupted in orgasm. A long thick rope of ejaculate, almost fluorescent in the light of the TV, belched from his swollen cockhead. It landed in a thick line from just below his navel up to his right nipple. Another and then another burst of cum shot from his spurting cock, blotting his abdomen indiscriminately with white streaks and dollops of semen. He released the grip on his shaft and slid the palm of his hand over the spurting head. Dana watched the last creamy expulsions of the man's orgasm ooze in pulses from between his fingers. The muscles in his body began to relax as if one by one. She watched a serenity slowly take him over until he was again still, his breathing short and shallow, his eyes closed, his hand still over his erect cock, thick cum slowly slipping down the long shaft towards his balls.

The man's present state was in stark contrast to Dana's. She was frantically trying to follow the man in the other room. The hand massaging her breasts was doing so from under her shirt which now covered very little. She leaned back in her chair as much as she could without falling, providing better access to her thrusting fingers while her palm massaged her clit. Dana had many types of orgasms, some subtle and mild with long introductions but this was not to be one of those. With all the prelude of slamming into a brick wall, Dana's whole body shuttered in a violent orgasm. Her internal muscles clenched her inserted fingers in a tight desperate grip that also served to expel her own liquid passion. Rapid twitches followed and eventually faded into slower and duller pulses. Only then did Dana slip her dripping fingers from her pussy.

Dana's focus returned just at the moment when the stranger removed his hand from his cock. The impressive penis, still long but not as firm, rested up his abdomen. Illuminated by the light of the television, Dana could easily see the webs of cum that stretched between the man's fingers. She looked at her own hand. It too was covered in her cum but in nowhere near the same quantity or viscosity. In just that instant, she wished that she was in the room with him, the two of them looking at each other's hand.

Dana watched the man retrieve his boxers and attempt to wipe the cum from his fingers. She also watched him run the shorts up to his chest to wipe what had been deposited there. He rose from the bed and left her field of view. Moments later she heard the sound of water running. Her own cum coated her thighs and her hand. The air was rich with her scent. She decided that she should probably so the same. She rose and headed to the bathroom but not before closing the door that had provided such delightful entertainment.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Interesting premise.

Better if she'd reacted to the dialog between the lesbians on the porn video. Surely thay'd have mentioned what was being done to them by their partner. What body part/s it was being done to. What they wanted their partner to do. And how. Faster? Slower? Make me cum now! Slow down, I'm not ready to cum yet. Do you want me to X, Y, Z?

Four stars.

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