Danica Pt. 04


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"I watch over those who walk the dodgy path in this city. It is mine, from the lowest alleys to the highest rooftops. You have stepped within my city without paying call to my guild. You do know the responsibilities of a visiting thief, do you not?"

"There's no damn guild here. Never has been," Telanor disputed.

"There is now, and it is mine," the handsome newcomer countered while leaning absently against the wall near the door.

"What the hell are you doing in this den of magic users then?" Telanor snarled.

The door opened, and as Zoraster entered he answered, "Because, he is not foolish enough to operate in this city without my blessing."

"Fucking wizards. Your magic is useless against me," Telanor declared, displaying his magical ring.

The handsome thief moved so quickly that he almost seemed not to move. Another dagger thudded into the wall, having drawn blood on the side of Telanor's neck in its flight.

"His magic will not be needed," the handsome thief taunted and crossed the room toward Telanor. "You have violated the code of the dodgy path. Your life is thus forfeit. I choose to waive your penalty in exchange for certain services."

Telanor kept his body coiled, ready for action, silently debating what course to take. He soon realized he had only two courses of action -- submit or die.

"Put your knife away and give me the ring," the guild leader instructed.

Telanor hesitated for a moment, and then sighed, slipping his knife back into hiding. He pulled off the ring and handed it to the other thief. Zoraster smiled wickedly the whole time.

Handing the ring to Zoraster, the master of thieves said, "Now, I believe you have something which belongs to the lady, do you not?"

Telanor sighed again and produced the pouch. He walked over and dumped it on the bed next to Danica. Danica lashed out with her foot and caught him square between the legs.

Zoraster and his minion both laughed loudly as Telanor dropped to his knees and moaned in pain.

The guild leader pulled Telanor to his feet. The pained thief hobbled after him out the door, still gasping his throbbing balls.

Zoraster chuckled once more as the door shut. "Quite a show, little rose. I shall have to have you dance for me sometime. You have earned your freedom to enter the city. That fool is one of the most talented thieves of this age, and he is now mine -- thanks to the charms of a woman. Good day, little rose."

Zoraster left the room laughing loudly.

Danica fumed for a few minutes and then put the pouch of gold away. She drew a bath and it relaxed her enough to return to her bed and sleep.


Danica spent her time in study. Even though she had freedom to enter the city, she did not feel like journeying there right now. Instead, she turned her efforts to increasing her magical knowledge. She ached to craft, but lacked any real inspiration. She didn't want to make an item without having a real passion for it. She spent a lot of time just visiting with Andrea, though their passions did overcome them often as evenings wore on.

Danica researched powerful spells, many of which she previously thought would be well above her ability to learn. She at last centered on a vastly powerful spell of fire. Called Vesper's Inferno, it had several variations, all of different power levels and difficulty -- all varying only slightly in their casting.

Her decision made, Danica set her mind to the task of mastering the powerful spell. It took her many days, but -- at long last -- she felt the magic burning in her blood and knew she had mastered the weakest form of the spell. It would be enough to engulf an area about twenty feet in diameter around her in a roaring flame, while protecting her from its effects.

Danica knew the time was nearly upon her when she must return to the castle to complete the task Zoraster had given her. Celes confirmed this the next morning when she came to transport Danica to the city near the castle.

Danica and Celes wandered about the city for the day. Danica paid for their purchases with the coin from her winnings -- and what Zoraster had given her for her task to find the thief. When night fell, she was ready.

Danica cast the Armor of Dispelling over her and then activated her rings. She left the house -- invisible and utterly silent.

She reached the stable wall adjoining the castle, levitated over at the midpoint between two of the guards, and walked toward the barely-awake guard near the entrance of the stable-hand's quarters.

Danica trusted the Armor of Dispelling, but she still held her breath as she passed through the portal. All her magic stayed in place, and she breathed a sigh of relief as she made her way into the castle. She moved quickly through the path, which she remembered well. Danica heard the ladies of the night when she reached the stairs, and knew they were making their nightly trip to the guard chambers.

Danica quickly ascended the staircase and saw the old alchemist leaving his chambers as she continued upward. She knew she would have little trouble staying ahead of the old man.

Danica reached the door to the Princess' chambers far ahead of the old man. She cast a spell of clairvoyance and found the room beyond empty, as she expected it to be. Opened the door, she was glad for its well-oiled hinges as it swung open silently. She held back against its strong force, in order to close it without the door banging against the jamb.

Danica planned to get her sleep drug into the woman's system, touch the two amulets, and be quickly on her way. When Danica reached the Princess' bedroom, she knew that such was not to be. The Princess was nude, lying on the bed, and soaked in sweat. Her mouth and eyes were both wide open in an expression of starkest terror. She writhed on the bed and batted at the air, pumping her legs as if she were running.

Danica cursed. There was no way she could get near the writhing woman without a blow from the Princess negating her invisibility. Pausing at the doorway, she tried to figure out a way to get near the woman and somehow drop a dollop of the sleeping drug into the woman's open mouth. She drew near the bed and watched for an opportunity.

She cursed again when the first dollop missed the woman's mouth and bounced off her cheek onto the bed. The woman was writhing so wildly that it was going to be impossible to hit her mouth. Danica heard the door open and knew the old alchemist had arrived.

His eyes went wide when he saw the Princess' state. "What is wrong, Milady?" He asked sharply.

She did not respond.

He quickly pulled a vial from his pocket and moved over to the woman. He held down one of her arms with great effort, pouring the contents of the vial into her open mouth -- and over her face when she thrashed away from the stream.

Apparently, enough reached her mouth, because her writhing ceased. She soon slipped into what was obviously a troubled slumber.

The old alchemist rummaged around the area. When he opened the drawer on the bedside table, he said, "Dear gods -- what have I done? What have you done?"

He quickly gathered up the vials from the drawer and put them in his bag. He then took one last glance at the woman on the bed and hurried out of the room with the look of a hunted animal on his face.

Danica took the opportunity that the situation presented and pressed the amulets together. When the humming of the amulet in her hand ceased, she quickly left the room and moved back through the castle.

When Danica reached the stables, she felt a pull toward the chambers of the stable hands by her memory of what she had seen here before. She saw the two young men speaking quietly and looking at each other with lusty, needy glances. One of them looked carefully at the other two sleeping stable hands and nodded. The other got up and walked past where Danica stood toward the portal outside.

Danica flared with desire. She hurried to the storage room, weaving her way through it. She reached the back corner and quickly found a place to sit down. The location was just to the right and in front of the hay bale where the young men had been before. The floor here was clear of debris, and Danica settled down on her knees to wait.

She did not have to wait long. The two men soon arrived and embraced in a passionate kiss. Danica opened her robes as one man pulled down his trousers. She edged over closer and sat down.

When the other man dropped to his knees, Danica pulled the crotch of her panties over and out of the way, exposing her already soaked sex. Danica was barely two feet away from the two young men as the one sucked his companion's cock with the same slow, torturous stroking Danica had witnessed before. She could hear every near-silent moan the one man let out as the other sucked his cock so well. She could hear every muffled moan from the other as well. Danica's fingers rubbed and stroked inside her as she watched.

Danica built rapidly, but she slowed down -- the touch of her circling fingers softening -- because she wanted to be with the young man when he filled his companion's mouth with a flood of warm cum.

After long minutes, the kneeling man increased the speed of his bobbing head. The other's breathing quickened and blasted from his partially open mouth. Danica's fingers moved faster in time with the scene before her.

Danica held back, fighting her overwhelming need to go over the edge. At last, the one young man twined his fingers in the other's hair and groaned.

Danica came hard the moment she heard the one man groan in release and the other moan from the explosion of cream filling his mouth. Danica gasped and yelped as her orgasm rocked through her body, and fought to keep her eyes open.

She could see the semen on the man's shaft as his companion continued to suck him. She could see it on his lips as well. Her orgasm had nearly played itself out when the one man let his companion's cock free of his mouth and licked his lips.

Danica tried to catch her breath as the two young men switched positions. The second was apparently impatient this night, because he sucked with much quicker strokes right from the start when he got to his knees and engulfed the cock in front of him.

Danica followed his pace and stroked her clit fast, probing the fingers of her other hand deep into her. She rubbed at her walls and the sensitive spot behind her mound, her body quaking in ecstasy.

Danica gasped in surprise when she noticed that the young man with the mouth full of cock was already growing hard again as he sucked.

The young man's mouth moved up and down his companion's shaft, his cheeks caved in from the pressure of his sucking. He took it all the way to the hilt so that his chin touched the other man's balls with every sweet stroke.

Danica buried her fingers inside her and rubbed her clit furiously when the one man's hands went to his companion's head. She exploded just as the man shoved his hips forward and shot his seed into the other's throat.

Danica moaned long and loud as waves of orgasm rolled through her body while she watched the man's cum-slick cock slide in and out of the other's mouth.

After giving the one young man a few moments to recover from his orgasm, the one who had just so furiously sucked his friend slid his again-hard cock into a warm mouth.

After a few strokes, a thick layer of saliva coated his cock. He pulled free and bent his companion over the bale. He dribbled his saliva into the man's ass, slipping his tongue deep inside to probe and slather saliva within.

He then got up and aimed the head of his cock. Danica gasped, rubbing her nether lips hard and fast again as she watched that big, hard cock sliding slowly into his companion's tight ass.

Danica rubbed furiously, thrusting four fingers in and out of her rapidly as she watched the young man increase the speed and power of his thrusts. The other looked back, gritting his teeth and gasping as hard, throbbing cock filled his ass.

Danica came -- her eyes going shut regardless of how hard she tried to keep them open. She fought hard to open them as her orgasm shook her body, trying to keep the amazing sight before her.

Danica's fingers went back to work even before her aftershocks played themselves out. The young man was up to speed now, his cock sliding hard and fast into his companion's ass, his balls slapping against the other's as he fucked him.

Danica came again as the man buried his erection in his companion's ass and hissed softly in release. He started to haltingly stroke again, and Danica yelped as another particularly strong wave of ecstasy washed over her. She could see the cum on the one man's shaft, and see it slowly leaking around the softening cock as the young man took a few last strokes. Danica's body continued to shiver and quake as rode out her orgasm and the following aftershocks.

Danica heard the sound at the same time as the two men -- the muffled sound of hoof beats. The two young men quickly got up, dressed, and then hurried from the storage room.

Danica struggled to get up after her intense orgasms. She was a bit disappointed that she wouldn't get to see more, but slowly managed to recover, straighten her clothes, and stand.

She renewed her Armor of Dispelling and the magic of her rings before leaving the storage room. She smiled wide and shuddered as she saw the two young men rubbing down a horse in the stable yard.

A few seconds later, she levitated over the wall and returned to the house in the city. Celes teleported both of them back to their prison, the memory still fresh in Danica's mind and her panties still damp.

Danica was in desperate need of someone to help her with the continuing needs of her body, so she hurried to Andrea's chambers.

The woman let her in with a smile, and they were soon undressed. Danica's need must have been obvious in her eyes, and Andrea was more than willing.

When Andrea pulled off her top, Danica gasped and fought to keep tears from her eyes. She managed to keep it from showing in her face, but inwardly Danica sobbed when she saw the amulet around Andrea's neck. It matched the ones she and Celes wore.


Zoraster stared hard at the thief before him. "Do not seek to deceive me, Telanor. I am well aware of your connections to the drug trade. I want to contact those connections, as I have need of them."

"You can find that shit anywhere. What do you need me for?"

"I want direct contact with the smugglers who acquire the substances from their source. You are in my power and will do as I ask -- have no doubt about that. Know also that I handsomely reward those who serve me, whether they choose to or not. If you serve me willingly, the rewards are beyond measure."

"I still don't get it. What's a high and mighty wizard's concern with dope?"

"That is not your concern. Suffice to say I have uses for its users." Zoraster toyed with the Ring of Spell Turning taken from the thief. "I can provide you with far greater protection against magic, you know? Charms that will allow you to defeat magical defenses -- not simply protect you as you flee from wielders of Art."

The thief kept his composure, but Zoraster saw the slight changes in the man's posture and demeanor, which betrayed his interest.

Telanor revealed that interest completely when he spoke. "And why would you give me protection against your magic as well as that of others?"

"Because it would be meaningless for you to use such trinkets as I will grant you against me. They will give you great power over others, but against me, they would serve only to bring about your slow and painful death. With them, you may enter many places beyond you now. I know your history. I know your infatuation with women and the hunt. I can provide you with all your desires. In exchange -- all I ask is that you occasionally take something, or someone, on my behalf. The rest of your time is your own, as are your gains. I can also provide you with far better prices for your attained property, and I'm sure Danica is a fine example of how I might fulfill your carnal desires."

"I don't really have any choice, do I?"

"No, I'm afraid not. You will serve me. It is simply a matter of whether you wish to be rewarded -- and rewarded well -- for doing so."

Telanor shrugged. "Well -- looks like I'm working for you then."

Zoraster smiled and tossed the ring to the thief. "You serve yourself. That is your strength, and why I sought to ensnare you. You simply have a few goals of mine to achieve in the process. Now, let us provide you with the means to enhance your already legendary reputation."

Telanor smiled as Zoraster opened a case filled with magic items to begin describing their use.


I hope you liked this tale, and will continue to read Danica's ongoing story. Please take a moment to vote, and perhaps comment. That's the only payment a free author gets, and every bit of feedback is most appreciated!

You may find later chapters have some flubs and grammar issues, until I finish posting all the edits. Look for the note at the beginning of each chapter about my editor, Roust, and that will let you know whether the chapter is newly edited.

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ausvirgoausvirgoalmost 3 years ago

Loved it.

Lots of intrigue, with little seeds here and there waiting to grow into new plotlines.

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