Danica Pt. 07


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Danica screamed and her body quaked as she came hard. The toy sucked up her sweet flood of juices as they flowed from her and ejaculated them into Andrea's depths. Danica's hot juices shooting inside her sent Andrea soaring into another wave of orgasm.

Every time Danica tensed and screamed while her orgasm rolled through her, her toy shot another hot burst of her cum deep inside Andrea. The feeling overwhelmed them both, and Danica had to pull the toy out. She collapsed on the bed, gasping for breath next to Andrea.

When they both found their breath and passed through the greatest part of their aftershocks, Danica slipped out of the toy's harness. "Did you like that?" she asked with a wicked grin, and kissed Andrea before the blonde could answer.

"Oh my gods -- yes," Andrea gasped when they broke from the kiss.

"Would you like to fuck me?"

Andrea nodded enthusiastically.

Danica helped Andrea into the harness and adjusted it for her. When Danica closed the last buckle, Andrea stroked the cock with her hand and moaned as the shaft slid inside her. She laid Danica back with a sensual little growl and quickly mounted her.

Andrea soon found her stance and pace. Within moments, she thrust into Danica just as hard as most men would have. Both women screamed their pleasure as Andrea stroked both of their depths with the toy. Andrea came a few moments later. Danica screamed in delight as the young woman's creamy juices shot into her depths. She reached up and urged the woman to continue, thrusting her own hips against the shaft.

Andrea continued to come, spastically thrusting the shaft in and out of Danica. Danica relented when it was obvious Andrea could not concentrate beyond her own orgasm, reluctantly sliding back off the toy.

Danica rolled over onto her hands and knees, watching Andrea shudder and gasp as she came down from her orgasm. She then reached back and parted her lips from below saying, "Fuck me. Spank my ass and make me come."

Andrea moved over to Danica and grasped her hips, crying out as the toy penetrated both of them once more. Andrea slowly built up to speed, both women tensing and thrashing their heads as the toy fucked them so well. Andrea found an even greater speed and power in this position, driving both of them toward their heights of pleasure rapidly.

They came almost simultaneously, Andrea's sweet cum shooting from the shaft buried inside Danica. Andrea collapsed atop Danica as they both writhed from the incredible power of their orgasms. They both lay for a long time with the toy's shafts buried inside them before they could manage to rise from the bed.


Not long after Danica awoke the next morning, Celes came to her rooms. Danica made them both breakfast, and while they ate, they discussed what they thought they might need to take with them on their task.

They decided there was little they could do in the way of special preparations. Celes already had everything she intended to take prepared. She helped Danica pack up her magic items and several changes of clothes. They decided to wait until after noon before departing.

Danica made them lunch, and after cleaning the dishes, they rode the wings of magic to their destination. Once again, Danica contemplated the familiar surroundings. This wasn't anywhere she knew, but Zoraster's outposts were all nearly identical on the inside.

They appeared in a small room with a curious pattern on the floor. Each of Zoraster's outposts had such a pattern, and seeing it reminded Danica to ask Celes, "What is this room for? Does it have something to do with the pattern on the floor?"

"It's a teleport room. T' pattern is unique ta each o' Zoraster's houses scattered all about. If'n ye memorize t' pattern carefully, ye can use its image in yer mind ta teleport yerself to a place ye've not been before. It's the only reason I was able ta take us here, as I'ze never been to this city meself."

"That explains one small mystery," Danica remarked.

They went out into the house and immediately noticed something -- a tang in the air Danica recognized as the scent of the sea. A fire burning in the fireplace of the house reminded Danica that autumn wasn't far away. Soon it would be winter, and Danica wondered how difficult it would be to get down into the city from Zoraster's abode. She knew the climate should be similar to what she was accustomed to, but winters could be worse there, as it was some distance from her home.

Celes snapped Danica out of her thoughts when she spoke, "We should be gettin' ourselves down ta the wizard's place an' presentin' ourselves. He's young, but he's havin' a fair amount o' inherited coin. It might be that his coin could be persuadin' some ta take the positions as his assistants what normally wouldn't with one so young. That'd suren make it a might more difficult fer us ta get what we came for an' get home."

"How will we find him?"

"Zoraster said most knew o' the man. We should be able ta ask about an' find him easy enough. Are ye ready then?"

Danica nodded and the two women went out into the streets of the city. They were in a port city, at the farthest edge of the city from the docks. This wasn't surprising to Danica, as the closer one got to the docks in such a city, the seedier the homes and businesses were. Such was simply not Zoraster's style.

They only had to ask two street venders before they received directions to the wizard's abode. The two made their way to the home, finding it to be a fair sized, fine dwelling. The place bespoke wealth without a doubt. Set atop a small rise, the property offered a view of the sea uncluttered by the other buildings of the city.

They went up to the door and knocked, a servant answering the door a moment or two later. When they told him the reason for their visit, he led them to a sitting room that afforded a fine view of the sea through the large, expensive windows along one wall.

The servant who had answered the door turned out to be a cheerful older man who loved to talk. His name was Alfrin, a second-generation servant to the wizard's respected family. Celes asked what his employer was like, and the man was glad to offer his opinion. Celes dropped her put upon accent the moment they entered the place, piquing Danica's curiosity.

The servant revealed that the wizard's name was Darius, and described him as an outstanding citizen from a respected line. He paid his servants well, and did not overwork them. The servant expressed concern that his Master's studies consumed him, and that he took little time to seek the company of ladies. This revealed Alfrin's concern for the continuation of the family line, and an obvious belief that Danica or Celes would make a fine addition to that family. Celes whispered at one point that Zoraster had left the illusion around her on this task, everyone but Danica saw her as young and vital.

The conversation had turned to the city when Darius came into the room. He bowed respectfully to the two women upon noticing them.

"Sir, these two beautiful women are Andrea and Celes," The servant revealed, pointing them out with sweeps of his hand. "They have come wishing to accept your offer for assistants."

Danica looked the man over as Alfrin introduced them. She guessed he was in his early thirties -- indeed young to have been accepted to one of conclaves. He was a handsome -- if not strikingly so -- and clean-shaven, with bright blue eyes that matched the smile on his face.

"Splendid," Darius remarked, "You are both versed in magic, I trust?"

"Yes," Celes answered. "I am long studied in the Art, having come to it at a young age. Danica has a remarkable ability in magical item creation. She is also a fine worker in wood, and I believe we both could be of invaluable assistance to you."

"Splendid. Splendid," Darius said with a clap. "Well, let us get down to business then. I offer your room and board, as well as a weekly salary, which we may negotiate later. It is good that the two of you know each other and have worked together before. I believe it will make our work all the easier. Now, let us adjourn to my workroom and see what knowledge the two of you have."

They followed Darius to his workshop and went over the man's rough outline of the enchantments he wished his staff to have. Danica pointed out the enchantments that would have to be cast over the staff during its creation, and Celes named the components necessary for the spells. Celes searched the well-labeled jars of spell components stored in a finely crafted cabinet, and noted what he was lacking as they went along.

Halfway through the list of spells, Darius interjected, "Splendid. I had not hoped to find one assistant with half your knowledge -- let alone two. If you are willing, I would be honored to work with the both of you."

Danica and Celes looked at each other and nodded. Then Danica said, "We will be glad to assist you in this grand task. I think we should take a much deeper look at what you wish to do first. We should have a finely detailed set of notes before we proceed with anything more."

They spent the remainder of the day building their outline of what they were going to do. They started from the root enchantments that would be the heart of the staff's magic, and slowly detailed their way outward. When evening closed upon them, Darius showed them to a pair of adjacent rooms that they could use as their own. He unlocked a door that joined them so the two women could go between the rooms without needing to enter the hall. Both women were delighted that each room had a tub and a stove to heat water for it, as well as a fireplace and a small closet-like room for the chamber pot.

Darius bid them good night, saying he was quite anxious to return to their work in the morning. He told them that they had the run of the house, and that they could do whatever they wished for their comfort while here.

Celes looked around the rooms. "No dweomers of any kind," she said quietly. "He doesn't spy on his guests. We should wander about and learn what we can, to discover if there are any sort of protections or alarms, so we can search more extensively under cover of our magic later."

Danica nodded, "Why did you lose your accent?"

"It just seemed appropriate. You didn't really think I talked that way normally did you?" Celes answered with a smile. "Suren' I kin be puttin' on the tongue twistin' fer ye when we're alone if'n ye're wantin' me too," she added with her accent in full outrageous effect.

Danica laughed, "No, It will be an interesting change."

"Well, let's explore then," Celes said, and they both went out into the house.

Danica went right down the hall toward the workshop. Celes went left toward the entrance. Danica passed some servant's quarters after the workshop, and nodded to them when they did so as she passed. She found another sitting room, and several storage rooms. She then came upon what she knew must be Darius' private quarters. It was the only room with double doors, the wood intricately carved with a family crest where the doors joined. The hall ended here.

Danica slipped into the second sight. Protective magic swirled around the door. The spells were many and varied, interwoven with alarms and contingency spells. It would be difficult -- nearly impossible -- to enter the room without someone discovering the intrusion.

Danica turned and walked back down the hall, closely looking at everything she passed with her second sight. She found no dweomers of any kind anywhere except Darius' private chambers, and the now locked workshop.

Danica went back into her room, and Celes entered shortly thereafter. Danica explained what she had learned, "Darius' private chambers are at the end of the hall. They are very well warded, as is the workshop. Other than that, I saw nothing. There's another sitting room, a storage room, and servant's quarters down that way."

Celes nodded. "I found the dining hall. It's elaborate and likely doubles as a ballroom considering its size, though it seems little used. The kitchen, some servant's quarters, the servant's baths, and an exit to the back of the house. I saw no dweomers at all. We should have little trouble exploring the house under cloak of magic."

"I doubt we'll find anything. The wand is likely in the lab, or more likely in Darius' private chambers."

"I agree, but we should search the house and the grounds thoroughly as well. I can search the lab while making a pretense of cataloging what the man has to see if we need to make any purchases," Celes suggested.

"Why do you use that outrageous accent?" Danica interrupted, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"I hate how my voice sounds coming from this old throat. With that accent, it doesn't sound like me at all and doesn't disturb me so badly. Even when the illusion is around me, I still see and hear myself as I am now," Celes explained with a sigh.

Danica felt a sense of mixed emotions from Celes, and opened her mind, reaching out to the woman as she spoke.

"I hate this old body -- hate that I have it before my time, and hate that I know even without Zoraster's curse I would have come to this later in life. I fear I'm a bit vain, I suppose. I was proud of my body, my voice..."

In her mind, Danica saw Celes as she saw herself -- young, vibrant, firm, and gorgeous. The mental picture didn't have any of the exaggerated flaws that a woman normally imagines in her body, because Celes longed to have her youth back again.

Celes was lost in thought, concentrating on the image of her after she stopped talking. Danica slipped into the second sight and found the illusion jumped immediately into perfect clarity. She could see exactly what men saw when they looked upon Celes -- how she was supposed to be. The combination of her concentration and the image she saw in Celes' mind brought the illusion to life.

Danica marveled at the woman's beauty as Celes continued to stare off at nothing, twirling a strand of hair and lost in thought. Arousal flooded through Danica, caused by the image of Celes as she should be -- so young, beautiful, and sexy.

Celes suddenly snapped back to reality. Danica found she had to concentrate very hard to keep the illusion intact to her eyes. She relaxed her concentration as Celes spoke.

"Anyway, it's just a way to sort of forget."

Danica nodded and hugged the woman. "We should get to bed. I'm actually quite interested in the work we will be doing."

Celes laughed. "I am too. At least this task will be a welcome diversion instead of a nightmare. Good night."

"Good night," Danica responded with a smile.

Thinking about being with Celes as she should be, Danica brought herself to several quiet orgasms with her toy before she went to sleep. As she lay in the warm afterglow, Danica wondered if Celes was doing the same, having reaching her peak with the present Danica had made for her.


Zoraster turned from his observance of Danica and Celes when Telanor entered. "You have good news, I trust?"

"I've tracked down the ones that get the drugs to the royal bitch and the lap licker. They're dealing in that nasty stuff from the jungles. I'm not one for laws, but I can see why they outlaw that poison."

"I forbid the use of the drugs myself. Arrange a meeting with both. Leave at least a few hours between them, but you need not concern yourself overmuch, as my servant will be able to travel the corridors of magic between the two places in little time."

"I can get what you're up to with the Princess, but what's up with the twat licker?"

Zoraster laughed. "Not that it is your concern, but I'm sure you noticed she has money and influence. She does not work. She does not trade. Yet, she is affluent. The reason is quite simple. She has a hold over one who holds power in a place that interests me. I wish to use that hold to my own advantage. Something in her prevents any form of charm magic from affecting her -- even mine. I believe I have discovered the means to take her advantage as my own, and repay her for her interference in my affairs here. She is one of the few people of influence in this city who is not mine to command."

Telanor shrugged. "Makes sense I guess." He pulled a curious metal device from his pocket and asked, "This thing get me back to the castle again?"

"Yes, in fact it should give you transport there or any other location that you are familiar with for a dozen times or more. Continue to please me and I will ensure it remains charged with power, in addition to your normal compensation in coin."

Telanor laughed. "You know, I always prided myself on being independent, but I'm starting to like this. I've been casing a couple of joints near the castle with protections I wouldn't have messed with before. I'm thinking about giving them a go with your little magical thingamabobs."

"Don't get caught or killed. You're proving to be an asset I would not wish to lose. Also remember that you are to bring all of your purloined goods here for disposal, and keep your eyes open for the unusual. No matter how mundane it may appear to you, many things can be of great use to a wielder of the Art."

"Not a problem. You pay better'n any fence in an alley."

"Once your task and your amusements are complete, do return. I have another task that I believe might amuse you. I wish to send a message to the city guard of Tiapine, who seem to be rebelling against the Governor I have so carefully emplaced there. The Captain of the guard is quite wealthy, with a very beautiful wife and daughter. I believe tying him up and raping them both before his eyes would send the appropriate message. There would be compensation for the work aside from the price of anything you attain from the home."

"I know Tiapine, and I know that guard Captain. You got any problem with me screwing him up a little before I have my fun with the girls and rob them blind?"

"Not so long as he lives, and he is conscious to watch the evening's entertainment," Zoraster replied with a laugh.

"Think I'll wait on those joints I've been casing. This sounds like a lot more fun. I'd almost forgotten about the mark I owed that son-of-a-bitch in Tiapine."

"Excellent. Please discreetly emplace one of my scrying globes in each room of the home before you begin the evening's entertainment. I wish to watch, and savor the effects once someone discovers the crime."

"You're about the most twisted bastard I've ever met -- it's a pleasure doing business with you," Telanor said, echoing Zoraster's laughter.


I hope you liked this tale, and will continue to read Danica's ongoing story. Please take a moment to vote, and perhaps comment. That's the only payment a free author gets, and every bit of feedback is most appreciated!

You may find later chapters have some flubs and grammar issues, until I finish posting all the edits. Look for the note at the beginning of each chapter about my editor, Roust, and that will let you know whether the chapter is newly edited.

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striker24striker24over 1 year ago

Everybody is the greatest lover ever, giving and recieving the greatest (multiple) orgasms ever. It's a bit too much, even in a fantasy setting.

The raping and killing of the young girl was very sick. Disgusting. It ruined the whole chapter. The slavery already ruined the whole story long ago though.

ausvirgoausvirgoalmost 3 years ago

Loving it, although I think you may have overdone Danica in "Sister's Shadow".

The Danica from Sister's Shadow, who outwitted a spell cage to save a young woman from a necromancer, wouldn't have stood by while Omark raped and murdered that young girl, but would have used her new-found telekinesis to kill Omark with one or more hurled objects, or crush his skull, without even disturbing her stealth spells. She was in a scryproof room, so needn't have worried about Zoraster seeing what she did, and the girl wouldn't have seen/remembered any evidence that psionics and not magic was used, although these considerations wouldn't have stopped Danica. With Omark dead she could have hidden any evidence of having used telekinesis, and if Omark turned into a vampire straight away it could have provided some additional drama.

taco1085taco1085about 6 years ago

i am sure enjoying reading this story, cant wait for Danica and Celes to get revenge...

cittrancittranabout 11 years ago
no joke

D&D pales in comparison.

PeepItPeepItover 11 years ago
Sensai, you're just FUCKING SICK!!!

Is there no limit to your villian's debachery? Loving this shit man, just fucking loving it. Can't get off on some of the sick torture/pain stuff, nor golden rain or such shit...hope that bodily fluid shit doesn't come up in any of your stories, but the HOT shortie on shortie playbook descriptive sex?....wait...damn sticky fingers!! Gotta go and clean he hand better..and the keyboard...It's your universe, yada...yada...yada! ....sick...just plain sick! :)


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