Devkumar Ch. 01

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The Son of God.
967 words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 02/08/2008
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Chapter 1: The Son of God

Submissively and silently, as if stepping forward to be willingly sacrificed at his altar of light dozens, hundreds, and thousands of devoted men and women from the world over came to him wearing only the sheerest white robe to cover their nakedness. They dropped their robes and stood with their legs apart, their arms outstretched, and their heads lifted back with their eyes closed ready to experience him.

There they stood before him hiding nothing, wanting nothing, but expecting all that is everlasting and all that is truly important to take with them to Heaven when it is their time to go. Born again naked as they were when babies, baptized in his name, as soon as he neared them, as soon as he touched them, and as soon as they felt his energy burn inside them and transform them, they opened their hearts and submitted their mind to him giving him control of their destiny. Now, filled with his love for them, they were free to partner up with one another, marry, and have children in his name.

Free of man's judgment, no one saw their nakedness. The rest of the crowd stood in awe wanting to be next and wanting to experience his miracle, too. Free of fear, of shame, of pride, of envy, of lust, they freely gave themselves to him. They subjected their will and gave their trust to the power of one man, the Son of God, Devkumar.

One by one by one, as if giving them communion, he touched their forehead with the tip of his finger. Before his touch, they had released their disbeliefs with their robes and now naked in their desire, they quivered with a sexual orgasm before collapsing in sated afterglow. He was surrounded by devoted men and women who believed that he was the Son of God and they received the sensuality and sexuality of him in its purest form.

Like the twinkling star of Bethlehem that led the three wise men to baby Jesus, you couldn't help but see it from a distance. You were drawn to it and mesmerized by it, a cross cut from a large, flawless single diamond seemingly suspended within a platinum circle. It was magnificent.

"Behold the light of the diamond cross!"

No one has ever seen such a jewel. Prominently displayed, it hung from a platinum chain that rested it in the middle of his torso moving ever so slightly with his breathing, with the expanse and contraction of his chest, and with the movements of his arms.

The light never failed to catch it and to bedazzle all who basked in the shimmering presence of it and by the spectacular sparkle of it. Such an unearthly gemstone must have surely fallen from Heaven. When the light caught hold of it and illuminated it, you could not look away from it. The splendor of it held you prisoner to its energy. Some saw beauty, others saw strength, and still others saw knowledge.

As if shooting out tiny angelic Tinkerbells, the diamond sent shimmering rainbows of color that danced magical energy around the room. The diamond invigorated the spirit of those who saw it. When staring at it, unable to look away, the light from the diamond sucked you in a tunnel of brightness and pulled you forward to surround you with a swirling, illuminated vortex of color. Those who stared into the bright light of the diamond compared it to having an after life experience. Immersed within the brilliance of the diamond, the illumination of it erased your mind, freed your spirit, and made you think of nothing but Devkumar.

As if holding a spotlight of enlightenment, empowering you with knowledge, and inviting you to step forward to follow him, he raised his diamond cross to the level of his forehead and slowly turned in every direction to shower the crowd with its brilliance. Somehow his thoughts flowed through the diamond that now sparkled on and illuminated you. Occasionally, he paused to catch the eye of someone, a disbeliever in the crowd, shining the light on him or her until they submitted to the synergy of the diamond and its holder. Instantly hypnotized by its sparkling, bright light, those who stepped forward from the throng surrendered their will to the beauty of the diamond and to the will of him.

It was magical. It was miraculous. It was amazing. In a world of hustle, bustle, grief, and stress, it was unexplainable that one man could charm so many to believe that he was the Son of God. Was he the Son of God? If you stood within the crowd, if you witnessed the actions and reactions of all those around you, and if you felt the energy of him through them, and saw the beauty of the diamond, you would believe, too.


For those who came closer and met his gaze, there was something in his eyes that made them utter his name, "Devkumar." Then, when he held out his hands and took their hands in his, they felt his energy flow through them like an electrical current that surged his peacefulness to them. He closed his eyes and bowed his head and spoke to them without moving his lips and without speaking, but they heard his voice in their mind.

There was a resonance in his voice that held them completely still without making a sound, except to whisper his name, "Devkumar." At first they felt small, inconsequential, and powerless. Then, when he filled them with his spirit, they felt free, empowered, and strong. They believed that they could do anything, "Devkumar."

His energy that surged deep inside them gradually emerged in a chant, "Devkumar, Devkumar, Devkumar."

To be continued...

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gperry2843gperry2843over 11 years ago
Where are you going?

Freddie are you starting a new religion? Are you trying to start a cult? I will have to follow for a while to see.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Not Bad

I think you show potential, but your stories come across as rushed. I've read a few of them and noticed how quickly you're posting each one. If you took more time and were more thorough with editing and fleshing out your characters, your writing would improve greatly. There's too much passive voice. It drains the strength from your writing. It's all about quality, not quantity. Just because you've written the first draft, doesn't mean you have to post it. Take time to enjoy the development of your characters, get to know them better, make them more real before pressing that 'submit' button. The ideas are there, but the execution is a little off for me. JMO. I see you have plenty of supporters. If you polished each story before posting it, I'm sure I'd be one, too. :0)

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Sto quit reading here

You certainly seem to have attracted an incredibly scummy troll (why pretends to be TWO trolls, just in case!)

This is not an especially strong opening. You are a better writer than you show here. Hang in there!

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