Erya's Test


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She looked up to make sure he was watching. A man should keep eye contact with the girl sucking his dick. It was courteous and polite; an acknowledgment of the effort being made on his behalf. But there were other reasons as well. It was a hugely erotic sight for a man to see his manhood worshipped so thoroughly by a female. And it also kept them both in their natural places, the man proud and erect, the girl on her knees.

A woman was more powerful if she took the submissive role, Erya believed. A female didn't have a man's strength, but if she made herself invaluable to men, then their strength belonged to her. With the Prince's penis a heavy weight on her tongue, Erya felt her power in His Royal Highness's utter helplessness.

She took him deep, letting the tip of him press against the back of her throat. She had long ago learned to suppress the gag, and she liked to push her face all the way forward until her mouth was filled with cock and her lips were pressed against balls.

The Prince reacted to this first warm wet engulfing with a gasp and a jerk. Erya wondered at that. Most guys reacted that way to their first blowjob. Whatever they thought it was going to feel like, they were always surprised.

She hummed and sucked and licked him, giving him time to savor the experience. But she carefully measured his reactions. Some whores liked to hurry through the blowjob, and get the guy to pop his load quickly. Once it was done, there was an additional fee for any further attention. But Erya had always regarded that as dishonest. And it was an honor to serve the Prince, and especially to be his first. She wanted to be an adventure he would remember.

So she drew him out slowly, grabbing his ass with her hands and fucking her own face with his royal dick. But anytime his breathing quickened, or his hands tightened in her hair, she backed off, slowed down, eased him away from that edge of ecstasy.

Erya was fully aware that many men were so enamored of releasing their seed in a woman's welcoming mouth that they actually preferred it to her vagina. She didn't judge them for it. It was her duty to serve, either way. It was a woman's role to receive a man's cum into her body. It didn't really matter which of her openings he chose as his receptacle. Perhaps the Prince would be one of these. Perhaps not.

But the gods had made the penis and vagina to fit naturally together. There was a specific purpose to be achieved when a man spent himself in the woman's cunt. Erya took the powders prepared by the clan's witch to avoid that crying, smelly, bald-headed little purpose, but it didn't change the fact that there was one sex act designed by the gods themselves. And that needed to be respected.

Erya was of the opinion that a man's first experience with a woman should end with him pouring himself naturally into her. She felt it was her duty to guide the young virgins through one complete act of passion. She had teased the Prince's throbbing royal scepter with her lips and tongue, but the games were over. It was time for the whore to do her duty and teach the Prince how to do his.

She released him slowly, listening to his panting and whimpers. She stood and removed the rest of the Prince's clothes. He did nothing to help or stop her. He was lost in wonder, the absolute glory of his first time in a girl's mouth, and was incapable of movement or speech yet.

Erya let him regain his equilibrium, then leaned against him and put her arms around his neck. "Time you became a man," she whispered.

The Prince nodded, more than ready. Erya felt her power as a woman and thrilled at the rush. The Prince was two decades old, but he was still a boy. Only a woman can make a boy into a man. And the Prince had to learn to be a strong and forceful man. Erya knew how to teach that lesson as well.

"Pick me up," she told him. When he hesitated, unsure, she guided his actions. "Stand next to me, facing my side, with your legs in a wide stance and your knees slightly bent. Put your left arm behind my back with your hand on my shoulder. Bend at the waist and put your face next to my pussy. Put your right arm behind my knees. In a swift motion, sweep my legs out from under me and stand up fast, holding me tight in both arms."

The Prince was a strong young man and he managed to pick her up without dropping her, but Erya made him practice the move several times until he could do it smoothly and gracefully.

When he had it down, she had him carry her over to the bed. "Remember that you're the man. You have me completely in your power. The girl likes to feel protected and overwhelmed by a man's size and strength."

Erya directed him to put her down gently on the bed. It was awkward, and a little rushed, but he managed to do it without dropping her, and even managed to do it with some grace. He laid her on the bed, her head on the pillow, then stood back and admired her, a natural masculine gesture Erya approved of.

"Now join me," she said softly. "But move slowly. Be confident. Remember that I belong to you. Swagger a little. You're a mighty lion. I'm the trembling gazelle. You're the predator and I'm dinner.

"Lean over the bed, staring down at me hard. Promise me with your eyes that you're going to work me over good. Crawl onto the bed like an animal, never breaking eye contact. First one hand, then a knee, then the other hand. Come up and cover me with your body. Your arms should be like the bars of a cage, trapping me beneath you. Use your knee to force my legs apart, making yourself a place between them."

He accomplished this, his male dignity quickly rising to the surface and guiding his movements. And Erya noticed with satisfaction that his penis was thick and throbbing. He was so ready to use that thing, his whole body was trembling in anticipation.

"It's your turn," she told him. "I can't tell you how to do the next part. But you already know what to do. Your body knows. Your cock knows."

The Prince lowered himself onto the body of the whore. With his fingers, he held his dick and aimed it at the soft opening between her legs. Erya braced herself for the clumsy first attempt. It could be painful when a man missed the target and shoved his bony erection into a sensitive spot. But the Prince had some natural talent for this business. He probed and searched with the head of his cock, but held back until he felt himself slipping into her waiting passage. Her pussy yielded naturally to the intrusion, informing him that he'd found her entrance.

Slowly, he pushed forward, gliding easily into Erya's welcoming pussy. She gasped at the invasion. It was always a little bit of a shock. But it was also one of the most satisfying feelings in the world. She thanked all the gods and her poor father for giving her to whoredom. A woman was never complete without a man inside her, and Erya was lucky enough to feel that glorious fulfillment several times a day.

The Prince's weight settled on top of her, and his dick burrowed deep in Erya's body. She could feel his balls resting against her as he seated himself fully inside her.

"Feel good?" she asked him, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"It's so warm," he said. It was a common observation among virgins, Erya had noticed. She couldn't imagine what a boy expected the inside of a girl's pussy should feel like, but the heat of it always seemed to be a surprise. She always wondered if they knew that heat went both ways.

"Your cock is a hot spear inside me. You have stabbed me good and deep, Your Highness. Time to finish me off."

"What do I do?" the Prince asked eagerly, grateful for her instruction. He had been so afraid of mockery and humiliation and of just making a mess of the whole thing, he'd avoided this moment for years. But Erya had made it all easy and fun.

"Am I tight enough for you?" she asked. He gave her a very enthusiastic yes, which made her smile.

"Feel the tightness," she advised him. "Concentrate on the feel of my pussy hugging your cock. Then start moving back and forth. You'll get the hang of it quickly, I promise."

He lifted himself off her, withdrawing from her heat for the moment, feeling the room's chill on his wet cock.

"Don't leave me," she warned. "Stay inside. Just back off, then come back."

He followed the instructions, sliding his cock out, then back in, moaning faintly as the sensations hit him. "That feels so good," he said in surprise. He had definitely missed out, waiting for so long.

"For a man," Erya informed him, "there is nothing in all the worlds that feels quite so good as a tight pussy. And believe me, there is nothing a girl loves more than a hard dick drilling her deep places. Now move again, faster. Keep moving."

The Prince backed away and returned, backed away and returned. He quickly found a rhythm that he liked as his body and instincts took over the instruction. He moved in and out of Erya's welcoming vagina at a fast pace, growing more and more frantic and desperate for something just out of reach. Something was building in him, a pressure and power like he'd never felt before. It was frightening. He didn't know what was happening to him. But he couldn't stop. He had to keep going.

"Fuck me," Erya hissed in his ear. "Fuck me hard. Make me remember your cock forever."

He was grunting and panting now. He was close. Erya loved this moment, when the man on top of her was absolutely a slave to her pussy. "Fill me, Your Highness. Come deep inside me."

The Prince had only a vague idea what that meant. He knew that that a man spent his seed in a woman's body, but he had never known how that release was triggered. Now, as he rode Erya, plunging his cock into her over and over and over, that exquisite experience was getting closer and the knowledge was starting to crystallize in his mind.

With a howl, the Prince shoved himself as deep as he could go, and his passion burst from the tip of his cock, filling Erya's pussy with his essence. "Yes!" Erya cried out. "Yes! Let me have it! Give it to me!"

She felt the warmth and the wet of his release. She gripped him hard with her thighs and let him pump her and pound her, encouraging him with her voice to keep going, to spend himself inside her. She used her ankles to hold him, keeping him from pulling too far out in his clumsy first attempts. Erya wanted to be sure that she took every drop of the creamy gift he was giving her.

Some whores tried to prevent their clients from coming inside them, but Erya had never seen the point of that. Yes, it was sticky and messy, but it was the natural result of sex, and sex was the reason men came to a whore in the first place. She wasn't doing her job if she didn't provide the best service possible. And as long as she kept taking the witch powders, pregnancy was not an issue.

Besides, she loved being the receptacle for the men's seed. She loved the fact that the men she'd fucked were literally part of her now. She firmly believed that some of what they gave her stayed within her forever. She was not just Erya. She was Torren the wagon driver and Belya the cook and Arado the gambler and Welver the soldier. She was hundreds of men while remaining purely female. And now she was also Prince Ragon.

He had ceased his movements above her, his passions spent and his body exhausted. He still panted and heaved as his flesh tried to recover its energies. Erya rocked him gently back and forth, clinging to him with her arms and legs, determined to keep his shrinking manhood safe and protected in her little nest.

"You're a man now," she whispered into his ear. "You've had your first girl."

"Thank you," he said quietly. "You were wonderful."

"You're a young man. It doesn't have to be over yet. Let me up, get on your knees, and I'll teach you another way to fuck.

The Prince obeyed, eager to be taught the next lesson. Erya knelt in front of him, stroking his cock until it was hard again, giving him advice that a Prince needed to have.

"You fucked me on my back," she said. "That's how you'll fuck your wives. It's dominant, but respectful. But if you fuck one of your servants, or a girl from a conquered country, brought to you as a tribute, you need to fuck her like she's just an itch you need to scratch or a duty you're performing. You don't look her in the face."

Erya turned around and got on her hands and knees. She presented her sex for his use and kept her eyes down, staring at the pillows, showing submission and deference to her master.

The Prince approached her slowly, walking slowly on his knees until he was in position. He took his dick in hand and aimed it at the inviting opening tucked just under the whore's ass. He pressed forward, sliding easily through the hot lips that parted for him in welcome.

"Grab me by my hips," Erya said. "You can hold on and thrust into me, driving your cock in and out or you can stay still, pushing me and pulling me, dragging my pussy back and forth onto you. Either way is proper."

The Prince was finding his inner royal arrogance and pride. He chose to do both. He shoved her forward and yanked her back, slowly at first, then faster, loving the feeling of her pussy opening up to accept his dick. But then his instincts took over and he needed to start thrusting. When he could resist no longer, he held her firmly in place and pounded her pussy hard.

"Oh, yes," Erya moaned. "Fuck me, Your Highness. Drill me deep. My cunt is yours."

The time for instruction was over. Erya let him take her, encouraging him with her words, but no longer telling him how or what to do. The Prince was getting good at fucking. Erya closed her eyes and just let herself feel his thick cock spearing her over and over. She could feel the tension in him. He was nearing orgasm. But Erya was even closer.

She'd held it off for too long. The Prince had needed her to guide him. But now that he had this down, she was free to enjoy getting fucked. She let go and let it happen.

Erya's whole body started shuddering as the orgasm hit her. She could hear herself groaning. Her hands fisted in the sheet, pulling it free of the mattress. Her back was arching and her head was thrown back. But none of this was under her control. The climax had seized her completely, wiping away her conscious mind and leaving only sensations behind. The Prince was coming inside her, and she welcomed it. She loved taking a man's seed into her body. But Erya was only dimly aware of the wet pulses of semen filling her pussy.

She collapsed onto the bed, trembling and weak, grateful to the Prince, and to every man she had ever been with. This was what she was made for, she knew. She didn't always get to come when a client was fucking her, but it happened often enough to get her wet every time a man put money in her bowl.

She was sated enough to offer the Prince a third round, something she almost never did.

"You did good, Your Highness. For a beginner, you have a lot of natural skill. Not every guy can make a whore come. Your brides will be most impressed. I think you've earned a bonus. If you lie on the bed, I'm betting we can get you hard again and you can come in my mouth."

The offer obviously appealed to the Prince. He withdrew carefully from her pussy. Erya rolled quickly off the bed and stood to the side while the Prince lay down and got comfortable. His dick was still semi-hard, and Erya was sure she could bring him back to a full erection before he went completely soft.

She climbed up on the bed, and got on all fours between his legs. She put her face right down next to his balls and licked them. The Prince's cock was resting against Erya's nose and forehead, a solid shaft of male flesh standing up straight between her eyes and her lips and tongue worked the wrinkly, soft skin at its base.

It was an erotic sight, she knew. An artist had sketched a picture of her once, in this position, her eyes peeking out at him from either side of his dick. That drawing was one of Erya's most treasured possessions. She hoped the Prince was savoring the sight. She licked him up the underside of his cock, then lightly kissed the tip, smiling when the sensation caused him to jerk.

"Tastes like pussy," she told him, deliberately reminding him that his cock had been inside her just one minute earlier. He was already hard and ready for more action, her words and actions having had their effect.

"What does pussy taste like?" he asked.

"Maybe you'll find out someday," Erya teased. "But be careful. A man who eats pussy is considered unmanly in this country. It's stupid, and many, many men love to do it. But a Prince of Denholm cannot afford to be seen as unmanly. If you want to lick your brides, they may gossip about it with their friends, and the whole country will eventually learn that you've put your tongue in a cunt. You'll have to get a very discreet mistress or pay a whore to let you eat her out. A whore can't reveal your secrets. But you don't know how many clients she's seen before you. You run the risk of getting a mouthful of some other guy's cum, which most men don't want."

"No. I wouldn't want that," the Prince said, his face wrinkling up in disgust.

"Good," Erya confirmed. "You're not supposed to want that. But it's different for me. I'm a girl. A girl is supposed to be unmanly. I can eat all the pussy I want and I love having a mouthful of cum. And you're about to give me one."

Erya took him between her lips and moved her head up and down on him. He was slower to respond this time, but she was patient and determined. She used her fingers on his shaft and balls, tickling and teasing while she licked and sucked. It took longer. Prince Ragon had already come twice in a short period of time. But Erya wanted his first time to be as memorable as possible. The Prince would never forget Erya the whore.

Eventually, her patience was rewarded. She had decided to finish him off with a Cheater's Blowjob. She used her hand to stroke his cock, with the head of it just inside her lips. She wasn't using her lips to make him come, but he did get to pop in her mouth. For most guys, that was good enough, and after fucking her twice, the Prince might be a little sore. Erya knew how to stimulate his dick without rubbing the sore spots. When the Prince started whimpering, and his body started spasming, she hummed to vibrate and stimulate as she stroked. And Erya tasted the cum as it spurted from his cock. It wasn't a flood, but a trickle. His balls were just about empty. But she was sure it felt good to the Prince.

She kept him in her mouth, careful to not overstimulate. After orgasm, a man's cock can be painfully sensitive to every contact. She held him there until his climax was finished and he opened his eyes opened to look at her. Guys love to see a woman's mouth on them, and Erya always liked to give them the view. It would be a mental image they'd masturbate to for years.

When he was able to look at her, he smiled at the sight. Erya released him slowly from her lips, then opened her mouth to show him the semen he'd deposited on her tongue. When he'd seen the proof of his cum in her mouth, she closed her lips and swallowed with a smile. He grinned briefly at seeing her now-empty mouth, but he was thoroughly spent.

The Prince's eyes drifted shut and his head fell back against the pillow. He was asleep in seconds. His energy was gone. But he was a man now and had done himself proud. Erya climbed off the bed, careful to not disturb the sleeping Prince.

She put on her clothes and went to the door. It was too early to get her score on this test, she assumed. The Prince would have to be interviewed. The judges who had watched her shower and dress would have to weigh in. It would be hours yet before she knew anything.

Barpik was waiting for her, standing in a short corridor just outside the testing room. The Constable motioned for her to come out, then he shut the door firmly behind her.