Galactic Slave Ch. 05

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Susan services her first true alien.
4.2k words

Part 5 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 01/28/2007
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Chapter 5: First Duties

Master was already up and dressed. "Get cleaned up. We have to leave in 15 minutes." I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower and dried off. It's amazing how much quicker it is to get ready in the morning when you don't have to get dressed. It also seemed that I was getting used to Mr. V. as my master, even thinking of him as such. Great! Just great! Only five days and I was already falling into slave thinking patterns.

A bellhop came to the door to carry the bags downstairs. He looked at both of us a little strangely before he picked them up. It dawned on me that he was surprised that I was not carrying them. Maybe most slave owners he had encountered had their slaves do all the heavy lifting. Here was enough stuff that I was not sure I could have carried it all. I would have tried to carry twice that much, though, to avoid some of the things I suspected I was going to be told to do.

As we left, the Gravelian that had shadowed us unobtrusively all night yesterday was waiting outside. "Slave, this is Grankt, my bodyguard. He has bound himself to me. Do you understand what that means?"

"Yes master." I certainly was. Gravel is one of the few planets to have more than one sentient species develop on it. One was the furred saurian that was the body guard. The other was a small humanoid species that would be often mistaken for human dwarfs if they still existed. The humanoids used to hire the saurians as mercenaries of all types, in singles, small units and even whole armies. They lived for battle and honor. That was before the frontell plague. Humanoids were especially susceptible to the plague and it decimated all humanoid species before it was cured. Gravel was the first planet hit and the humanoids that employed the saurians were eradicated. Now the saurians, the only Gravelians left, hired themselves to anyone who would pay. Their code of honor makes them the most reliable mercenaries and body guards in the Federation. The only reason they are not the only warriors used through out known space is their slow breeding rate and their low tolerance for faster than light travel. With less than a million in the race and only 1% able to tolerate being in a Dolman field, there were simply not enough of them to go around.

Master was continuing, "Understand that his contract is to protect me. In the unlikely event of violence, he will not only not protect you, he will sacrifice you to save me, if necessary."

"Yes Master."

Grankt was good at his job. Everywhere we went, he checked the security, and most people did not even notice him doing it. I could just make out the shimmer of a multi-spectrum lens in his right eye that I'm sure let him scan broad bands of light and maybe even see sonic and electric fields. One reassuring thing about him was that since he was on duty 24/7, he would not be partaking of my 'pleasures'. Rumors about Gravelian sexual organs were frightening.

We took a cab to the spaceport and got out at the private gate area. Master seemed to know just where we were going. We passed through security (I have never passed through the scanners so quick before) and out onto the tarmac where a Vellin class freighter was sitting, a red cap carrying his luggage. An off white shape seemed to ooze down the loading ramp and flow across the field towards us. I was familiar with many races, but this was a new one on me. Once it was close enough, it looked like a three foot across amoeba.

"Greetings Captain," Master said as it stopped some two feet away. "I everything in order?"

An appendage protruded and formed a mouth, "Yes Mr. Valenshenko, all is in order. Have you made a decision concerning the price?"

"Yes, I will be taking you up on your alternative offer."

All this time, other pieces of the Captain(?) were in a constant state of formation and re-absorption. Three looked like eyes that stared unblinking at me. "Will she be able to provide what I need?"

"I think you will find she will serve your needs very well."

"Good, good. Let us board. I wish to lift off within the hour. I've bribed someone at traffic control to give us priority clearance."

We boarded the ship and the Captain showed us to the room we would be using. It was small and only had one bed. There did seem to be as much storage space as there was people space. I had the feeling that the 'stateroom' was cobbled together from one of the ship's storerooms. I had a bad feeling about my sleeping arrangements.

"Slave, store the luggage and join me in the galley. Bring the virtual room with you. It's time you showed me just what you are capable of with it. I better not have wasted my money."

"Yes Master. You did not waste money. If I may say so, I'm the best there is at financial and fraud analysis."

He said nothing as he left. There was nowhere to put clothes in the room, so I arranged the bags with the clothes on top where they could be easily accessed. By the time I was done, the only space left was a two foot wide space next to the bed and the bed itself, which only had two feet of clearance above the mattress. Definitely not the Queen Lucy. Taking the virtual box, I left (there was no way to lock) and went forward to find the galley.

A Spidex and a Droll were going about preparing the ship for lift off. Master was in the galley, which was more of a cabin with an auto-wave set into one wall. Re-hydrated food, another of the wonderful amenities of our luxurious transport. As I entered, Master instructed me, "Sit down and strap in. We'll be taking off in a few minutes. These independent freighters can have tweaky grav units. While we wait, you can explain why you are so partial to virtual rooms."

"Yes master. You're aware of how a net-wear interface works? The interface translates the data stream into a frame of reference that the data-jock can perceive and interact with on familiar terms," I started as I sat down and fastened the restraints. It was early in my career that I noticed that there was always a low level of graft and error that none of the data-jocks seemed to catch. It had always been assumed that that was the result of the small minority of competent thieves that were better than the jocks. The only way to catch them was to go through the raw data itself, line by line. That was my job. What I started to do was use the virtual room to display the raw data and the net-wear interface to see what was being missed and why. What I found shocked me.

"The interface was using part of the data to create the frame of reference. No one was stealing or deceiving us, data was lost in the process of creating the frame of reference. Not much mind you, but enough to distort things a little and create errors and losses. There was no net-wear solution. Data-jocks have to have the frame of reference, because living brains are not computers and cannot access raw data directly. The only solution would be to work with the raw data directly. Even most virtual rooms use frames of reference. Only a virtual room that displayed raw data directly could avoid data corruption. It's actually one of the worst kept secrets in finance. Hardly anyone is willing to fix the problem because so few people are able to analyze raw data directly. It took me two years to train myself to do it. I don't know of anyone else who is able to deal with data streams directly as quickly as I do."

While I had been talking, the ship had lifted off. There was some thrust leaking through, though not enough to cause discomfort. There were no view screens in the galley, so we were unable to tell just where we were going, other than up. Mr. V. was looking at a wall, deep in thought. He turned to me, "Let me see if I have this straight. The financial industries of the Federation have made a choice to accept data error losses because the solution relies on an out of date technology and the services of highly trained data analysts?"

"Essentially, yes master. Remember, there are thousands of data-jocks with a vested interest in minimizing the effects of this problem. If everyone experiences the same levels of loss, then no one is at a disadvantage. It's like all the professional Zinktel players agreeing to play in a low carbon dioxide atmosphere. Unfortunately, I'm beginning to suspect that someone is cheating, as it were. In the last couple of years, I've noticed a pattern in the data that is being lost in the frames of reference. It almost seems that someone is programming certain types of data to be 'attractive' for frame of reference codings. This would indicate that someone is purposely hiding something in the frames of reference. Just what it is, I don't know. I was taken off of fraud monitoring and put on trade negotiations three years ago. I was good at it, but it prevented me from following up on my suspicions."

The all clear had sounded by now and Master said, "Show me just how this process of yours works. Can it be done with another present?"

"Yes Master, though it helps if they do not move."

"Here is a report on trade balances between to planets. The planets are close to war because of mutual accusations of fraud. See what you can find."

I stood up and took the data chip and inserted it into the control box. When I turned it on, the room filled with data. I let the room sort the data into a multi-dimensional spread sheet. Once the data was downloaded, I began the process. It's hard to explain just what I was doing. The first step is to familiarize myself with the data. I could see that it was three years of detailed trade activities between two large entities. The data was arranged in three dimensions, the locations, the values and the times. As I looked at the flow of information, it became clear that something was wrong. Looking at individual pieces more closely, I saw that some of the time codes had been altered. Not much, but enough that time value was lost. After about half an hour, I could tell that the alterations followed a pattern. Someone was delaying sales of items on both worlds and then back dating the sales. It would take much longer to track the fraud back to its source, so I shut the room down and sat back down. The Captain had entered while I was working.

"Master, there is a pattern of fraud, but it will require several hours to track it down. It's gone unnoticed because altered time stamps are almost always used to create frames of references. It seems that time stamps were not considered important data by the programmers of frames."

"You'll have to track that down later. It's time to pay for our ride. You're to accompany the Captain and do whatever he asks. Do you understand"

"Yes Master."

I was not sure what would happen. I could not imagine that a giant single celled creature would be interested in sex. The Captain formed a mouth and ordered me, "Follow me female."

It flowed down a side corridor and entered a room that was completely bare. "Stand in the center of the room." It ordered. As I did, it continued, "How much do you know of my species?"

"Nothing Captain." I was unsure of what honorifics to use, it not having a noticeable gender.

"The Rax are not, as many suppose, a single celled species, though we do reproduce by fission. We became the dominant species on Rex because we are able to link our nervous systems with other creatures and directly receive input from them. In lower animals, we can even control their body functions, both autonomic and voluntary. Creatures with consciousness would be driven insane by such an attempt and it is the highest crime among our kind to do such an act.

"Rax have no ability to feel physical pleasure, or pain, for that matter. We can tap into the sensory inputs of others by linking our nervous systems with theirs. The moral norms of the Rax view this as a perversion. I do not. Do you understand what I wish of you?"

I thought I did, but I was to find out I had no clue yet, "You want to link with me while I experience sexual pleasure, by perhaps masturbating?"

"Not exactly. I will link with you, but I will be the source of your pleasure. I wish to maximize my own enjoyment and experience."

"You want to have sex with me? How can you have sex with me? You're not a sexual creature?"

"Let me show you."

It revealed the control pad to my restraints and activated them. My arms jerked out, as did my legs. My collar suspended me and kept me from falling. It flowed over to me and around my legs. Unable to help myself, I screamed in terror. It stopped and formed another mouth. "Do not panic. I have no intention of consuming you. Just as you can decide what enters your mouth for eating and what enters your mouth for other purposes, so to, I can envelope for consumption and for other reasons. Relax and allow me to make link with you slave."

I tried to calm myself, but my breath came in ragged gasps as my fear diminished only a little. I felt a tingling sensation spread from my feet through my body and reaching my head. I tried to fight it and it turned to pain. I cried out. The pain got worse.

"Stop fighting me! You can't stop the link, you can only make it painful."

I took deep breaths and tried to relax. I was only partially successful, but the pain dulled to an ache, and then it popped, I think. Now I could feel his thoughts in my head.

It flowed up my body slowly. It did not have the slimy feel I had expected, but felt much like a soft hand covering my legs, and like a multitude of little hands as it began to caress me everywhere it touched. As theses pleasant feelings increased, my fear subsided and I began to feel aroused. More and more of my body was covered by it. I began to suspect that it was well versed in human females as it bypassed my pussy, leaving it uncovered for a while. My stomach and back joined in the caresses that were enveloping me. It flowed over my breasts and up to my neck and shoulders, down my arms.

As promised, my entire face was covered, but I could still breathe. I followed its advice and tried not to think how. Its touches changes a bit. There were still the myriad of tiny hands, but interspaced among them were dozens of mouths kissing me all over. It was like having a two dozen or more lovers shower me with kisses. One was on my mouth and started to French me(!?). The tongue reached out and played with mine, but was much more limber and longer than a human tongue. Other mouths were licking various parts of my body as well. Instinctively, I responded to the French kiss and entered its mouth. By now, I was into what was going on and was highly aroused.

So far, my breasts and pussy had been ignored, though the responded with a vengeance. My nipples were erect and my cunt was dripping fluids. Moans escaped around its tongue as I wanted more. I began to caress its body with my hands, though the range of movement was limited. As I did, it formed protuberances in my hands that I recognized as penile in shape. The tongue in my mouth also altered shape and became a massive penis shaped organ that filled my mouth. I had no choice and was deep throating it. I had never been able to do that before and realized that my gag reflex was not working. It's penis(?) seemed to reach all the way down my throat. His just turned me on even more.

I tried to think at it,

It either did not understand me or it ignored me. Millions of hands and mouths sensuously attacked my body, except for my cunt and tits, driving me crazy with arousal. The penis in my mouth thrust itself in and out repeatedly, never tiring or climaxing. The penises in my hands seem to lubricate themselves, making it easier and more sensual as my hands continued to jerk them off.

This seemed to go on forever. I could see nothing and had no frame of reference. It kept my body at a high level of excitement, never getting close enough to orgasm. Then it finally touched my breasts. Little fingers played with my nipples, pinching them lightly. Sparks seemed to shoot through me as I leaped against its mass, writhing under its touch. I found new heights of ecstasy that I had never dreamed could be possible without an orgasm. I had never been part of a gang bang, but imagined it must feel a little like this.

It held me at this new level for who knows how long. My pussy felt empty and was desperate for something, anything to fill it. I thrust it against the air, trying to contact something, but it had yet to envelope that one part of my body. By now, I was incoherent. I tried to beg to be fucked, but my mouth was plugged my a massive cock that seemed to literally touch my tonsils and vocal cords. I wanted to beg, plead, promise anything, but could not.

I did not notice just when it covered my cunt, not until I felt that blessed caress of my pussy lips. I thought I couldn't go any higher, but go I did. The first caresses of my pussy seemed almost tentative and featherlike. Frustratingly insufficient to send me over the edge. It stopped and started again and again, pushing me higher and higher. By the time it formed a cock against my ass, I was beyond caring. It rammed in hard and fast, but without much pain, as it seemed to be well lubricated (I guess I know where all that dripping pussy juice went!). Again and again, my ass was filled and emptied by this massive cock that should have been tearing me in two, or so it felt like.

I was in the zone. It was fucking my mouth, ass, and hands. I was on the edge of cumming, needing only to be taken in my pussy. Before that was to happen, my breasts were pushed together and another cock wedged in between them, thrusting back and forth. Something was playing with my nipples as it held my tits together.

I was even feeling small amounts of fluid begin to leak from the numerous penises assaulting my body when a massive cock, larger than anything I had ever imagined rammed itself into my pussy. It took very few strokes before I exploded into an orgasm. Waves of pleasure washed over my body. My pussy and ass clenched the cocks inside of them and tried to milk them. But it did not stop, it kept fucking me for all it was worth and the first orgasm led to the next. It pulled a third and a forth orgasm out of me when it added a finger(?) rubbing my clit vigorously. Still it continued, relentlessly. It was in the middle of the sixth (or was it the seventh) orgasm when its various cocks erupted, filling my mouth, cunt and ass with fluids that felt much like cum. My hands were covered in the stuff as was my chest. It slowly began to recede its cocks and I could feel cum(?) begin to drip out of my pussy and ass. In my mouth, I had instinctively swallowed as much as possible, but much leaked out onto my face.

It slowly flowed down my body. I felt another pop sensation, I assumed from it breaking the link. My body was covered in fluids, my own and its. I was still suspended by the restraints, unable to move. I was beginning to feel a little sore from the vigorous use I had been subjected to.

"You are truly an incredibly responsive sexual being, slave. I have enjoyed sharing your pleasuring. The fluids I ejected into you will act as nutrients and antibiotics, though they were made to resemble human male ejaculate in taste and consistency. You will find our resistance to disease and poisons to be greatly enhanced for some time. I do have a question. I noticed a sub-dermal implant. What is its purpose?"

"Captain, it is a drug delivery system for two drugs. One is essentially a conception preventative, though it has other functions. The other is a drug that enhances and prolongs sexual arousal in an extreme manner."