Gifting Night Ch. 06


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As her hands began, once again, to glide across his chest he gasped. Lightly, her teeth caught his lip as he began to pull away, restraining him playfully. Her grin was equally gentle. Throughout it all remained the undercurrent of uncertainty and fear. Could she manage this, would he accept it?

Bridget began to tickle and tease his flesh. She knew his every muscle and nerve intimately. Every inch of his skin writhed under her touch as she kept her lips locked with his. Only this time she quickly brought him passion and desire as she had always brought terror and pain before. His skin seemed to crawl as her delicate fingers played over him. Everywhere it crawled his skin tightened with need. He felt the final memories, those of sheer bliss with Katherine and Daphne, unlocking, freeing him to share his lust once more.

Sensation surged outward from his loins, flooded his veins and washed away his concerns. Her amazing body pressed enticingly against his solid member. When presented as a woman, she was the most skilled, and probably the most irresistible, lover he could imagine. Even as her hand darted across and along the tender, half-healed, areas she managed to hit the edges of the wounds perfectly, tickling rather than injuring. He held her. All of his willpower focused on keeping himself aloft as she tormented him with joy and thrilled him with lust.

He didn't remember having been moved, but she lowered him to the heavenly bed without arresting her play. Relieved of the need to hold his unsteady body, he released himself to the tumultuous cascade of pleasures Bridget continued to play across his flesh. The only thing shining brighter than her laughing eyes was her brilliant aura. He moaned and squirmed and she had yet to touch anything traditionally accounted as an erogenous zone.

She slowly shifted her attentions farther and farther down his body. As she reached his waistband he could no longer contain the full extend of his desires. His own hands, fallen lifeless to the bed as he rode out her delicious torments, reached once more for her waist. Quickly his palms slid upward, over the skin-tight cotton shift, to cup her firm breasts. Fingers sought her nipples, but he couldn't find them beneath the solid form of her bra.

Her face lit up when she smiled and laughed. Her hands had just begun to dive beneath the boxers when his tentative explorations excited her. She climbed onto the bed and shifted to straddle his thighs, effectively pinning him. Whatever else may have been written by her past, she was still dominant even in her passion. Her arms crossed to slowly peel the tight shirt. She took especial care to draw out the revelation of her breasts. Her bra was solid, as he'd predicted, and, once freed of the restrictive clothing, thrust her breasts upward and apart. As she stripped free of the top Chris' hands hovered near, anxiously awaiting approval to discover the tender form of her body.

She tossed the shirt aside. He began to reach for her when she leapt straight up, her feet still holding his legs firmly together and in place. Her hands dropped to the jeans that hugged her hips low. Once again Bridget had to peel the skin-tight clothing free. Unlike the shirt, she revealed nothing inhibited her once free of the pants. She released his legs only long enough to drag the discarded clothing off to one side before she collapsed to kneel, once more, across his thighs. She watched his body with hunger as his boxers stretched farther witnessing her glory.

In his earlier, weakened, haze he failed to notice the smooth skin above the lips and lust he had suckled. She had shaved herself almost completely bare, however there was a line of stubble intentionally cultivated a few inches above her precious mound. Even more maddening was the glistening moisture covering her beautiful cleft. As her hands returned to their demented massage ~she still avoided the hard length she stared at longingly~ he knew the timetable would be hers. He also knew she intended to thoroughly enjoy this first freedom, and draw it out as long as possible.

With her almost imperceptible nod, his hands dove towards the inviting breasts. For all that they looked firm his grip sank slightly into their perfection. Her eyes closed slightly as a coo of delight escaped her. Her hands never faltered in their exploitation. He began to kneed carefully using the reactions flaring through her aura. He laughed as he thought of all the humans who had given themselves over to Dhase for a lifetime of orgiastic pursuits and, once again, realized the blessings they gained from the harmless exchange.

Her fingers crawled up the legs of his underwear and he gasped. The fire within Chris raged as she danced across the winkled skin and sought the strained flesh above. The pressure surged as she lightly gripped his engorged form. He already knew her skills with her hands were beyond compare. Her fingers instantly found the most tender locations and pressure points. She could keep him on the edge indefinitely and it was clear she intended that fate for him as she grinned hungrily.

His explosion mounted by the second as she caressed the firm shaft. Suitably distracted, his own efforts to mesmerize her in turn suffered, despite his attempts to focus. When he felt her hands shifting there was a brief surge of liquid fire rushing up his length, only to be suppressed by a well placed finger revealing a previously withheld pressure point. His body convulsed, already long past the point he had ever finished.

Her hips rolled forward. With agonizing delay, Chris felt the swollen bud of Bridget's lust connect with the base of his. He screamed his prolonged ecstasy as she slowly lifted her body up the underside of his hard organ. Through slitted eyes he was content to see her own legs shaking with desire by the time she began her path back down. He was now well lubricated as her depths wept their bliss.

He felt his energy reaching out for the shining form above him. The warmth of her joy and rapture responded to his questing senses to embrace and merge their life-forces. The combined aura wrapped the two in a miraculous cocoon he had never expected to experience again.

Slowly, her free hand came up to intertwine with his. He didn't mind, Chris knew his efforts had turned into little more than desperate groping. The warmth of her powerful aura flowed down his arm. Up, shifted her hips, trailing her cream as she tormented him further. She reached his tip and slid forward. He was a near perfect compliment to her tender folds.

Lust surged through his veins as she lowered herself. Her quivering depths grasped longingly as her body strove to pull him deeper, even as she enveloped him. He screamed his frustration as he felt her depths surge and clutch. Soon she would allow him the release painfully built within him. She had to be timing it with her own. She pulled his hands out to the side. As she pressed his hands to the bed, fingers laced with his, her body tensed.

He felt the power of her rapture surrounding them. It was glorious. The woman, so long denied a peaceful respite to her troubled past, shined with a clarity he envied. In all his life, only his beloved Katherine was more perfect. He felt her strength pouring into him, refreshing, renewing him. The power of her climax surpassed any he'd ever known, save the red-headed fledgling.

Her clarity held a bitter thread. As Bridget reveled above the anguished man the uncertain emotion began to clarify itself to Chris. Victory? The tiny strand that had remained clouded and unseen showed a brutal triumph. What he had assumed was nothing more than mild dominance was in fact much darker. She had no intentions of letting him finish. One more punishment. The final pressure point must have been one of the more permanent ones, where Eastern Chi masters could block the flow of energy until they preformed the proper technique to unlock the body.

He began to struggle but her legs, her bucking hips and her hands all held him firm. Somehow it had been a trap, another means to lull him into a sense of security. He knew he couldn't overpower her physically so her resisted spiritually. The connection would not break. She enjoyed her climax, she loved the futility of his struggles, she gloried in the pain that continually built within as his body fought for release. His screams turned to frustration and pain and her pleasure grew.

She had found a way to force starvation from his options. Bridget, the Dark Mistress of Pain, had even done so in a way that punished him for the mere thought.

If he couldn't stop her he would try to end it more permanently. He reached out with his mind and soul and grabbed the power that flowed across their connection. He began to pull in energy, her energy. It was the technique that had earned the Dhase, all vampires, the reputation as merciless predators. He had only done this a few times in his extended life, and those practice. It had never felt natural to him, drawing a person's life-force aggressively. He took by force what could be freely, and painlessly, given in the throws of passion. Daphne had taught him for self defense against the only opponent he could possibly not defeat; another of their kind.

Without a single word Bridget mocked his efforts. She continued to ride him, and her orgasm, as a testament to her lack of fear. She screamed in ecstasy as her hips pounded furiously , up and down, against his. His groin felt past the need to explode and turned on his own body, wracking him with pain but he continued to fight and pull her energy.

It was no use. Her arrogance was well founded. Finally he felt her amusement wane and suddenly the connection snapped. He screamed in terror. Disconnected with her rapture the sensations still building within his body overwhelmed him. She continued to push herself up and down his length. Now friction began to set in as her body stopped producing lubrication. Her clutching muscles burned as they flew harshly across his sensitive flesh.

At least she'll be sore from this too! His last thought as peaceful oblivion overwhelmed him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Katherine sat at the bar and stared at the drink before her. She couldn't even remember what it was. It's purple, that's all I know. It was also very potent. Like that matters. One of the first things she'd learned about her new life was to ignore beer or wine unless she liked the taste. Her new body was much more resistant to the effects of drugs or alcohol and the sheer volume of those drinks needed to get her drunk was prohibitive. Even with the stiff drink before her, at least eight ounces of very hard alcohol, would be only the first of a dozen or more if she truly intended to get drunk.

Kat contemplated the drink. She wondered if she wanted to drink; wanted to get drunk. What would she do now? She loved Daphne very much but she'd also loved Chris as well. Both had been different and complimentary. Chris had been her best friend and mentor. Daphne was her lover and soul mate. She needed them both but couldn't have either.

"Why the hell did she have to get all possessive!" The bartender looked over at her outburst but wisely left her alone. When she'd first arrived in the dive of a bar the bartender had tried to politely suggest that a woman of her class might not be comfortable in an establishment like his. Her icy glare was met with a shrug. After one of the patrons, a young tough, tried to take advantage of 'such a pretty little bitch' and ended up with a bloody nose and possibly a broken rib, the bartender smiled and told her the drink was on the house.

"You wanna talk about it?" Her heart leapt at the baritone voice. Out of the corner of her vision she saw the dark ponytail and her eyes widened in wonder. She spun.

"Uh, not really." She couldn't keep the disappointment from her voice. It wasn't him. Dejected, she paid her tab and wandered into the cool night air. The temperature was dropping as the season neared it's turn; soon it would be the Equinox.

Katherine didn't know what to do now. What is an immortal supposed to do with their life? Daphne and Chris both implied the point of life was to enjoy it. She liked living in that fashion, and Daphne had not only helped her to build her own fortune, almost overnight, but guided her through it. Now she could, quite easily, amass such sums as she would never need to work another day in al of her life.

Regardless of that fact she felt the need to do something, especially now. Chris had devoted his life to the study and compilation of, of all things, vampire mythologies. He had enjoyed traveling the world with Daphne. As the two had traveled he asked around and heard all of the local stories. He'd compiled quite a large database on them. He'd even left a copy for Katherine when he left.

Daphne, similarly, enjoyed botany. She had wandered the world in an effort to view every species of plant in existence. Kat still found it amusing that she had such an affinity for laurel trees. Perhaps she felt a connection with the tree her namesake had turned into. She even had a tradition, Kat had been told, of placing a wreath of flowers around the base of a random laurel tree before she ventured out every Halloween.

She missed Daphne more than she had ever thought possible. But she refused to go back to her until she had found Chris and convinced him she needed him too. She needed to convince the both of them that all three needed each other. Daphne might not admit it to herself, but Katherine knew she missed the man as well. Daphne had been the most happy when the three had gone everywhere together. She even enjoyed when he joined with their lovemaking, something that wasn't true with Tony.

I have to find Chris and bring him back for all three of us. At least I hope he still wants to be around Daphne. There was always the possibility her harsh actions in sending him away would have a souring effect on his temperament towards the elder. The only problem was deciding how to find the man.

He avoided all of their known haunts. Likely he knew that if Daphne wanted him away he was to stay away from anyplace he could even remotely encounter Kat. He may have even left the city. The thought began to panic Kat. How would she possibly find him if he had the entire world to travel?

She stopped and took a few deep breaths. Chris, at one point, had made it clear to her that the Dhase had ways of finding each other. Mostly it amounted to gossip, but from time to time it could be more useful. Perhaps he had feared this very situation would arise and she would need some way to find him regardless of where in the world he moved.

The Dhase he had introduced her to, a middle-aged man named Eric, took drug abuse to extremes that only an immortal could. Granted he needed to fill a room with smoke for it to have the desired effect on him but it left him a poor choice for a lucid conversation. Chris had introduced the two as an example of immortality wasted on trivial pursuits.

She had visited Eric once since Chris' departure. She had been looking for an escape from Julia, actually, and thought to visit the older Dhase. She encountered him on the street in front of his house. He had been just about to visit yet another of their kind, living in the suburbs. He immediately invited her along. She insisted on driving when she discovered he was, as usual, impaired. The three had gotten along infamously, discussing everything from politics to fashion.

Katherine beamed. That was perfect. She might not trust Eric to get her in touch with Chris, but the older Dhase seemed far more articulate than the drug addled man. She knew the way, having always had a great memory for directions. Within the hour she should be on her way towards finding her lost lover and reuniting the three.

Now, if only I could remember her name.

Copywrite November 2006, Deathlynx

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