How To Pick The Perfect Pooch

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So you want to buy a dog, but don't know which dog to buy?
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How To Pick the Perfect Pooch.

So you want to buy a dog, but you don't know which kind of dog to buy? Well, you've opened up the right story. It's good that you didn't open up a story of romance and intrigue. Yeah, it may have entertained you, but you'd still wonder which dog to buy after you read the story, whereas after reading this story, you'll at least have more of an idea which dog is right for you.

First let me write in print that, as any dog can be a bad dog, any dog can be a good dog. It's the owners that make a good dog bad. If you just follow the simple rules of the Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan, of exercise first, discipline second, and love last, then you'll have a well behaved pet. The problems happen when too much love comes first, which in the dog's brain reinforces their bad behavior, and not enough exercise and discipline are given. Yet, dog psychology and dog training is not what this story is about; that's another story. This story is to help you decide which type of dog to buy.

Let's get back to buying the perfect dog. What you don't want to do is to buy a puppy without knowing what he'll grow to be when he matures to adult. Moreover, buying a dog shouldn't be an emotional or an impulsive decision. Never buy a dog because he looks cute.

You are making a long-term commitment of yourself to care for an animal. The best ways to make your many years of dog ownership happy ones is to fully research your decision. You must know and understand what you are getting into before bringing little bow-wow home. Moreover, you must really want a dog to care for it over the many years you'll be together.

I've had a dog all my life. I love dogs. I can't imagine not reaching my hand down to pat my pal laying by my side or resting in my lap. I'm not a big dog type of guy. I like dogs that are in the twenty to twenty-five pound range.

Every time anyone sees me with my dog, they all make comment, especially the women. My dog is a real chick magnet.

"Oh, he's so cute."

"Are you talking about me or the dog," I reply.

"Both," she says with a smile.

This story is for those of you intent on buying a dog but who don't know which breed to buy. There are so many different types of dogs and then there are the mixed breeds, the mongrels waiting for someone to adopt them at the shelters. In many respects, mongrels make perfect pets, especially when you have small children. I've adopted several mongrels and they have been great pets. Mongrels, because they are a mixed breed, tend to be more docile and are not as hyper as some of the other purebred dogs, such as terriers. Only, sometimes, unless you buy an adult mongrel dog, with a mongrel puppy, you don't know what you'll be getting when your dog grows to an adult.

Listed below are my hopefully helpful tips in finding the dog that is right for you.

1. Buy a book of dogs, an encyclopedia of sorts, one that has lots of photos of dogs. Take your time to peruse the pictures. Then, read about the specific breeds.

The books, generally coffee table size retail for a lot but are usually found in the discount pile and are cheap enough to buy. Now, before you even get confused reading about all the different breeds, think of the size dog that will work for you. How big or how small of a dog do you prefer?

The easiest way to pick a dog is by using much the same process you used when picking a type of car or buying a house. Select the size dog, as you did when selecting the size of your car and house.

Do you want a huge dog the size of a Ford Expedition or a Chrysler Town and Country mini-van, such as a Great Dane, Wolfhound, Deerhound or Saint Bernard that will happily run around and/or lounge around your huge estate?

Do you want a large size dog more befitting a Lincoln Town Car or Chevy Impala, such as a Labrador Retriever, German Shepard, Collie, or Doberman Pinscher to run around your 4 bedroom, 5 bath, and 3 garage home?

How about a medium size dog to fit in your Toyota Camry or Honda Accord and your apartment in the city, such as a Pit Bull Terrier, Basenji, Whippet, or Border Collie?

How about a small dog befitting your Ford Mustang or BMW three series and one bedroom apartment, such as a Jack Russell terrier, Cocker Spaniel, West Highland terrier or a Corgi?

Then, there are those toy dogs that will not only fit in your Mini Cooper S or Mazda Miata but also have plenty of space in your small 500 square foot studio in Manhattan, such as a Dachshund, Chihuahua, Yorkshire terrier or a Chinese Crested?

There are so many dogs from which to chose, but the first thing for you to do is to determine the size of dog that is right for you. Too many people buy the wrong size dog only to regret their decision later. You don't want to distress a big dog by confining it in a small space, just as you wouldn't want a toy dog out in the wilderness where the coyotes view your faithful companion as lunch.

2. Now that you have chosen the size, next choose the breed. It is important to pick the breed of dog that most fits you and your lifestyle. If you like the water, don't buy a Bulldog. They sink. Instead buy a retriever, Labrador, poodle or Portuguese water dog.

If you love to jog, don't buy a Pug. They get overheated easily, especially in the warmer weather. Buy a whippet for warmer climates or a Husky for colder climates. Those dogs will out run you.

If you need a dog for protection, buy the specific breed of dog that will dog the job. Even though that Bichon Frise is really cute, it's not going to dissuade someone from attacking you. Buy a German Shepard or a Doberman Pinscher or any larger size dog that will give anyone second thoughts about breaking in your house.

There are companion dogs, such as a Boston terrier, Italian Greyhound, Lhasa Apso, and Maltese. There are the fighting breeds, which include any terrier breed, Bulldog, and Mastiff breed. There are guard dogs, such as a Rottweiler, Weimaraner, and Rhodesian Ridgebacks. There are herding and cattle dogs, such as Border Collies, Australian Shepherd, and Keeshond. There are hunting dogs, such as retrievers, setters, pointers, spaniels, and water dogs. There are sight hounds such as the Afghan hound, Borzoi, and Greyhound. There are scent hounds, such as Basset hounds, Coonhounds, and Dachshund. Whatever your requirement, there is a dog to perfectly fit your need.

There are millions of documents online about dogs. Read. Seek and you shall find. Whatever you need is just a Google or Yahoo search click away.

3. Once you have narrowed down your size of a dog and breeds down to a few, interact with dogs. Take a walk in the dog park. Go to a pet store. Talk to your friends and relatives who have the types of dogs that interest you. Talk to a dog groomer or a pet sitter. Linger around the animal shelters. Talk to a veterinarian. Rather than you not be happy with your pet, veterinarians, breeders, and animal shelter personnel would much rather answer your questions about certain breeds before having you make a commitment and make a mistake.

After you have picked the size and breed of dog, E-mail a breeder. Breeders are the perfect people to pick their brains. Not only do they love waxing profoundly about their breed but also they know everything about their breed.

For those of you who already have a dog, have a heart and help out those who are looking to buy their first dog. What kind of dog do you have and what do you like about that breed of dog? Please post your comments at the end of this story. Just as it was fun writing this dog story, it is fun to read about the different kinds of dogs that people buy and why they buy them.

What kind of dog do I have? Everyone knows that I have Polo, my pain-in-the-ass Rat Terrier.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Family dogs

I grew up with Golden Retrievers as a kid, and they were great dogs. Super friendly, great with young kids especially. They love being walked and going swimming in creeks or at the beach. Very kind and gentle dogs. The first dog that I ever had as a kid lived to be 14, older than me at the time. We also had a pet rabbit who lived in our huge backyard without a cage. At night the rabbit would curl up under my Retrievers nose for warmth, and protection. A week after the dog passed away, the rabbit was attacked by a fox.

I would deffinately reccomend Golden Retrievers for families. Great companions. They don't require constant attention all the time either, although they love it. Mine had no problem falling asleep inside the house while I watch TV or something.

Love all your submissions, Boston.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Rat Terrier!

I have a Rat Terrier too - I love how they're active but not hyper like some terrier breeds can be. I also love how loving they are. The terrier personality is something special, and they have it but aren't too overboard with it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I love dogs

Dogs Rule! If you can take proper care of one you should own one. I also have had dogs most of my life. I also am a devout fan of Cesar Millan. He know what he is talking about. We don't all live in the sunshine state like Mr Millan. Sometimes it is difficult to exercise yourself everyday nevermind your pooch. Great how to story! Thanks!

sarahhhsarahhhabout 16 years ago
Why would YOU need a chick magnet?

I forgot to answer your question at the end. I don't have my very own dog (unless you count boyfriends), but my parents have had Golden Retrievers ever since I can remember. They now have two females and one male (his name is Steeler), and they breed them (please note, for those who continually bash me for being the "Queen of Incest" these dogs are not related). My parents also take in foster children and have a cat. Everyone gets along wonderfully, at least the animals with the humans. In fact, I'm sure the cat thinks it's a dog. The cat sleeps with the dogs, wants to go out when the dogs go out, etc. So for a dog that is great with kids and other animals, you can't beat a Golden Retriever. There, I tried to be serious. Good article, Freddie.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
You forgot Mutts

I too have had dogs all my life and always without exception the best, smartest, most well behaved have been the mixed breeds. I would say screw the AKC registered breeds, but since this is a sex site everyone might get the wrong impression...

I do agree with matching the type of dog with your lifestyle, but make sure you check your local dog shelters. Myself and my daughter have adopted several wonderful dogs from shelters, your not only saving a life, but your not supporting the pet breeders.

sarahhhsarahhhabout 16 years ago
Yeah, this story might suck but it's still

the best "How-to" story yet submitted for the contest. Dagnabbit BOSTONFICTIONWRITER, you should have written about something you know more about and entitled the story "How to Pick the Perfect Pussy."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

What is this story doing on a erotic literature site?? This person has a real mental problem - his/her erotic stories leave a lot to be desired and now he/she is trying to get people to believe he/she knows something about picking pooches?? This writer should be banned from this site. I'm becoming disappointed with this site with allowing this type story to be posted.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Wall Of Death

Before buying a Cocker Spanial listen to this,Skipper[KC name Chocolate Whispering Moments],was a great gun dog he was also like all Spanials totally crazy. So lovable but on barbecue days a strange look came into his eyes he would either steal a leg of chicken or a sausage and do a wall of death sprint round the lounge.His real claim to fame was when instead of the meat he did his display with a smouldering piece of wood nearly burnt the house down.JIMBO

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
The best of both worlds

I LOVE dogs and have two of them - a black lab and a beagle. My lab is 11 years old and a great companion. She loves to walk, run and play but also will let me curl up beside her. My beagle is 2 years old. She too loves to run. We can't let her off the leash because we end up chasing her all through the neighborhood. Both dogs are great with our kids and both shed (especially the lab!). We wouldn't trade them for the world.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
perfect timing

You story couldn't have come at a better time, BFW. My neighbor just had Rat terrier puppies and she asked me if I wanted to buy one. They are cute. After a read of your story and some Interet research on Rat terriers, I'm not the proud owner of Rico, my new little buddy. Thanks for the story and ignore the bashers.

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