In Mom's Footsteps Ch. 02

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Mom's date takes her to watch daughter dance.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/25/2006
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Despite Vicki's efforts she had no luck finding a lover over the next few weeks. She found a few guys, like Tony, who were good for quick, one night stands, but she wanted something more than rushed quickies. Unfortunately, her line of work didn't lead to her meeting a lot of guys looking for more than a quick fuck.

Finally, she decided to try something a few of her friends from work at the club had talked about. Some of her co-workers had hired themselves as "escorts" to some of their regular customers. This meant, usually, that they would be their customer's dates for a night out. These dates would always end with them fucking at the end of the night. It was understood that was part of the deal when the guys hired the escorts.

A couple of Vicki's regular customers had inquired to her previously about doing escort work but Vicki always turned down the offers. She knew that ultimately this would only be a one-night stand, but at least she felt like she knew these guys already and had some type of relationship with them. Besides, from what her co-workers said it was great money and often ended up being a fun night out on the town.

When one of these regulars next showed up at the club Vicki dropped a hint that she might be interested in serving as his escort at some point if he was interested and gave him her cell number at the end of their session. She did the same with a few of her other regulars and was rather surprised when one of them called a few days later.

They quickly set a date and location to meet. Vicki took the time to get very dolled up for the date for a couple of reasons. First, she wanted to give Dan his money's worth and getting all dressed up like this made her feel sexy.

Dan's jaw just about hit the floor when he saw her. In fact, at first he didn't seem to recognize her in the fancy dress and with all her jewelry. She always dressed well at the club, but in that environment she knew she would soon be getting naked and so didn't take the time to put the finishing touches on her hair or clothes that she did tonight.

Dan was clearly appreciative of her appearance and they set out on a "date" together. They first enjoyed dinner before going to an upscale bar for some drinks. Dan wasn't the best looking guy she had ever been with, but he also wasn't the worst and Vicki found herself enjoying the night out far more than she thought.

She enjoying flirting and teasing Dan and the way he looked after her. It seemed he enjoyed having a beautiful woman as his date and he wanted to make sure everyone noticed her and how well he was taking care of her.

The night ended back at Dan's place with the two of them fucking well into the night. To Vicki's surprise she found Dan much more willing to attend to her needs in this environment. At the club Dan usually was all about getting himself off and leaving, but here he was more comfortable and attentive to her. By the time they were done she had cum twice and had made him cum three times.

After this she continued working as an "escort" for some of her regulars and enjoyed it immensely. About a month later Bob, another of her regulars, set up a night out with her. He hinted that he had something kinky planned and Vicki found herself looking forward to the night immensely.

Bob met her at the appointed spot right on schedule. He drove them directly to the strip club where Sara currently worked. "You game?" Bob asked playfully as he pulled into the parking lot.

For a moment Vicki's mind reeled in terror. Did he know about Sara? Had he brought her here to make her watch her daughter dance naked? She quickly dismissed these ideas as silly because she knew there was no way he could have known Sara was her daughter. Probably the only person who did know was the club's owner and he wasn't the type of guy to share those sorts of secrets. Anyone who had been in the business as long as him had learned long ago to keep their mouth shut when it came to any sort of personal details about their dancer's lives.

Vicki did some quick calculations and realized that Sara wouldn't even be working tonight. She knew that Sara's schedule had recently changed due to this semester's class schedule, but she didn't think Sara would be working.

Vicki told Bob she was absolutely game and Bob was visibly excited. Vicki was also a little excited at his plan for the evening.

They went in and initially sat near the bar as Bob had a few rounds of drinks. They watched the dancers some but mostly just talked. After a while Bob suggested they move to get a closer look. Vicki knew right away he wanted to move to the row of seats right next to the stage. This is where to go if you wanted a close view and wanted to have the dancers play with their tits or pussies right in front on you.

For the first time in a while, Vicki looked up at the dancer and realized she hadn't been there when they arrived. She glanced at her watch and knew that the new shift of dancers would have started a little while ago. As she expected, when they settled at the edge of the stage Bob put his money in front of her.

She had seen this many times before from the dancer's perspective. Men loved watching the strippers dance for their dates and would often put the money in front of their dates to ensure the strippers would linger there. Vicki felt a little flush of excitement at the prospect of getting to experience this from the other side.

The dancer almost immediately slithered over to her and began to luridly swing her hips before leaning over and bringing her tits just inches from Vicki's face. Vicki watched the woman's tits sway teasingly and briefly made eye contact with the dancer before the dancer stood up and massaged her tits lavishly while staring right at Vicki. Vicki could feel her pussy getting wet and enjoyed the rest of the dancer's set.

Another dancer took her turn on the stage and, although she was a skilled dancer, Vicki didn't find her very attractive. When her final song ended Vicki jumped when the DJ announced that next up would be Sunny.

It was true that Sara wasn't supposed to work that night, but she had switched nights with another dancer because one of her labs had been rescheduled due to the professor being ill. She hadn't bothered to tell Vicki before she left thinking nothing of it.

Vicki's stomach knotted. She turned to Bob and asked if he was ready to go. "I'm just getting started," Bob replied with a look that made it clear he loved watching the naked women dance for her. Vicki wanted to run but felt frozen in place even as Sara appeared from the dressing room and moved to the stage. Sara started on the other side of the stage and danced for the customers over there.

Vicki breathed a sigh of relief for this pardon, but soon Sara twirled and danced over toward them. Sara had been looking down and it wasn't until she was dancing erotically just feet in front of her mother that Sara looked up and they made eye contact.

Sara tried to mask her surprise and, considering how big a surprise it probably was, she did a great job. Vicki could see a million questions behind Sara's eyes as Sara almost imperceptibly stopped dancing before picking up the beat again. As Sara turned away she started pulling off her top.

"I think she likes you," Bob whispered to Vicki as Sara turned away. Vicki smiled thinking there was no way he would believe what was really happening. When Sara returned to the spot in front of Vicki Bob had placed even more money in front of her. As was the protocol with that much money in front of someone Sara lingered for a long while in front of Vicki.

Vicki tried not to look and part of her mind screamed that this was wrong and she needed to stop it regardless of what Bob would think. Rationally she knew this was not the way mothers and daughters were supposed to interact. However, through the combination of her own excitement and the lusty environment she wasn't in any place to think rationally. Against her better judgment Vicki gazed up at Sara and was greeted by the sight of Sara teasing and playing with her tight nipples.

With the combination of the lighting, her sight angle up to the stage, Sara's lurid teasing and dancing, and Sara's makeup, it was nearly impossible for Vicki to even recognize this dancer as her daughter. For a few seconds Vicki was swept up in the amazingly sexy dancing and the raw sexuality of the dancer before her. When her mind snapped back to the realization of who exactly this dancer was it provoked a very unexpected reaction. Again, a small part of Vicki begged her to stop and scolded her for sitting there when she should be doing anything but that. However, a surprising part of her felt a utterly forbidden thrill.

She knew that guys ordinarily went crazy for the sight of a stripper dancing for a female customer, and she felt a nasty glee thinking that the guys surrounding the stage, and especially Bob, would go absolutely out of their minds if they knew the real truth.

For the rest of Sara's set Bob continued to pour money in front of Vicki, and Sara continued to give Vicki exactly the type of nasty, lurid, wanton show that the money deserved. Sara was really an exceptional dancer and seemed to have a pure animal grace and radiant desire when she danced. She also had those sexy nipples that stood out long and hard nearly the whole time she danced. She used her nipples to absolute perfection, teasing them just enough to excite but still leave the customers wanting more.

Bob and Vicki moved away from the stage and refilled their drinks after Sara's set. Clearly Bob had been wildly excited watching Sara and Vicki interact and had decided to focus his money when Sara was dancing. For the next hour or so they repeated this sequence by moving to the stage whenever "Sunny" was introduced and moving away when her set was done.

While at the stage Bob put obscene amounts of money in front of Vicki until it got to the point where Sara was spending nearly her entire set dancing directly in front of her mother. If Sara was uncomfortable with what was happening she didn't let on at all and her dancing teased Vicki in every imaginable way.

For Vicki the most difficult part was when Sara would move very close to her and lean toward her. Sara placed her hands on Vicki's shoulders and let her tits dangle mere inches in front of Vicki's face. This move drew such a wild reaction from Bob that Sara repeated it often. Vicki felt a frightening range of emotions as she stared at Sara's sweet tits hanging so perfectly before her.

Again a part of her knew this was wrong but by now that voice was a mere tiny whisper compared to the screaming lust filling her mind. More powerful and overwhelming was the shocking desire that Vicki felt at the closeness of this sexy, wanton female body.

The thing that pushed Vicki to unknown heights of lust was the scent of Sara's body. Vicki could smell the sexy lotion that Sara used when she danced and the smell brought back a flood of memories as she had used the same brand back when she danced in the clubs. However, there was a more raw, natural smell there also that Vicki could sense. It was something that Vicki had previously referred to simply as the "essence of woman" and it brought back a flood of memories and emotions from previous times she had fucked other women.

An alarming urge from within Vicki wanted to lean forward just those last couple of inches and feel Sara's smooth, soft tits against her face. Vicki yearned to feel the hardness of Sara's tits brushing on her cheeks and lips, but she knew she couldn't. Not only was it against the club rules to touch the dancers, she also knew that she shouldn't for far deeper reasons. In addition to all this, a tiny voice worried that if she had even that much contact she might not be able to control her frenzied lust and she was afraid of where that might lead.

Suddenly, at the end of Sara's set Bob touched Vicki's knee and whispered, "Let's go."

As Vicki stood up she was a complete jumble of emotions. Part of her was glad to be able to get out of this awkward and wrong situation. She was definitely looking forward to fucking the hell out of Bob and relieving the intense desire she felt in her aching, wet pussy. However, part of her was sad to leave what had certainly been the most confusing, erotic, intense, sexiest moment in her life.

Considering all that Vicki had been through in her years of work in the sex industry that was saying a lot. However, there was no doubt that having Sara dance for her like that made her feel things, both good and bad, that she had never felt before. Her head was still spinning even as they got in Bob's car and drove very quickly to the hotel Bob had reserved. If Bob's lust was indicated by his speed of driving he was as ready to fuck as Vicki.

They fell into a wild embrace as soon as the hotel room door closed behind them. Vicki could already feel his rock hard cock through his pants as their tongues wrestled wildly. They began wildly pulling off their clothes until they resumed their frantic kiss with their naked bodies rubbing wildly together.

Vicki's pussy was burning with lust and she could feel her heavy juices on the insides of her thighs. Ordinarily Vicki loved long and drawn out foreplay before fucking but she knew there would be time for that sort of gentle teasing and play later. Right now all she wanted was to feel Bob's hard cock filling her pussy.

She reached down and fondled Bob's cock. Nearly its entire tip was already coated with his pre-cum and he let out a long groan at her touch. They fell onto the bed together and Bob immediately moved between Vicki's spread thighs. With one hard thrust he pushed his full length all the way inside her hot pussy as they let out mutual moans of desire.

Immediately Bob started plunging his cock into her wildly. The bed shook and creaked and the headboard bounced off the wall as they slammed their bodies together wantonly to relieve their wild lust. Their fuck was animal and primal in its intensity and urgency. Both of them grunted and gasped frantically as Bob pounded into Vicki's hungry pussy.

As excited as they both were this fuck only lasted a few minutes. With one last forceful thrust Bob drove as deeply inside Vicki as he could and grunted loudly as his cock started pumping a huge load of cum inside her. Vicki had been teetering on the brink of her own orgasm and the feeling of Bob's hot cum surging inside her was more than enough to make her cum.

Vicki let out a primal scream and without even knowing it she raked her nails wildly across Bob's back as she started to cum. Her body tensed and her pussy exploded into a series of spasms. It was like her pussy tried to milk all of Bob's cum out of his cock. As her orgasm peaked Vicki lost track of reality briefly and she may have even blacked out. She hadn't cum that hard in a long time.

They finished their intense mutual orgasms and collapsed together on the bed. Bob fell next to Vicki and they wrapped their arms around each other as both seemingly needed a few moments to recover from their wild fuck.

Eventually Bob rolled over facing Vicki and they met in a long, slow kiss. The kiss soon grew more passionate and it wasn't long until Bob's tongue slipped between Vicki's lips. Vicki parted her lips and their tongues began a long, teasing dance.

Vicki could already sense Bob's desire despite having just completed their intense fuck. Vicki's lust was still peaked even after her own wild orgasm and she eagerly dove into Bob's hungry kiss.

Eventually Bob kissed his way down her jaw line and then slowly down her neck. Vicki groaned wildly as Bob nibbled and kissed the sensitive skin at the base of her neck before he moved down and kissed and licked the length of her collarbone.

Vicki moaned again and she happily thought that this was the kind of slow teasing that she would never receive during her work at the club or even during her other quick fucks with guys like Tony. It seemed completely counter intuitive, but somehow it seemed like becoming a prostitute was leading to better sex. Of course, nothing about her life could really be classified as normal, so why should this be any different?

Eventually Bob made his way down to Vicki's tits. He slowly and teasingly kissed her all over her excited, soft tits. He rolled her nipples between his lips causing her to groan deeply and causing them to quickly grow tight and hard in Bob's mouth.

As Bob suckled on her nipple Vicki's mind flashed to a thought that simultaneously made her feel wildly excited and very nasty. As her own nipples became rock hard in Bob's surprisingly adept mouth she thought back to how Sara's nipples looked. She had never really thought about the appearance of her own nipples, but now she wondered if her nipples looked as tantalizing and sexy as Sara's.

She lifted her head to look at her nipples, but just then Bob sucked one into his mouth firmly and swirled his tongue around and around its hard point. She dropped her head back onto the soft pillow and moaned. From that point she simply giving herself over to Bob's hungry mouth.

Eventually, Bob let her nipple pop out of his mouth and he looked up at Vicki's face. She lifted her head and gazed down into Bob's face. The mischievous look in Bob's eye immediately let her know he had something nasty on his mind.

Bob smiled wickedly and his mouth formed into a sly smile before he spoke. "Did you like that dancer?"

Vicki knew immediately which dancer he meant but she hoped she might be wrong. She looked at Bob with a questioning expression before Bob added, "You know, Sunny." Vicki's only reply was to let out a small gasp.

Bob took her gasp as an affirmative and gave her nipple a slow, teasing lick before he continued. "Did she turn you on?" he asked.

Vicki groaned and heard her reply before she realized she was ready to give it. "Yesss," she hissed.

"I could tell," Bob answered, clearly becoming more excited. "Do you wish you could have touched her?"

"Yes," Vicki gasped.

"Tell me," Bob said excitedly, "tell me what you would do."

Vicki groaned and felt the last of her resistance to this nasty talk fading away. She knew it was only harmless fuck talk from a horny guy, but he had no idea what he was saying to her. Finally, she decided to play his game all the while feeling an incredibly forbidden, nasty thrill.

"Her nipples," Vicki sighed, "I wanted to kiss her nipples."

Now it was Bob's turn to groan. "Like this?" he asked as he lowered his mouth to her nipple and began kissing her.

Vicki groaned and said, "Yes, like that. Then I would put her hard nipple in my mouth and suck on it." As she spoke Bob acted out her words causing her to moan excitedly.

Vicki continued describing how she wanted to suck Sara's tits as Bob acted out Vicki's comments. Vicki's mind was now completely engrossed in her fantasy. Her eyes were closed and in her mind she was naked in this bed with Sara. She could practically feel Sara's stiff nipple in her mouth.

Her pussy was again soaking wet as she gave herself over completely to the most forbidden, taboo fantasy she could ever imagine. Even the night after she had demonstrated for Sara how to strip never felt like this. On that night she felt a jumble of emotions caused by the desire she saw in Sara's eyes, but her thoughts were now fully engrossed in a wild fantasy world where she and Sara eagerly engaged in hungry foreplay.

"Would you suck her pussy?" Bob asked.

"No," Vicki moaned, "I want her to suck mine first." Bob groaned and kissed his way down her stomach until his head was positioned between her spread thighs.

Without any provoking Vicki continued to describe how Sara would suck her pussy and how it would make her feel. Again, Bob acted out every single lick and suck that Vicki described.