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When she again asked me if Dave was okay I told her was fine, just ashamed.

"Ashamed of what?" She asked me quickly. "What I told you two?"

I quickly reassured her that wasn't the case at all. In fact I told her was ashamed of getting hard while she was sitting on his lap, especially after what she told us and what she had gone through. She was quiet for a couple of minutes then asked me what I thought of him getting hard.

"Hell it's natural that he did. In fact I would have been surprised if he hadn't." When she looked at me with a question in her eyes I continued. "You have to know that you're a desirable woman. Not only that but Dave has this thing about oriental women. While he's never played around on me, if he did I know it would be with someone from the Orient."

She looked shocked at this. I don't think she had been told she was desirable in the past couple of years. Why I told her what I did next I don't know. Maybe it was because she trusted us, and I trusted her.

"Yeah Dave's never played around on me even though he knows I have a time or two. He told me he would understand if I did right after we got married. His only stipulation was that he be told about it beforehand so he could check the person out and make sure I wasn't going to get hurt. I told him the same thing. I had a lot more opportunities to do it but I only trusted those two people enough to do it with them. Dave just hasn't had the opportunities, or I should say that the ones who gave him the offers weren't the kind of women he's interested in."

Jade looked shocked at this then quietly asked if he was interested in her.

"I'm sure he is." I answered just as quietly. "He wouldn't have gotten hard if he wasn't. Or if he had gotten hard he wouldn't have reacted the way he did. If he wasn't interested in you he wouldn't care as much for your feelings as he does."

Jade was quiet then for several minutes. Then very hesitantly she asked me what I would think if things got out of hand and she ended up having sex with Dave.

"How should I phrase this?" I asked her. "I wouldn't mind if you two got it on, although I would want to watch." I think that shocked the two of us. "It wouldn't be easy though." I continued "After what you just told us you would have to find some way to reassure him that this was what you wanted and not what you thought he wanted."

"And how could I do that?"

"I don't know. Maybe having him redo your massage would do it."

"Do you think so?" She asked me.

"Yeah I think it might. Especially if I'm there so he doesn't think I pressured you into it."

"Do, do you think he would let you take pictures?" She asked hesitantly. I looked at her and realized her nipples were again getting hard. (Then again so were mine.)

"Is that what you want? Do you want him to get it on with you while I take pictures?"

"Yes it is, I want that a lot."

"I don't think he'll have much of a choice then. If that's what you want then that's what's going to happen. Not that he'll mind, or notice for that matter. When he starts the massage he'll be concentrating so much on you he won't notice anything else."

After that we talked for a few minutes more then gathering up the oil and towel we moved into the bedroom. When we walked in we found my husband sitting on the edge of the bed with his hand wrapped around his cock. It seems we were just in time to stop him from jacking off or "relieving the pressure" as he called it. Jade walked right up to him as I moved to the other side of the bed and spread out the towel.

"Dave I want you to finish my massage." She said to him. "You didn't finish it and now I need it more than ever."

As she finished saying this she climbed past him, onto the bed and lay face up on the towel.

"Forget my back, just work on my front." She told him while looking between the two of us smiling nervously.

When Dave looked askance at me I just nodded and smiled while handing him the bottle of oil. While he climbed up beside her I turned and grabbed the camera from where we kept it next to the computer. When he knelt over her body I could see just how hard he was, I couldn't resist taking pictures. When he leaned forward to rub the oil into her shoulders his erection was rubbing against her slit. Seeing this I aimed the camera again and took a picture of it. Jade was watching as his hands slowly traveled down her body, but when he reached her breasts she lay her head back with a gasp. Every time his hands touched her nipples she moaned a little.

I knew what was coming so when Dave looked over at me I blew him a kiss and motioned for him to suck on her nipples. Seeing the camera he raised an eyebrow in question. I just motioned again for him to work on our friend while nodding. When he turned back to her I watched as he slowly lowered his head and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. Jade gasped and raised her hands, grabbing his head she gently pulled his face tighter against her small chest while asking him to suck on them. I knew what she was feeling, Dave had a unique way of working on my nipples and I knew he was going to do it to hers. He not only sucks on them and runs his tongue over them, he likes to suck them into his mouth and brush his teeth lightly over them. Not biting them just grazing them. Jade must have liked this as much as I do because within minutes she screamed quietly and held his face against her breast while she orgasmed.

As she recovered she gently pushed his face away from her chest and down her body. He knew what she wanted but he was going to do this his way. He went back to his massage and slowly worked his way down her body. (Instead of just diving in and eating her as she wanted.) As he was doing this he changed things around a little bit, He followed his hands with his mouth, kissing and licking her skin as he made his way down her body. By the time he had reached her hips her breathing was again getting faster. Stopping there he moved so he was kneeling between her legs again. I watched as he worked his way up her legs. Even from were I was I could see she was getting more and more excited. Her outer lips had gotten puffy and spread slightly showing her pink inner lips.

I surprised myself by getting excited just watching this. This was truly a surprise as I had always thought of myself as purely Hetero but here I was thinking about what it would be like to eat Jade like my husband was going to. I watched and continued taking pictures even as I dropped one hand down my belly and started sliding my fingers over my own slit.

Slowly my husband made his way up her legs, kissing the skin he had just massaged as he went. Finally he reached the spot all three of us wanted him to reach. As he lowered his face into her crotch and started sliding his tongue around her lips Jade gasped. I was aware of how the room was filling with the scents of the oil and of our musk. When he pressed his face against her cunt and slid his tongue deep inside of her Jade thrust her hips against his face while screaming out another orgasm.

Dave didn't stop what he was doing when she did this, he kept on working on her. Jade reached down and held his face against her as he ate her for the first time. When she let go of his head he slid his hands under her ass and moving gently pulled her to the side of the bed while still working on her. When he had her where he wanted her he lifted her hips slightly. I knew what was coming next, he loved to do this to me from time to time. (I didn't let him do it to me very often because as much as I liked it I still thought of it as slightly twisted.) Now Dave didn't try sliding his tongue deep inside of her again. Instead he just worked it around her outer lips while also letting it slide down and across her "Taint". When she felt the tip of his tongue brush against her tightly puckered asshole she gasped again. Jade lifted her legs while spreading them even further and now I could watch as he worked on her. When he spread her cheeks with his hands and pressed his tongue against her tight hole she gasped then moaned. Unconsciously I kept on taking pictures while fingering myself as I watched him press his tongue even further inside of her. before long Jade screamed again. this time she didn't have an orgasm, she had several as my husband worked her ass with his talented tongue. Somehow even through my own orgasm I kept taking pictures of this. When Jade finally settled down a little my husband pulled his face away from her crotch ad slowly made his way up her body until he was laying next to her. Turning he moved his face so he could kiss he with his lips still glistening with her juices. Jade responded by returning the kiss as she pressed her body against his, his erect cock trapped between their bodies.


"I can't believe this is happening." I thought to myself as I lay face down on the towel with Marge's husband standing over me.

"Okay Dave," I heard her say from beside me."Kneel down on me again. Keep your eyes closed. I want you to work on my back again." Was what she told him.

I could feel him slowly settle his weight on my upper thighs. I was conscious of his manhood resting limply against my skin as he settled down. When he leaned forward and placed his oily hands on my shoulders I could feel him pressing lightly against the skin at the base of my ass. As his hands started strongly yet gently kneading my skin I heard her telling him he could open his eyes. I knew when he did because I heard him gasp as he stopped what he was doing. They must have talked silently because soon his hands started working their magic, this time on my bare skin. As his hands glided over my back I could feel myself relaxing even as my mind was starting to go into a turmoil over what I was feeling.

As my friends husband worked his careful way down my back, finding each tight spot in my muscles he would pause and work on it until it relaxed. I hadn't felt anything like this in a long time. What was causing me a little trouble was what else I was feeling. The feel of a mans hands on my skin was turning me on. When he finished with my back, stopping at my hips, he moved down between my legs. I allowed him to spread them so he could kneel between them even though I knew he could see me down there.

As his hands worked higher and higher up my legs I could feel myself getting more turned on. When he placed his hands on my ass and started kneading it I knew what I wanted him to do. I didn't say anything though, I just let him continue what he was doing. It came as a surprise when Marge told him to stop. (Had she noticed how turned on I was getting?) When I looked over at her she asked me if I wanted to roll over and have Dave continue working on me, this time on my front. Hearing this I looked at her face and just saw that she was asking me what I wanted. Nodding I asked Dave to stand so I could roll over. When I was on my back I looked up at him standing over me.

Looking up at him looking down at me I could see he was slowly getting hard. Looking at his face as he looked over my body for the first time I saw something I hadn't seen before. Yes there was lust there, but there was something else as well. It was almost as if he was asking my permission for him to touch me. I just nodded my head slightly. Seeing this he again knelt down on my upper thighs. Now I was even more aware of him being there. When he had poured more oil into his palms he leaned forward and started massaging my shoulders. As he did this I was aware of his cock pressing and rubbing against my lower belly. He started working his way down from my shoulders the closer he got to my breasts the harder my nipples were becoming. When he reached my breasts he stopped and looked over at his wife. Only when he saw her nod did he touch my breasts. He surprised me by how gentle he was as he kneaded them. I was also surprised at how much attention he was giving them.

"Why would he like my tits so much?" I asked myself. "After seeing how big Marge's are compared to mine. I know Mark certainly preferred large tits."

As I was thinking this I could feel my nipples hardening even more. I almost asked him to lean down and suck on my nipples but stopped myself before I did. Marge must have thought he was going to do it anyways because she warned him that I had gone through a rough time with my ex-husband. When she said this I found myself opening up to them. For some reason I found myself telling them what had happened between myself and Mark. Even as I was talking about it I was aware that I hadn't spoken of this in over a year and even then I had only told the police and my lawyer. I found myself reliving it even as I felt Dave's gentle hands working their way over my body.

His hands worked on my belly when I told them about the first time Mark beat me and I moved out. He had moved down to my legs when I told them about the first time Mark raped me and how he did it. By the time I told them about the group rape Mark had arranged with his friends Dave's hands had stopped on my upper thighs. I couldn't believe it when I reached down and pressed his hands against my inner thighs, wanting him to continue what he was doing. Not only did it feel good but it was making me realize there were men out there who didn't get off by hurting women. I think I surprised all of us when I grabbed his hands and pressed them against my cunt wanting to feel them there while telling them no one had touched me like that in over a year. For some reason Dave didn't do what I expected. He didn't start rubbing me there. In fact he didn't move his hands at all. Opening my eyes I looked down at him then over at my friend. What I saw on her face, the horror of what I had just told her made me break a vow I had made to myself when this had all started. I had vowed I would never let someone else see me cry.

As the tears started I couldn't hold them back. I could feel my body shaking as I started sobbing. I started crying even harder when I felt Dave suddenly move from between my legs. I felt like I had driven him away when suddenly I felt him reaching down from beside me and picking me up. As he cradled me in his arms I buried my face against his chest and cried even more in his protective embrace. I could feel Marge stroking my hair as they let me cry.

I cried because of what had been done to me and I cried because I was ashamed of what I was putting these two through. I was unloading myself on them, making them deal with it as well. There was no need for it and no reason other than my being selfish. Finally though the tears started slowing down. I just lay there cradled in Dave's arms. Now more than ever I was aware of him holding me like he was, my bottom resting on his lap as he held me against his chest. Looking up at him I was amazed at the gentle look on his face. When I looked over at his wife I saw the same compassionate look on her face. Looking back up at Dave I told him I didn't know why I had told them all of that. Hearing this he just looked down at where he was holding me and told me maybe it was time I had told someone, told someone I trusted and knew wouldn't use my past against me.

That made me feel a little better about it but I still couldn't get over it. Looking at Marge I tried to make a joke out of it by asking her if she realized I was sitting naked on her husbands lap. She just smiled at me when she heard this. Then I realized what I must look like with my face streaked by my tears and my nose running. I must have said something about this because Marge laughed and got up to get some paper towels. As she came back to us she handed them to me while telling me to blow my nose. She also told me she did realize I was sitting on her husbands lap, but the important thing was for me to understand I could get up anytime I wanted to and they wouldn't stop me. Hearing this I at first thought she was telling me to get up then I realized just what she was saying. This truly made me feel better. She was telling me they wouldn't force me to do anything I didn't want to.

Suddenly Dave lifted me off his lap and set me on the floor while telling me he had to take care of something. When he stood and turned away from me I was confused and wondered what I had done wrong. As he closed the bedroom door I looked at Marge to see her smiling slightly.

"Is Dave okay?" I asked her while thinking he was disgusted with me because of what I had gone through.

"Yeah he's okay, he's just ashamed." She replied after a second.

"Ashamed of what?" I wondered aloud. "What I told the two of you?"

"No not that. He's ashamed that he was getting an erection while you were sitting on his lap. If I know him he's afraid that you'll be upset because he's getting turned on by you sitting there after what you've been through, and after your telling us about it."

I was quiet for a minute thinking about this. I found it kind of odd she wasn't upset about him getting excited and told her so by asking about it. "You don't seem upset about him getting hard."

"Hell it's natural that he did. In fact I would have been surprised if he hadn't ." I must have looked at her strangely because she continued and what she said next surprised me. "You have to know that you're a desirable woman." She told me. "Not only that but Dave has this thing about oriental women. While he's never played around on me, if he did I know it would be with someone from the Orient."

I think I must have looked shocked because I was shocked at this. Oh not the part about me being desirable. I had heard that a few times even after what had happened to me. Although it did surprise me that he found me so even though he knew I was ten years older than he was. No what shocked me was her talking about him cheating on her in such a matter of fact way. She must have seen the look on my face because she continued.

"Yeah Dave's never played around on me even though he knows I have a time or two. He told me he would understand if I did right after we got married. His only stipulation was that he be told about it beforehand so he could check the person out and make sure I wasn't going to get hurt. I told him the same thing. I had a lot more opportunities to do it but I only trusted those two enough. Dave just hasn't had the opportunities, or I should say the ones who gave him the offers weren't the kind of women he's interested in."

At first I couldn't believe what she had said, I was shocked by it, but also it made sense. As I thought about it a little more I wondered how he felt about me, and how Marge felt about it. For some reason I just had to know. Quietly I asked Marge if she thought he was interested in me

"I'm sure he is. He wouldn't have gotten hard if he wasn't." She replied just as quietly. "Or if he had he wouldn't have reacted the way he did. If he wasn't interested in you he wouldn't care as much for your feelings as he does."

The thought of this caused me to shiver. It had been a long time since anyone had worried about my feelings. Looking at Marge I asked her what she thought about this.

She was quiet for a minute then answered me. "How should I phrase this? I wouldn't mind if you two got it on, although I would want to watch." She told me. "It wouldn't be easy though. After what you told us you would have to find some way to reassure him that this was what you wanted and not what you thought he wanted."

When I heard this I understood what she was saying.

"And how could I do that?" I asked her.

"I don't know. Maybe having him re-do your massage would do it."

"Do you think so?" I asked intrigued by the idea of having him finish the massage he had started.

"Yeah I think it might." She answered. "Especially if I'm there so he doesn't think I pressured you into it."

As I thought about it more I found myself getting strangely excited by the idea. As I thought about it a bit more I realized there was something else I wanted. Even though I knew I wanted this I was hesitant to ask my friend about it, but I did ask her.