Just Once: Miscalculation

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Does a bold move, pay off or end in disaster?
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All characters engaging in sexual activities are 18 years of age or older.

Any spelling or grammar mistakes are my own.

I'd like to say Thank You to Kalimaxos for allowing us fellow authors to take his story and add our own alternate endings.

Read his work here..... Just Once... If You Don't Mind? - Loving Wives - Literotica.com to understand where I pick up.

When I finish reading it, I noticed Leslie was at the kitchen island filling her glass again.

"Are you OK?" she asked.

"I will be," I replied.

She nodded and came back with the bottle and her filled glass. Sitting next to me this time, she refilled my glass and turned to look at me with those doe-like eyes.

"So, Rick? What do we do?"


"Well Leslie. You're going to go home to your husband and if you hear from Marcy, don't tell her a damn thing." I said to her.

"Are you sure?" Leslie asked with a shocked look on her face.

Rick could tell that she wasn't used to being turned away very often if at all.

"Yes Leslie, I want you to leave. I'm also going to give you the benefit of the doubt, that you did not know that she was going to pull this cheating bullshit on me."

Leslie finished her glass of wine in a few swallows. She let out a small belch and smiled.

"No Rick, I did not. I thought that she had discussed this with you beforehand. I'm sorry. If you change your mind about getting together, you know how to get ahold of me." she said.

Leslie gave Rick a hug and walked out the door. Rick dumped his wine out in the sink and put the bottle in the fridge. He had a hellava lot to do in the next six weeks and there is no time like the present to start making phone calls. Something that Marcy did not take into consideration is that Rick had made a lot of friends, in a lot of places in his miliary career. He was going to use that to his advantage now.


Rick had managed to bribe his way inside the airport where the passengers deplane and arrive. New federal laws keep people out and families must wait at baggage claim. There he was, high on a scissors lift, wearing a window cleaning uniform. He was looking down and anticipating the shit storm that was about to take place. The doors would be opening, and people would be coming out any second now.

Rick had contacts down in Columbia. He used them to get audio, video, and pictures of Marcy and Trey having sex in their hotel room, in the rented van, he even got them having sex in the on-call room. Those same contacts had them stopped, questioned and held at all border crossings for a day. They'd be locked up in a holding cell for 24 hours before being released to continue. Doctors Without Borders weren't happy with it, but they didn't want to make waves and ruin their reputation.

Rick had also tipped off a few reporters that he was friendly with. They had done pieces on him while he served and covered his retirement. They were chomping at the bit on this juicy story. The wife of a war hero and military man, cheating on him with a doctor while serving on a mission of mercy. All under the umbrella of one of the most cherished charity programs on the planet. The reporters and their stations were thinking of awards season with this. The airport had given all the reporters and their cameramen special passes to be there.

Rick was using a squeegee and cleaning a window, when the man he bribed, tapped him on the shoulder. He no sooner than turned around, when reporters started rushing to the door. Unlucky for her, but lucky for Rick; Marcy was the first one who came through. When she saw all the reporters. She was smiling and waving. That was until she heard their questions.

"Were you having an affair?"

"What do you have to say to your family?"

"Do you think you'll still have a job?"

Marcy froze in fear and panic for a moment, then tried to turn around and go back into the plane. It was too late. People were behind her, and she had nowhere to go. She saw Trey coming down the hall, and she hollered for him. He saw the look of panic on her face, and he hastily made his way to her. He started waving to the cameras and reporters while he stepped in front of her.

"It was a successful trip, and we did a lot of great work." Trey said, smiling at the cameras.

"Why were you having an affair with a married woman?"

"What do you think the board of directors are deciding right now?"

"How could you break up a family like this?"

Trey's face changed from smiling to anger immediately upon hearing the questions. He started loudly saying.

"No comment, get out of the way."

He was pushing forward with Marcy following behind him. She was hiding her face. Her mind and body were in shock. She couldn't think straight. It was like nothing could stay in her head for longer than a second. They didn't know that the rest of the team, hearing the questions being hurled, had stayed behind. It was just them being followed by the media.

The media was relentless and followed them as they moved along. They continued to ask and fire questions at them the whole way. Rick had gotten down off the scissors lift and was following as well. By now, there was a crowd of onlookers following too. Jim was able to blend in with them, as he watched it all unfold. As Trey and Marcy, as well as the reporters and onlookers started to get closer to the turnstiles that leads to baggage claim, Rick jogged ahead of all of them.

Rick was not only in a worker's uniform. He had altered his appearance in the six weeks since Marcy had left. Rick now had a full beard and had let his hair grow out. Instead of being the usual "high and tight" that he'd had for thirty years, now that it was longer, it resembled a "crew cut" style. He decided to let the gray hairs that were starting to show, come through. Rick was also wearing a pair of planto lense glasses. They wouldn't recognize him, even if they looked right at him.

Rick went through the turnstile and then over towards a corner between the metal railings and the carousel conveyer belts. The reporters and camera operators then got between Trey, Marcy, and the turnstiles.

"What do you have to say for yourself or to her husband?" a reporter asked.

Trey had had enough and lost his cool.

"Maybe if he had been home instead of being out there playing solider, this wouldn't have happened!" Trey said loudly.

Rick could hear the audible gasps from the reporters and the onlookers. Trey had a look of shock on his face. It was only seconds later before a fist slammed into his face. The blow sent him back into Marcy. Marcy trying to keep her balance, grabbed Trey and they both ended up falling on their asses. Rick was walking towards them when he heard a man yelling.

"Defending our country and defending the rights and freedoms of every American citizen, is not playing solider! It's not playing solider when we have to hand a folded American flag to a god damn widow or a soldier's mother! Pricks like you make us sick!"

The group of onlookers started clapping and cheering. Security and TSA Agents arrived within thirty seconds and had the man handcuffed. Trey stood up and was hollering.

"He assaulted me and it's all on film! I want him in prison!"

Marcy was still on the ground and looking up at the scene going on in front of her with shock. Finally, a female TSA Agent went to her and helped her up. When she finally got to her feet, a strange man walked up to her.

"Are you Marcy Weston" he asked.

"Ummmmm, Yes I am." she stuttered.

"You have been served." he said and held out a manilla envelope.

Marcy just stared at it. She was completely speechless. This was not what was supposed to happen. She looked at it like it was a coiled snake, that would bite her hand.

"Ma'am, you have to take it." the man said.

Marcy could feel everyone staring at her. Looking on as her marriage ended. A million things going through her mind. Where is Rick? How could he do this? How did the media find out? How could she save her marriage? Did she really have to take the envelope?

Marcy broke down crying as she reached out for it.

"It didn't mean anything. It was only sex." she whispered and took the envelope in her hand.

The man quickly took a picture with his phone and walked away. More security had arrived and started pushing the media back, while ushering Trey and Marcy into a door. Just before she went through the door, she saw a man standing in the corner. It briefly crossed her mind that she recognized him. Before she could say anything, the door closed shut behind her.

Marcy and Trey were put in separate rooms. They were each asked to give a statement about the assault on Trey. After being in the room for an hour, a police officer came in and asked her where she wanted to go. She told the officer to drop her off at the Ambassador Hotel. Marcy figured that since she paid for the room already, she might as well use it. She didn't see Trey again, as the officer led her out a back door and into the backseat of his car and dropped her off.

Trey had been taken to the hospital. He had a broken nose, and he was complaining about neck pain. His reception at the hospital was not very good at all. Everyone was short and rude to him. He was treated roughly when his nose was reset. After he had signed his discharge papers, he looked up and saw a couple nurses and a doctor standing in the doorway.

"I was a Naval Corpsman." said the doctor.

"I was a Army Combat Medic Specialist." said one of the nurses.

"I was a Army Family Nurse Practitioner" another nurse said.

They glared at him. He could see the disgust and anger on their faces. He started to apologize, but they interrupted him and told him to get the hell out and never come back. He quickly walked past them and out into the waiting room. He called a cab and went home. He sat down on his couch and knew that he was up shit creek without a paddle.

Marcy had tried to call Rick's cell phone, but he wouldn't answer. Their daughter Rhonda just yelled at her for a few minutes and hung up. Their son Kyle told her that he'd call her when or if he wanted to talk to her, and then he hung up as well. She laid on the hotel bed and cried for a while, before she got up and took a shower. After her shower, she went down to the in-house restaurant and ordered her dinner. She was halfway done when her friend Penny sat down across from her.

"Well, Josh had me served with divorce papers at home. He had a welcome home party with all my family and friends there, just to inflict maximum embarrassment." she said, as she picked up Marcy's glass of wine and finished it off.

"I'm sorry Penny. I really am, but I've got my own problems too. Did you get the email demanding that we show up to an emergency meeting of the board tomorrow at eight am?"

"Yes I did. I'm pretty sure that we're going to be fired as well. Why the hell did we let ourselves get into this mess."

"It's because you're both idiots."

Looking down at them while they were at the table was Marcy and Rick's daughter Rhonda. Marcy went to stand up and hug her.

"Stay seated mother. I'm only here to tell you to sign the papers and to leave my father alone. You've embarrassed everyone with your slutty behavior and treasonous view about our military." Rhonda said.

She reached into her pocket and threw a key down on the table in front of Marcy.

"This is key to your new home."

"I'll be going back to our house tomorrow Rhonda." Marcy said, picking up the key and holding up to Rhonda.

"No you won't. Dad put it on the market. He's moved out and you sure as hell can't afford it."

"What an asshole." Penny said out loud.

"You can shut the fuck up Penny. Don't you dare say a word about my father. You're just as bad as my mother."

Marcy just looked at her daughter with her mouth open. She'd never heard or seen her behave in such a way. Penny just looked down at the table.

"You're in trailer number three over at Shady Acres. Dad used some money from the checking account to pay the first three months of rent for the trailer."

"He can't do....." Marcy got out.

"Also, he's frozen the checking, savings and credit cards. If you had bothered to read the divorce papers, you'd seen that the judge already signed off on that."

"How am I going to pay for dinner." Marcy said, as her head fell into her hands.

"You can call your new boyfriend." Rhonda said with a smile.

"He's not my boyfriend." she said quietly.

"So you threw away your family for a side piece of dick?"

"It's a nice dick though." Penny said with a slight giggle.

"Well Penny, I'll make sure to inform Josh that at a little bit after five pm, you admitted in front of a witness, that you had an affair with him as well. I'm sure his lawyer will find that information handy." Rhonda said looking at her.

Penny opened her mouth to say something, but instead, just got up from her chair and walked away. Marcy and Rhonda watched her go through the door and into the lobby.

"I'll pay for your supper mom. You just leave dad the hell alone and sign the papers. I love you because you're my mother, but I hate your guts and even the sight of you right now." Rhonda said, as she walked over to the bar to pay.

Marcy just dropped her head into her arms and started sobbing right there at the table. A minute later, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up and saw the waitress that had served her, standing there.

"These belong to you. Your daughter told me to give them to you after she was out the door." she said, handing Marcy the keys to her car.

Marcy thanked her, as she took the keys and then went up to her room for the night. Restful sleep was not in the cards for her. She'd fall asleep for a little while then wake up. She'd lost her home, possibly her job and most importantly, she'd lost her family. When she finally got up for the day, she started the in-room coffee maker and took a shower. She didn't have much to pack, since it was already in suitcases. She checked out and put her luggage in her car. She was thankful that at least she still had it. Marcy said a little prayer and then drove to the hospital for the emergency board meeting.


Rick and Marcy were sitting opposite of each other at a conference table. Beside Marcy was her attorney. Sitting along with Rick was his attorney as well as their children Rhonda and Kyle. They had finally agreed on a settlement. Marcy had decided to fight the divorce. The first judge refused to order marriage counseling. When her attorney pointed out that he had served in the Navy, he recused himself. With the media lining the back of his courtroom, he proclaimed his staunch defense and pride at his military service and that he would always support the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.

The second judge was more sympathetic and ordered eight sessions. At the end of the second session, the counselor told the judge that reconciliation was not possible. Marcy and her attorney then did everything they could do to drag it out. Demanding a forensic accountant to comb through their finances, which was granted. They asked for the property to be evaluated by three different real estate companies so that she'd get fair value, which was granted. The final straw for the judge was when just about fifteen-hundred current and former members of the military showed up outside the courthouse, to protest the judge giving Marcy and her attorney everything they asked for; including have sworn statements from his squadron and Diedre herself saying that they did not engage in sexual intercourse, thrown out.

The judge "highly suggested" that they find a way to settle this matter before the next scheduled date. She was feeling the pressure not only publicly, but politically as well. The media were calling her rulings "a disgrace to the American Family Court System."

Rick had agreed to sign his half of the house over to Marcy, to not touch the settlement money that she got from the hospital, for "being taken advantage of" by a superior, and to have one final sit down meeting with her. Marcy had not been fired from her job at the hospital. Instead, they gave her a 4-week suspension without pay and made it very clear that any path to promotions were closed to her.

In exchange, Marcy agreed to not go after Rick's settlement money that he got from the hospital and Doctors Without Borders. She also couldn't touch his retirement pay, had to forfeit all military benefits that she was currently receiving and could no longer use his last name.

Marcy and Rick signed the paperwork where all the colored markers indicated that their signatures were required. Their attorneys then signed, and two different court officers took them to the Judge's Chambers. They all sat there staring at each other for a minute, before Rick broke the silence.

"Well, you got us here. What do you want Marcy?"

Marcy started crying, her attorney reached over and grabbed her hand in support. Finally, after a brief time, she spoke.

"Rick. I am so very sorry for my behavior. Instead of talking to you and trying to work on our marriage, I decided to be arrogant and self-centered. I thought only about myself and my suffering without even thinking about your own suffering, while you were away from us. I was so sure that you slept with Diedre. I'm more ashamed and sorrier for what I did, than you will ever possibly know."

Marcy took a tissue out of her purse and was wiping her eyes. Rick opened his mouth to say something, but Rhonda grabbed his hand and he decided against it.

Marcy continued. "I deserve everything that is happening and will happen. I've lost the respect of my peers, my bosses, my friends, the whole entire country and most importantly, my family. I've brought shame on myself, and everyone associated with me. I'll have to live the rest of my life knowing that I threw away an incredible husband and family. I hope and pray that one day, you will all forgive me, and let me back into your lives."

Marcy ran out the door sobbing loudly, with her attorney following behind shortly thereafter. There was an awkward silence in the room for a bit. The sound of Rick's attorney's chair scrapping against the floor as he scooted back, snapped everyone out of it.

"What a fucking bitch!" Rhonda said loudly, as she stood up.

Everyone looked at her.

"She never gave us the chance to say anything to her." Rhonda said.

"I'll just talk to her later." Kyle said, shaking his head as he stood up.

"How can you even talk to her Kyle?" Rhonda asked.

"Because she's still our mother Rhonda. I hate what she did, and I have no respect for her, but I will not cut her completely out of my life.

Kyle walked over and hugged his father and sister.

"I'm going home to eat and sleep before I head back to school tomorrow. I'll call you both before I go to bed." Kyle said and walked out the door.

Rick's lawyer shook his hand and told him that if he has any questions to call him at his office, and that he'd call him soon. That just left Rhonda and Rick standing in the room. Rick took a deep breath.

"Kyle's right you know."

"Dad. I will never talk to that woman again. She has torn our family apart and has no respect for our Armed Forces. I found the note she wrote you dad. It's disgusting. I've had to question everything she's ever taught me. I'll never forgive her for this dad. Never."

Rick hugged her tightly. He felt her melt into his body and heard her sniffle.

"I hope you change your mind one day sweetie. Don't carry around that kind of hatred. It's only hurting you."

Rick and Rhonda disengaged from their hug.

"I'll call you when I land. I love you dad."

Rick watched Rhonda walk out and close the door. Now it was only him in an empty room. Rick sat down and rub his hands over his face. He'd imagined this moment for months. Now that it was here, he didn't feel happy. He felt a deep sense of sadness. His family had been torn apart. His wonderful children feeling a pain in their heart, that he'd hope they'd never have to feel. He felt heartbroken, that there was nothing he could do about it.