Kim and Me Ch. 11


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I stood in the center of the tub, holding Kim in my arms. She'd thrown her arms around my neck by this time, so between that and our buoyancy, she was easy to hang on to. The water was covering her about halfway and I sat down slowly on the spa seat in the tub. I did okay: I leaned back and slid down the wall, but I still bounced a little hard. But I held on to Kim, which was the important thing.

We sat in the hot water and I held her tightly as she slowly came back. She opened her eyes and said "I don't think I've ever felt this connected to anyone before. I love yousomuch!" We kissed softly and deeply for a little while.

"I'd like to set you down, please," I said.

"Your arms can't be getting tired already," Kim said. "We're in the water and I'm such a sweet, dainty little thing."

"Actually, they aren't, but I'd like to shift to get a kink out of my leg and I can't do that while holding you. I'm sorry, because I don't want to put you down ever."

"You are so sweet," Kim said. She kissed me deeply with her eyes open and I felt her put her feet down. She sat down on the spa seat next to me. I stood up and stretched, tightening my leg and back until I felt the muscle relax. I squeezed the muscles harder and felt a little "click" of something in my hip snapping back into place. With a whooshing exhale, I put my arms down and relaxed my back. I turned around so I was facing Kim.

"You're pointing!" Kim said rather accusingly and popped her mouth over the head of my cock. Kim sucked me in halfway, then pulled out, leaving a trail of saliva. This proved to be for lubrication, because she grabbed my hips and pulled me all the way into her throat.

Our positions were now reversed: I was standing with my feet spread and pushing my hips back and forth, fucking Kim's face, while she was holding on to me and gently probing right behind my scrotum with the tips of two fingers. Kim's tongue did scrumptious and slippery things to the shaft of my cock as it plunged in and out of her mouth.

Kim grabbed the base of my cock and squeezed slightly. She pushed me gently out of her mouth and said "I'd like to give you a handjob with something a little extra."

"What kind of little extra?" I said.

"Something I think you'll like," Kim said with a grin.

"I'm game!" I said. "Where would you like me?"

"Sit on the edge of the tub. I can get to your cock easiest that way."

I hitched myself up so I was seated on the edge of the tub. My legs were dangling in the water.

"It's kinda nice being out of the tub," I said. "I was getting a little too warm."

"This isn't going to cool you down any," Kim said. She moved in between my legs and sucked me deeply, which was heavenly in itself. After a moment or two, Kim pulled back and gripped my slobbery cock with her left hand. She snuggled up to me so she was jacking me off right in front of her face. Her breasts were squished into my thighs.

Kim smiled up at me as she jerked me. Looking me right in the eyes, she kissed the tip of my cock, then went back to jerking me. Whenever it dried out a bit, she'd lick her hand and resume jerking. This was very, very nice, but I didn't quite see where the extra was. I didn't think she meant just being in the hot tub.

The third time Kim licked her hand, she licked her right hand, too. She went back to jerking my cock, sucking on the head again for a moment. Kim spat on the fingertips of her right hand to get them even more lubricated and I felt a finger tip gently poking behind my scrotum. Kim didn't stop at the perineum this time; she let her wet finger slip down until it was resting on my asshole.

Kim started working her finger tip slowly into my ass. The sensations were exquisite: I was getting hot flashes of pleasure from my ass and my cock. Kim had pushed her finger up to near the second knuckle and was pressing into my prostate from the inside. MyGod, it felt good! Kim was stroking me hard. She spat on my cock a time or two and rubbed it in, which I appreciated: I didn't want her to stop doing anything at this point. I was making pre-orgasmic noises and Kim picked up the pace of the stroking.

I could feel pressure building up and I wanted to cum but it wasn't quite there yet. Kim pushed her finger hard into my prostate and I could feel the wave begin to crest. I felt the head of my cock flare suddenly because Kim's fingers caught briefly on the head on the upstroke, which felt good. Kim shifted her stroke: she spat into the palm of her hand and started stroke my cockhead fast and light.

With all the stimulation of around my corona, I only lasted a very short time after that. Cum exploded from the tip of my cock in a jet. Kim dug deeply into my prostate and held the pressure on it while jacking me hot and fast. Kim used a little of the cum for lube and shifted back to stroking the full length of my cock in deep, long strokes that slammed into the base of my cock. I arched my back and pushed my cock up and towards her face and shot a jet of cum all over my left shoulder and beyond. Kim held her open mouth over my spurting cock and pumped my remaining shots of cum straight into her mouth.

I was not directly conscious of anything for about 30 seconds, but I came back down. Kim still had her finger in my ass and her hand was gripping my cock. There was cum on her right cheek from a stray shot that hadn't gotten into her mouth and cum had dripped all over her hand and my pubic mound. Kim smiled at me and licked off as much cum from her cheek as she could reach with her tongue.

"I've never gone from 'being almost there' to 'spraying the ceiling' so suddenly in my life!" I said. "Where did you learn that?"

"I don't recall," Kim said. "It's a lovely technique. And it makes men cum very hard. You liked my little extra?"

"Yes, I did!" I said enthusiastically.

"Good!" Kim said. "I may surprise you with that in the future." She worked her finger out of my ass and got out of the tub and washed her hands off in the shower. I'd slipped back into the tub and felt limp. Kim got back in and snuggled up to me.

"I love you," she said simply.

"I love you, too," I replied.

We cuddled in the hot water for a few minutes. I finally said "I can't take any more hot water at the moment. I'm going to get out and lie down over there." I pointed towards the mattress. "You're welcome to join me if you like or you can stay in the tub and I can admire you from afar. Or five feet away, whichever comes first." I clambered slowly out of the tub and fell onto the mattress with a groan and lay there face down, spent and very, very happy.

Kim looked at me and said "I'm going to join you. You look too good lying there for me to stay here where I can't touch you." Kim got out of the tub and sat down on my legs, straddling me.

I lifted my head and said "What are you doing to me, you wanton woman?"

"I thought I might return the favor from earlier and rub your back," Kim said.

"Oh, God, that sounds like it could be as good as your little extra! Fire when ready."

Kim leaned forward and pressed into my back. It was almost as good as our session in the tub. My muscles were pretty limp from the heat and cumming so hard, but there were certainly some sore places from the gym session earlier this afternoon. I fought the urge to fall asleep.

Kim worked on me for a little while, then she said "Turn over and I'll get your chest." She lifted off my legs so I could roll over, then settled down on neatly on top of me. My cock was nestled underneath her hot pussy, but it wasn't going anywhere at the moment. Kim pushed into my pecs, which responded with pleasure rather than pain: most of the stiffness from a few days ago was leaving.

The massage wasn't completely clinical. Kim occasionally pinched or pulled my nipples and I could feel her rocking back and forth on top of my cock a lot more than was necessary. There was also the exceptional pleasure of seeing Kim completely nude and slightly damp straddling me and watching her tits move when she did.

She finished up my chest (which really did feel better) and stretched out beside me and hugged me. I said "We need to be careful; we'll fall asleep and forfeit—" I raised my head to look at the clock—"the remaining hour and 15 minutes."

Kim snuggled in closer to me and said "Not necessarily a big problem in my book. I'm here with you. That counts for everything."

"True, but I did have a thing or two in mind," I replied. "Stay there for a second." I got up and dug in the bag I'd packed. I pulled out the box of truffles and held it behind me.

"Close your eyes, please." Kim did so. I lay down next to her and opened the box of truffles. I'd wanted it to be a complete surprise, but the smell was overwhelmingly rich. Kim made a noise of girlish delight and said "I smell chocolate!"

"Yup. Keep your eyes closed and open your mouth."

Kim shut her eyes tightly and opened her mouth. Her cute pink tongue was extended. I selected a truffle I knew Kim liked, chocolate buttercream, and stroked her tongue with it. Kim reached out with her teeth and, after feeling around to make sure my fingers weren't in the way, gently bit the side of the truffle. She peeled off a piece carefully and put it in her mouth.

"Mmmmmngngngnn!" I saw her swishing her tongue around, playing with the buttercream as long as possible. I let her work on it (good chocolate is a religious experience to some people). She finished and swallowed languorously, then said "More, please?" Her eyes were still closed.

"Of course, princess," I said. "I was also thinking of drawing on you with a little of the buttercream and then licking it off. Or perhaps with the chocolate mint truffle here in the box."

"I want the buttercream, please, but I would love to draw on you, too." She stuck her tongue out again and I let her bite another piece out of the truffle.

"We're probably both a little dehydrated from everything. If you would like to hold on to this exquisite bit of chocolate here, I'll get water." Kim opened her eyes and I handed her the remainder of the truffle, then got the back and put it down within reach. I pulled a bottle of cold sparkling water from the bag, which I opened and handed to Kim. I reached into the bag and got another bottle for me and opened that one. We clinked plastic bottles and gulped down half a bottle each.

"I didn't realize I was quite that thirsty!" I said.

"Me, neither," Kim said. "Would you like a bit of chocolate, John?"

"Yes, please, very much," I said.

"Good," Kim said. She dug into the buttercream with her finger and held it up. I stuck out my tongue and she painted my tongue with buttercream. I pulled my tongue into my mouth and held her wrist so I could suck on her fingertip. My tongue polished every bit of her fingertip long after the chocolate was gone.

Kim pulled her finger out of my mouth and said "I believe you got all the chocolate off."

"I just wanted to make absolutely sure," I said with a smile.

"Well, then, let me give you another bit of buttercream." Kim dug another fingerful of buttercream from the truffle and held it up in front of my face. I stuck out my tongue and she pulled her finger away. I followed with my mouth. Her finger pulled back and descended until she frosted her right nipple with the buttercream. I liked the look of it: her nipple has a glob of buttercream and there was a light smear all over her areola.

I sucked the remaining buttercream from her finger, then I bent over and sucked her nipple. The taste of Kim's skin was augmented nicely by the chocolate. It was important that her nipple was completely free of buttercream, so I spent a while getting every bit of it off. When I was done, I said "Don't fill up on too much chocolate. I have something planned for later. And there's something else in the magic bag you might like." I dipped my hand in and pulled out the bottle of Kama Sutra oil. Kim's eyes lit up.

"You showed me that yesterday afternoon. Whatcha going to use it on, mister?"

"I figured I'd start small." I uncorked it and tilted the bottle with my finger over the small opening, then dabbed one of my nipples with the drop. "Try that," I said.

Kim licked my nipple and said "Mmmmm!" She licked again and then sucked my nipple hard, working it with her lips. I cradled her head to my chest while she was doing this: she sucked nipples as well as she could suck cock.

When Kim raised her head, I put a smear of Kama Sutra oil on my lips. I could smell the cloves. Kim came in and we kissed. Kim spent some time running her tongue over my lips, which felt very good.

"Now I want you to see what this is like when it mixes with you," I said. I started moving between Kim's legs and then sat up. "How about you get on the bench over there? We can straddle it and you can lean your back against the wall so your back gets some support. "

"That sounds good to me," Kim replied. I put the box of truffles back in the bag. We positioned ourselves on one of the benches. Kim leaned back and spread her legs wide. I opened the bottle and got a big drop on my finger tip, which I carefully applied to Kim's clit and pussy lips.

"Here's what I mean," I said. I leaned forward and started licking her. The rich, spicy smell of the Kama Sutra oil mixed with Kim's aroma and I was indeed ready to sell my clothes. With my face covered in Kim's juices and Kama Sutra residue, I lifted my head up from her crotch and said "That issogood!"

Kim leaned forward until her face was next to mine. "Let me see," she whispered. She sniffed all around my face, smelling her juices on my cheeks and, as she got close to my lips, the Kama Sutra oil as well. "Oh, God, that does smell hot!" she said, and kissed me.

"Let me put a little on you now," she said. I handed her the bottle and she got a drop on her finger, which she used to paint my cock with. She was careful to apply it gently to all of my cockhead. She licked the residue on her fingertip, then said "Stand up and fuck my mouth."

"Love to!" I stood up in front of Kim. She positioned herself so she was leaning against the wall. I moved in and she took a long inhale of my cock.

"Oh, God, that mixes incredibly with your scent!" Kim took a deep lick of the underside of the shaft and swirled her tongue around the head. She sucked just the tip, barely letting her lips go as far as the corona. She teased my slit with her tongue very gently, a new pleasure for me. Kim opened her mouth wide and with exquisite slowness pushed herself onto my cock. It slid along her tongue and nestled into the back of her throat. She pulled it out just as slowly until there was nothing but a big thread of saliva between the tip and her tongue connecting us.

"What would you like me to do for you?" Kim said. She looked up at me and stroked my cock with a twisting motion.

"I want to watch you masturbate," I said. I felt Kim's immediate response.


"Yes, honey, watching you get hot and bothered and then cum is beautiful and very exciting. And I think you like showing off for me." I smiled. "Yes?"

"Yes, I do," Kim said. "It turns me on so very much. It feels incredibly dirty and I love it."

"Do you want the dildo?" I asked.

"Yes, please!" Kim said. "But I want you to jack off for me while I do this."

"Well, sure, honey, if you like."

"Oh, I like! I like watching you stroking that gorgeous cock and knowing that I'm the one getting you that hot," Kim said. "When I'm watching you, I feel completely safe. I can let go completely." She bit her lower lip. "I think that's why I'm able to squirt suddenly." She shoved her mouth onto my cock again, pushing me deeply into her throat a few times and sucking hard.

"I love you, too, Kim. You're incredible. You're beautiful and brilliant and funny and sexy and sweet, all rolled up into a plump, tasty package that rates a 4 on the Budweiser scale."

Kim paused for a moment and then pulled her mouth of me. "I'm sure I'm going to regret saying this, but what's the Budweiser scale?"

"That's how many Clydesdales it'd take to pull you off of my face," I said with a grin.

"Ahhhhhhh, I was right. And you chose to have me stop sucking you just for that dumb joke?"

"I'm a guy," I said.

"Go grab my dildo, you idiot."

"Actually, I have something for you." I stepped over to the bag and got a box, which I handed to Kim.

"What's this?" Kim said.

"Open it and see," I said.

Kim popped the box and said "OhmiGAWD!" She pulled out a large, pink, soft dildo. It was penis-shaped but about 14" long and close to 3" in diameter. There was a big, healthy scrotum at the base.

"Where'd this come from?" Kim said.

"I remembered that I'd gotten it about a year ago as a gift for Hope, but never got around to giving it to her. Then we broke up and I'd forgotten about it until I saw it under some stuff in the bottom of my nightstand when I was throwing things into the bag and figured it'd be a good surprise. It's brand new, never been used, and very, very flexible." Kim shook it a little and the soft plastic wobbled.

"This makes me so hot looking at it. You want me to use this?"

"Yes, honey," I said. "Hope had had one like this and she liked it a lot, being something of a size queen. I thought you might enjoy trying this out."

Kim laughed and said "It looks a bit silly, but I think I'd like to give it a workout and see. But, John, you aredefinitelya man of sexual perversions that I'd never suspected." I bowed slightly in her direction.

"You really know how to sweep a man off his feet with your sweet talk," I said. "You might want to get warmed up first before using it. That seems to work best for something that size. Probably applies to the real thing when you find them in that size, too."

"I've never seen them anywhere near that size," Kim said. "And I have even looked occasionally just to experiment." She set the big dildo back in the box and set it to one side of the bench in easy reach.

I reached in to the bag a second time and pulled out a container of Albolene.

"Albolene?" Kim said.

"Yup, I figured there were any number of possible activities that might be enhanced by having a good lube along and this is the best there is. It makes a very good cock lube for jerking off. But you knew that already," I said.

"I did, although I think you may be a little more inventive than I with it," Kim said.

"Don't kid yourself, honey, you're as inventive as anyone I've known." I positioned myself on the bench so that we were facing each other with our legs intertwined, but we could both lean against the recessed wall on each end of the bench. The bench was about a foot and a half wide, so our legs were forced apart, giving each of us a good view of each other's parts. Kim' pussy was wet, sticky, and puffy.

"I like the view," I said.

"Me, too," Kim replied. "Your cock is very pretty and makes me get all moist.

"Well, it's reciprocal," I said. "Your pussy is really wet and looking at you makes me hard as a rock. I can see inside you and you look like a wet amaryllis flower."

"Oh, my!" Kim said and she actually blushed. "That's very sweet!"

I opened the Albolene and got a healthy dab on my fingers and buttered up my cock. The Albolene made it glisten slightly. I started stroking slowly, paying attention to the cockhead and moving my fingers around. Kim sighed and reached between her open legs and stroked her clit. Every so often, she'd dip a finger into her pussy and get some more moisture and go back to stroking her clit. I settled into my familiar masturbation rhythm and watched her.

"I usually am looking at pictures or movies or reading porn when I do this," I said. "It's just filthy being able to jack off while watching you."