Love Me Tender - Please Pt. 02


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She hurriedly dressed and waited until he returned a few minutes later and told her she could leave.

"See you on Wednesday," he said smugly as he let her out of the door and tore down his sign.

Karen sat in her SUV and tried to repair her makeup. She felt like a cheap whore and her body ached from being bent and pounded by Trey. The tears in her eyes caused by her feelings of degradation did not help so she finally gave up and just wiped her eye makeup completely off.

She felt totally ashamed for what she had done and for what he did to her. She knew she had a husband and children that loved her and she had betrayed them on Saturday night and she had betrayed them again this morning.

Drying her eyes with a tissue she called the office to tell them she would not be coming in that morning. It was still early and there was only one of the agents there to take her message.

"I didn't realize it was this early," she apologized. "I'll call Mike later and tell him. Thanks."

Driving home she realized that she would have to face Ray and he would wonder why she looked the way that she did. Spotting a drive-thru fast food restaurant, she ordered a cup of coffee and a cup of water with extra napkins and sat in the parking lot cleaning herself up.

Her tears were gone, replaced by a resolve to stop all of the crap she had fallen into and to try and regain her pride and dignity. There would be no visit with Trey on Wednesday or any other day for that matter.

"Shit!" she exclaimed. "I forgot my top."

Thankfully, Ray was not there when she got home. She undressed, showered and cleaned herself out as best she could by using the hand shower again. The thought crossed her mind that she should get some disposable douches in case she needed them in the future.

"Are you out of your ever-loving mind?" she rebuked herself shaking her head in disbelief at her thought processes. "Douches? Don't you ever learn? Don't even begin to think that way."

She felt a little pain as she ran her fingers as far into herself as she could to make sure she got everything of Trey's out of there. Slipping on a nightgown she straightened out the covers on the bed that Ray had left unmade and crawled under them to immediately fall asleep.

A short time later, Ray walked into the house with his breakfast of donuts and store-bought coffee just as the phone was ringing. He answered it and was surprised to hear Adele from Karen's office asking if Karen was there.

"She left for work a long time ago," he said. "I hope nothing has happened to her."

"Did she go to the gym this morning?" Adele asked.

"Not that I know of," he answered. "She was wearing her work clothes when she left. Have you tried her cell phone?"

"Yes, but she didn't answer, Marti's trying it again right now."

Ray heard the distinctive chime of Karen's cell phone and when he looked towards the source he saw her purse sitting on the chair.

"Hold on a second," he told Adele and opening the purse he pulled out the ringing cell phone.

"I hear her phone. Is she there?" Adele asked.

"Her purse is here but I didn't see her car. I'll check the garage."

Ray opened the kitchen door to the garage and there was Karen's SUV.

"She's here somewhere. I'll have her call you. OK?"

"Yes, thanks. We're worried about her."

Ray worriedly ran up the stairs and into their bedroom to find Karen sleeping in their bed. She looked so peaceful he decided not to awaken her and gently closing the door he went back downstairs and called the office to tell them she was ill and would call them later.

Brian came bounding down the stairs a few minutes later dressed in his baseball uniform.

"Pictures today," he declared and gathering his glove and shoes he ran towards the front door.

"No classes today?" Ray stopped him.

"Nope, we're done with our End of Grade tests and everything. We're just fooling around and watching movies most of the time. See you later. Love ya," and he was gone.

It was almost ten o'clock before Karen woke up and lay there thinking about what had happened. She remembered she was going to call work but fell asleep before she did. Dialing the number for work on the bedside phone she was surprised that Ray had not awakened her before it got this late.

Adele told her that she had already talked to Ray and that they hoped she was feeling better and not to worry about anything at work.

"Everything's under control," Adele laughed. "You're not that important. Take care. I'll see you tomorrow if you feel better."

"Thanks," Karen said.

"Was it the party?" Adele whispered. "Did you ever find Ray? You have to tell me all about it. Bye."

Walking into the kitchen wearing a robe over her nightgown, Karen was surprised to see Melody and Ray at the kitchen table. They were going over what looked like a set of building plans.

"Good-morning," Ray said in a cold voice. "Your work called?"

"Yes, I know. I just called them," she responded.

"Morning, mom. Want some coffee?" Melody asked.

"Yes, please," she answered and giving a surprised Ray a kiss on the forehead she sat down at the table.

"Feel all right?" he asked warily.

"Much better now," she replied. "I got halfway to work and decided I was tired and I didn't feel well so I turned around and came back home."

"Here, mom," Melody placed a cup of coffee in front of her. "Dad's looking over some plans I drew for a remodeling project."

"You drew these plans?" Karen asked. "I didn't know you were interested in building."

"I was over at Kalie's house and I mentioned that if they took the wall out between the family room and the kitchen it would open it up more. Her father asked me some more questions and then asked me to draw it up for him. He liked the idea."

"Are you thinking about architecture as a career now?"

"Maybe. Dad is one and it could be in my blood, huh dad?"

"Well yes, but he's not a real architect. He just teaches ... " Karen's voice trailed off when she caught the look Ray gave her and realized what she was saying.

"What I mean is that ..." she stumbled and tried to continue.

"I know what you mean," Ray said and stood up. "I'm sorry I don't meet your expectations."

"Wait, I didn't mean to ..."

"I've got some things to do. I'll see you later," he said and went out into the garage.

"Mom, why do you put dad down all of the time?" Melody asked with anger in her voice.

"Watch your tone of voice, young lady," Karen retorted.

Gathering her papers together, Melody stood up and glared at her mother.

"Why? What are you going to do? Ground me?" she said in a challenging tone and stomped away.

Karen sat at the table by herself. She drank three cups of coffee and ate donut after donut until the box was empty.

"I might as well get fat again," she commiserated with herself. "I can't win for trying."

Cleaning up the dishes she drained the last of her coffee while deciding whether to apologize to Melody or Ray first. She heard the sound of Melody's bedroom door slamming followed by her running down the stairs and then the sound of the front door closing.

"That settles that question," she said and headed for the garage.

She found Ray hanging up tools and rearranging the junk that never seems to go away.

"I'm sorry," she said when he looked up at her. "I didn't mean it that way and I'm sorry it came out like that."

"You're embarrassed by what I do, aren't you? Many women would be proud to have a college professor for a husband. I don't understand why you think it's beneath you."

"It's not that at all," she answered and walking towards him she pulled him up by the shoulders and rested her head on his chest while wrapping her arms around him.

Ray stood there with his arms dangling down against his sides. When she raised her head and kissed his neck he wriggled his arms free and held her tightly against his body.

"What is it then?" he asked quietly.

"I just think you are more talented than those other professors. You could be out there doing great things instead of teaching others to do them."

"It's tough out there," he replied. "I may fail. Who knows?"

"No one until you try," she hugged him tighter. "Look! I know I haven't been the perfect wife and I've been neglecting you but all of that will change as of right now. I'll be taking my test in a few days and I'm sure I can pass it. I'll have more time and less stress than I do now."

Taking a deep breath, she continued, "I've also decided to quit the gym. I'm thinking about getting a machine that I can use here. It'll be cheaper and I won't have to leave so early in the morning. Remember what it was like when I could lie in bed with you in the morning?"

Taking his hand in hers, Karen tugged him towards the door and led him upstairs to their bedroom.

Pushing him towards the bathroom, she ordered, "Go and wash your hands. I'll be waiting here for you."

Quickly stripping off her robe and nightgown she pulled the covers off of the bed and lay on her side on the sheet. Memories of the morning's fiasco flitted through her mind but she was determined to put all of her unfaithfulness behind her and move on with her life and their marriage.

Ray stood in the bathroom staring at himself in the mirror. He wanted to believe her promise but he still had serious doubts about her honesty. He loved her but he did not like what she was doing. He knew that she was using sex to try and smooth things over every time they had a fight. He wanted to refuse to let her seduce him but at the same time he did not want to miss an opportunity to get their relationship back to where it belonged.

Ray's hands were still damp when he came back out of the bathroom. He was nude and his half-hard erection was bobbing in front of him as he walked towards the bed. Karen reached out for him and he slid onto the bed and into her arms.

"I love you and only you," she murmured into his ear as they pressed their bodies tightly together from their heads to their toes. "Only you. Please make love to me."

Ray erection was complete and he wanted nothing more than to move between her legs and penetrate her, but remembering her words, he held back and began to caress her with both hands. He started making gentle, almost tickling, circular motions with his fingers starting with her shoulders and moving slowly and sensuously down her back to her waist and then back up.

For her part, Karen mimicked his touches and she found herself enjoying the slow, almost lazy caresses that they had both missed during the last few months. She could feel his erection pressing against her belly but she held back from touching him and let him lead the way into their lovemaking.

He was in no hurry. He was relishing the contact and the tenderness that he felt they both were experiencing. He gently searched out the familiar curves, bumps and dimples of her body and his fingers danced lightly over her back and sides. He ventured down to the end of her spine where he could feel the, almost invisible, little golden hairs that decorated the apex of her crease.

Karen felt like she could lie in his arms forever. This is what she missed in their relationship. She knew their problems were entirely her fault and she could not understand how she let herself stray as far as she did. It was one thing to enjoy being admired and appreciated from someone outside of their home and family, but to allow herself to become so blatantly whorish was what she could not figure out.

She felt warm, safe and comfortable in his arms. They fit together perfectly. She could feel his body hair tickling her breasts pillowed against him and her engorged nipples poking into his flesh. The juice from his pre-cum was coating her belly and each time he moved she could feel him slipping against her skin.

Her position with her head lying on his chest put the top of his cock nearer to her belly button than to her pussy. She wanted to pull herself up higher on his body in order to fit him between her legs but she resisted the urge. She let their love making continue with the hope that it could last forever. Contenting herself with sliding gently against him, she tried to control her own needs to heighten their pleasure.

The little twinges of remorse at her actions over the last few months kept intruding on her loving thoughts. She managed to tuck them back into the crevices in her mind before they came too close to the surface. In all of the time that she had been toying with her marriage, her life and her emotions, she had succeeded in keeping them separated from each other. Now when she wanted to forget what she had done, those thoughts, images, and feelings kept popping up to confront her.

Ray continued to bring her arousal to a slow boil. He could tell that she wanted some direct contact but he continued to tease her unmercifully. His cock sliding on her slick belly was starting to reach the point of no return and her little sighs and moans told him that he was on the right track with her.

They had not kissed since they began their cuddling on the bed and he was ready to move on to the next level. He kissed softly up her cheek to her lips. Her eyes were closed and her face was more relaxed than he had seen in a long time.

Gently kissing her eyelids, he moved down and took a little nip on the tip of her nose that brought a smile to her face and a crinkle at the corners of her eyes. He did not kiss her lips but when he licked them with the tip of his tongue he elicited a moan from her throat and a pouting of her mouth.

Swiping his tongue across her lips once again he felt just the tip of her tongue touch his as it moved past. Resisting the impulse to plunge into her mouth he continued to gently toy with her lips until she could wait no longer and she opened her mouth in invitation.

They sampled the taste of each other's passion as their tongues wormed against each other in a writhing dance. He pursed his lips and trapping her tongue, he sucked on it with a pulsing motion. She tried to return the sensation but he would not release her until he broke the vacuum holding her in his mouth.

Still wanting more, she presented her flattened and curled tongue and waited for him to react to it. His tongue fluttered out of his lips and paused for a moment when he found the moist, hot barrier keeping him from entering her mouth. He tentatively swiped across it and taking her cue he rolled and flattened his tongue to match.

He was now breathing heavily through his nostrils as he played with the new sensation. He did not wonder how or where she learned this new skill but he quickly learned to enjoy the sensations it awakened in him.

Karen was jolted back to reality when Ray reciprocated her unconscious move. It brought back the flood of excitement she had experienced with Trey at the party and in the beginning of their episode at the gym just a few hours ago. Her mind reeled with excitement, immediately followed by a tremor of guilt. She realized she was practicing a lovemaking technique on her husband that she had learned from her lover.

She tried to stop it in order to concentrate on her husband but he protested and moving his lips away from hers he murmured, "No, don't stop. I like that."

Karen gave in and their faces became wetter with their saliva as they kissed like teenagers in the back seat of a car at a drive-in movie theater. Rolling onto her back she tried to pull him over on top of her but he resisted. Lifting his lips from hers, he chuckled and kissed his way down over her chest to suck on her nipple. His hand moved to her wet pussy and he quickly found and toyed with the spots that he knew gave her the most pleasure.

Karen became alarmed when he moved from her breast and down over her belly. She wanted him to kiss her down there but she was afraid of what he would find. The knowledge that another man had penetrated and erupted inside of her earlier that morning made her pull his head back up from her belly.

"Come into me," she gasped. "I want you inside of me."

Her urging convinced him that she was as ready as he was so he rolled over and knelt between her widespread thighs. She reached down with both hands and caressing the entire length of his erection with her fingertips, she fondled his balls and pulled him down and fitted him into her. Their simultaneous expulsion of contented breath signaled their coupling. Her upraised knees clasped his sides and encouraged him to continue his slow penetration until their pubic bones met.

Tipping her hips up and down by sliding her knees along his ribs, she absorbed the feeling of pure sensation as she rocked herself against his penetrating cock. She paused in her movements for a split-second when she found herself comparing his hardness against that of Trey's. She decided that Trey's was harder. Shaking her head, she banished the thought from her mind, and resumed pleasuring herself with her movements.

Ray held still and allowed her to rock herself to a heightened arousal while enjoying the sensations of her vagina walls compressing and releasing against him. It felt like she was milking him and he moaned in pleasure when she heightened the feeling by sucking his lips and tongue into her wide-open mouth.

"I ... I can't wait any longer," he gasped. "I'm going to cum if you keep doing that."

"Cum, cum in me. I'm ready," she panted into his mouth.

Tightening her grip on his sides with her knees, she used her heels to pull him down onto herself. Ray had barely moved since their first penetration but once he pulled back and then pushed in again, their movements turned into a frenzy of motion as they pounded and pushed and writhed against each other in a climax that they did not want to ever end.

Chapter 25

Life returned to almost normal for the next few days. Karen scheduled her test for Thursday and started reviewing her course material at home. She did not go back to the gym on Wednesday and spent that day in fear of hearing that Trey was calling for her. She asked some questions about him of the other girls and she found he had a reputation for going after married women.

Though no one ever came out and told her anything directly, she heard enough that convinced her that she was not his first conquest. The feared call never came and she hoped that he was satisfied that he had gotten his revenge and he had moved on to other women to pursue.

Ray played golf on Thursday and she took the afternoon off from work to do some last minute review for her examination that evening. She was sitting on the patio studying when Brian came home from school.

He was excited about going to baseball camp and they spent a few minutes talking about what he could expect. This would be his first time away from home for more than a day or two and he was worried about it. She reminded him that most of the other kids there would be in the same position and that they would all get through it together.

She had dozed off after Brian went to his room and was still sleeping when Ray came home from his golf game. The movement of the cushion awakened her when he sat down on the edge of the chair. Opening her eyes she looked into his smile just before he pressed his lips to hers.

"This is a surprise," he said. "I didn't expect to find you here. I'm lucky I didn't decide to bring one of my girlfriends home with me today."

Karen felt her insides jolt at his humor. He may have been kidding but she still felt a surge of guilt for what she had done and she was nowhere near ready to laugh about them.

"Are they prettier than me?" she asked to relieve her tension.

"Nope, but they have bigger tits," he laughed and gently bit at her nipple through her tee shirt.

"You wouldn't know what to do with bigger tits," she yelped as she pulled away in mock alarm. "Aren't you the one who always says that anything more than a mouthful is a waste?"
