Love Me Tender - Please Pt. 06


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Kari recoiled in horror at the thought of the pain it must have caused him when he heard the words.

"You mean ... oh, I'm so sorry Ray. I'm so sorry. I had no idea that I said that. I don't remember too much of what happened there. Oh, Ray, please forgive me. I'm sorry."

Reaching up, she held his face in her hands and looked imploringly into his eyes.

"Please?" she begged and kissed him.

Ray pulled her towards him and she wrapped her arms around his neck. They kissed a romantic kiss, not one of lust and passion, but one of quiet pleasure with their lips moving easily against each other.

Slowly breaking the kiss, Kari snuggled her face into the crook of his neck and pecked little nibbles on him. He heard her give a quiet sob and felt the tears on her cheek wet his neck.

"It's OK, it's OK," he assured her and squeezed her a little tighter into him. "It was me, not you. I know you didn't do it on purpose. It's forgotten."

"Oh, Ray. I don't want to hurt you ever again. I know how much that must have torn at you. I don't know if we can ever be the same again. I'm afraid that I will keep on doing things that make you remember what happened and what I did."

"We'll just have to work things out as they come along. After I went home that night, I had a few drinks and fell asleep on my recliner. Actually I had more than a few drinks and I guess I passed out. When I woke up at dawn on Sunday morning, I realized that I had to forget the past and to try and start all over again.

I never told you this but I kept the DVDs in my safe. I hated you for your infidelity. Somewhere, deep down inside of my head, I probably wanted to keep them to remind me of what you had done to me. I planned to watch them whenever I wanted to feed my anger but I never did."

Kari flinched when she heard him say the word but when he felt her pull away, he pulled her back into him.

"I'm sorry but that's what it was and that's how I felt. It was not until you came to the house on Saturday and I saw the real changes in you that I realized I felt comfortable with you being back. I also came to the conclusion that I was no longer angry but I was more disappointed than anything. Some of that disappointment is still there. It's fading and I think it will eventually disappear."

"Thank you," was all she said and kissed his cheek. "Where are they now? The DVDs, I mean."

"They're still there. I left them there."

"Are you going to keep them forever?" she asked.

"No, I'll take care of them."

"Thank you," she said and pulled his lips down to hers.

"All right you guys. That's enough. Get a room. We're back at the hotel. Whoops! You already have one. Which one are you going to use? I'll sleep in the other one."

"Watch your tongue, young man," Kari chided him. You're not too old to spank."

"Yeah, sure!" he retorted and backed the car into a parking slot.

"I'll be right back," Ray told Brian when they reached their floor. "I'm going to take your mother up to her room. Here's some money, the soda and snack machines are down the hall somewhere."

"Don't make me come looking for you," Brian said over his shoulder as he left the elevator. "You be home by midnight."

"Do you want to come in?" Kari asked when they reached her room.

"Yes, but I better not. I think we had better take this slowly. Let's not mess it up again. OK?"

"OK," she nodded her head in agreement. "Good-night. I'll see you tomorrow. Call me when you're ready to leave and we can ride together."


Several teenagers, probably college students, giggled at the older couple kissing in the hotel hallway. One called back after they had passed Ray and Kari, "Get a room."

"How many times have we heard that today? We're causing a scene out here. I'll talk to you later. Good-night," he said and left her with one more, lingering kiss.

Chapter 65

Brian was watching television when Ray got back to their room. He had loaded up on sodas and snacks and looked like he was going to make a night of it.

"I didn't expect to see you back here tonight," he said with a smirk on his face. "I thought you and mom would get it on."

"OK, smart aleck. That's enough. Go take a shower and get some sleep, we have to get up early tomorrow to be at the campus and seated by eight."

Ray took his shower after Brian was finished and when he came back out, Brian was watching a movie. Settling down in a chair, he read a newspaper while just glancing at the television now and then. He could not concentrate on either the television or the newspaper. His mind was on Kari and their future.

He felt that he could forgive or at least forget the past but he was afraid that he would replay the videos in his mind forever. He had no idea how to get around that part of the deal but he was determined to try. The problem was that he did not want to get hurt again and he did not want to hurt Kari.

"Funny," he said to himself. "I wanted to kill her, or at least hurt her, not too long ago and now I'm afraid of doing just that."

Looking over at Brian he saw that he was asleep with a can of soda in one hand and a bag of potato chips open on the bed next to him.

"This kid never stops eating and never gains any weight," he said in amazement.

Taking the soda out of his hand, he picked up the bag of chips, muted the television and turned out the lights in the room. With the only light coming from the television screen, he walked to the window and stood looking down at the city.

"Not near as beautiful as Savannah," he thought to himself as he remembered the night he stood in Kari's room looking out over the river.

"Shit! This is stupid," he said in a low voice and gathering some clothes, he went into the bathroom to dress.

While dressing, he was arguing with himself as to whether or not to call her or just appear at her door.

"What if someone is with her?" he asked himself then responded to his own internal question. "You're being stupid again!"

Quietly closing the door, he walked towards the elevator and while waiting for it to arrive he got an idea. Pushing the down button, he exited the lobby and found his car in the parking lot. Opening the trunk, he found Kari's heels right where he had left them after going to her hotel room that Sunday morning. He felt a little bit awkward walking back through the lobby with a pair of high-heeled sandals dangling from his hand, but if anyone noticed him they did not say anything that he could hear.

Hesitating in front of her room, he was still debating whether to call her or not when the door opened and Kari stood there in a hotel robe.

"I thought I heard someone out here," she said. "I could see you through the peephole."

"You forgot these," he said and held her shoes out to her.

"Oh, that's where they are. How did you get those?"

"You left them in your room in Savannah," he replied. "I went back there on Sunday morning but you had already gone."

"Oh, my God! You went back there? If only I had stayed and not run away. Don't stand there in the hall, come in."

Pulling him by the hand she led him into her room and closed and locked the door behind her. Ray stood looking at her, fresh from a shower with wet, uncombed hair and no makeup.

"God, you're beautiful!" he said.

Kari inhaled sharply at the compliment and said, "Thank you but you're just prejudiced. Are you going to hold onto those shoes all night?"

"No, I forgot I had them. Here," as he held them out to her.

Kari did not take them but she walked towards the bedside table and switched off the light. Moving towards the floor-to-ceiling window, she turned to face him and sat on the chair. Reaching down, she held her slippered foot up to him.

"Put them on for me, please," she said in a husky voice. "I want to feel your hands on me."

Ray knelt down in the subdued light and removing her slipper, he lifted her foot to his lips and kissed her sole before moving to her arch. Sliding his lips up and over her instep he kissed little kisses all over it. Slipping the shoe onto her foot, he buckled the strap and repeated the process with her other foot. He could hear her breathing rate increase as he got the reaction that he wanted from her.

Holding her legs together he knee-walked towards her and kissed her knees before licking up her thighs towards the top of her legs. She was almost panting and he could smell her scent as he teased her. She was trying to open her legs but he kept them closed by wrapping his arms around them.

The lapels of her robe were separated and he could just see her groin when she put her hands on his head and urged him forward. Resisting her encouragement, he stood and holding her hands in his, he lifted her and turned her towards the window and stood behind her with his palms flat against her stomach.

Kissing her behind her ear, he held himself against her and whispered, "If I remember right, high-heels bring you to just the right height."

Kari attempted to turn but he held her in place.

"Wait. Don't move," he said and releasing her he stepped back and stripped off his clothes before moving back against her and again pressed his hands low on her belly.

When Kari felt his arms come around her, she reached back and felt the bare skin of his waist and hips. She could feel his erection against her butt and untying her robe, she opened it and together they pulled it from between them and tossed it aside.

Squatting slightly, Ray moved his erection to the juncture of her legs and Kari helped by lifting her leg to open herself up to him. They both sighed in pleasure when their organs slid against one another, slippery in their shared lubrication.

They looked down and watched as his cock protruded between her legs every time he slowly pushed it forward. Reaching down she cupped her fingertips and caught and held it for a few seconds before letting it slip out from between her fingers. They continued to play with each other and she repeated the touch each time it appeared and then disappeared. As if on some signal, they both raised their heads and studied their reflection in the darkened window.

Guiding his hands with hers, she slid them up her sides and placed them on her breasts. The movement brought back another memory and an image crackled through Ray's mind accompanied by another jolt of emotional pain. His mind transformed her reflection in the window as she appeared in that Las Vegas mirror. He saw her in her blue, sequined dress with Montrell standing behind her. Kari realized that something was again wrong when she felt Ray stiffen and heard him give a strangled gasp.

Turning her head, she rested it against his chest and said, "I love you and only you. Please make love to me."

Her words cut through his thoughts and brought him back to the present. Cupping her breasts, he kneaded them and drew her nipples gently outward with his fingertips. Kari turned slightly and their lips met in a gentle, almost whisper like, kiss.

Pulling her lips a fraction away from his, she said, "I'm really enjoying this but I'm getting chilly with the air conditioning blowing on me. Let's get on the bed."

Releasing her, he took her hand and led her the few steps to the bed where they climbed under the covers and turning towards each other they molded their bodies together. No words were spoken as they nuzzled and nipped while their hands refamiliarized themselves with barely remembered contours of each other's bodies.

Throwing her leg over his hip, Kari pushed down on his erection so that it fit between her legs and up against her pussy. She was as wet as she ever remembered and she used her moisture to tease herself against his cock.

"God, that feels nice," he whispered and pressed his lips to hers with his tongue probing her mouth.

Hungrily returning his kiss, she met his tongue with hers. Pulling back slightly, Ray curled and flattened his tongue and pressed his mouth back against her lips. When her tongue found his again, it was her turn to dredge up her past. Trey had taught her that technique and instead of feeling erotic, it caused her to shiver.

Moving away from his lips, she pressed her face into the crook of his neck and said, "Let's not do that. OK? I have some bad memories too."

At first he did not realize what she meant, but it quickly dawned on him that his action had reminded her of something that she did not want to think about. He remembered that she was the one who taught him to do that and for an instant he froze wondering where she had learned it.

"I have to face reality," he reminded himself and pursing his lips, he pecked her on the nose.

"Thank you," she murmured and licked his neck.

Pulling her tighter against himself, he said, "OK. It looks like we both have issues we are going to have to deal with if this is going to work."

Tugging on his shoulder, she urged him to come over on top of her.

"Yes, but let's deal with what's happening down between our legs first. I don't know how you feel, but I'm about to scream if you don't make love to me. Love me tender, please?"

Rolling both of them over, he held himself above her and looked down at her face. Running her hands up his straight arms, she grasped his biceps and used the leverage to raise herself up so that her pussy touched the tip of his cock.

"Oh, God! Now! Do it now! Don't tease me any more."

Ray answered wordlessly by gently lowering himself and, between them, they adjusted so that the head of his cock slipped between her blood-engorged lips. Kari kept her hips arched up off of the bed but he continued to torment her by only allowing a tiny bit of penetration.

"Damn, you," she grunted. "Put it in! All the way!"

Wrapping her legs around his hips, she pulled him down with her as she lowered herself to the bed. Ray felt her hotness and he slowly let his hips follow hers until their pubes were pressed against each other.

"Yes, yes," she hissed. "This is what I want, I missed you so much."

"Is it all about lust or is there love in here too?" he asked out of the blue.

Kari's eyes flew open in disbelief.

"This is a hell of a time to ask me a question like that, isn't it? Right now it's about fucking, later on we can talk about love. Now do me, dammit!"

Despite all of their intense passion, they managed to make love at a relatively leisure pace. Instead of trying to satisfy their own needs, they concentrated on each other and brought themselves to the point where their nerves were screaming for relief.

Kari was the first to succumb and she announced her release with a long, keening sound that Ray had never heard before. He kept himself pressed tightly against her while she contracted herself around his cock in spasmodic waves.

Unable to hold back any longer, he pulled back until he felt his ridge tugging against the tight, elastic opening of her pussy. Pausing for a moment, he savored the feeling before pushing back into her heat and moisture where he finally discharged his pent up tension and ejaculated into her welcoming body.

They held their positions as they waited for their hearts and their breathing to return to a normal rhythm. Ray kept his weight up off of her until she urged him to cover her.

"H'mm," she said and pulled him down on top of her. "It's OK. I want to feel you on top of me. You have to keep me warm after making me stand in front of the air conditioner."

"Ha, ha," he pretended to laugh. "I kept you there so your nipples would stay hard and it worked."

"It wasn't the cold air making my nipples hard, it was you and you didn't seem to have any problem staying hard, cold air or not."

Ray did not answer for a moment until he lifted his head and looked down into her eyes.

Smiling at her, he said, "This is nice, isn't it?"

She let out with a sob of happiness and throwing her arms around his neck she pulled his head down and smashed her lips against his.

"Oh, God, yes. I've missed you so much. I love you."

Ray's response was on the tip of his tongue but he could not bring himself to say it. There was still some pain and distrust mixed in with his emotions of the moment and he contented himself with holding her in his arms. Kari was hoping he would express his love for her, but for the moment, she was satisfied that he was willing to accept her love for him.

She remembered Corey's words of warning that she would have to gain back the trust of those she had hurt through her actions.

They lay in each other's arms and talked like lovers who are comfortable with each other. They laughed and cried a little and teased and tormented each other. At one point, the heel of Kari's shoe dug into Ray's calf and he yelped in pretend pain.

"When did you start wearing shoes to bed?" he asked.

"Ever since my lover put them on for me," she answered. "Take them off please."

Turning himself around, Ray lay on his side and after unbuckling her shoes he kissed and caressed her feet until he got a murmur of satisfaction from her. Kari reciprocated by gently massaging his feet until they both moved to the other's genitals and began playing with them. They progressed from playing with their hands to using their lips and tongues until Kari finally pulled her mouth off of his new erection.

"I can't take anymore. Come up here."

Ray turned around and pushing him onto his back, she sort of slithered up over his body until he could feel her moist crotch resting on his erection. Pushing his legs together with her feet, she carefully shifted herself until she captured him between her swollen lips and slid back and forth over it.

"Umm," she murmured and threw her head back in the pleasure of the moment. "For an old man, you sure managed to get hard again pretty fast."

"Old man?" he retorted. "The only thing old about me is my underwear. Keep doing that and you'll see just how old I am."

"Are you sure? You're closer to fifty than I am. Will this help?" she asked and slid up over him until her left nipple was tickling his nose.

Ray tried to capture it in his mouth but she giggled and pulled back out of his reach. She repeated the teasing and when he tried to pull her down so he could reach it, she grabbed his hands and held them on the bed next to his head.

"You're mine to torture," she giggled and swiped her nipples across his lips.

Pretending to be too weak to escape her grasp, Ray whined and cried each time she tantalized him with the engorged tip of one breast and then the other. She dropped a little too low with one pass and slapped her breast against the side of his face. They both paused for a second before he took the initiative and pleaded that he could not stand the pain of her torture.

"Be good or I'll slap you silly," she laughed and continued the game by slapping her breasts back and forth across his face.

Each pass got a little harder and they both soon realized that this new game was immensely erotic. They stopped laughing and concentrated on the sensations it was causing. Kari released his hands and he placed them on her waist and held her tightly against him until she stopped. Holding her breast in her hand, she placed against his lips.

"Suck it," she whispered. "I've missed that so much. Suck it for me."

Starting with the tip of his tongue barely touching her nipple, he swirled around it until it was coated with moisture before gently kissing it. Kari released her hold on her breast and held her breath as his kissing and gentle suckling escalated. She was trembling with anticipation until he took as much of her breast as he could into his wide, open mouth and sucked hard.

Letting out with a little scream, Kari frantically tried to position her pussy so she could capture his cock but she was too high up on his body to be able to reach it. Ray helped by releasing her breast and urging her down his body until his tip probed against her crotch a few times. She wriggled and it slipped in to where she could envelop it as far as it would go into herself.