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They fulfill their wildest fantasy with hired help.
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It took Jim and Dana a while to find the address they were searching for. They hadn't been to this part of the city often and they had to drive down the street three times before they finally found the correct driveway.

"There it is," Dana said with a mixture of excitement and nervousness in her voice.

Jim pulled up to the front of the nondescript looking business and parked. There weren't any other cars around as they stepped out into the humid night air. It was one of those hot summer nights where the humidity hung heavily in the air. It had been an almost unbearably hot day and it had barely cooled down despite the sun setting nearly 2 hours earlier.

He took his wife's hand and they slowly walked toward the frosted glass door. Once inside the air conditioning helped make things more comfortable but the room still seemed more humid than it should be. They stood at the edge of the waiting room looking around at the surroundings. Neither had been to a place like this before and neither had been sure what to expect.

The room was dimly lit and silent. At one end of the waiting room was a neat black desk with a few papers on it. On the other end of the rectangular room was an L-shaped leather couch. A big coffee table sat in front of the couch with about a dozen copies of the same magazine spread out neatly over its surface. Jim immediately recognized the magazine as the same one that had led to them standing in this room.

"Hi," came a very sultry voice from behind the curtain blocking their view down the hallway. The curtain was immediately pushed aside and a black woman wearing only high platform heeled shoes, a bra, panties, and an open satin robe stepped into the waiting room. "I'm Janel," she said, as her eyes seemed to light up at the realization that a couple had just entered. "Are you here for a show?"

There was a long pause following her question before Jim finally answered, "Ummm, yes."

"Very good," Janel purred. "Can I show you back or did you have someone else in mind?"

"Well, uh, we were wondering if Madison might be available?" Jim said.

"Yes," Janel answered, "I'll go get her." She disappeared behind the curtain and the lobby was again silent for a moment. The only thing Jim could hear was the heavy, excited beating of his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't believe what they were about to do.

To reassure himself and make sure Dana was OK he gave her hand a little squeeze. She squeezed back and they exchanged a quick, nervous smile just before they heard Janel's voice say, "Madison, there has been a request for you."

During their brief glance at each other Jim had definitely noticed something in Dana's eyes. He couldn't put his finger on it right away, but he guessed it was the same mix of anxiety, excitement, fright, and lust that he currently felt.

The woman whose face he only recognized from the magazine on the coffee table then poked her head through the curtain as she talked on the phone. She looked first at Jim and then at Dana and seemed to look both of them over from head to toe. When she finished she said into the phone, "OK, dear. I've got to go. I have some customers."

She disappeared for a second as she set the phone down behind the curtain and then reappeared saying, "Sorry about that. Just chit chatting with a co-worker. You know, what's going on? Nothing much. What do you want to do later? That sort of stuff you talk about when there is nothing else to do."

She spoke very quickly and in a soft tone that Jim had to concentrate on to entirely follow. He immediately noticed that her picture in the magazine hadn't lied about her appearance. He had feared that once they met her she would look different than what they were expecting.

Her hair was pulled up onto her head with the exception of three long, curly strands that cascaded down her face. These strands were blonde as was some of the other hair over her forehead, but the rest of her hair was a dark brown color. From the pictures they had seen Jim knew her hair would have fallen to her tits if it were down.

She was taller than Jim expected and looked him nearly straight in the eye despite the fact that she didn't wear any shoes. He guessed that she was a little over 6' tall. Looking up from her feet he saw that she wore a black pair of stockings and a very short black skirt with gray vertical pinstripes on it. The skirt stopped about the middle of her long thighs but had a slit over one leg that showed her leg up to above where her stockings stopped.

The only thing she wore on her upper body was a very revealing black tank top. The top was very low in front and revealed seemingly all of her tits down to her nipples. The large butterfly tattoo on her left tit they had seen in her picture was clearly visible. It sat right over her heart where her wonderfully big, heavy tit began to swell away from her chest.

Her tits hung heavily and seemed to sag under their own weight, just as they seemed they would from her picture. Jim loved the look and the fact that he could tell right away that they were real and not implants.

Madison had been looking at them as if she was trying to place them and finally said, "Obviously I am Madison. Excuse me, but have we met?" There was something about the way she formed her sentences and words that made her sound European.

"No, this is our first time here," Jim softly answered.

"Oh, so how do you know about me then?" she asked with a sly smile.

Both Jim and Dana looked down at the magazines spread over the coffee table and Jim said, "Well, um, we saw your ad."

"Ahhh, that is good. I am glad you said that because if you had said that we had met before I would have to say that you were a liar," she said in a borderline hyper style of rapid talking. "Now what are your names?"

Jim and Dana introduced themselves and gave their names. They had talked briefly in the car about giving fake names, but decided that it seemed overly secretive. Besides, they reasoned, they weren't doing anything illegal.

"Good, good. So now let's see. You are the…" Madison paused and seemingly did some counting in her head, "yes, you are the fourth Jim in my life now and you," she said turning to Dana, "are the first Dana. So you can make the first impression on me for that name." It wasn't so much her words but the way she said them that caused a jolt of excitement to surge through Jim. At nearly the same moment Dana's hand seemed to almost involuntarily squeeze his.

"So," Madison began, "are you here for a show?" She waited for them to nod yes and then said with a slightly more sensual tone, "Do you want a show together or individual shows?"

By now Jim could already feel his cock stirring in his pants as he said, "Together, please."

Madison smiled at his saying please and said, "Such a polite boy. Well, please follow me."

Dana and Jim followed Madison down the long, dark hallway past a few sets of open doors. The place seemed to be empty except for the three of them and Janel. Madison stopped at an open door and motioned them inside.

The room had a loveseat against one wall and a chair against another. In between them was a low table covered by a velvet cloth that held a few bottles of different shapes and sizes, a small stereo, and a vase with flowers. The walls were mostly bare but had a few framed drawings of naked or nearly naked women. The lighting in the room was very soft and dim adding to the already sensual feeling.

If the ceiling hadn't been so high the room might have been claustrophobic, but there was still plenty of room after all three of them stepped inside. Madison motioned for them to take a seat and said they could get comfortable. Jim sat down right away on the loveseat as he had been standing right next to it and Dana did the same on the chair. It seemed odd to Jim that they hadn't sat together but they were both so nervous that they weren't thinking entirely clearly.

"So how did you hear about me again?" Madison asked. "Have you been here before?"

"No," Jim answered, "we just saw your ad in the magazine."

"So what do you do then? Do you just look at the magazines or do you go to strip clubs a lot?" Madison asked.

For the first time since they arrived Dana spoke and replied, "We've never been to a club before. We just happened to pick up the magazine and saw your ad."

Madison turned to Jim almost skeptically and said, "So you've never done this before?"

"No," Jim answered, "so I'm a rookie. You'll have to let me know what to do." He thought about using the word 'virgin' rather than 'rookie', but decided against it at the last minute.

Madison explained to them that she would need the money up front. In answer to their puzzled looks she quickly explained that she did it this way so she knew how good of a show to do. "The customers who give big tips up front get the best shows," she concluded.

She had explained all of this very rapidly in her unique speech style and when she finished she said, "Don't worry. I know I'm a little weird but I do this to entertain. To entertain myself right now, but when I come back it will be all about entertaining you."

Jim's cock jumped again at her words and he was about to glance over to Dana to check her reaction when Madison said, "I'll be right back in a few minutes. I need to go freshen up and prepare, you know." With that she turned on the radio sitting on the table between Jim and Dana and left the small room. She closed the door behind her leaving Jim and Dana alone.

Jim hadn't counted on this set up for the payment and wasn't sure what to do about the tip. Despite what he had been told on the phone when he called for directions earlier that night, he had expected there would be set fees for things. He looked over at Dana and she immediately knew what he was thinking. "Maybe ask her what is normal?" Dana suggested before offering, "I have no idea. Just do what you think is best."

They sat silently for a little while listening to the radio. As he waited Jim began to reflect on how they had arrived at this moment.

The whole adventure had started with them deciding to rent a porno movie together many months earlier. They had tried renting pornos back when they were dating and found them to be too graphic and over the top. Dana in particular found them to be unappealing as she thought the guys were "gross" and the sex scenes were too rough.

Jim couldn't really remember what had raised the subject of porno movies after all these years but he thought perhaps it had been an article on their growing popularity as a marital aide in one of Dana's magazines. He and Dana had been married for nearly 8 years now and were each now approaching 35. Their sex life had remained very active and wild all through their marriage. A big part of that is that they weren't afraid of experimenting and trying new things together. In that spirit they talked over the idea of renting a porno and decided to give it another try.

Deep down the idea of watching a porno with his wife really excited Jim. He wanted to make sure that this time it was a good experience so he did some research on companies that made movies suited to women's tastes. Dana wasn't comfortable in the adult store so she sent Jim to rent the movie and he took his time making a careful choice from one of the most highly recommended companies.

Jim didn't realize it at the time but the movie he rented turned out to be entirely lesbian. He grew very excited watching the movie with Dana leaning up against him but initially worried she would be turned off.

Instead he noticed that she seemed completely engrossed in the action. A little over halfway through the movie they both were so excited they began to wildly kiss and grope each other on the couch and ended up wildly fucking each other as the rest of the movie played out. There wasn't anything tender and soft about the fuck as it was a primal act between two very horny and excited people.

She had straddled his lap as he sat on the couch and started riding him up and down with her back to him. Jim immediately noticed how wet her pussy was when she took his full length into her in one motion. He couldn't remember ever feeling her so wet before he had even touched her tits or pussy.

He reached his arms around her and began to caress her tits as she drove herself up and down on his cock. She seemed to still be intently watching the video as they fucked and the idea that she was so excited by watching women together really turned Jim on.

He had to close his eyes and concentrate to keep from cumming and still couldn't control himself long enough to let her cum first. When he started to cum with a loud groan he felt his first jets stream out of his cock with surprising force. Soon he had drained his entire load into her and could quickly feel the increased wetness around his cock.

She had apparently been keeping herself just on the edge of control as she started to cum almost immediately once he had stopped. When she came she drove herself down onto his lap and held still as her pussy exploded into a series of wild spasms and convulsions.

When they had finished the video was still playing but neither bothered to even turn it off on their way to the bedroom. Once there they immediately started another fuck. This one was much more tender and soft now that they had a chance to work off their initial lust, but it was still very hot and excited.

As Jim sucked on Dana's big, soft tit he asked her if she enjoyed the video. "Yes," she immediately hissed. He knew that already but it still excited him to hear her say it. He continued questioning her as he drew out his foreplay on her excited body. He asked her more detailed question about if she liked watching the women suck each other's tits or lick each other's pussies. Each time he was greeted with an enthusiastic yes and it seemed her answers were growing more and more affirmative.

Finally, after he had started to slowly fuck her he asked the question that had really been on his mind. "Do you think about being with other women?" he asked.

"Yes," she moaned with no hesitation.

They talked a little more after that but by then they were both so excited that their fuck quickly intensified and they both ended up cumming wildly once again. After they finished Jim held her closely and thought about her newly confessed desires. As he slept that night he had wild dreams of them together with other women.

Like most married guys the idea of being in a three-way fuck with his wife and another woman was very exciting for Jim. He didn't spare any opportunity over the next few weeks and months to further explore Dana's desires. They now talked about it often as they fucked and Dana would tell Jim what she wanted to do to their mystery lover if she was in bed with them.

Interestingly, it seemed that finally "confessing" her secret bi-curiosity had been like a big weight off Dana's shoulders. Jim noticed her becoming more open about it even outside the bedroom. She never did anything too obvious or wild, but she started to occasionally comment about hot women on TV or in magazines. She also began to seemingly notice women more on the occasions when they did go out, and that was something that consistently drove Jim wild.

She began going with him to the adult store and helping him select the movies. Being in the store together had also caused them to notice a few new sex toys and games that they subsequently bought and used often to keep their fucks exciting.

It was on the way out of the store almost a month earlier that Dana noticed the free magazine on the rack by the exit. The cover story was something about "porn that she'll love" so she picked up a copy on her way out.

On the drive home she flipped through the magazine and said offhandedly, "What a rip."

"What do you mean?" Jim asked.

"The article is all of about two paragraphs long and offers such insights as 'don't rent extreme porn' and 'maybe try something with a storyline'. The whole magazine is ads for strip clubs and phone sex lines."

"See anything that catches your eye?" Jim teased.

"Nothing I'd tell you about," she answered with a playful smack on his arm.

When they got home she carried the magazine inside and tossed it on their kitchen counter. Before they started the video she went to the bathroom to take out her contacts and get ready. While he waited Jim picked up the magazine and thumbed through it.

Dana was right as it was nothing more than a compilation of ads for the various strip clubs, escort services, adult bookstores, and phone sex lines in their city. Despite that Jim immediately noticed that virtually every ad featured a partially naked or completely naked woman. He was still flipping through it when Dana came out and teased, "See anything you like?"

"Nothing as good as you," he replied with his best cheesy grin.

"That's my romantic man," she answered as she picked up the video and put it in the VCR. She ran back to the kitchen to get some beers as the video started but had returned to Jim's side when the first scene appeared.

As usual, the movie worked quickly and Jim and Dana soon were groping and kissing hungrily on their couch. They went straight to the bedroom as the video continued to play and fucked each other hard and fast.

This had become their typical routine after watching a porn movie with them first fucking each other wildly to release their lust and then fucking again more slowly and tenderly as they talked about what they had seen. It was during these second fucks that they usually exchanged their hottest "dirty talk" about what Dana would want to do with her mystery lover or what Jim would want to watch them do together.

This night Dana went back to the bathroom after their first fuck and Jim lay in bed for a moment thinking about what he wanted to do to and with her when she returned. It was then that a devious idea flashed in his mind. He got out of bed and retrieved the magazine from the living room before getting back in bed and putting it on the floor next to him.

After Dana returned to bed they cuddled for a while before their foreplay really started. They began by simply kissing each other with their kisses becoming slowly more intense and wild. Their hands began to roam more freely and Jim began to concentrate on caressing her big tits.

He started sucking on her nipples and slowly kissing and licking all over her tits. He began asking her about being with another woman, and as soon as he asked the question she groaned excitedly as if she had been waiting for it.

So far in all their talking they had never put a name or a face to their fantasies. They had always just referred to her as the "other woman" and had never tried giving her a specific identity. Seeing all those hot, nasty women in the photos on the pages of the magazine had given Jim an idea and he was about to see how his idea played out.

He lingered on her tits for a while and then moved between her legs. He asked if she wished the other woman was between her legs so she could suck her wet pussy. Dana answered enthusiastically and Jim then asked if she would rather have the woman sit on her face so she could suck her pussy while Jim sucked on Dana. Dana's excited groan and husky voice when she answered sent a charge through him as he envisioned the scene he had just described.

It was then that he reached over onto the floor and picked up the magazine. She looked at him uncertainly at first as he set the magazine on the bed next to her. "Look at it," he said softly, "look at it while I suck you and tell me whose pussy you want to suck."

"Ohhhh God!" Dana moaned lustily in response even before Jim touched her pussy. When he did reach out his tongue to her pussy she cried out and came almost immediately. Jim smiled as he lapped at her quivering pussy and decided to keep this game going.