Magical Christmas


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"This is the First Floor. Father lives in this floor. His arthritic knees could not climb up higher; we are planning to install an elevator soon. I'm sorry we could not get a closer look now because I forgot to carry his key." Well, she didn't probe it because she was not really interested in witnessing the old man's private quarter without his consent.

They climbed to the Second Floor. "This is my quarter; we may linger around here later after Nathan's". They climbed up again to the Third Floor which was actually the fourth. By this time, she was already panting. The flight of stairs was perfect but they were too many to take at once. She wondered how Nathan managed to run up with such great ease without sweating. The ceilings at each floor were very high.

"Mind your step. Now this is Nathan's Floor," he led the way passing the Control Room Door, and then her Bed Room Door where Nathan was sleeping, to the door at the end of the corridor, then crossed to the other door on the opposite side. The trip was incredibly long because they bore huge rooms behind the corridor.

"This is an extra room; it has not yet been filled in, as you can see. But you could spend your day here without going down, once you've filled it with your favorite stuff. The window provides 2 directional views. We call it the Sunny Room." He was right. Being the only room at the left hand corner, it had a wide window forming a 90 degree angle, which length was four times her spying mirror at the bedroom. They weren't on the attic, and yet she could see dust enveloping the whole room. If she were an old cleaning lady with vision problems, she would think the lump of a big piano at the center a white monster. The smooth wooden floor was now white from the thick layer of dust. The room was slightly bigger than the bedroom she and Nathan shared.

"Despite the long history of laughter and merriment in this room, it has been empty for decades now, you see. The Cleaning Crew only comes up here once a year for General Cleaning. But we shall have them more frequently now that you are going to live here with us."

She started to understand The Baron's lonely aura. He was very old now, but remained single. She wondered why.

Shutting the door behind them at the corridor, he led her to another door across the corridor. He took a key out of his pocket, and used it to unlock and swing the wide door open. They were now entering the room at the right hand corner of the building. She gasped.

This room was very fascinating, the size matched the Sunny Room, and the layout was an exact replica of her bed room, only bigger. A huge four poster bed, resembling the one in her current bedroom, sat beside a night stand, which was beside a study desk facing a corner window, connecting it to a sofa. This window had the same 90 degree angle as the one at the Sunny Room.

At the opposite side of the wall, was a washroom door, and another gapping frame that she assumed led to the Dressing Room. This whole room enchanted her with the soothing white colour and charming interior. The golden line carving was much more elegant than the one in her room. The high ceiling was a crowning cupola painted with white clouds and clear blue sky. She could spend a whole day watching at the beautiful dome without wanting to fall asleep. This room caressed her with an outdoor sense.

He enjoyed her eyes devouring the room with amazement. Gloating, he explained, "I created this myself, for Nathan, when he had to leave us for college in Switzerland."

Her eyes widened in surprise. This was Nathan's room?

"Yes, you were placed at the nearest Guest Room when you fainted. Each Storey has one Guest Room with their own washrooms, an extra room, and a Study Room for each occupant."

"Then... he... he..," She was astounded, lost of words, her hand flew to cover her gapping mouth.

"He has been sleeping at the Guest Room ever since you got here," He helped her find the words.

"But he had been here before?" she asked.

"Yes, this is his room," he repeated.

No wonder she never found any of his clothing in the Guest Room. There had only been hers.

"You shall move to this room as soon as you're ready. We've been waiting for you to recover before we knock down the Control Room. It used to be a Utility Room, never been used for a long time, but we maintained the room just like any other Bed Rooms. I know you won't be using the Guest Room much, but we'd still do it anyway." With that, he led her dazed expression back to the corridor, proceeding to Nathan's Study.

The Study was the one where she had been eavesdropping on The Baron and his adopted Sons a few days ago. The size matched The Guest Room, the interior was heavily wooden all over, but smooth and elegant, with books all over the shelves behind transparent glass. The wood-dominated room provided warmth. An elliptical huge wooden table was elegantly carved over the legs, placed at the center of the room. Another desk, was Nathan's work desk where he had been pouring water for The Baron, and the one where his eyes had caught her peeking in.

He was satisfied with her reaction. She had been drinking the whole scenery with amazement. The moment of showing off his brother's quarter was enough. He too, had his own pride to satisfy. So he led her down the stairs to his own quarter, like a little boy eager to show off.

Her reactions next mimicked her own at Nathan's Quarter. If Nathan's Quarter gave her a sense of warm outdoor adventure, Patrick's gave her a sense of artistic classical touch. Elegant luxury caressed her eyes all over the beautiful rooms. He was extremely artistic, she noted to herself. His hand stroked the back of her waist with great pride as he showed her the prince-like bedroom. Perfect to the edges.

"You like it?" He was beaming with pride as he turned on the sound system, a soft classical music presented in low volume at the background, barely heard, like a whisper caressing them. He truly was a babe-magnet, all charming and always knew how to please women.

"Absolutely. Patrick, this is amazing," her eyes sparkled.

"I spend most of my time here when everybody else is busy. Well, I am usually the one with more spare time actually," he added fairly. Her astonishment hadn't left her due to the amazement, and she didn't realize he had been approaching her, holding her close from the back. Her lustrous black hair was brushing against the front of his waistcoat.

Her sparkle was contagious. He couldn't hide his happiness in the flow, and his sincere love for her. With a quick movement, he turned her waist around so she was facing him. He lifted her suddenly, rotating, making her shrieked and giggled in excitement.

"Oh Patrick this is so wonderful," she smiled as he put her down; her weigh was pressed up tightly against him. Amidst the wonderful feelings of happiness, she tiptoed up to kiss him an appreciation, then stood back down still smiling. She was very grateful to him for showing her around the house, and most importantly for showing such great care to Nathan all this time.

The sparkle, ah, the sparkle in her eyes was so beautiful. He couldn't stop his blunt action next, which he would regret for the next few days. He claimed her mouth in passionate kisses. He was a very sensitive and artistic man, and she was his High School crush, what else did he expect? Seeing her happy was the only thing that mattered to him. Without realizing that, he made her learn it the hard way. She didn't have time to react. Still forcing her body glued to his, he turned the key, and locked the door so nobody could come in.

His mouth was very possessive, forcing her lips to part open. Her attempts to break free went useless. The kiss grew very hot, again branding her mouth with his lustful fire, ravishing her. He was so forceful and demanding that her attempt to push him, had only swept her further backwards for long breathless minutes, pushing her body onto the bed, pinning her under him. Her squeal was once again blocked by his libidinous mouth.

Her struggle just created bruises all over; he was as powerful as Nathan. She tried to scream, but he was taking all of her voice out from her.

Savagely, his powerful hands ripped the neckline of her gown apart, tearing her bra altogether, revealing her milky white breasts and belly button. This time she couldn't form out a gasp or Nathan's name with her mouth, because he kept on taking control of her tongue and mouth with his. Her tears of terror fell, wetting her hair in puny attempt.

Her heart slammed in a race as fright and terror overcame her. She tried to stir, but the intense tightness of his heavy body on top of her just wouldn't allow it. Swiftly, he forced her legs apart, throwing the lower part of her dress away from blocking him, and then unzipped his own pants. She tried to scream again, but was choked by his savage kisses. He used his weigh to minimize resistance, her tiny fists turned useless against him. Without stripping off neither her panties nor his underwear, he merely slid the front of his briefs and her panties aside, providing unhindered access for his cock to enter her dry vagina, at one slow but forceful thrust, burying half of him into her. The only lubrication was his lustful fluid, not hers. He stretched her incredibly apart. She felt her hips inflated to the maximum, and thought she'd faint but didn't. The sheer pain and terror was unbearable.

He took his mouth off her only when she couldn't make any sound other than a gasp, that kept her busy trying to breathe . He proceeded lower, to her chin, her neck, and her breasts, sucking her skin passionately. He didn't shove further inside because he felt the end of her cervix. He tried to be gentle to her hole; he had to, even if it killed him, she might be carrying Nathan's child, and he loved her so much.

He paused his cock for a while, whispering gruffly from emotions, "I'm sorry, but I really love you, Rebecca. Please don't scream. After this, you are Nathan's, you have always been, but I'm just nobody... nobody. Please... Oh God, I can't stop this..." He was hurting too, inside out. She saw the tears in his eyes that couldn't come out. Tears of years of holding back his love for her. The same tears Nathan had the other night.

Despite Patrick's mouth all over her breasts, she couldn't make sound because his penetration had taken all of her breaths. She tried hard not to choke, and tried to accept the gigantic thing inside her with less pain. Nathan's breathing instruction came back to her mind. She could only sob and whimper in desperation for a rescue that never came.

Her tears of mixed feelings felt hot on her temples. They were tears of disappointment because Patrick raped her, betraying her trust. Of sadness because she had caused the misery to Patrick, and because this incident would betray Nathan. Of deep sadness because she had admired Patrick in High School too. Of pain that his gigantic bat-sized cock forced upon her, and then of pure terror that this was happening to her. She dared not imagine the impact of this horrible incident. Nathan would be heartbroken and kill his brother.

He started moving, withdrawing his monstrous cock a little, only to sink back in slowly, letting her feel every gigantic inch of him. His tip kept on hitting the end of her cervix. He almost split her hipbones apart. She gagged, but her voice was nowhere to be found, she had no strength left for that, his size took everything. Nobody could help her now.

His hands replaced his mouth, grabbing her breasts, he lifted his face up looking into her eyes. "Please don't make sound, it would break Nathan... What would become the both of you... I'm so sorry Rebecca... But just this once please..." Tears fell from his eyes onto her face. She felt guilty and sorry for him because of the inevitable love. He truly loved her, and it was killing him. He was in great pain from holding back all this time. But she felt the same about Nathan too. Still gasping and trying to breathe, which was hard to do and spent all of her energy, she couldn't call out for Nathan, and could only mourn that this was happening to her.

Memories flashed on; of Patrick in High School, when she couldn't reach a finger out on him, when he suddenly disappeared without introduction. His eyes, despite brown, resembled Nathan's, his face was very alike Nathan's. He reminded her of Nathan, this had attracted her to him in High School. Of the blue eyed boy who saved her life in France. Oh God, she was truly heartbroken and ashamed of herself, she felt dirty for getting raped by Patrick. Her heart was only for Nathan. Yet, her fighting back was useless, and this rape was unstoppable.

Patrick's grunts and heavy breathing filled the room while he stroked into her motionless body. The stabbing felt endless; it had been 20 minutes of agony for both of them. He felt her body started to limp powerlessly. Her pussy lips went dry despite the dampness inside her. It was as if her body didn't reject his penis, but didn't react to it either. He thought she had passed out, but found that she had been attempting to catch the breaths with difficulty. It was not her mouth he stroked, yet he was choking her. His size was obviously no match to her sex.

His face contorted in painful emotions that he tried to appease but couldn't, he had to ejaculate inside her, it was now or never. She was not his, yet she and Nathan was everything, both to each other and to Patrick. She was tearing his world apart. Finally the unbearable turned inevitable. With her last loud gasp, she felt him exploded inside her, hitting the end of her cervix. Everything turned dark, she remembered nothing.

He too, collapsed on top of her, trying to roll away so she could breathe, but couldn't muster enough strength as his emotions took it away. God, he loved her so much. The thought of him losing her for Nathan was unbearable. Powerless now, his heavy body shifted to her right, allowing her to breathe a little in slumber, their sexes still joined together. He could hear their furious heart beats. Hers drummed to his ears, it mattered more than his own.

For minutes, he wept beside her motionless body. She was not his, yet he couldn't stop the love, it ripped him apart. He had to rape her, knowing full well it would not ease the pain between them. But the thought of someone else marrying her was killing him. Yet, his brotherly love to Nathan was pure.

He saw her torn dress revealing her white smooth skin, now flushed pink all over, abused by his furious kisses, some love bites could be seen. Nathan's were brown, his were red. Oh God, what a mess he had caused her. Nathan must not see this. His baby brother would be completely broken. Patrick knew from her eyes that she loved Nathan too much to tell about this.

As soon as he could gather up strength, he lifted and carried her to the bath tub as gently as he could. Forcing his professional mind to work among his chaotic mind, he took the Douching tools, and prepared it. Placing the small bottle applicator beside them, he observed her, then kissed her gently; heartbroken, sad, and loving.

He looked at her violated sensitive part, drenched in his sinful cum. Guilt kept on pounding his chaotic mind, but sighed with relief as he parted her legs to examine her professionally, and found no tearing nor blood. The precautionary act of penetrating only with half of himself had worked. She had just fainted from breathing difficulty, the terror, and trauma. The douching would prove her womb uninjured.

She remembered him inserting the tiny tip of the applicator, short and harmless. Warm liquid gushed out of her vagina, as he squeezed on the bottle. Each time, he observed the excreted iodine liquid flowing to the sinkhole, praying he wouldn't see any small bit of flesh nor skin. She didn't feel hurt, only strange feelings of a small object probing her, to purge out warm liquid, washing over her womb. It felt wonderfully mild but cleansing. She was unconscious throughout her first douching on the first night, but today she was partially conscious.

In blurry vision, she saw Patrick in his rummaged work attire, he was a mess. The healing wound on his lip had torn anew, fresh blood and tears fell off his chin, staining his expensive shirt and undone tie. He didn't feel the sting as he was still consumed by emotion.

"Shhh... lay still, Love; I'm cleaning up the mess... Go back to rest... Shhh..," he soothed her down. She was too exhausted to neither move nor say anything, and trusted everything to him. He paused every now and then, trying to be gentle to her.

Silently, his tears couldn't stop flowing, seeing her at this stage. Hurting her feelings was never his intention. He had ruined her body. It broke his heart too. He knew cleaning her up wouldn't undo the damage in her heart. But he loved her so much.

He murmured gentle voice of guidance; the step by step of what he was about to do in cleansing her, to prepare her despite the constant slumber that overcame her. It was like talking to his patients, only this time his voice shook a little in frail tone. She knew he truly loved her.

She didn't stir all the while he stripped himself off, brought the shower head over, and washed her off of his blood stain, his shameful fluid, and sweat. The wash felt warm and purifying. He had used his Rose Soap on her, but she whispered," Nathan uses Lilac." Realizing this error, quickly he replaced it with a new piece of Lilac Soap. She was right; his brother would've noticed the scent difference.

"Thank you," he kissed her once on the lips. She knew how much Nathan meant to the both of them.

He carried her out of the shower, wiped her clean, and then left her on the bed, wrapped up in his towel, before jumping into the shower himself. She didn't stir all the while he was in shower, even when he burnt her new dress to destroy the evidence. She just watched silently, tears kept on flooding her face. Her body felt clean, but her heart was not. How could Nathan touch her after this? She felt dirty and unworthy.

All the while working his tasks, Patrick kept on glancing at her, caressing her with his loving eyes. She knew he loved her. But, along with the juices, life could be poisonously cruel. Her chaotic mind grieved; who was she to pin the blame on Patrick, when she herself was responsible for the two deaths in his family, and now for everything. Nathan could be really destroyed if he found out about this incident, he could kill his own brother, the brother who had been nothing but loving, and giving up everything for him, except for this one sinful leakage. And worse; she would be responsible for the next bloodshed, again. She didn't want that to happen. She had enough share of tearing this family apart, and ripping lives out of it.

He pulled out a ladies dress from his wardrobe. It smelt good. Lilac, the beauty that befits her.

Half naked, with only a piece of towel wrapped around the waist, he approached the bed. Her blank expression matched her traumatic mind. But he told her just the same, "When Father's plan was set, and the gang pledged their loyalty to Nathan's plan, I ordered for your wardrobe to be filled. But I saved this one as a present, hoping that after the first night, you might choose me instead of Nathan."

His tears fell onto her cheek when he kissed her forehead. Carefully, he changed her into the new dress. Wiping his tears, he put on a fresh set of white shirt, silk tie, creamy waistcoat, and matching pants; the same dressing code he had been wearing, and the same type Nathan would wear to work. Slowly, he unlocked the door, and walked back to her. Lifting her gently, he carried her to sit on his embracing lap in the sofa. The same way Nathan would hold her daily.
