Magical Christmas


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She whimpered, thrilled by the overpower he projected upon her. His feelings for her were unexpected. Ironically, her heart went out to him, she imagined how painful it must be for him; watching Nathan raped her repeatedly, and all this time her eyes had been directed only to Nathan. She felt very touched, but couldn't betray her love for Nathan. She tried to refuse him, pushing him away ineffectively. Finally, when her energy was all drained out and absorbed by his powerful body, she surrendered, her body pressed against his on the table.

He released her mouth only to kiss and suck on her skin lower, down to her chin, and neck. She was panting, trying to catch her breath and control her emotion, her mouth swollen from the abuse his mouth had inflicted. Her skin reddened where his mouth had trailed on.

Suddenly, he pushed her, branded her back to the wall so she could not escape. Their bodies still pressed against each other.

"No...," she gasped, unable to find strength, her voice was a whisper. He started sucking on the upper part of her sensitive breasts, forcing the neckline of her lady dress to drop lower, the edges pressing against her nipple.

"No, we mustn't... Please stop... Patrick," She sounded frightened and thrilled. He just couldn't stop, his male desire was provoked by the emotional reminder of his passion for her.

"Please... Let me go...," she gasped again as he gave her a love bite on her breast. His breathing had grown heavy and hot against her shivering skin.

Tears flew out of her eyes, she whimpered, trying to catch on the emotion, unable to scream for help, nor move back for the wall had restricted her space.

"I can't... Please..." He squeezed her breasts, stopping her protest, replacing it with her gasp and more tears. His head moved back up, claiming her breathless mouth again. His one hand reached in, underneath her dress, making its way back to her breasts and squeezed them again. His other hand gripped one of her wrists, locking it against the wall.

"No...," the only breath escaped her was again silenced by his demanding lips and tongue. One of her free hands pounded his broad shoulder in puny attempts, while her legs were locked in place by his incredible strength.

She whimpered in between his passionate kisses.

He forced her to feel his hard arousal underneath his pants, stroking it around her, the sensation felt real despite the materials between their skin. He was wearing the same type of working attire Nathan had been wearing, the only difference was the colour and embroidery, but he still grew savage towards Nathan's bride. The fact that it could turn to an incest taboo did not bother him at all, he needed her.

Their breathing grew hot from her weeping and their emotion.

"No... No... Patrick Please... stop...," she sobbed in terror. His mouth kept on silencing her protest. Her tears drenched their faces and her neck.

He couldn't stop, blinded by his own throbbing need for her. He unzipped his pants, leaving only his briefs on, and pinned her struggling limbs away from him, parted to her sides. She cried shakily and felt powerless, but still tried to struggle. Using brute power upon her, he forced her legs up to straddle his hips, her feet floating in the air, and lifted her skirt to hang on top of their hips. Her panties and his briefs provided no protection against his huge hard pole that was brushing against her clit and pussy opening.

"No... Nathan...," with her sob, a whisper of Nathan's name surfaced. She couldn't betray her feelings for Nathan. Under such terror, the only thing that came up in her mind was his name.

He stopped to her calling out his brother's name. Dropping his head, the bridge of his nose pressed against her wet chin. Their bodies were still glued together. For minutes, both of them stayed still at this intimate position, trying to catch their breath. Patrick tried to control his emotion, and she tried to calm her chaotic mind and the urge to scream for help. Of course she couldn't scream, she didn't want to hurt Nathan's feelings.

He reduced his pressure on her body, but still pressed her against the wall. Tears still flew on her cheeks to his hair. His love to her was torturing him, and it touched her with a burden.

With a gruff whisper, still breathing heavily, he told her, "You watched me with a look in High School... We saw that... It gave me hope..."

She started crying again, but bit her lips on time, trying to keep silent so noone else could hear them.

"But you were innocent... you are innocent...," he was trying hard to control his emotions.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry...," his gruff whisper indicated his pain and sadness.

"Please... Patrick... Let me go... Please...," she sobbed, again trying to push him to no avail. He couldn't let her go just yet.

Suddenly the door flew open, Nathan and Leslie emerged from the frame, they were chatting but stopped at the sight of them.

Nathan gasped, saw them at the intimately inappropriate position. His brother in a mess, straddling Rebecca against the wall, and she was crying, her watery eyes flew open too, as they caught Nathan's. He recognized the terror in her eyes.

"You...," Nathan's shocked whisper was directed towards his brother. He couldn't control his fury. Wasting no time, he jumped forward and attacked him bare handed. The two brothers started wrestling each other on the floor, the noise of their furious yelling, groaning, and struggling broke the air.

Rebecca slumped onto the floor, her hands covered her mouth, still sobbing and shocked, her whole body trembled and went limp. She saw them fighting but couldn't bring out her voice. Leslie ran and shouted, calling for Jack, leaving the room only for the three of them.

Still dazed and powerless, she just watched as a fist landed on Patrick's face, and Patrick's kick landed on Nathan's arm, her hands moved to her front wanting to stop them, but stopped in mid air. Instead, she just sobbed, too shocked to move herself. Good Lord, is she the source of all this mess, again?

If this were last week, she would've used the chance to escape herself. But now she couldn't, and she would not.

"She was entrusted to me," Nathan's anger sliced through his gruff voice in the struggle.

"She noticed me first," Patrick's matched his.

"You...," Nathan's words was interrupted by Patrick's blow on his face.

"She was supposed to be mine," Patrick's rage overcame him as he rolled on top of his brother, ready to strike again.

"You were never there...," Nathan's fist pounded on Patrick's arm.

"You insolent brat," Patrick's fist landed on Nathan's right abs.

"Greedy bastard," Nathan's fist landed on Patrick's shielding arm, his shirt torn. Their wrestling turned bloody.

"Stop it! Nathan, Don't! Please! Patrick, Stop it!" Her shouts were drowned in the brawl.

Dr Lewis, Leslie, and Jack emerged from the door frame. Their eyes widened in horror of the scene before them, then quickly scrambled forward to separate the brothers. Their shirts all messed up in Nathan's blood and the wrestle.

"Please, Nathan! Don't!" She kept on screaming, and without thinking twice, she threw herself at him. Patrick was swinging his free leg towards Nathan again, which was blocked by her a split second later. "No!" Leslie threw himself at her, Patrick's boot landed on his back, throwing him onto her, whose body fell onto Nathan's front, whose arms were wrestled to the back by Jack.

As if on a slow motion, Nathan's eyes caught the horrifying scene of his wife receiving the impact, of Leslie's heavy body falling on top of her in a strong blow. His roar reverberated throughout the room. Everybody was too stunned to move, including Patrick. Jack's arms loosened up in a reaction to save the lady, which was too late. As soon as Jack's arms loosened up, Nathan allowed himself to fall backwards, receiving Rebecca in his arms. His body cushioned her fall on to the floor.

Like a pile of human sandwich, the trio flew, and then fell onto the floor. She couldn't breathe from the sudden burden and pressure. Leslie groaned on top of her, dazed for a while, then rolled over. She couldn't move, and thought she had died from an internal injury, but miraculously hadn't.

Dr Lewis moved quickly. Releasing his restrain on the stilled Patrick, he ran to the couple and lifted her away from Nathan, trying to be as gentle as he could. She was gasping, trying to breathe. Nathan also gasped and groaned. His blood stained her new dress.

"No! Nathan... " She tried to reach him again, but was caught by Dr Lewis who tried to calm her down. The gesture later proved to be a savior to her wavering sight.

"Don't move yet. Hold on, Jack's got him, Jack's got him," he was right, Jack was already attending to Nathan, who quickly sat up holding onto his back, groaning and cursing. He was alright. She saw to her relief, before finally losing consciousness.

--<-@ --<-@ --<-@ --<-@ --<-@ --<-@ --<-@ --<-@ --<-@

Chapter 12

"It's probably just a shock," She heard Dr Lewis' voice in a distance.

"But the hit..." She heard Nathan's voice was overlapped by Jack's, and then Leslie's, and then Dr Lewis'.

"She needs to wake up for the examination".

She jarred awake, the crowd silenced, her eyes flew open. Panting, she called for Nathan.

"I'm here, honey, shhh..." his voice told her that he was the one holding her in embrace. Still catching her breath, she felt him caressing the back of her waist, soothing her. She felt like she had just come out of a horrible nightmare. Of Patrick and Nathan got on a brawl because of her. She had been the cause, again ripping the family apart.

She looked around the room. Everybody was looking at her. Her eyes found Patrick, bandaged all over his arms, his face black and blue. Leslie, whose upper body was unclothed, being attended by Dr Leslie, and grimaced in pain, but then grinned at her. Realization caught her. She gasped and moved back from Nathan's hug, then browsed her eyes over him.

His face was also black and blue, dry blood still at the edge of his lips, bruises appeared on his bronzed arms, but he still looked gorgeous to her eyes.

"Nathan, you're okay," she kissed him all over the face, ignoring his sticky face, relief washed over her. Patrick grinned. "Oh but don't fight with your brother. Nothing happened in the room, he stopped just in time, before you..," she tried to explain, but he hushed her again.

"Spare the explanation, Lady Gerard. We've gone through the details with Patrick here when you passed out. Now, do you feel pain here?" Dr Lewis pressed a column at her back. She grimaced.

"A little," she was honest. The blow had nothing but shocked her, and the sudden pressure of Leslie's and Nathan's body had blocked her breathing passage, but she survived that too. The Doctor did a thorough check up on her back, and didn't find any considerable damage.

"You pass out a lot, I noticed," he frowned, observing her through the top of his spectacles.

"It's the spoilt royal blood," Patrick cheerfully teased. She glared at him. The heartless stupid pig.

Dr Lewis continued examining her again, for the second time of the day. When satisfied, he declared her fit, collected his tools, and left. Leslie and Jack followed him. Nathan sat beside her bed, still holding her hand.

They were in her bed room. They must've moved everybody here to attend to at once. She noticed Nathan and Patrick exchanging a grin. And felt really glad they were no longer fighting. The brotherhood ties must be really strong, she thought.

"He will be back next week for her test," Patrick reminded Nathan. "I know, he told me. Father wasn't very pleased," Nathan grinned again.

She felt awkward.

"And he sure was pissed when he found out we were fighting," Patrick too was grinning.

She felt very guilty now.

"I will apologize to him," she tried to repent her sin.

"Don't bother, he was pissed at us, not you. We've had this fight before, and he settled the dispute to Nathan's favor. But then Father was the sinner one breaching the promise, and ordered us to murder you instead."

"What made him snap?" Her question was straightforward.

Nathan sighed.

"Because we had another fight," Patrick confessed like a little boy, didn't dare to look her in the eye.

She wanted to ask for the cause of the fight, but Nathan stopped her, "No use bragging about the past. He is a changed man now."

"Yeah, it's complicated," Patrick added.

They went quiet for some minutes. She couldn't probe further. One thing at a time, she thought.

"Well, you still owe me a tour," She grinned at Patrick, who winked at her. Nathan scowled.

The next few days were very peaceful. On the third day, she woke up feeling much more refreshed. This time, Nathan was still sleeping soundly. He hardly stirred in bed. Obviously, he couldn't rape her in such bruised up condition. This made her a little uncomfortable; she was already used to his powerful force upon her. However, she was glad nobody went on a fever last night. She was certain about that because Jack came in to the room this morning to check on him, and she had satisfied herself with questions regarding conditions of the others.

She washed and changed herself. Now that she knew where the wardrobe was located, she could fetch her own afternoon dress. The Dressing Room was no longer messy; someone must've cleaned it up. But she couldn't find any computer nor electronic device there any longer, Patrick had moved them, she assumed.

She came back to find him stirring to wake up. He slowly walked on the cold floor for a drink, ignoring the slippers at his bedside. She watched him grimacing in pain, and wondered if she could make him feel better. He had received more blows on his face and body than Patrick had, and cushioned her fall too.

She grinned and helped him back on to the bed. Sitting on the bed, supported by the pillows, she laid his gigantic back on top of her belly and in between her thighs. Using her breasts as his pillow, she put his head in between. Holding him like a mother would, her fingers traced along his face. Even with bruises all over, he still looked like her Bronzed God. She cooed on him, humming soft rhymes, and allowed him to inhale her feminine scent.

They stayed like that for half an hour. He was very soothed down, enjoying her pamper.

"Don't you have a date with Patrick today?" he sulked.

"He can wait. Besides, I have a baby here that I love more than any man," her touch felt like butterfly.

"More than Patrick?" He demanded her assurance.

"Of course," She smiled, and then kissed his frowning forehead.

"I chose you, remember? That first night, I could've told him to stop, the only one man I recognized here. But I asked you instead," her voice more like a loving whisper.

"But you didn't know him that well, and he was mean to you," he was still frowning.

"He is just Patrick. And he is your brother. Now don't be a whiner, sleep like a good boy," she kissed on his frown again.

"But I have yet to show you the house," he was unbending.

"Patrick can do that, don't argue about this if you trust me. I'll be with you till you sleep, then find him myself".

"Press the red button beside this bed to call on them," He was definitely exhausted.

She waited until his breathing turned shallow, and watched him falling asleep. He was handsome, she couldn't get enough of him. Watching him asleep just made her fall in love with him over and over again.

It took the 2 weeks of room-boredom to tear her away from him.

Quietly she shut the door behind her, traced the long corridor, and tried to guess Patrick's room, but found difficulty as it was a very huge building. Not wanting to risk getting lost, she opted to walk down the stairs instead. It was her first time walking on the carpeted stairs after her 2 weeks of restraint. When she arrived at a floor just above the Ground Floor, she didn't stop by to study it, judging from the silence there might not be anyone around.

Reaching the flight of stairs on the Ground Floor, she saw a very big living room which could contain almost 80 people. It was well decorated, tidy and lovely, with white and silver nuance, and a slight bit of baby blue and wood hints at certain furniture. Amazement could wait later, she thought as she proceeded towards a corridor at one end of the room. Judging from the slightly wider size than her home, she assumed the layout should not differ much, and this corridor should lead to the kitchen and dining room. At least a cook should be there, she hoped.

She was right. The end of the corridor brought her to a spacious dining room in another white-silver nuance, resembling the living room. She saw Patrick's back, a splitting image of his brother, sitting in front of a long dining table, immersed in the newspaper and wasn't aware of her. He wasn't alone. A fat man wearing white apron was busy singing a slow chorus in unknown language; she assumed it was Italian, while his hands professionally handled a knife on the cutting board with great ease.

She cleared her throat once; the foreign song's chorus drowned it away. Then she decided to replace it with a greeting instead.

"Good Morning, Patrick," her greeting startled both men. The cook stopped his cutting, and Patrick put down his newspaper, turning around. His handsome face lightened up when he saw her. He stood up, allowed her to come to him, and kissed her hand. His condition contradicted Nathan's. In a complete set of working attire and tidy hair, he reminded her of Nathan when he's not bruised all over. He was wearing a long-sleeve shirt, underneath a sky blue waistcoat with silver embroidery, a silk tie, and matching pants. Charming, he looked like a fantasy Prince Ken from the Barbie world, and could easily smitten any girl. She realized that the brothers possessed no air of arrogance despite their drop-dead gorgeous look. They seemed to be purely driven to achieve professional targets only. Sometimes the air turned stiff at their authoritative presence.

"How is my angel this morning?" His voice gentle and loving.

"He is still bruised and asleep," she jested.

"Ah, you've caught on the Patrick Syndrome, I see, no longer a stiff lady. But this would not please Nathan at all, he is very sensitive," His handsome smile brightened. She noticed his torn lips had healed up real quick. So was Nathan's. The brothers seemed to have very good sets of metabolism, the complete opposite to hers.

He smelled wonderful. She wondered where he got that Rose scent from. The brothers seemed to absorb floral scent into their body. Sounded gay, but it was very much more pleasant to her sensitive nose. She would rather that than any other male cologne.

"Nice... Rose...," she smiled, returning his courteous gesture.

"Observant," he remarked, winking at her. Her heart would've fluttered a girly blush if this were in High School. But now her blushing was only due to his resemblance to Nathan.

"Well, Lord Gerard, I expect us to claim my rewards now," she led him with her words. Obediently, he took her hands into his arm, and ready to go when he realized the cook was still silently staring at them.

"Ah please excuse my forgetfulness... Don't miss this excellent belly-pleaser, Elario; he has been serving The Baron's family longer than we do. His father and his father's father used to serve them too".

"Good Morning, Lady Gerard. Breakfast shall be ready in 40 minutes," the mentioned man had a sweet smile, despite his protruding round belly.

"Good Morning, Elario. It smells good already," his face lightened up over the compliment. Suddenly, a timer bell distracted him with new busy chores.

"Shall we go?" Beamingly, still could not take his gaze off her, Patrick led her back to the corridor. He brought her to the living room, and then up towards the wide flight of stairs, climbing onto the First Floor.
