Mary Louise Ch. 04


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"Of what? Me?"

"No, of the baby. Giving birth. Even taking care of a baby. I don't know if I can do it."

"You aren't alone, you know." Rowdy told her.

"I know, but what do you know?"

Rowdy laughed. "I meant your mother, and mine."

"But it's my responsibility. I have to feed him." Mary Louise pointed out with a pained patient tone.

Rowdy grinned and he moved his hand. Without hesitation he pulled her neckline down until the nearest breast popped free. "Now that's something I can help you with."

"You mean feeding at night?"

"Sure, that too. But for the prelims, as Donny said, I'll help toughen your nipples up. You know, for nursing."

"You assume I will breastfeed."

"Won't you?"

"I don't know."

Rowdy shook his head. "Forgive me, but talk about a waste of mother nature. If ever I saw a woman made for having a baby, you are it."

"Just because I developed overnight...oh my God! This must all be due to those shots!"

"You mean it's all gonna disappear?" Rowdy asked.

"I guess that gives me all I need to know," Mary Louise said quickly, feeling hurt.

"No, it doesn't. But I'm also not one to waste my opportunities," Rowdy grinned at her and then lowered his mouth to her right breast. He growled as he nuzzled here and there, rubbing his nose and then his cheek against her tender flesh.

"You haven't shaved lately," she murmured a moment later.

"You don't like that?"

"I didn't say that. I just pointed it out."

Rowdy didn't answer. He sucked her nipple into his mouth, leisurely licking the tender bud once he released it. Sliding up her body, he pressed a kiss to the side of neck. Suddenly, he sat up in the bed. "Sit up," he told her.

Mary Louise sat up and let Rowdy move her so her back was to his chest and his legs straddled her bottom. "What's this for?" she asked him, not sure what he had in mind yet.

"Shh, I'll show you. Now close your eyes."

Mary Louise closed them, wondering why. She didn't have too long to wait. Rowdy's fingers lightly touched the nape of her neck where it was really smooth.

"Smooth," he whispered. A moment later she felt the wet flick of his tongue. "The best way to test for smooth. Now, this is different." His fingers dragged up the back of her head, going against the grain of her hair. The one-quarter inch hairs seemed to move individually, and each one bent and then fell back into place. And every nerve sent a frisson of reaction to her spine.

"Oh, my God!" Mary Louise fell back against him, unable to stay upright.

"You like that? Did you notice the feeling when the clippers were running up and down?"

"No, I was too upset each time. I didn't want it cut."

Rowdy used both hands and ran his fingers up and down the bristles across her nape, sides and up to the crown. "I like this," he murmured. "It feels like a dark auburn fur pelt, or velvet."

Mary Louise groaned as she realized what he meant.

"And it will be easy to care for with the baby," he added. He kissed the side of her neck. Below her earlobe, he sucked and lightly bit the skin, purposely making a "hickey" on her pale skin.

In the back of her mind, Mary Louise remembered hearing her mother, or was it her aunt, saying something almost the same, the first time it was cut. Then Rowdy moved his fingers again, ruffling all the little hairs again, and again. With Mary Louise still collapsed against him, he slid his hands down. It was easy to pop her other breast out of the nightgown.

"Like I was saying earlier," Rowdy took hold of her nipples. "For breastfeeding, a woman's nipples need to be prepped before hand so they don't get too sore."

"How do you know this?"

"My mom gave me a book on pregnancy for dads. Of course, my eye caught on the section dealing with breasts."

"You went to the glossary and looked for all the places in the book that talked about breasts?"

"Yeah, but I still found a helpful part. Now let me continue, please." Rowdy lightly pulled and twisted her nipples. When they were very tight and hard, he rubbed his fingertips across the flat, rubbery tips very quickly.

Mary Louise sighed loudly. Maybe this was for the baby, but she was getting aroused the more he talked about everyday things, but continued to play with her breasts. She could feel his hard manhood pressed against her and she wondered how much longer he could hold out? Deliberately she flexed her hips forward and back, and then side-to-side. The way his fingers paused in tugging she knew he wasn't immune.

A few seconds later, he resumed his work. "Uhm, where was I? Oh, yeah, sucking can be helpful, but should be discontinued close to delivery. So we have quite a bit of time for that one. I could make this a project...approach it like a business problem. Plan how many man hours needed, and so on."

"You mean like work it in on your lunch hour. Note on calendar for Tuesday noon: go home and suck tits." Mary Louise added, finding it harder to concentrate, but still surprised that she had just said that.

"Hmm. Suck your pretty titties. Kiss your luscious bubbies. Squeeze your magnificent knockers. Tug and pull on these long, hard nips."

For some reason, Mary Louise felt even bolder all of a sudden. "I did something while I was in the bathroom," she murmured very quietly, barely above a whisper.

Rowdy smiled, kissing her neck and then rubbing his cheek against her hair. "What was that? Take a shower?"

"Yes, and I shaved my pussy."

Rowdy's hands froze almost instantly. She could feel the tension in his body. It unnerved her. She had not expected him to react wasn't sure how he was reacting. Two seconds later she had her answer. The silkiness of her nightgown aided Rowdy in his movements. She was spun around to face him, her legs pulled across his and then he pushed her gently down onto the bed. His face looked so intent...chiseled that for a moment she was scared. He flipped her skirt up to her waist. She heard the air blow out of his chest.

"You don't like it?"


"I saw that you were. I did some research."

Rowdy's hands touched her upper thighs, just resting there for a long time. His voice rasped as he spoke. "This is the first time I've really seen you...beautiful." Ever so gently, he trailed his fingers across her bald mound. "You had a pretty bush, Mary Louise. Let me show you what is ten times better done bald."

Rowdy shifted away from her, but only for a few seconds. When he returned, she felt his breath dance across her wet pussy lips. "Rowdy, no!"

"Oh, yes, my sweet wife. Now just lay back and play with your boobies while I play down here!"

She cried out as he spread her lips, hood and found her clit. The surprise was that it wasn't his fingers she felt but his tongue. She didn't grab her breasts but tried to pull him up. He lifted his face for a moment, smiling at her. She saw the wetness on his cheeks and chin.

"Now, now, Mary Louise," he admonished. "Here comes the best part," he then whispered, blowing across her clit.

His tongue returned and she felt him insert fingers inside her...body. Her mind struggled with what was happening. Then as his fingers wiggled around inside her, his tongue elicited more wild and erratic responses from her body. She called out his name several times. His fingers moved and began a rhythmic pressing or massage. It wasn't long after this that she orgasmed wildly. She cried his name as she felt a rush of liquid flood out, and was dimly aware of Rowdy easing lower down slightly to lick her pussy lips.

Soon she felt him kissing her freshly shaven mound while his big, warm hands skimmed the sides of her thighs and hips. He kissed her belly and belly button, and worked his way to her breasts. Each nipple received a slow long and drawn-out lick with his tongue. Then she felt his heat pressing against her. She didn't feel his shorts, wondering when he'd slipped those off. Without his asking she tilted her hips and received his thrust, which was deep and sure. She welcomed him and eagerly met each one. Finally, he jerked forward and filled her with his seed. Hot jets of cum pooled inside her cunt.

A few seconds later, Rowdy pulled out and dropped to the bed beside her. He breathed in deeply, amazed once more how good it felt to be inside Mary Louise's body. Closing his eyes, he let the moment take him. God! He felt great!

"That was fantastic!" he spoke quickly.

Mary Louise heard his words and agreed that physically they were compatible. He could arouse her and make her come, which she knew was more than a lot more than many people had these days. A moment longer she told herself savoring the sensations. Then in the quiet, she heard sounds coming from the room next door.

"Ride me, hot mama. Ride me hard!"

She recognized Donny's voice. Beside her she felt Rowdy shift on the bed.

"Shake those little titties! Yeah, that's it. It's coming! I'm gonna fill your cunt with cum. Oh yeah, Karen!"

Mary Louise didn't move for fear of causing Rowdy to comment. It embarrassed to think Karen might have over heard her own passionate cries moments earlier. She couldn't remember for sure, but she knew she had been loud and unrestrained. Then the bed shifted beneath her as Rowdy rolled towards her. Their eyes met as he whispered.

"Thin walls." His eyebrows lifted tellingly as he shrugged.

Before either of them could say anything else, they heard more of what was going on next door.

"Oh...oh yeah! Come on and pump daddy's cock! Let daddy fill you with lots of baby-making sperm!"

Donny's laugh is heard, and then, "No more condoms until junior is here! Yippee! Ride 'em cowgirl! Yee-haw!"

Mary Louise knew she was blushing as Rowdy grinned at her. Pressing his finger to her lips, he went "shh." Then he started whispering. "This reminds me of my senior trip in high school, which I hear they have since stopped. There was a lot of this kind of thing going on the second night. It was a motel kind of like this, walls so thin you could hear every single thing going on in the next room."

Rowdy paused, winking at her before he went on. "I went down and bribed the night manager to go banging on the doors where we knew stuff was going on. He'd yell 'manager' and when the door opened, a bunch of us that had gotten together on this adventure would yell something like 'are you drinking in there?' and 'the cops are coming,' and my personal favorite was 'do you have an under-age girl in there?' We caused quite a stir at one in the morning."

"Did the cops come after all?" she asked softly.

"Yeah, and thus ended the senior trip for all future generations."

Mary Louise smiled. "I didn't know you were inthat class. They are infamous. There was the group of guys who skipped the SAT tests to attend a golfing outing and got caught by a couple of their fathers, who were there with the principal."

Rowdy lifted his hand, flushing. "Guilty."

Mary Louise smiled. She added the other story she'd heard. "The worst prank was that they appropriated the principal's new sports car and hid it."

"Yeah, they got a wrecker that lifts the whole car and moved it to a used car lot on the far side of town. It was almost sold, which didn't go over too well."

"And if I remember right, their dads' bailed them out."

"Yeah. It's amazing what a few well-placed or well-heeled fathers can manage when it's almost graduation day and the cap and gown's been rented, not to mention the first year's tuition already paid at a prestigious university."

Mary Louise saw something in Rowdy's face for a split second and then it disappeared. She wondered if it had been a case of not enough parental attention and love, which led to acting out in an attempt to get attention.

"Oh, God! Yeah. I'm coming...I'm com—"

Rowdy laughed as they heard Donny again. Mary Louise reached out and covered his mouth with her hand.

"Shh!" she whispered quickly.

Rowdy winked as he kissed her hand. As her hand lowered, he grinned. "Did that embarrass you?"

She nodded.

"We could make some noise of our own or we could doze off for a while." Rowdy suggested with a grin.

"You mean talk?"

"I mean talk during. Maybe like 'oh, Rowdy, harder,'" he told her, in a high-pitched voice. When she giggled, he went on. "And 'ooh, baby, bounce those big round bubbies for me.' More along those lines."

Mary Louise shivered. Every time he used "dirty words" it got her hot or turned her on. All of it though was making her crazy. He leaned close and whispered to her.

"You know what I thought was really sexy? In the movie theater, and you sat on my lap. I could find a movie for us to watch—"

"You want me to..." she looked down his body.

Rowdy chuckled. "Yes, again, but not tonight. Let me find a movie," Rowdy took the remote and switched on the television, scanning the adult channel the motel offered. "Lots of interesting titles: 'Girls on Fire,' 'Tropic of Passion,' and 'Double D Desires.' No art films here." He pressed a button and set the remote aside.

"Now?" she asked quietly.

Rowdy arranged the pillows against the headboard. "We sit and watch for a bit."

Leaning against the pillows, Mary Louise looked at the television. The movie had already started and she saw a man and woman seated beside one another aboard a plane. She felt Rowdy's arm come around her shoulders.

The man was flirting with the woman, who was dressed in a gray, single-breasted suit, buttoned to v-shaped lapels. Beneath it she wore a silky, bow-tied blouse in pink. Her blonde hair was in a smooth knot at the back of her head. Her glass of wine was refilled as the couple chatted. When she fanned her face with her hand, he suggested she slip her jacket off.

Mary Louise felt Rowdy's hand lightly stroking her shoulder and then her neck. Seconds later he was rubbing up and down the short, clipped hair on the side of her head.

On the television screen, the woman untied her bow and then undid the top three buttons. The man continued flirting with her, running his fingers up and down the opening of the blouse. He told the woman, "I'm going to the first lavatory. Knock three times, if you want to join me."

Mary Louise giggled. "How silly! Two people can't go in together."

Rowdy leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Just watch."

Back on the small screen, the lavatory door opened just a few inches after the third knock. A hand came out and pulled the woman inside quickly. A moment later, the screen filled with the occupied sign. Then it showed the man and woman kissing passionately. His hands ran up and down her back, and then came around until he cupped her breast. She moaned as he undid a few more buttons and then he jerked her bra and blouse down.

Mary Louise gasped as two really big breasts popped out. She'd had no idea the woman was that large? Rowdy's hand was cupping and squeezing her left bosom in a steady rhythm. She was surprised to notice for the first time that both her breasts were exposed.

The man on the screen was really squeezing and pushing the woman's breasts together. He moved down and started to kiss and suck on her nipples. Mary Louise found it impossible to look away, and she told herself that is what she wanted to do.

Rowdy was moving her and she went along. Soon she straddled his thighs, facing the foot of the bed, and the television. She could feel Rowdy's hard rod between their bodies. When he asked, she lifted up and the head of his cock split her pussy lips. Relaxing his grip so she was lowered to his lap, he entered her completely and his hands grabbed a breast each and pulled her backwards to rest against his chest.

On the television, the man had turned the woman and she was bent over the sink now. Her skirt was shoved up over her ass, her hair had fallen down and her boobs were hanging loose and swinging with every bounce and shake of the aircraft. His hands stroked her thighs and ass, and then ripped off the g-string panty she wore. Over their heavy breathing, the sound of his zipper was really loud. Almost immediately, he was thrusting into the woman's pussy.Over the intercom, the pilot apologized for turbulence and the camera really focused in only the woman's wilding swinging boobs. But that stopped as his hands came up to squeeze them hard. Then he started really thrusting hard against her body.

Mary Louise groaned as she listened to the woman speaking in the movie.

"Ooh, fuck me! Give it to! Harder!"

Rowdy held her tightly, squeezing her breasts. "She doesn't have any trouble expressing her needs. Do you know what they call this Mary Louise? Doing it in the airplane."

Mary Louise shook her head side-to-side. "What?"

"The Mile High Club. We'll have to take a trip sometime and join the club."

"I can't believe people really—"

"Oh, yeah, sweetheart. They really do. And if we were lucky, we'd get some turbulence too." Rowdy started bouncing on the bed, flexing his hips. His hands moved to her hips, and he began easing her up and down. His cock thrust in and out, wet, squelching, juicy sounds denoting each move. "I want you to use your right hand, Mary Louise, and start touching your clit."

Mary Louise stiffened, shocked at his suggestion, and then not. A few seconds later, she slid her fingers over her wet mound and between her lips. Her clit was already swollen and eagerly awaiting some attention. Closing her eyes, she eased her fingers around the sensitive bit of flesh, finding her trigger and then pressing it without pause.

"Oh, God! Rowdy!"

"Yes, that's it pretty baby. Work it! Tell me what you want!"

In disbelief, Mary Louise heard her voice call out loudly. "Fuck me, Rowdy!"

"Where, honey? Where does little mommy want it?" he prodded relentlessly.

"Fuck me. Fuck my cunt! Please!"

"Oh, yes, baby! God yes!"

Mary Louise felt Rowdy's cock flex inside her while her muscles were still contracting and shivering in her own climactic reaction. Seconds later, his groan proceeded his cum shooting out and filling her cunt. His hand covered her breasts and he held her tightly against him as their bodies calmed. Soon his fingers were lightly tweaking, pulling and flicking her nipples. For some time, neither moved.

Rowdy knew he'd died and this was Heaven. His cock was still inside Mary Louise...his wife's cunt, and he could feel little aftershocks and explosions going on inside her. It surprised him to feel these wondrous sensations. He was also aware of how wet it felt between their bodies. It did feel like he'd shot of gallon of cum into her, by the dampness he now felt. A smile curved his mouth as he realized that tomorrow Mary Louise would have his seed leaking out of her for most of the day, especially if he made another deposit in the morning. Like many men, he often woke up with a hard-on in the morning.

He paused as he realized that he now had a lovely wife to poke that stiffie into each morning. What a great way to wake up and start each day! He wanted to take her doggie style soon. Just like the woman in the movie, Mary Louise's tits would feel huge in that position. And they'd probably swing and bounce like crazy.

He moved his head and his cheek rubbed against the velvety soft pelt of her clipped hair. He hadn't mentioned this earlier, but he liked the idea of buying a set of hair clippers and clipping her hair for her. They could keep it neat and tidy in between visit to a salon. According to her mother, it had gotten pretty long the last few months and he really like the short hair. It surprised him how sexy he found it.

That brought his thoughts around to the fact that Mary Louise had not known the truth. Her parents had stated they would tell her on Friday, when she got home after the final day of school. It had never been considered that he be the one to tell her. Everyone had agreed it should be her parents together, or her mother for most of it. He remembered over hearing his mother on the phone to Mrs. Walters Friday evening when he had picked up the receiver to make a call himself. What was it they had said again?