Midnight: Exposed


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Nikki could tell the man was close to cumming, just as she was. Her eyes blazed as she locked her gaze upon his cock, watching it throb and pulse, jutting out with such incredible stiffness. She could just imagine the feel of that rock-hard cock filling her pussy, or her mouth, could just imagine the anticipation of the rush of fluid that was about to come.

And then it did.

Nikki gasped aloud, whimpering and moaning as her own orgasm took hold of her, commanding her, dominating her, as she watched the thick pulses of fluid jet from the head of the man's cock. First came a mighty arc of glowing milky fluid that shot a good four or so feet into the air. Then another, less powerful, burst, then another, and another. The man's face was contorted in sweet orgasmic rapture; Nikki whimpered vicariously.

"Oh, Jesus!" moaned Nikki, madly fucking herself with her fingers. Her inner muscles contracted, sucking hard on her fingers, her clit pulsed and spasmed. Fluid gushed into her palm, flowed down the insides of her thighs. Nikki gasped again, not caring about the noise she was making. Her entire body rolled and bucked, as if she was being fucked. She clutched her pussy in her hand, squeezing it savagely. She could feel the slippery puddle of cum in the palm of her hand, loved the way it dripped over her fingers.

She finally opened her eyes, not realizing she had squeezed them shut as she came. Her vision was blurry, but she made the effort to focus.

And when she did, she found that the man was looking directly at her.

* * *

Dan did not know what to say or do. His orgasm had been intense, one of the strongest and most consuming he had ever experienced. It left him light-headed and breathless, but not completely without his faculties.

At some point, he had heard feminine gasps and moans above the sounds of the storm, but had not truly registered them. But once he was spent, with his cock softening and dripping to the gravel below, reality began to return. He shook rainwater from his face, blinking away heavy droplets.

He looked to the doorway, and saw her. A slender young woman, leaning against the frame, clad in a loose blouse and frilly little skirt, the latter bunched up around her waist, revealing naked thighs and hips. The position of her right hand between her legs left no doubt as to what she was doing, and the expression on her face registered naught but bliss.

Then her eyes opened, and met his. Bliss switched to shock in an instant.

Dan's mouth worked for a moment as he tried to speak, tried to come up with something to say. His emotions were jumbled; should he feel embarrassed, or proud? Ashamed or flattered? This woman in the doorway, with her short brown hair and wide dark eyes, her hand gripping her crotch beneath her skirt, had obviously enjoyed what she had seen. Yet social mores told Dan he should feel chastised.

"Look—" he began, intending to explain, not that he would know how.

"Oh, shit!" exclaimed the woman, and without another word, she turned and bolted down the stairs, snatching up a plastic bag along the way. Her movements allowed Dan to catch sight of her naked ass beneath the skirt, but only for a brief, delicious moment.

Dan started for the door, then winced and cursed as a large piece of gravel bit into his foot. Hobbling, he made it to the doorway, taking up his drenched soda, candy and towel along the way. He leaned against the frame, brought up his foot, and plucked a sharp dark stone from the pad between his first two toes. There was no blood; Dan had earned his calluses through nearly two decades working on his feet. Still, the superficial wound stung.

Dan took in a breath, let it out. The cacophony of the rain just outside the door drowned out the hammering in his chest. The air chilled his rain-slicked body. He wrapped the soggy towel around his waist, his mind working to make sense of what had happened. He was not sure how to react to the knowledge that he had been watched by a pretty young woman as he masturbated. Shame, excitement, intrigue, and arousal all fought for prominence in his mind.

Then he noticed the silver-grey thong on the floor, just inside the doorway. Dropped, no doubt, by the woman.

With a sly smile, Dan bent and retrieved it. Even before he brought it to his nose, he could smell the ripe, tangy fragrance upon it. The fabric was saturated; the woman's scent was ripe and pure. Impulsively, Dan licked the tiny gusset, getting a taste of the woman who had watched him.

With a cocky smile, Dan headed back down the stairs, sniffing the skimpy garment as he went.

* * *

"Dan Tanner? Hi. Greg Raleigh. You're a little early for your presentation."

Dan smiled, shook the short, pudgy man's hand. "Early is on time, on time is late, and late is not acceptable," he said, remembering his old military training. That, too, seemed like a lifetime ago.

Raleigh gave a confused smile and shrugged. "Uh, right," he said. He lead Dan through a short hallway in the hotel toward a closed door. "There's another presentation going on right now, and then there'll be fifteen minutes for you to get set up. Um . . . anything you need?"

Dan shook his head with a confident grin. He patted the leather satchel he carried. "Nope. Got everything I need right here."

Raleigh nodded, then stepped away, eyeing a group of suit-clad men nearby. Dan let the man excuse himself, then mentally went over what he was to say to a group of weary, conservative businessmen who had already seen the 'be all and end all' of the insurance biz.

But Dan really did not care about how well his presentation would be received. His mind was on the night before. He could still smell the rich fragrance of his voyeur's arousal in his senses. The banalities of his professional life paled in comparison to the excitement he had experienced the evening before.

Finally, Dan was allowed into the conference room that had been rented for the convention. Men and women in business suits, their expressions hard and professional, lingered in the room as Dan went about the mechanical operations of setting up his presentation. It took him only a few minutes, since the projector was already on and primed. He set out his transparencies, went over his notes, and waited for the attendees to file in.

Raleigh spoke with him for a moment, diverting Dan's attention from those who filled the seats. The forty-something organizer of the convention went over basic protocols and clued Dan in on some of the dignitaries in attendance, then stepped back.

Dan cleared his throat, took a drink of water before addressing the room. His eyes scanned over the stolid, blank faces that watched him. Most were men.

"Gentlemen," he began, then added, as he noted at least one woman in the first couple of rows: "And ladies. Thank you for coming. I'll try not to make this presentation on claim adjustment procedures as boring as some of those you've heard already."

There were a couple of chuckles in response to his opening. Dan forced an amiable smile as he looked out upon his audience. Most of the faces looked bored, yet professionally expectant. "All right, then, let's get on with . . . it . . . ."

Dan's words trailed off as he spied one face amongst the crowd, a face he had seen the night before, face flushed and glowing with orgasmic rouge, round dark eyes drinking him in with lust and longing. Now, those eyes were softer, more sly, the smile beneath them impish and knowing. She wore a tasteful business suit, like the others around her, but her mere presence was arousing.

Dan swallowed nervously, capturing the woman's eyes. Then he smiled, upon seeing her encouraging look. He cleared his voice. "Yes," he said. "Let's get on with it."

* * *

Dan felt the presentation had gone well. He'd had some good ideas that had sparked some discussion, and for that, he was glad. But as much as he enjoyed sharing his insights and insurance business savvy with dyed-in-the-wool old-timers, what was really on his mind was the attentions, and intentions, of the pretty brunette who watched him with knowing eyes all through the presentation.

". . . very informative, Mr. Tanner," said a heavy-jowled man as he took Dan's hand. "I like your approach to handling personal claims. Very original, and efficient. I've left my card for you."

Dan nodded, even as he glanced past the rotund old businessman to the brunette behind him, waiting patiently for her turn. He shook the man's hand, thanked him. The bulldog of a man sauntered away, allowing the woman behind him to approach.

"Hi," she said simply, cocking her head to the side. She had cut her hair short, while leaving long wispy bangs that just barely graced her eyelashes. It was a look that combined sensuality with intelligence in Dan's mind.

"Hi," he said back. "Did you enjoy the presentation?"

She pursed her lips, suppressing a smile. "Not as much as the one I saw last night."

Dan drew in a deep breath, feeling his arousal being triggered. He could feel his cheeks burning slightly. "Oh. Really."

She nodded slowly, never taking her glittering dark eyes from Dan's. "Really."

Dan cleared his throat, not sure of how to respond. "I'm Daniel Tanner," he said professionally, extending his hand. "West coast branch of—"

"Nicole Teske," she said quickly, taking his hand. Her eyes bore into his, conveying volumes of interest and desire. Her cheeks darkened slightly. "Call me Nikki."

Dan caressed her fingers with his own, staring into those sexy round orbs. "Nice to meet you . . . Nikki."

She blushed, just a little, her eyes dipping a moment. "I think you have something of mine," she said cagily.

Dan couldn't help but smile. He knew what she meant, of course. In fact, the tiny thong was, at present, balled up in the pocket of his professional dress slacks. "I think I do," he said.

Nikki bit her lip. "So . . . ."

Dan arched an eyebrow. "'So?'" he countered.

Nikki gave him a catlike grin. "So . . . meet me on the roof tonight," she said in a breathless voice, barely audible. "And you can give them back."

Dan slowly smiled with knowing. "I will," he said.


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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Awesome story, but not likely. That’s why we fantasize about these events. Who knows, it might just happen! Great job!!!

Boxlicker101Boxlicker101about 16 years ago
A very

hot story, with good detail. It's also nice to know the main characters will be continuing their fun and games with each other, whether there is a sequel or not.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Wonderful work!

Hot, sexy, well-written with amazing detail.

I could envision the hotel, baby, just as if we were all still there. And the towel. And the - yeah.

Excellent story!

scriptordelectoscriptordelectoabout 17 years ago

I think I need some of that AC after reading this. How the hell did I miss this one? Damn good story, Babe. Hot as hell! :) Script

tickledkittytickledkittyabout 17 years ago

I really liked this a lot. You have a gift for creating vivid imagery. I noticed this in another story of yours I read a while back as well. It almost plays out like a movie in my head as I'm reading. Your characters are very real.

Alex De KokAlex De Kokabout 17 years ago
Oh, bugger!

I wish I'd written my own contribution to the chain before reading this! Excellent work, and some very nice imagery. On balance, I've decided to be inspired, and not deterred, so thanks for that, and for an excellent read. I'll finish writing mine before reading any more, methinks.


Great story!

Great story only surpassed by the writing of someone with much talent.

Only...Dan Tanner, Robert Urich played Dan Tanner a Vega P.I. and he played, among other things, Spenser in Spenser for Hire.

I knew Bobby, as well as, Robert Parker who wrote Spenser for Hire. The three of us sparred a few rounds at the gym in Boston when Parker was filming his television series in Boston. He lives in Cambridge. Also, Robert Parker was one of my creative writing professors. Your character's chosen name ruined the story for me but your writing ability over shadowed whatever difficulty I had reading it.

Great read. I recommend it to anyone who wants to get off.

By the way, do you have any stories that do not get the designated H for hot? (lol)

RedHairedandFriendlyRedHairedandFriendlyabout 17 years ago
Oh baby...

Very hot. I could imagine every thing. The detail was exquisite and the E/V was hot! Now, I'm thinking I need to visit the roof of some hotel to see if there is anyone doing naughty things up there. *grin* Great story! ~ Red

TE999TE999about 17 years ago
Excellent story dude!

A fine addition to the chain. Well crafted and rich in descriptive imagery. Thanks.

Foxee BrowneFoxee Browneabout 17 years ago

Hot as always ... what was the name of that motel again?

_Lynn__Lynn_about 17 years ago

You already know I love your work. Outstanding!

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