Mom's Basic Training

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Mom wants to prove that you don't need the Army to be a man.
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This story is the property of Mom's Bedroom, written by author, Klrxo. It is purely fictional, and all characters in this story are over the age of 18.

Mom's Basic Training

By Klrxo

"So what's the big news?" George asked his son as he sat in the living room next to his wife, who was cradling a newborn in her arms.

"I've made a decision on my future," Ian declared.

"Already?" his mother Brooke asked, nervously waiting to hear her son's future plans.

"Yeah. I've decided that dad's right. The Army makes the most sense for me."

While he could have easily predicted the proud smile that would cross his father's face, Ian didn't expect the look of disappointment in his mom's demeanor.

"I knew you'd come around to the idea," George said. "Nothing will make a man out of you quicker than some military discipline."

Ian nodded in agreement. His father was a career military man, who had risen up the ranks as a Technical Engineer. Over the years, they had moved from base to base, never giving Ian much of a chance to make long-lasting friendships with kids his age. Since he was now 18, it was time for him to follow his own career path. At his father's persistent urging, he decided that the Army may be his best option.

"So, I guess the next step is for me to enlist then," Ian declared, much to the sorrow of his mother. She wanted nothing more than for him to stay close to home, where she could still see him regularly.

"That's a big step," Brooke reminded him. "Maybe we should take a little more time to think this through."

Her husband fed her a questioning glare. "Honey, there is no 'WE.' He's an adult now and he's made his decision. Let him move forward with it. I'll stop by the base recruiter's office today to get him an appointment."

Ian's beautiful brunette mother reacted with the saddest look he'd ever seen. "I suppose...if that's what he really wants," she mumbled, then stood up with the baby. Even under the confines of her snug short-sleeve top and triple-H cup bra, her milk-swollen boobies wobbled heavily, capturing her boy's attention. "I should feed the baby," she informed them as she stepped out of the living room on bare feet.

Ian's father, dressed in his military greens, stepped over and gave his son a proud pat on the back. "I knew you'd make the right decision," he stated, then noticed how his boy was watching his wife's lovely round ass sway as she walked away. "Trust me, you'll need to be a military man to land a beautiful woman like your mother."

If George was right about one thing, it was that Ian desired a girlfriend that resembled his wife in every way. Brooke was a knockout, that never failed to turn the head of every guy on base. The fact that she had the largest tits and roundest ass that Ian had ever seen, was a huge part of her incredible sex appeal. After many years of not being able to have another child, due to George's low sperm count, Brooke was finally able to conceive, with the help of modern science. She had given birth to a beautiful baby girl just weeks earlier, but despite all of the attention that a newborn required, the mother still doted over her handsome 18-year-old son. The thought of him being sent off to Basic Training, then stationed far away from home, saddened her tremendously.

"He's just doing it to please George," Brooke told her friend's Heather and Sasha as they sat at the base restaurant having coffee. The group of attractive military moms each held a baby beneath their large milk-engorged breasts as they chatted. Beneath the table, their silky mommy-legs were crossed, sticking out from beneath their skirts. Dainty stiletto-heeled sandals dangled from their sexy painted toes.

"Well, you can't just let him enlist in the Army just because your husband wants him to," Sasha protested.

"I know, but what am I suppose to do?" Brooke asked in frustration. "I've already presented Ian with a million other options. George has him convinced that the only way he's gonna be a 'real man' is by enlisting in the Army."

"That's ridiculous!" Heather giggled. "Wearing a green uniform and doing push-ups all day doesn't make you a real man."

"It's true," Sasha added. "Sadly, everything my husband knows about being a man in the bedroom, he learned from me, not from the Army."

"Then what is it you're suggesting I do?" asked Brooke.

"Well, maybe tell Ian if he wants to learn how to be a man...YOU'LL teach him how."

Brooke considered the idea a moment. "I suppose I could do that. Ian and I are very close. I doubt he'd be weirded out too much by the idea."

"You could always send him my way," Sasha smiled. "I'd be happy to do it for you."

"I'm sure you would," Ian's heavy-titted mother giggled, "but I'm pretty confident I can handle it on my own."

On the way back home, Brooke drove her SUV over to the base park, where her son was usually playing basketball with boys from the area.

After nailing a three-pointer, Ian spotted his mom's car parked nearby, so he rushed over.

"Hey, bunny boo...hop in!" his mom hollered.

Ian rounded the SUV, climbed in the passenger seat and closed the door. "Mom, it would be super-embarrassing if my friends heard you call me that," the boy expressed, with his mom's sweet perfume sweeping into his nostrils.

"Too bad, so sad, bunny boo" Brooke giggled. "I'm sure their moms have cute little pet names for them too."

"Why did you come by? Is everything ok?" Ian asked, glancing back at his newborn sister, sleeping in her baby seat.

"Everything's fine. I just...have something important I wanna talk to you about."

"What is it?"

As his sexy mom took a few seconds to formulate her words, Ian let his eyes wander down over the swell of her mammoth bosom. He also noticed how far her skirt had crept up, allowing him a look at her luscious legs, all the way up to the middle of her thighs.

"Ian, I'm just gonna be frank with you," she remarked. "I think your father has you convinced that you need the Army to be a real man and score a beautiful girl, and it's simply not true."

"Yeah, but look at dad. He has a great career, he's confident, AND he has a beautiful wife, just like I want."

"Oh, well, thank you, honey," Brooke blushed, "but just because your father took that route to get those things, doesn't mean you have to."

He took a moment to consider her words. "I've thought about going to college locally, but honestly I don't see how that would help me learn the things I need to know to be a man," explained Ian.

"You know, some boys learn how to be a man before they even leave home."

"How do they do that?" The teen asked.

"Well, that's where we moms come in," she answered with a sweet smile. "A mom can teach her son to be a man right at home."

"She can?"

"Yep, including all the tricks to getting and keeping a beautiful girl," she explained, then reached over and patted his thigh gingerly. "It's kind of like a mom's basic training for her boy."

Ian's cock began to harden beneath his shorts. "That doesn't sound so bad," he admitted.

"Will you give me a week then?"

"A week?"

"Yes, a week to give you a basic training into manhood. After that, if you're still not convinced that you have what it takes to be a man, you can enlist in the" asked Brooke.


Brooke smiled and turned her hand over on his thigh. "Give me your hand," she said softly.

Ian placed his hand on hers and she brought it over, rested it against her own upper thigh and held it there. "We may not be trained up in the ways of discipline and combat, but that doesn't mean that we moms don't have something to offer. When it comes to building confidence and creating a skilled lover, we have exactly what it takes to train a boy up right."

"I guess I um...never really considered that," Ian gulped.

Brooke bravely guided her boy's hand underneath her skirt, along her smooth inner thigh. "For the sake of helping you, are you willing to travel down roads that you and I have never been down before, Ian?"

The teen's heart was beating so fast he could hardly answer. "I am," he blurted, as his thumb grazed her silky panty-gusset and the puffy cuntal bulge beneath it.

"Thank you, Ian," his mom sighed. "Thanks for giving me a chance to help you, while keeping you a little closer to home."

"He wants to wait two weeks? For what?" George fumed, while speaking to his wife after work.

"So he can make sure he's explored all his other options," answered Brooke.

"The Army IS the best option. I've been telling him that his whole life."

"And you may be right, but, honey, we have to let him make his own decision," George's wife insisted.

"Fine, but a week from today, he better have a clear path to his future mapped out, and if he's smart, it'll be a future that involves serving his country."

"Are you sure this doesn't have more to do with what YOU want, rather than what's best for Ian?" Brooke inquired.

"Why would you think that?"

"I just think sometimes it's common for fathers, especially those in the military, to want their sons to follow in their footsteps," his wife explained. "Not that it's a bad's just that a boy should travel the path he feel is best for him, and not one that simply pleases someone else."

"Fine, we'll let him choose his own way then, and in five years when he's unemployed, without a girlfriend and still living at home, you'll both see that I was right," George preached.

Brooke knew firsthand that while the military may teach discipline and provide a stable career, it did little in the way of making a man a better lover. Her husband George wasn't bad in the bedroom, but she had certainly had better in her younger years, by guys who had nothing to do with the Army.

George was out of the house early every morning at six a.m. sharp. At six-fifteen, Ian was jarred awake by the sound of a blaring trumpet. His mom stood in his doorway holding her phone, playing "Reveille," the traditional military wake-up song.

"Mom, what the hell?!" he grumbled, looking over at his clock.

"Up and at 'em, bunny boo. It's your first day of training!" she hollered.

"This early?"

"Yes, this early. I need to nurse your sister. When I get back, I want you up, dressed and bed made, understood?"

He gave her a mocking salute. "Got it, ma'am!"

With his eyes now adjusting to the morning sunlight, he took in what his mom was wearing, which was a blue boyfriend-style button up nightshirt. The silky sleep-shirt fell just below her crotch, leaving all her sexy mommy-legs exposed. They gave off a wonderful silky sheen from being freshly shaved. Brooke had the knee of one leg cocked forward, so her dainty bare foot was arched, resting on squatted toes with ruby red toenails. Her enormous milk-engorged melons were pushed out beneath the fabric, so the nubs of her thick protuberant nipples were clearly noticeable. "How about, Sergeant Mom? I like that better than ma'am," she joked.

"Got it, Sergeant Mom!" her son chuckled.

"Oh, and make sure you put on some workout shorts. We're starting the day off with a run," she informed him, then left.

"A run?" Ian asked, with an awful scowl. "I hate running."

"Thanks for watching her. We'll be back in an hour," Brooke said, giving her beastie Heather a quick kiss and handing off her newborn in Heather's front doorway.

"Take your time," said Heather cheerfully, "I love spending time with this cute little baby girl."

Ian was waiting in shorts and sneakers by his mom's SUV.

"Ready to make some sweat?" Brooke asked, as she clicked the timer on her Fitbit.

"How far are we going?" the boy grumbled.

"I was thinking to the Armory and back," she answered.

"Damn, that far?"

"Yep, and you better keep up," she teased, then began jogging off down the sidewalk. Ian quickly followed after her.

Until now, he hadn't really noticed how sexy his mom's running attire was. Brooke wore sexy pink track shorts that were molded around her succulent round ass. Her form fitting white tank top had a built in support bra, which would certainly be put to the test during their run. Her brunette hair was pulled back in a ponytail that bounced cutely as she ran. Ian's mom was no fitness nut, but she was certainly in good shape, especially for a woman who'd just given birth weeks ago. She created a good pace and kept her son trailing behind her.

"Speed it up back there, bunny boo!" she shouted, glancing back at him.

Ian was content running behind his mom, watching her booty jiggle delightfully. He did imagine though that her tits must be bouncing wildly beneath her top, so he sped up in order to satisfy his curiosity.

"About time you caught up," his mom teased as they jogged side by side.

"I was just watching my pace. I didn't wanna tire out too quickly."

"I know what you were watching back there, and it wasn't your pace," she breathed, smiling over at him mischievously.

"Funny," he blushed.

"Did you come up here to keep your eyes on something else?"

Ian knew what his mom was referring to. He looked over at her large boobs and sure enough they were bouncing up and down, even under the confines of her snug top with built-in support.

"Looks like your sister's getting a milkshake for lunch," Brooke joked, making them both laugh.

"Lucky her," Ian boldly commented, making his mom give him a playful punch on the arm as they ran.

"So tell me what you like about a girl, besides humongous boobs," she asked breathlessly, flashing him a flirty smile.

"A great personality...a nice smile, and a girl that's smart is always a plus."

"Blondes or brunettes?"

"Brunettes, of course," Ian answered.

"Good answer," his brunette mom beamed. "Do you want one that's a good cook?"


"One that's in good shape?"

"Heck yeah," he blurted. "Some of the hottest girls I know are ones who take great care of themselves."

"Do you want one that's moderately sexual, very sexual or hyper-sexual?" asked Brooke.


His mom flashed him a smile. "A girl that wants to have sex constantly," she clarified.

"Oh, um...a hyper-sexual one would be nice."

"I imagine that's the answer that most boys your age would give," his mom giggled.

"Which one are you?" the teen brazenly asked, as they continued a good jogging pace along the base sidewalk.

"Which one do you think I am?"

"Well, I don't hear you and dad going at it ALL THE TIME, but I'd still say you're probably hyper-sexual," he guessed.


"Very sexual then?"

"Not that one either. Your mom is 'super-duper-hyper-sexual.' I created a new category, just for myself," she giggled.

"Wait though...if a hyper-sexual person wants sex 'all the time,' then how often does a super-duper-hyper-sexual person want it?" he confusingly asked.

She looked over at him with a sexy Cheshire-cat grin. "Every second of every day," she confessed.

"Wow," her teen muttered, surprised that his mom would reveal such a thing about herself to him.

"That doesn't mean she gets it every second of every day...just that she'd be a VERY willing participant."

Ian was finding it harder and harder to run the more erect his cock got. Just talking to his mom on the subject of sex, while glancing over at the leaping swell of her breasts was getting him incredibly excited. Now knowing that she would like more than anything to spend her day fucking her ass off made his dick expand into full hardness.

"I'm gonna stop and take a breather," he announced, slowing down.

"Oh, wimping out on me, huh?" his mom joked, slowing down also.

"You can go ahead. I'll catch up," Ian assured her, trying his best to conceal his steely-hard bulge.

"That's OK, bunny boo, I'll wait," she assured him, catching her breath and jogging in place. She looked over at her son's obvious arousal and smiled. "So what's your definition of being a man, Ian?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Having confidence, and knowing how to treat a woman I guess," the boy answered.

"You have it mostly right. Being a man is part charm, part skill and part confidence," she coached. "So much confidence in fact, that you stop trying to hide your erections when you're around a girl."

"Oh," the boy muttered, looking over at his smiling mom as her gaze darted from his eyes to his crotch. "Sorry, just um...kind of embarrassing."

"I had erect nipples when I was in your doorway this morning, and don't say you didn't notice," Brooke teased. "Did you see me trying to hide them?"

"No," the teen answered, reflecting back on the swell of her unfettered tits that morning.

"Your penis is part of you...and you should be proud of it. Stop trying to shield it from a woman's gaze and let her admire you."

"Alright," the boy blushed, lowering his hands. His boner made his running shirts tent way out obscenely.

Brooke's heart skipped a beat, gazing at her son's protrusion, while jogging in place. "Good grief, it looks so thick and strong!" her mind gasped. She let her eyes linger a moment, then finally snapped her gaze back up to his blushing face. "I do get how it might be kinda difficult to jog with that thing though," she giggled. "Do you wanna sit down in the grass and talk until it goes down?"

"Sure," answered Ian.

Along the jogging path was a nice grassy area, and he and his mom sat down side by side. "Phew! Feels good to be out on a run," Brooke said, reclining back on extended arms, which were propped behind her. Doing this made the rounded swell of her massive tits balloon outward, catching her son's ogling eyes.

"Yeah, it's been awhile. I'm kind of out of shape," he admitted, his gaze drifting down to his mom's silky legs, which were extended out in front of her with her knees slightly bent.

"Well, this week we'll whip you into peak physical condition," his mom informed him.

"Great," the boy sarcastically responded, making his mom giggle.

After a short silence, Brooke spoke up again. "Tell me about the last time you had sex, bunny boo," she candidly asked him.

Ian was taken a bit off guard. "The last time I had sex?"

"Yeah, were you on a bed, a a car...where did it happen? I'm curious."

"She has a car her parents bought her. We drove out to Harmon's Beach and did it in her back seat."

"Oh, it's so beautiful out there. It's the perfect spot for some passionate love making," Brooke sighed, reflecting on her own time fucking there when she was younger. "Tell me how long you lasted."

"How long I lasted?"

"Yeah, how long did you last inside her...before you had your orgasm?"

"Oh, um...twenty minutes maybe," he timidly responded.

"Did you make her cream on you before you came?"

"No. She told me it was it wasn't my fault. She just doesn't cum easily."

"Honey, I'm sorry, but she lied to you," his mom frowned. "It WAS your fault."

"It was?"

"Has she called or texted since you guys went out?"


"Then it was definitely your fault. If you blew her socks off, she would have contacted you the next day wanting a repeat," Brooke pointed out. "I'm not gonna bullshit you, honey. She's mostly likely been with a couple different guys since then, to give THEM a chance to break her open."

"What does 'break her open' mean?"

"Well...imagine a female orgasm is like a coconut, and a guy's penis is like a hammer, pounding away at it, trying to get it to break open, so it can gush out all that wonderful coconut juice," Brooke explained.

"Oh, so do you mean MY hammer wasn't quite good enough, to break open my date's coconut," Ian giggled.

"No, from what I saw earlier, it's plenty good enough," his mom teased, referring to the boner he'd been sporting. "It's not about just owning an impressive tool though, honey, it's also knowing how to effectively use it."

"And that has a lot to do with feeling like a man?"