Mr. Right? Ch. 09


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He was in love. There was no doubt in his mind now. He had only known her for five days and he was already head over heels? He let out a quiet snort. His old man had ended up being right again. Matt remembered that his dad had claimed that when a Rosenbloom male met his match in every way, his feelings and heart would get tangled up almost instantaneously and the desire to claim her and keep her would overwhelm him. Matt had laughed it off because he didn't believe in love at first sight. But, now he knew, it may not have been love at first sight, but there was that need to protect her, to claim her from the very beginning that he couldn't shake off. She was his match and he was going to keep her by his side no matter what.

"Ana, you're so wonderful. My angel, my sweet, I..."Matt began in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Matt, stop mumbling to yourself and go to sleep. This isn't family share time. Save it 'til tomorrow," Staci grumbled.

Matt laughed. He had thought about professing his love to her sleeping form to practice for the real thing. Apparently, his Ana was either a light sleeper or very good at playing possum. "You're right. I'm sorry. Goodnight, Ana."

"Night, babe. Sleep tight."


Staci could barely contain her excitement as her pen flowed almost effortlessly across the test in front of her. Because of Matt's help, she had been able to relax before the test and even that morning he had woken her up with a massage to keep her loose. She walked into the test feeling confident and where as before she would freeze up sometimes during her finals, this time, she finished without hesitation. Matt had worked wonders and she hoped that he would stick around so she could take advantage of his pampering more often.

She looked over the test to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything and once she was satisfied, she gathered her materials together and stood. Staci stretched upwards, working out the muscles of her back that had tightened while she was hunched over. With a smile, she handed in her test and walked out of the room, feeling free and excited because she was meeting up with Maia to get an update on her new relationship with Jesse and divulge some juicy tidbits of her own.

She walked across campus and settled on hanging out at an outside table by the student union until it was time to meet Maia. Because she had been so confident, Staci had finished well before she thought she would and now had time to kill. She decided to work on her paper, so she could finish it quickly. Matt was coming back up later that night and she wanted to be able to focus on him. Now that they had gotten their first time out of the way, Staci was looking forward to fucking Matt into submission. She shook her head at herself. One day she's claiming that she was waiting to have sex, the next she's being drilled against a door. Oh, how she was mistaken.

Staci's lips curled into a half-smile as she sat thinking about all the deliciously naughty things that she wanted to do with Matt and to Matt. She was lost in a seriously sexy fantasy where Matt was begging for release as she teased him, when a voice broke into her thoughts.

"Hey there, Ms. Anastacia Jones. Long time and all that."

Staci looked up and into a pair of warm blue eyes that were partially hidden by a mop of red hair. "Jeremy Carter! What are you doing here? I thought you were done."

"Just out roaming campus. My flight doesn't leave until tomorrow. But I'll be back in two weeks."

Staci nodded. She felt somewhat bad. Jeremy was the guy she was supposed to attend the Alpha party with before Kathy stepped in and convinced her to change her plans. And, although it worked out for her in the long run, she couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Jeremy. They had been flirting and hanging out with a group of mutual friends for a while before Jeremy had decided to go for it and asked Staci to meet him at the Alpha party. She knew he was probably planning on making his move that night, but fate stepped in. Matt had come through and swept her off her feet before Jeremy even had a chance to run his game.

"You want to sit down? I'm meeting Maia in a few, but I have time to talk if you want to," Staci offered. Maybe this would give her a chance to tell him that she was off limits.

Jeremy took the seat across from her, sweeping his long red locks back so he could get a better look at Staci. He had heard the rumor that Matt Rosenbloom was so far gone on Staci that he was tripping over himself and that they were now an item, but he wanted to hear it straight from the source. If he gave up and the rumor proved to be wrong, he would be majorly pissed. But, then again, if the rumor was true and Staci was taken by Matt on the very weekend that he wanted to lay his claim to her wonderfully curvy body, it would be a damn shame.

His eyes took in the way her hair fell over one eye before traveling down past her shoulders and the way her breasts seemed to suck him in before he caught himself and raised his eyes back up to hers. He could feel his entire face flush as he realized that she had caught him staring as well.

"Sorry, Staci. I can't help it. You're so beautiful, you know?" Jeremy wished he was smoother, or could ignore it, but he didn't want to come off as a complete pig to the girl who had captured his attention.

Staci fought the urge to giggle. Jeremy was adorable when he blushed, his fair skin turning almost as red as his hair. If Matt hadn't barged into her life, Staci knew that there was a good chance that Jeremy would have been her boyfriend right then. She was a sucker for redheads, after all, and his muscular swimmer's build and pert little ass didn't hurt either.

"Well, you sure know how to flatter a girl."

Jeremy tried to think of something clever to say, but he felt tongue-tied. That was one of the reasons he wanted to meet up with Staci at a party. What he wouldn't give for some booze right then.

Staci took pity on him and changed the subject. "So, how was the party this weekend? Did you have fun?"

Jeremy cleared his throat. "I did. It was a lot of fun. A couple of the guys were doing keg stands and then trying to see who could spin around the longest without falling over. It was pretty entertaining. Although, I must say, I probably would have had a better time if a certain beauty were there on my arm. But, as I heard it she was off at another venue, kicking ass and taking names."

Staci laughed. "Hardly. More like getting mauled by drunks and having to be saved from their attacks. Apparently, some guys don't handle rejection well."

"So who was doing the saving? Did Jesse swoop in to save his favorite girl from sure destruction?"

Staci shook her head. "No, actually it was a guy named Matt. He's an alum who was in town for the weekend."

"Matthew Rosenbloom? That old hound dog was back in town? I bet he had a girl on each arm and another few chasing after him." Jeremy winced internally.

'Sure, go ahead and make the guy sound bad just because he might be with your curvy beauty. You sound like a jealous ass.' Jeremy continued to beat himself up mentally.

Staci quirked an eyebrow at Jeremy's familiarity with her new beau. "Yeah, that knucklehead is the one who saved me. He's a nice guy underneath that dirty frat boy exterior. And I have it on good authority that he was able to successfully repel most of the girls chasing after him. Do you know him?"

Jeremy nodded. "Not really well or anything. He was a friend of my older brother. They were the same class year and in the same program. We've only met once...when we were both incredibly drunk, but my brother had some pretty crazy stories he liked to tell about his and Matt's escapades."

The conversation lulled for a second, the question that was plaguing Jeremy's mind was hanging in the air. Jeremy didn't know how to ask about it tactfully and Staci wasn't really itching to tell him, but it had to come out somehow.

Staci knew that Jeremy brought Matt's name into the conversation because he probably heard that they were an item from someone who was at his lake party. They could beat around the bush all day or she could just tell him what he wanted to know.

"So are you two dating or was that just some wild rumor?" Jeremy beat her to the punch.

"Yeah, he convinced me to be his girlfriend after chasing me around like I was the last piece of tail on Earth. He was persistent, I have to give him that," Staci answered.

Jeremy's bottom lip protruded in a pout momentarily before he sucked it back in and smiled at Staci. "So, how serious are you guys? Are you just dating or are you in it for the long haul?"

Staci was almost shocked at Jeremy's forwardness, but then she remembered that was why she had liked him in the first place. He was direct, honest, and he wasn't afraid to tell Felicia that she was full of shit, which earned him many brownie points in Staci's book.

"We're as serious as we can be for a couple who started dating two days ago. We both agreed to be exclusive and we're going to see how things turn out between us," Staci smiled at the thought of just who was turned out the day before. Matt sure did know how to put it down.

"Damn, he beat me to it. That sucks. I wanted to be yours, you know. But, I can see that he means a lot to you already. That little secret smile of yours is very telling," Jeremy commented, leaning forward as if they were sharing secrets of their own.

Staci stared at him like he had grown another head. Was it that obvious?

"It's pretty obvious, Staci. But, you deserve that smile. You deserve to be happy and if Matt's the man that can make you feel that way, so be it." Jeremy stood up and stretched his lithe body out, hints of his auburn happy trail peeking out from under his shirt.

"But if he trips up and makes a mistake, you let me know. I'll either knock some sense into him or pick up the pieces and show you how a man is supposed to treat a lady."

Jeremy gave Staci a quick wink before turning to walk away. He turned back around and walked to Staci's side, scooping her up in a tight hug and dropping a kiss on her forehead. "I mean it. If he does anything, you let me know and I'll straighten him out."

Staci leaned in briefly to return his hug before breaking away. "Will do. I'm going to hold you to it. I can't do all the ass-kicking by myself."

"You do that." Jeremy smiled again and with a deep sigh of regret, he turned and walked off. It really was a damn shame that Matt got to her first.

Staci smiled after him. He was a sweet guy. She hoped he would find someone special that would be worthy of his attention. As for her, unfortunately for Jeremy, she was stuck on Matt.

Staci returned to working on her paper, relishing the quiet atmosphere. It didn't last long.

"Who was that guy?"

Staci glanced up, already knowing who the voice belonged to. She looked into an incredibly handsome face that held a pair of gray eyes that, at the moment, reminded her of granite, hard and unyielding, and a scowl that conveyed just how unhappy Matt was about the situation he just witnessed. Staci fluctuated between wanting to scowl back at him and laughing at him for being so possessive.

Matt flopped into the recently vacated seat across from her, trying not to cause a scene or chase after the guy and beat his ass. How dare he put his lips on Ana?

Staci continued to regard him with a wary eye. Then she smiled warmly at him, remembering that he was the reason she was feeling so good that day and she wasn't about to let him ruin it.

"Hey baby, enjoying your day so far?"

Matt crossed his arms and continued to glare. "You didn't answer my question."

"You didn't answer mine either, but I'm feeling generous today. That was Jeremy. Now answer my question." Staci tried to hide her smile. Matt was so cute when he was being all angry, jealous boyfriend. That pout was adorable.

"I was enjoying my day immensely until I left work early to be with my girlfriend and surprise her, only to find her hugged up with some guy who thinks he can put his lips on her for some reason."

"It was a brotherly peck on the forehead."

"It was a KISS. He put his lips on you and he's lucky I didn't run over and rip them off. I know a guy on the prowl when I see one." Matt accented his words with a jab in the direction that Jeremy walked off in.

Staci sat back and shook her head. "Matthew, you are over-reacting."

"I wouldn't be over-reacting if you told me who that guy was and what he thought he was doing pawing you like that."

Staci sighed. She could see the rage building inside of Matt. She watched, amused, as his face reddened. His angry face was almost as cute as Jeremy's blush. Now she understood why he pushed her buttons. As much as she hated to, she was just going to have to give him what he was asking for before he exploded.

"That was Jeremy Carter. We've known each other for a little while now. And he was a potential suitor until about five minutes ago when I let him know that he didn't have a chance because I was falling for a sweetheart in an asshole suit. I thought you were going to take that suit off today, but I see that instead you have paired it with your 'jealous douchebag' hat and your 'I'm-a-total-dumbass' tie. It's such a lovely ensemble."

Matt sighed and dropped his head into his hands. He was never the jealous type before and the depth of his desire to lay claim to Staci's body and fight off any man that came sniffing around her was a little frightening. It must have been the Rosenbloom possessiveness kicking in. Plus, it was hard to manage his emotions when she was around since he was using most of his self-control to fight the urge to throw her over his shoulder and take her somewhere to fuck her brains out.

"Ana, I'm really sorry that I acted like a total jerk when I came over here. It's hard, you know. I mean, I spent so much time trying to get you to be mine and the thought of some guy trying to take you from me makes me see red. It kills me to think about not being with you."

Staci heaved a sigh. Matt had his moments, but he really was a sweetheart. "I understand, Matt. I do. I know how I felt when I walked into your room and found that floozy crawling on your bed. I wanted to choke her out and we weren't even officially dating then. But, just as I gave you a chance to explain the situation, I expect the same courtesy. Don't jump down my throat and pout because things look a certain way. Find out the facts, trust me enough to give me the benefit of the doubt. If I'm not interested in being with you anymore and I want to move on, I'll let you know face to face, not sneak around behind your back."

Matt nodded. "I'm a major ass. I really am sorry for being so gruff. So, how about I take you out to lunch off-campus to make it up to you?"


"Negative? What?"

Staci giggled. "I'm meeting Maia for lunch today. We're going to compare notes about how good the sex has been, how many orgasms we've had, and see whose guy has the biggest equipment."

Matt's mouth dropped open. "You're not serious are you?"

Staci's giggles evolved into full belly laughs at the combination of Matt's flabbergasted look, complete with a gaping mouth, and his response. She could feel tears start to run down her cheeks.

Matt started to pout again. "It's not that funny," he grumbled.

"No, I'm not serious. And, it's really funny to me. You look like a fish with your mouth opening and closing like that," Staci responded in between laughs.

Staci eventually calmed down and regained her composure. They agreed to meet up with Maia and both go to lunch with her. Then they would head back to her apartment and hang out or make out, whichever struck their fancy.

Maia, for her part, took it in stride, letting Staci know that she was going to call her later so they could dish on their respective guys. Over lunch they chatted and had a good time. Staci and Matt walked Maia to her next final and then drove over to Staci's apartment in Matt's car.

Matt felt like the sight of his Ana's jean encased ass was hypnotizing him as she walked up the stairs in front of him. He was going to bend her over the arm of her couch and enjoy the sight of her ass as he crammed his cock into that sweet pussy of hers as soon as they got in the door. No chance for her to deny him and no mercy. He was going to fuck her hard and long.

Staci turned to look back at Matt as they ascended the stairs. She could see the lust burning in his eyes, the fiery orbs seeming to almost be overtaken by the blue. She knew what he was thinking and she knew that as soon as she opened her door, all bets were off. Hopefully they'd make it past the door this time before her pants were off.


"Keep going, Ana. We're almost there."

"You know, I do have a paper to write."

"I know. I also remember you saying that it was due on Friday and you had all tomorrow to work on it. No more excuses."

Staci tried to protest one more time, for the sake of appearances. "Matt..."

She didn't get any more out before she was hoisted over Matt's broad shoulder and carried the rest of the way up to her apartment. He took the keys from her back pocket and opened the door. He let her close it, since most of her was behind him, before he walked over to her couch.

"Ana, I hope you realize your entire afternoon and evening are shot. You're going to be spending it naked and on multiple surfaces around your place. Starting now."

Matt stripped her quickly, throwing her clothes over his shoulder, and then disrobed himself. Staci drank in the sight of his body and felt her juices begin to flow. Before she could blink, she was looking at the floor of her apartment, the arm of the couch digging into her stomach and Matt's hands roughly massaging her ass.

He moaned and started mumbling incoherently, caught up in his arousal and his need to take his Ana and lay claim to her body again. His eyes traveled up her body, taking in her slim waist, smooth back, and graceful neck before he leaned forward, whispering into his Ana's ear. "You seemed to have forgotten whose pussy this is. But don't worry, I'll remind you, over and over again. I doubt you'll have problems remembering after I'm through tonight."

Staci felt his cock rubbing against the cleft of her ass and luxuriated in the way his body covered hers before his words sunk in. Oh. Shit. And those were the last two words that made sense to Staci for the rest of the day and most of the night, as Matt slid his penis deep inside of her and showed her just who he was and how efficient he was at staking his claim. Over and over again.

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Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 9 years ago

I really loved this part:

I let him know that he didn't have a chance because I was falling for a sweetheart in an asshole suit. I thought you were going to take that suit off today, but I see that instead you have paired it with your 'jealous douchebag' hat and your 'I'm-a-total-dumbass' tie. It's such a lovely ensemble."

What great sarcasm and creative thinking! :)

Nice little touch with introducing Jeremy and us finding out he could have been "the other guy" without there being real drama.

I love seeing how Matt "claims" her, but I wonder how many (if any) women really like that?

Definitely a 5!

MadameblaqueMadameblaqueover 12 years ago

I need a Matt in my life!!!

keikei2keikei2almost 15 years ago

wow this story is so good, but there has to be more.... PLEASE!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

OK almost fell out of the chair laughing over the joke and reaction of Matt when told they were going to be comparing notes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

i love this chapter!

this has got to be one of the best stories ive read in awhile.i love it cause its so realistic and beautiful how the characters personalities are.especially matt(jesus i wish i could fined a guy like that!lol)


cantfightfatecantfightfatealmost 16 years ago

I just saw this chapter and then had to go back and read all the rest... your story is HOT! I can't wait for the next chapters! Don't keep us waiting too long!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

Awesome 9, can't wait for 10. Matt is hot hot hot!!


mrskelleymrskelleyalmost 16 years ago

I so love this story, I love these two, they are HOT!! Great Writing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

This chapter was awesome. Staci and Matt are a hot couple. I'm ready for the next chapter.

hotcocoa6904hotcocoa6904almost 16 years ago
Its about time!!

I love Staci and Matt's story!!! Nice to see an update!! Great job!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

This story is awesome. I absoloutely love it!!! Don't stop.

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