No Controlling Legal Authority Ch. 11


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"Sure, Nancy," she said, relieved that she would have a few minutes to gather herself.

Nancy left and Imogene refilled her glass at the bar. She turned and stepped toward her seat on the couch, but her toe snagged on the edge of one of the carpets and she stumbled. She caught herself with a hand on the arm of the couch and steadied her glass without spilling the contents. Whoa, girl, she thought, feet are getting a little wobbly; better go easy on the sauce. She took a tiny sip to calm her nerves and walked cautiously toward the windows. She spotted the highway leading out of town and followed it out to the school, where, she could imagine, Rufus was toiling diligently to bring learning to the "heatherns." She giggled at the thought of his dreary little office so many light years away from where she was standing, and thought it was like being in two separate worlds at the same time, and she knew which world she was born to.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Nancy's soft voice startled her. She had returned, soundlessly, and had materialized by her side before she realized it.

"Yes," she breathed wistfully, "and so far away."

"I know," Nancy replied softly. She slipped her arm around Imogene's slender waist and drew her close by her side. "Far away and far beneath, honey. I like it that way. Up here, I can do anything I like, but, down there, they have rules and regulations that tie you up and lock you down. Up here, the only rules are my rules, and the only rule I have is to have fun."

"I lish, like, that rule," Imogene declared thickly. Martini tongue was beginning to set in.

"You don't know what I think is fun, yet."

"I know I'll love ish, it, too."

"Do you now? We'll see about that in a little while, but first, you tell me about your best time, so I'll know what you think is fun."

Imogene glanced toward Nancy uncertainly. Her head was swimming a little, and she felt tipsy, but she felt safe and warm, and Nancy's arm around her waist was reassuring. Nancy had hugged her while they talked and looked from the windows, and she felt the woman's fingers lightly stroking the bare skin of her hip through the slit in her dress. Surely to God, she isn't going to make a pass at me, she thought, ‘cause if she is, I'm gonna have to have a whole lot of martinis to get through that. She took another gulp to steel herself, just in case Nancy's hand got any more inquisitive, and she willed herself to remain passive.

"Ummhuh," she coughed, clearing her throat to begin. "I expect this will surprise you, heck, ish, it, may even shock you, but who knows."

"I can't wait to hear about it, hon."

"He was a third year law student. We were in the same business law class at the law school."

"Really?" Nancy asked with a note of surprise. "I didn't know you went to law school."

"Oh, I didn't. I was in undergraduate school at the time. One of my professors thought it would be good for me to take a couple of courses at the law school, sort of broaden my horizons."

"I can imagine that," Nancy responded wryly.

Imogene failed to detect the sarcasm and continued. "He was sooooooo smart; everybody said he was the smartest one there. He was Law Review and everything and made straight "A's" just about the whole time. And, he was cute too, really handsome, with coal black hair and dark, Italian looking eyes, that could look right through you into the back of your mind and read your thoughts, or so I imagined whenever I noticed him looking at me in class."

"Nice combination, hon; brains and looks; so how'd you get together with him?"

"I was nearly flunking the darn course; I had no idea that stuff was so hard and I wasn't prepared. It was midway through the course, and I was getting desperate for tutoring or something, so I figured if I could get him to help me understand some of it, I might learn enough to get a passing grade."

"Go on."

"Well, I knew that he spent all his time out of class in the stacks above the main floor of the law library. It was pretty much common knowledge that he got to the school real early in the morning and set up shop in a little cubbyhole on the fourth floor where there was a window and a table. He had a typewriter up there and typed up his classnotes every day after class, and spent nearly all the time he wasn't in class up there studying. Everybody knew his schedule and pretty much left him alone up there, sort of respecting his privacy, cause they all knew how intense he was about being first in his class and all. He had it all figured out, you know, when to graduate so he would be at the top of the class and had even arranged his schedule so he wouldn't have to graduate at the same time as a couple of his classmates, who were competing with him for number one and were giving him fits."

"And?" Nancy grumbled at the digression.

"Oh, yeah," Imogene continued, shaking her head in a futile attempt to clear the cobwebs from her brain. "So, I decided to go up there and ask him to help me with the course, but I didn't just want to barge in on him and all, so I tried to think of some excuse for being up there, so, if we struck up a conversation, I could sort of hint that I needed help. Anyway, I had heard some of the students joking and laughing about a case that was in one of the books up there in the stacks where he hung out. It was a case about a criminal trial for statutory rape, and it was supposedly in a volume called ‘Twelve Southern Seconds,’ or something like that.

"One afternoon, when I knew he didn't have any more classes that day, I went up into the stacks looking for that case. I couldn't believe what it was like getting up there; I had to climb and climb three flights of tiny, spiral steel stairs, it was like climbing to the top of a lighthouse, and, when I finally got there, it looked like an attic that had been filled up with bookshelves. There were rows and rows of them with hundreds of books, mostly in sets, and some of them were over two hundred years old. There were only a few, dim, light bulbs hanging from wires about every third row of bookcases, and it was dark and musty, and I nearly lost my nerve, ‘cause I thought nobody in their right mind would want to spend their time up there all alone. Anyway, he must have heard me rummaging around, `cause I heard his typewriter stop, and pretty soon he came around the end of one of the stacks and asked me what I was doing up there. I lied and told him the business law professor had given me the assignment of finding the volume 12 So. 2nd, and bringing it to him. He looked at me real funny for a minute and then laughed, and said, `He must be playing a joke on you, girl; everybody in law school knows about that case.' I guess I blushed, and he could see it, even in that poor light, and he laughed again when I told him I was only doing what I was told. He asked me if I always did what I was told, and I said pretty much, and he said in that case, the book I was looking for was three stacks over. He led me to it and pulled it off the shelf. It was funny because that volume was nearly worn out, but all the others in the series were just like new. The markings on the spine were nearly rubbed off from being handled so much, and the binding was frayed and nearly broken. He brought me over to his desk by the window and set the book on its spine. He let go of it, and it instantly fell open to exactly the right page. `There,' he said, `read it for yourself,' and he pulled out his chair for me to sit down. I started reading and was amazed. It was about a statutory rape all right, about an old guy who had been caught fooling around with a couple of young girls. The judge who had written the decision had a pretty good time describing everything that the three of them did, and he got into some very graphic details about all sorts of oral sex. I guess it would have passed for porn if it wasn't in a law book, it was that steamy. I know I was blushing and breathing pretty hard by the time I reached the end of the decision, and when I looked up he was staring at me. I was embarrassed, of course, and said that was some story, and he said, `yes it was,' and admitted he read it pretty often himself. Then, he looked at me hard and said that he didn't believe our professor wanted to look at the book, and I felt pretty foolish. He asked why I really was there, and I broke down and told him I was about to flunk the course and thought he might be willing to help me. He thought for a minute, glancing from the book to me and back and then he said real low, `I'll help you, Gene,' that's what they called me then, `and you can help me.' I guess I looked at him funny, and then I said, `what can I do to help you, you're number one in the class?' He didn't say a word; he just bent down and kissed me full on the lips, and I was so surprised that I didn't know what to do, but I let him kiss me, and he kept doing it, and I felt his tongue pressing against my lips, and I opened my mouth a little, and he started French kissing me. He was so strong and kissed so good, and his lips were so soft and sensual, I felt dizzy and weak all over, and he grabbed me by the shoulders and lifted me out of the chair and pulled me to him, kissing me all the time, and I leaned against him, and I could feel him pressing between my legs. He was hard and thick, and I could feel him through my dress, and I knew what he wanted. I felt scared and excited at the same time and was powerless to stop him. His hands slipped down my back, and he squeezed my butt and pulled me hard toward him, and he started rubbing himself on me. I was breathing hard by then ‘cause it felt good, him rubbing me, and I couldn't do anything to break away or anything, and he started thrusting his tongue into my mouth, like he was doing it to me with his tongue, and I don't know what came over me then, but I made a little circle around his tongue with my lips, and I started moving my mouth back and forth on his tongue, sort of suggestively. We did that for a minute or two, and I could feel myself getting hot and excited, and I was wondering what I was going to do, and all of a sudden he was pushing down on my shoulders, and he pushed me down into his chair. He was standing right in front of me, looking at me, and I looked up at him and licked my lips, cause they were tingling from where his tongue had been rubbing them. I guessed it was my fault, that I gave him the idea or something, because he unzipped his pants without saying a word, and he reached in and pulled out his, ah, ah..." Nancy caught herself just as the word formed on her own lips, and resisted the urge to supply the word the girl was struggling to utter. Let her deal with it, she thought, hugging her comfortingly as the young woman grappled with her secrets. Imogene shivered as the memories spilled from her lips; Nancy's fingertips fluttered on her bare thigh through the gap in her skirt but failed to distract her. She stared in a trance into the void beyond the windowpanes, her eyes half-closed and unfocused, as a flood of memories and sensations flowed into her brain. Her skin warmed, a blush of hot pink tinged her cheeks, and she breathed with shallow, breathless gasps as she relived those tense moments from her past.

"Ah, thing," she continued, and Nancy was relieved that the girl's struggles hadn't interrupted the stream of her memories. Imogene hesitated, allowing the memory to crystallize, and then she plunged ahead.

"It was so big and hard; I was amazed and afraid, but it was beautiful, too, and he was pointing it right at me. I was shaking, I was so scared, and I thought about running out of there, but, then, he said, `Suck it,' and pushed it toward me. I froze, and it brushed my lips, and I thought I was being burned. It was so hot and so smooth. His skin was softer than his lips had been, and I could feel his strength flowing into me through his touch. He brushed against my lips lightly, and my mouth was on fire. My hands were trembling so badly I had to hold on to my knees to control them, and I couldn't push him away even if I wanted to, but I didn't, and instead, I opened my lips a little and touched him with the tip of my tongue. His skin was sooooooo soft, it felt like velvet, and he smelled of soap, and I licked the opening in the end, and he said `Yessssss,' in a sort of long sigh. He nudged himself against my lips, and I wanted him; I wanted to feel him inside me, to taste him and lick him. I felt vulnerable and exposed, and I wanted to give myself to him, to please him, to make him feel good, so I opened wider, making an oval with my lips, and he pushed the head into my mouth. The texture was wonderful, and he filled my mouth up completely, and felt soooo hot and hard. I licked him with my tongue and tasted him, and it made me want him even more. I closed my lips around the shaft and sucked like a baby sucks a breast, and my cheeks collapsed around him, and my tongue stroked him while I nursed on him. He cupped my chin with his hand and pulled me toward him. I wanted to let him enter me deeper, but I was scared I would choke on him and I held back. I licked and sucked and moved my mouth back and forth on him, and I could feel his blood rushing and his pulse beating on my tongue. He was delicious, and I could feel him getting harder and harder, swelling up as I sucked him, and that made me want him even more. He was hunching toward me and running his fingers all through my hair, and I kept moving my head around so my mouth would rub him in different places and pretty soon I learned where he liked to be licked best, and I concentrated on that place, and he started getting really excited. He groaned and pulled my hair with his hands, and I knew he was getting close, and I wanted him more than anything. I wanted to take him all, to eat him up and make him beg for me, and I put my hand on him to guide him into my mouth and I held him there while I sucked him, and he wound his fingers in my hair and pulled me toward him, and I let him. I let him enter me like that, feeling him sliding past my lips and into my throat, and it was like I just opened up for him, and it didn't hurt or anything, and I didn't choke a bit, and it seemed like the most natural thing I had ever done. I held him while he pushed right down my throat and pulled out again, and when the head slipped out of my mouth, I gently bit it, chewing it playfully, and it made him squirt a little of his juice into my mouth. He tasted sweet and warm, and then he was pushing back in, and I took him all that time, and my face was buried in his pants for a minute, until he pulled out and did it again. He kept pushing it into my mouth and down my throat, you know, ah, ah, fucking my mouth, yes, that's it, fucking my mouth, and I kept sucking and licking, stroking his cock with my tongue and scraping him lightly with my teeth, and I was so excited and hot feeling him swelling in my mouth and getting ready to shoot his cum into me. He started moving faster and faster and jerking around, and I had to concentrate to keep his cock pointed at my mouth so he wouldn't miss, and he was so hard and rigid I thought he would split if he got any harder, and all of a sudden, he moaned, `I'm cumming,' and I pulled him into my mouth and held him there as he started to squirt. It was incredible, just amazing, and I felt overwhelmed with warmth and love and a sense of power, cause I knew that I had made him cum like that, and it was wonderful, and he kept squirting and I tasted him and gulped and swallowed and pulled him deeper, so he could shoot cum into my throat, and he could feel me gulping his cum and squirted even more. He was twitching and throbbing and shooting cum into my mouth, and I couldn't get enough of him, and I started moaning and stroking his cock and sucking it to make him cum some more, and he held my face between his hands and fucked me like I was some kind of rubber doll, and I had never felt anything like it, I had never done anything in my life that made me feel so..."

The girl's words trailed off at the end like she had fallen asleep in mid-sentence, but Nancy had heard enough. "I could use a drink after that, how about you?" she said, attempting to break the spell.

"Huh?" Imogene answered vacantly still staring out the window. She was holding her empty glass against her mouth, and was absentmindedly caressing her lower lip with the rim.

"That was some story, honey, and I've developed a ferocious thirst listening to it; how about you?"

"I, uh, yeah, I guess so," the girl answered vaguely, glancing down at her glass. "I can't believe I told you all that." She blushed and looked away, too embarrassed to meet Nancy's gaze.

"I'm glad you did, Imogene," the older woman said gently, taking the glass from her hand. "I think sharing secrets brings people closer together, don't you?"

"Yeah, but..." she began, "I talked too much."

"Nonsense, darling, you were wonderful, open and sharing, and sexy as hell I might add, and I could tell you must have cared a lot about him."

"Oh yeah, I did that."

"Who was he? Did this boy have a name?"

"Billy, Bill Billingsly."

"Bill, huh? What happened to your Bill Billingsly after that; did he help you with the course?"

"He did more than that. We started getting together in the stacks pretty regularly, and one thing led to another. He asked me to move in with him, and I did. We fell in love, and everything was wonderful. We were going to get married in the spring, after he graduated."

"Well, what happened?" I mean, you're married to Rufus now, so what happened to Billy?"

"I came home from school one afternoon, and he had moved out. The apartment was empty; he had taken everything, including my stereo and microwave and all of my CD collection."

"That son of a bitch! He moved out without a word, nothing? Sounds like another woman to me."

"I wish for his sake it had been, Nancy."

"What's that supposed to mean; don't you hate him for leaving like that?"

"Not really. Of course, I was devastated and distraught; I ran all the way to the law school to find out where he had gone. Everybody looked at me like I was some sort of lunatic, I guess, but finally one of his friends took me outside and told me what had happened. He told me Bill had been caught cheating, `plagiarizing,' on his papers, and that he had been doing it all along. One of his professors had recognized some paragraphs from an obscure law review article in one of his papers and checked it out, and, sure enough, he had copied the paragraphs word for word from the article. That professor told Bill's other professors, who also started checking, and pretty soon they had an air-tight case against him. They confronted him in the Dean's office and offered to let him withdraw from school on the condition that he would never seek admission at another law school or try to practice law anywhere. They had him dead to rights, and I guess he knew he had no options, so he just left, disappeared into thin air. I don't know if he was too ashamed to see me again or just didn't care, but he left without a word of explanation or regret. I never saw him or heard from him again."

"Whew, darlin, that's a real tear-jerker. I guess I ought to apologize to you for making you remember it."

"No, no, that's ok. I don't mind really. It was a long time ago and whatever hurt he caused is long gone now, but I still remember the good times."

"I'll say you do," Nancy grinned at her, while she shook another batch of martinis in the silver shaker. "I thought you were going to cum just talking about it."

"Ohhhhh," Imogene gasped, and her hands flew to cover her shame.

"Oh God, there I go again, making you blush." Nancy's voice was almost motherly. "Here drink this, it'll make everything you don't like go away," she said pushing Imogene's brimming goblet across the bar toward her.