Pleasing Aphrodite


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With my legs open, my feet braced on the bed, he slid his hands to my shoulders and held me steady while he buried his cock again and again. I moaned and squirmed as he increased his pace and let him fuck me, offering no resistance.

He panted my name as he continued to thrust into me. He was a strong man and he was big. Each thrust took my breath away as he filled me, his hips slapping hard against mine. It felt like it took forever before his thrusts became frantic and so powerful I was sure I'd be bruised. He moaned and swore while I whimpered beneath him, aroused and cramped at the same time. He was close to coming and I desperately wanted him to.

When he finally reached the peak of his orgasm his whole body stiffened and he pumped his hips a few times, slowly and with great gasps each time. He held himself inside me for a minute, panting, before his body relaxed and he slowly withdrew his cock.

I groaned with relief as his weight left my body. He rolled onto the bed beside me, panting. I extended my legs and stretched them. I could feel the ache in my pelvis and was pretty sure I'd be sore later but the rest of my body was relaxed and buzzing with a lazy desire.

Patrick wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. His heart was still beating hard and his skin was sweaty despite the cool air coming from the open window. He kissed my neck and murmured praises against my skin.

"Oh Holly, you're so beautiful," he said. I could feel his lips moving against my skin and the steady beat of his heart against my breast. He raised his head and looked at me for a full minute before he spoke again. "You're alright? It wasn't painful?" There was care in his voice. I shook my head. "I tried to take it slowly, I hope it was ok." Then he added, in a slightly softer voice, "I wish you had told me it was your first time."

I went scarlet and stared; I'd had no idea he knew.

"Don't be embarrassed," he said, seeing my expression, "I just wish I'd known." He said it gently and his face was kind a self-conscious fear rose up in me nonetheless. I didn't want him to find me immature.

"Does it matter?" I was unable to keep the nervousness out of my voice.

"Oh, no Holly, it doesn't," he said quickly, sitting up on his elbow. "It doesn't change how I feel about you. It's the time I realized it, I couldn't stop."

"Did you want to?" I asked.

He looked down at me and pressed his hand against my cheek. "Maybe," he said softly. His eyes moved over my face for a few seconds before he spoke again. "No, I didn't want to stop. But maybe I wouldn't have let it go so far, if I'd known earlier, I don't know." And then, seeing the distress on my face he added, "I just don't want to hurt you...or disappoint you. It would be terrible if later, when you meet the man of your dreams you regretted having some old man as your first lover."

"I won't regret it," I said firmly. It was hard not to insist he wasn't just some old man, he was the man of my dreams but I knew how stupid that would sound. "I feel so lucky."

He smiled down at me and as his smile spread across his face the corners of his eyes wrinkled. My heart did a little flip like it always did when he smiled like that. He kissed the tip of my nose and whispered, "Me too."

He kissed me on the lips once and then sat up a little more, turning to look at a clock on the dresser. "Are you hungry?" he said. "It's after midnight and we never did have dinner."

"Not yet," I said. I turned away from him and pressed myself back against his body. I wanted contact again, to feel his body on mine. I rested my head on his bicep, using it as a pillow. I felt sleepy and happy and satisfied.

"Are you cold?" he asked, twitching the blanket we were laying on so it partially covered us. He slid his hand around my waist and pulled me closer. "I can close the window."

"No," I said "you can keep me warm."

He kissed the back of my neck and I could hear the smile in his reply, "Gladly." He nestled against me, his legs tangled in mine and sighed.

I wanted to hold onto that moment, to stay in his arms forever. I felt so good, so content I didn't want anything to change. I pressed back against him, soothed by the warmth of his body, his strong arms around me, his breath on my neck. I closed my eyes and focused on the details and sensations, to keep it all in my memory forever, just in case this was the only chance I got.

I couldn't help wondering what he was feeling, what it had meant to him, if it would happen again or if we'd go back to the way it was before. I had to push away the jealousy that flared as I wondered if he had other lovers. I told myself it was childish to think of him as mine.

But for that moment, he was.

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DivindisguiseDivindisguise3 months ago

A very beautiful romance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is my favorite story on Literotica.

You should give us the story from his perspective now.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
My husband said, "Thank you."

Dearest angel,

This is fabulous! I started reading and couldn't put down the Kindle. However, after jumping my husband's bones (thus the tag line gratitude), I came back to leave you a big dose of praise. Great job!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Gentle giant

Tender, hot and lovely. This sweet tale certainly hits the spot. Patrick intrigues me. What's his story, I wonder?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Gotta find me a Patrick! Thanks for bringing him to life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
my god

it was so beautiful

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Beautiful, sexy story!

This is one of my favorites stories on the whole site! So many stories have no build-up and are just plain, shall we say, crap. But this story has depth and romance and a build-up to it. Great job, Angel!

2275jr2275jrover 13 years ago
the best has yet to cum

a very exciting hot horny story. love the brilliant writing and the story was a real pleasure to read, loved it from start to finish can wait to read more of this story.

Ms_StarliteMs_Starliteover 13 years ago

Truly enjoyed everything about it. Wonderful writing, great build up, drawn out lovemaking. All excellent!

grunabonagrunabonaabout 14 years ago

Five stars, and a vote in the contest for the 11th Annual Literotica Awards.

daddys_sweet_girldaddys_sweet_girlabout 14 years ago

Very good story that is gradual with good details. You made it seem so real with feelings as well as deep energy.

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