Reincarnation, Life After Death Ch. 01

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Is it psychic phenomena, ghosts, aliens or your imagination?
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 03/22/2008
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Have you ever had a hunch something was true and it was? Think about that. Think about the time or times when you did. Hold that thought while you ponder over it. Now, remember back to that time and to the circumstances that gave you that hunch. Isn't it a weirdly unsettling feeling? Now, go ahead and answer the question.

Have you ever had a feeling that something was about to happen and it did? Weird, huh? What was it that happened? Why do you think you felt that it would happen? Think back to the circumstances before you felt that feeling that something was about to happen. What happened then that made you feel that you knew what it was that was about to happen later? Please don't fluff over this because these are your clues to the answers of your life's journey, so it is important that you take the time to think about it. What you figure out now may help you in life later.

Life's journey? Don't get too wrapped up in this life because chances are you lived before and will again. This may not be your first time here and definitely may not be your last. Besides, compared to infinite space and eons of time, we are here but for a second. What you can sort out now about what happened in your past will certainly help you with what will happen in your future. Only you know the answers. Only you can solve the mystery.

Have you ever had a nightmare so real you thought it was? Did you awaken in cold sweats? Were you able to return to sleep? Were you afraid that there was someone or something there in the room with you? You sensed it correct and your senses, much like animal instincts, are right. Have you ever considered that this wasn't a nightmare, but something real that happened to you long ago and in another life? What if it was? Consider that thought.

Maybe, your brain saved some clues for you to identify who you were before allowing you to make the connection to who you are now. If you're a man, maybe you were a woman in a past life. If you are a woman, maybe you were a man in a past life. Relax, take a breath, and try and replay everything that happened in your nightmare because if you can recreate it in your mind, it may take you on a journey you never imagined possible. It may reveal a past life to you that you never knew you lived. Scary, huh?

Have you ever had a weird dream you didn't understand? Was it a reoccurring dream? Have you ever had a nightmare you didn't understand? Was it a reoccurring nightmare? Maybe, these are more clues that go hand and hand with your dreams and nightmares. Take some time, even if you have to write nonsensical things on a pad. Close your eyes relax and with pen in hand allow your hand to wander across the page. Let your subconscious show you what it is thinking. Do some free writing and free drawing because you never know what that will stir up, but take some time to analyze what you dreamed or experienced in your nightmare. What you discover now just may save your life later.

Listen to your inner self because your subconscious thoughts are trying to tell you something. They know something that you don't. Don't forget that your brain records and stores everything you have ever experienced, every sound, sight, smell, touch, and taste. Everything you need to know about you is there locked away ready for you to rediscover it. Now, it's up to you to find the key and unlock the secrets of your past lives.

If you're having these reoccurring dreams and these disturbing nightmares, then you may be one of the lost souls that have something more to accomplish before they are allowed the finality of restful days and eternal peace. You need to find out what it is that you need to do. It's important that you know.

Have you ever had a psychic experience foretelling of coming events? Think back. What was the circumstances surrounding that psychic experience? When you talk about it now, do you still get the chills that you got then? Why do you think that is? Yeah, you were scared, but what else? You can't explain it, can you? A coincidence just doesn't cut it, does it? These are even more clues leading you to the answers that only you possess.

Don't make the mistake of glossing over it. You must sit and analyze every psychic experience because what you learn now may help you later. Did you ever hear the expression that there is a reason for everything? Well, there is a reason for everything and for you to not explore the reason behind your psychic experience may haunt you later.

Have you ever had a psychic feeling of foreboding danger? Did you listen to the psychic feeling? Were you able to avoid the danger or did you walk right into it, even after suspecting that it was there waiting for you?

How do you feel about that now? If that psychic feeling happened again, would you be more apt to heed it? If you have had these feelings, chances are that you were violated, assaulted, harmed or even murdered in another life. Chances are you knew your killer and chances are you are doomed to repeat what happened to you then again in this life, until, that is, you can figure out what you need to know. Be careful. Take care. Know who your friends are.

What is a revelation? No, I'm not writing of religion and the Book of Revelations or the Revelations to John. I'm not writing about communication of knowledge to many by a divine or supernatural agency or am I? I'm not writing about the last book of the New Testament that contains visionary descriptions of Heaven and of conflicts between good and evil and of the end of the world or maybe I am.

We all fight the good battle of good versus evil. We are all immersed in the struggle of God against the Devil. Whose side are you on and why? Think about it, just because, as a good Christian, you go to church every Sunday that does not make you a good person and a loyal soldier in the army of God. It's those things that you do before and after church that makes you either the envoy of the Devil of the soldier of God.

Supernatural is something that does not exist in nature. A supernatural phenomenon is that which is subject to the explanation according to what we know as our natural laws of science, but that is neither physical nor material relating to supernatural forces, occurrences, and beings, and that can't be explained by our laws of science. Besides, our laws of science change with discovery from when Columbus proved Greek geographers wrong to Galileo honing his theories that the earth revolved around the sun to Einstein and his theory or relativity.

Sometimes, just because we can't explain it doesn't mean that it's supernatural. It may mean that we don't have the knowledge to explain it, much like the lost tribes thought it magic the first time they saw a mirror or a Polaroid Instant camera or an airplane. What does supernatural mean to you? Do you believe in aliens? Do you think that there are other life forms that exist in space and in another galaxy millions of light years away?

Do you think that aliens visited here many thousands of years ago and that is how we have the Bible? Who wrote the Bible? Do you believe in miracles or were they just unexplained acts of a race of superior and super intelligent aliens passing through space and time and stopping to visit our planet. What do you think? Think about it. It's relevant to this story.

To be continued...

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cliffhanger20cliffhanger20about 11 years ago
I got my boots on now

Much thought, time and research must have went into that chapter. Your questions were all valid. And you're right if you write a bad dream down when you first wake up it's there in your mind forever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
OHHH Scary Infectious Thoughts

You need to insert a statement of mental concern risk before reading this highly provoking yesterday rant or documentary.<P>

Most people aren't as equiped as you are to see beyond the possiblies of what could or will be if not once or before their time or essence began or ceased before they knew it, dreaded it or dreameded it possible or not - maybe or only the phantom knows type thingie.<P>

So there - anyhoo - whats for lunch - Tuesday? Easter eggs from the past?<P>

I /we think you are onto something that may bite you in the ass if you disrespect it or honor it. HUH?<P>

Makes sense doesn't it. If so turn right - now!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
You Have Done It Again

I am going to give you maximum points for having the sheer guts to submit this,AVOID POLITICS AND RELIGION

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
It is not often.

That I bother to think about things that my brain is not equipped to deal with.1,man will all ways create a god.2 we do not have the biological power to cope with such a thing.3 its only at the very moment of death that we will know the truth, so in the meantime lets all stop killing each other in the name of whatever god we might have,and enjoy the ride on this spaceship we call earth.Now think deap about what I have said Freddie,and live by the biological code we have evolved over a twinkling of an eye in the history of the earth.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

You are one of the best writers on this site, please don't make them think to hard. Man is part of this planet, there for subject to Mother Natures Laws. If you believe he is more than that then get a space ship.

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