Robbed Her, Rocked Her

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Jewelry heist & a one night stand - what could go wrong?
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A while ago I posted a thread on the message board about a writing exercise I had back in school. BedtimeStories provided the following list of words which I tried to use once each.

Passion Double Whimsical Belt Luster

Shiver Button Grab Poke Tease

Gossamer Sensation Red Long Climax

* * *

It was supposed to be a quick smash and grab job. I had been casing the jeweler for two weeks and knew their routine down to the minute. Mr. Flint always comes on the 8:45 subway and enters the shop by 8:50 am. For the next ten minutes he busies himself disarming the security system, turning on the lights and getting the display cases ready for the day. At 9 am sharp he unlocks the door.

It's business as usual until about noon when Mrs. Flint arrives and covers the shop for forty-five minutes while he goes to the corner deli and gets a pastrami and provolone on rye. He eats the sandwich while playing checkers with some guy named Morty. In two weeks I still haven't seen him win a game.

Anyway, I planned the job for when the Mrs. was covering the store. Mr. Flint might be an old codger, but judging by his limp, the scar on his cheek and his general attitude I had a hunch he was a vet, maybe even from WW II. An old partner of mine told me to watch for those VFW types, since nothing spoils the mood on a job faster than some shop owner pulling out a decades old piece of souvenir hand artillery.

I waited around the corner for Mr. Flint to get his lunch. While Mr. Flint was punctuality itself, Mrs. Flint was often up to ten minutes late. So I waited a little longer. Ten past and still no sign of him. With jobs like this timing isn't so critical, but if he didn't round the corner soon then I'd know something was up. I was contemplating another week of watching the shop when I heard the whistling. Good old Mr. Flint and his whimsical little tune, and it was only twelve past. Any guy who can whistle that well is alright in my book. I hope he's insured.

I grabbed my duffle bag and headed toward the store. I ducked into the abandoned entry way in the shop next to my mark long enough to pull on my mask. I took two deep breaths and quickly went in through the store's front door.

This is where everything went crossways. Instead of a doddering old women behind the counter there was a ravishing young woman, a beauty that quickly became etched in my memory. She wore no makeup except for the flush of youth, a flush that was quickly turning pale as she realized the situation she was it. She had flinty gray eyes, and long black hair that hung neatly over her right shoulder. She had a crimson sundress on, somewhat loose but cinched snugly around her trim waist by a two inch wide ribbon. This vision of youthful femininty froze me in my tracks.

I heard my mentor's voice in my head, "You gotta keep moving. Things might turn south, but you have to think while your moving." I always tried to listen to the voice, so I was quickly running toward her and vaulting over the case. I had my hand over her mouth before she could get over her shock at seeing a masked man in the shop. Soon I had her pinned on the ground beneath me, my knees weighing down her arms while one hand covered her mouth.

"Make a sound, and it'll go bad for you," I said in the gruffest voice I could. I reached into my bag and pulled out the gag. It was one of those rubber ball gags you can get at any adult novelty store. I quickly slipped it over her head, and pulled it tight. The black straps and the bright red of the ball gag, seemed perfectly matched to this young slip of a woman. But even as that thought raced through my mind, or rather my crotch, I knew I had to keep moving.

The plan then called for using the cable ties in my bag to tie up the old broad, but I hated the thought of marking this vision of a woman. On a quick impulse, I undid the belt around her waist and yanked it off of her. I saw a brief flash of outrage in her eyes before I rolled her onto her stomach.

"Now put your hands behind you. Quick!" I said.

She quickly complied, moving her hands behind her. As close as I was standing this meant her hands grazed my thighs and my groin. I felt a flare of excitement run through me with the accidental contact. As quickly as I could I tied her hands behind her back. A couple of times during this process her hands again accidentally rubbed against my crotch. Too many more accidents like that and there would be DNA evidence all over my pants.

"Don't even think about moving," I said as I left her lying face down on the floor.

I pulled the bat from my bag and started smashing the tops of the cases. I quickly pulled out the fanciest pieces I could find. In my haste, I dropped one onto the floor. In a job like this you normally leave pieces you drop for the sake of time. But this was the necklace that had convinced me to rob the joint. It was a relatively plain gold necklace but it had a very elegant pendant that was polished to have the most beautiful luster.

I ducked down to grab the necklace and noticed a button lying on the floor next to it. I could see a few red strands threaded through the holes. I looked over at the prone girl and saw her gray eyes glaring at me defiantly. I glanced down her body and could see a patch of pale skin peaking through a hole in the back of the dress. I must have torn it when I ripped off her belt. I grabbed the necklace and my threaded souvenir and put them in my bag.

Damn! This was taking too long. I had to run before I even grabbed half of my loot. If only the old dame was working. I gave one final look at the girl and ran for the door. This time I followed the plan to the letter and my escape worked out just right.

If that was how it ended, I wouldn't be in this mess.

* * *

That night I went to my favorite little pub and sat at the bar having some brews with the guys. We were debating the merits of the home teams draft picks when a gaggle of giggling girls walked in. This was clearly not their first pit stop of the night.

I looked them over and my breath was taken away for the second time that day. There she was, the girl from the jewelry store. She was swaying on her feet and her cheeks were flushed. She was wearing a pink dress that was so gossamer that it looked to be made of cotton candy. It was pretty obvious the girls were celebrating something, and they quickly announced that Ophelia, the girl from the store, just turned 21.

I moved down the bar to where the dart boards were so I could be closer to the group of ladies. I knew I was asking for trouble moving closer, but I was smitten. I heard Ophelia speaking as I walked past, "...came into the store, and before I knew it he was behind me. I felt a shiver run down my spine when he ripped my dress, but it was only to remove my ribbon. He made me put my hands behind my back and I accidentally touched his crotch."

The girls all erupted in gasps. The gasps quickly turned to giggles as they were begging Ophelia to continue. From the way some of them were behaving, it seemed they were hoping for a rape scene, not just a robbery. From the way Ophelia talked, I almost thought she hoped so too.

"While he was tying my hands," she said before a long pause. "I felt his crotch again! Actually twice, and he seemed to be getting excited. The third time I did it on purpose!"

More gasps, more giggles and at least two girls exclaimed, "You tease!"

"I am not! Part of me almost wanted him to do something. Haven't you ever wanted a man just to take you? Being tied up is an incredibly liberating sensation!" Now it was Ophelia who broke out in giggles.

I stayed close enough to hear that it was her grand parent's jewelry store. Her grandmother apparently caught a cold and Ophelia volunteered to cover for her. Probably why the old man was late to lunch I thought as I went back toward my usual seat. I needed to sit too, because the tenting in my jeans was becoming obvious from hearing her side of the story.

For the next hour I tried my best not to stare at young Ophelia. Her laughter carried to my end of the bar and stirred desires deep inside of me. I repeatedly caught myself glancing down the bar to catch a glimpse of her. While taking a particularly long glance, alright I was staring, I saw her get up and excuse herself from her friends. I quickly looked back in my beer as she walked behind me toward the lavatories.

A couple of minutes later I caught a glimpse of pink from the corner of my eye. I endeavored to remain facing forward, but was foiled by Ophelia's slurred voice saying, "I've seen you staring at me."

I tried to suppress my shudder as I turned to face her. Before I could think of anything clever to say, the beer in me started speaking, "I couldn't help it, your story about being tied up excited me."

She leaned in close as if she was going to whisper something to me, "I was pretty excited myself. I've always loved being tied up, but this time it was so much more real. I'm still excited just thinking about it! Feel!"

She grabbed my hand and pushed it under the hem of her dress. My hand went up her smooth thighs and before I even got to her crotch I could feel her heat. I could also feel some moisture on her thigh. I moved my hand a little higher and the knuckle of my thumb was soon rubbing against her bare sex. No panties and no hair, just hot, soft and very wet flesh. I could feel her opening to my touch and slid my thumb inside her while my fingers cupped her thigh. I pumped into her a few times. I watched her face as she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. She started sinking as if her legs were giving out. I pushed up with my hand to try to hold her up, only succeeding in plunging my thumb deep inside of her.

I pulled her close with my other arm and whispered in her ear, "Let's get out of here."

* * *

We were soon standing outside my apartment. Ophelia was rubbing against me like a cat in heat. I fumbled with the keys while kissing her, first on the mouth, then on the neck. When I finally got the lock to turn we fell into the apartment in a heap. We continued kissing and rubbing against each other as I used one foot to kick the door closed. I soon had her dress up around her waist and my hand rubbing her sex. All hope of technique was lost in the passion of the moment.

While I was pillaging her sex with my hand, she was ripping open my jeans. She snaked a hand in before she even had the fly down and wrapped her fingers around my swollen cock. She pumped it repeatedly while she was trying to kiss me. The kisses were more slobber now than kiss, but neither of us cared anymore.

"Where's you bed," she practically moaned. "I want you to tie me down and rape me!"

I almost climaxed right then only being saved by the awkwardness of having her pumping me while inside my pants. I started pushing her across the wood floors toward the bed in the next room. She started pretending to struggle and I pretended to drag her. On the way toward the bedroom we both worked at getting her out of her pink dress.

She was now fully nude and I picked her up and threw her onto the bed. I climbed on top of her and straddled her waist. She punched at me futilely making her firm breasts jiggle. If I didn't get control of her soon, I wouldn't get to screw this hot young thing.

I pulled the belt through the loops of my jeans and threaded the end back through the buckle. I grabbed her first wrist and placed it in the loop. Eventually I managed to get her second wrist in the loop and pulled it tight. I quickly lashed the remained length of the belt to the center of the headboard. At least now she wasn't trying to punch me.

I reached behind me and plunged a couple of fingers deep into her. She was amazingly wet and was clamping down on my fingers as I violated her. "You really like being tied up, don't you!"

"I love it you beast! Now are you going to fuck me, or just poke me with your fingers. You're probably as limp as that coward in the store. Tying up a woman and not having the balls to fuck!"

"You have a filthy mouth. No wonder he gagged you!" I said as I reached into the nightstand. I pulled out a gag that was very similar to the one I had used earlier. I wish I had paid more attention to her while I was doing it. She was really thrashing now, cursing and giving me the evil eye.

I soon had the gag in place and got off of her long enough to take off my clothes. Her arms were pulling at the belt and she was thrashing her pale slim legs. I stood admiring her now sweaty body as she lay panting. It is hard to get enough air to thrash when you have a gag in your mouth.

I climbed back onto the bed, pinning her ankles we my hands. I looked down at her bare sex and saw how inflamed it appeared. Her lips were glistening and distended and an angry pink color. No matter how tasty she looked, I couldn't wait to plunge my cock into her.

I moved my hands up her smooth legs and pinned her legs by the thighs. I rubbed the tip of my cock against her soaking sex. I looked down at her face, seeing again the defiant look in those gray eyes. I watched as that look turned to pleasure as I plunged all the way into her in one brutal thrust. A second thrust and I could feel her body quivering in a climax.

Normally, I go slowly at this point in case the woman is too sensitive. But now I was driven by a tremendous need and was thrusting into her as hard as I could. My hips plunged against her and I bent down to grab one of her nipples in my teeth. I continued thrusting into her and licking and biting her nipple. I could feel the pressure building inside of me and I lifted my head to look into her eyes again. There was drool on her face from around the gag, but her eyes were locked onto mine. I couldn't tell what was going on in her mind, only that I needed to cum. I thrust as deep into her as I could and started cumming. My fingers were digging into her flesh as I shot again and again.

I lay on top of her shaking with my orgasm. I pulled out of her and looked down at the cum leaking out of her. I looked up her slim glistening body. The heaving of her chest was lessening even as the red flush of orgasm started fading. I moved up slowly and removed the gag. She worked her jaw for a moment, but didn't say anything. I then untied her arms and rolled over to lay next to her.

She clapped her hands over her crotch and got up, apparently looking for the bathroom. I pointed to the right door and she took off. A few moments later I heard the toilet flushing, and then the water in the sink running. I lay back on the pillows relaxing after the most intense sexual experience of my life. I was asleep before she was out of the bathroom.

* * *

I woke up sometime later with a terrible hangover. A terrible hangover which was compounded by the fact that I was tied to the bed with the ball gag in my mouth. I looked around and saw Ophelia looked down at me.

"You really aren't that bright are you? You see a pretty face and your brains go south. I never said that the robber gagged me, that was the part I didn't like. I love sucking on cocks almost as much as being tied up, so I don't go for the gags. If that had been the only stupid thing you had done, I wouldn't have known for sure. But no, you had to double your stupidity by taking a souvenir." I saw her flip something toward me and I felt it land on my chest.

"I called the cops, and they should be here shortly. I am sure they will find the jewels around here someplace, you are obviously too stupid to have dumped them already. Then they'll send you to jail for a very long time. But you were such a good screw, that I'm not going to say you raped me." She said that last while walking toward the door of my apartment. "Bye-bye" she said waving from the open doorway.

I looked down and saw a small round disk with red threads running through it. I'd left it lying on the sink in the bathroom.. I was still staring at the little piece of evidence when the cops strolled in.

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RedHairedandFriendlyRedHairedandFriendlyover 17 years ago

Your story has been mentioned in the New Story Review Thread, found in Lit's Author's Hangout forum. A very good. ~ Thanks, Red.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Talk about

turnabout is fair play. At least he got sex before he got caught. Great work.

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