Robin LaRouge's Posse


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Her lips were dry and she stared at the tea on the table. It would not be befitting her to step out and let her servant see her in this state. He had almost kissed her, she thought. Her fingers trembled lightly over the cup as she brought the chilled tea to her lips. The anger somehow misplaced as she dealt with a new emotion that crawled under her skin and threatened to consume her. Passion.

Mistress Demuire strolled with her usual confidence down the street, but any watching were well aware that this was not usual, her errand boy was not three steps behind her. She had ordered him to scrub the office floors and the bedchamber walls. Hoping to give him enough to do to keep him too busy to think too much of why she would leave without him.

Her footsteps brought her quickly up the stairs to Master Uiender's room and she stood staring blankly at the door for a moment. Two things stuck in her mind. Did she know how to knock on the door? It had been quite some time since she had done that for herself. What should she say when the door was answered? And she wondered yet again why she was here, and why without her servant.

Slowly she raised her hand to the door and gently gave it three little taps. Maybe no one would hear it, maybe she could return home and say there had been no one here. Maybe that is not exactly what she wanted to do. Before she could think of anymore she heard a voice telling her to come in.

Her fingers and palm were trembling softly as she grasped the door handle, she hoped her fingers were not too clammy to turn the knob and do as she had been asked. The door came open quite easily though and she took a small step onto the soft rug that covered the apartment floor.

The mage sat across the room lounging in an easy chair, the vagabond standing behind him next to the fire place. The mage smiled gently at her as she entered the room. "I see you have returned, My Lady." He said waving her to the small sofa beside his table. As she sat he put his book on the table and took his pipe from his lips and looked her up and down.

A gentle blush took immediately to her cheeks, and she crossed her legs under her as she sat. Her ensemble was something she had picked from her closet. Something she knew that her servant would have picked for her if he wanted her to look her prettiest for casual picnic, something slightly revealing.

The gentle green silk sleeves of the blouse were completely see through, while the vest carefully covered the more important things that any proper lady kept from public view. It left a small opening at her belly that only the see through shirt covered and tucked into her belt. The dress was two part, the first being of the same silk that made up the blouse and hung to her ankles in the strips that opened as she walked. The top was the same leather material as the vest and carefully laid over the parts that again, any proper lady kept hidden from curious viewers. Her sandals were the same leather again, softly tied with silk to her ankles.

Uiender grinned happily at her outfit. Nice, he thought; she might be exactly what he expected of her. But he spoke nothing at first. Just watched as her eyes stared intently at the floor and pinkness of her cheeks increased.

"My Lady does me a great honor in her appearance. Has any other old mages had the pleasure of seeing you so scantily dressed?"

His hand took her's slowly to his lips and he kissed her fingertips, enjoying the soft tremble that shook through her. His lips lingered a bit too long, he needed to know how serious she really was, and how much of what she wanted was true. "Have you come to learn or to listen?" He asked setting her hand back onto her lap and patting it gently.

Her eyes looked up at him nearly blankly. For a moment she did not know what he meant, nor how to answer what she thought he asked. Wringing her fingers lightly in her lap she said nothing.

"I think you are ready to learn, but I think you will listen first to what I have to offer. Later, if you have been well behaved through it, I will give you the information you need." He stood and walked pointedly to the straight back chair across from her. He leaned his elbows onto his knees and stared deep into her eyes as he began to speak.

"You are an Ice Queen, content in ruling your little world with an iron fist. You receive immense pleasure from ordering around people whose names and lives you know nothing about." Outrage crossed her face and he rose his hand to stop the words that wanted to flow from her gaping lips. "However, somewhere inside you, you long to receive punishment for your behavior, long to know the restraints of a master that can conquer and control you as you do others."

Now her feet hit the floor with a thump. Why had she come here?! She demanded of herself. To hear this rubbish?!

"You WILL remain seated, My Lady." He said with dire seriousness echoed in his eyes. She froze and realized that as she had gone to stand, the vagabond message boy and the earth elemental stood on either side of her. "You will also remain quiet, and you will receive everything you came here today to gain."

No words escaped her open mouth as she tried desperately to assess the situation she had placed herself into. Was this what she had come here for? It was not what she had envisioned, but what exactly had she envisioned? His words struck too close to home, they were not what she wanted to hear at all.

He smiled, giving her a minute to analyze her situation. "Now, we will begin. No more chatter about the why, or the how. Well shall simply head straight to the point. Remove your vest." He said it with such straight forwardness that at first she had no clue what he had spoken. Her fingers grasped tightly into the cushions of the soft sofa she sat on.

"Remove your vest. Slide your little fingers into the laces and pull them lose, My Lady." He spoke slowly and clearly so as not to lose her in any single word. Her green eyes stared angrily at him for a moment and she did not move to comply. "Do it or I shall have it ripped from you in such a way that it will be unrepairable." His voice held no hint of sympathy for her anger. She glanced at the vagabond standing next to her, he appeared to be looking at the mage, but through his hooded cloak who could even be sure. Her eyes trailed over to the pet the mage had summoned to help contain her; it too appeared to look at the mage. "Now!" He ordered, causing her to jump a bit.

Reluctantly she took her hands from the sofa and brought them to the laces. She moved slowly trying to decide if what she did was wiser than refusing him. Her eyes watched his for some sign that he was enjoying this, but his expression was that of a professor as he taught his class, nothing to read that this was any different from a lesson in magic she might have gotten from any number of their peers. In frustration she watched her fingers instead. Slowly pulling lose each lace from the other. As she pulled the last lace lose she looked back up at him again.

"Off." Was all he spoke and she pulled it slowly from her shoulders. Her nipples rubbed gently against the silky blouse in their freedom. Much to her dismay they were hard and stuck up against the material quite eagerly.

"You may cover your breasts with your hands." He said smiling at her. "However, you must keep your hands moving in small circles." Her hands had already pushed over her breasts, they were a bit smaller than the fullness of what they tried to cover, and she frowned at the condition to which he placed on this. The vagabond fidgeted a bit and she decided that moving coverage was better than none at all.

"Separate your knees, My Lady, and pull your bottom to the edge of the seat." He ordered, sitting back comfortably in his chair.

This time she stopped and gave him a glaring look. "No." She said firmly.

"I shall give you a moment to reconsider your decision," he said as if to give fairness to what they did. "However, I will also take this time to allow you to understand that ‘No' answers result in my reddening your ass. If you are sure that you are somehow being hurt by any of this, I will require you to speak the reasons, and we shall address them."

She opened her mouth to speak but found no words there.

"And you will continue to move your hands in a circular fashion over your breasts while you consider this matter." He ordered.

When her hands moved slowly over her breasts but she had still not spoken, he leaned forward and spoke again. "Separate your knees, My Lady, and air out that frigid hidden space of yours." He said with a touch of cruelness in his voice.

"No." she answered and immediately regretted it. The earth elemental grabbed one of her wrists and the vagabond grabbed the other and pulled her roughly to the mage and dropped her to the floor.

"Then you wish me to redden your bottom." Sitting back in his chair he slapped his leg for her to come to him. "Lay over my lap and accept your spanking like a lady."

"No," was the only words that even entered her head and as she spoke them she realized she might not wish to say that again.

"That is two, My Lady." He slapped his thigh again. "Or shall we make it three for failure to respond in a timely manner?"

She slowly got to her feet, not sure what was overcoming her. Her senses did not seem themselves. Unknowing what would happen should she refuse any longer, she went to him and let him lay her across his lap. His hand laid gently on her bottom. "You are doing fairly well, My Lady." His hand rose from her bottom and came down with a robust crack. "However, next time," his hand rose and fell over her bottom again, this time bringing a cry from her lips. "You shall receive your spankings on a bare bottom." He rubbed her bottom softly as she regained her composure and stood her back up.

Her fingers rubbed her eyes lightly to remove any sign of the tears that had almost fallen. "Return to your seat and continue where we left off."

Reluctantly she obeyed. Once in her seat she pulled herself to the very edge and parted her knees slightly. As her hands returned to their duty on her breasts he spoke again.

"Spread your knees wider, and press your hands less firmly against your breasts. Your palms should softly rub over your hard nipples." She glared at him but complied. As her knees spread wider the skirt fell softly between her legs, but even that was not enough to prevent the soft smell of her sex from flowing gently into the room. Her face reddened and she was nearly tempted to challenge him again.

He waited just another moment to see if her nerve would come to her. When it did not, he gave the next command. "Stand up," when she did not immediately move he frowned purposefully at her. "I think we have been over this, My Lady. Stand up." She looked at him for a moment but then did as he commanded.

Her hands hung loosely at her sides. He scratched his beard, as if considering what he would have her do next. "Remove your belt and your overskirt." He finally said. When she failed to respond again he looked at her sternly. "I will not ask you twice again, My Lady."

She placed her hands on her belt, loosening it, she let it drop to the floor, and pulling one button lose the skirt followed. She made no attempt to cover the see through underskirt that revealed her g-string covering precious little of her womanhood.

"Sit on the floor, and pull your knees up to your chest, you must keep your legs apart and lean your back against the sofa." He paused for a moment and looked purposefully at the vagabond that stood to her right. "If you feel that you can behave, I will send out Sir Robin. However, the pet will stay for good measure."

Nodding she sat on the floor as he instructed. He waved his hand at the servant who left swiftly through the front door. As soon as the door had closed she spread her legs wide. Some part of her enjoyed this far more than she ever wanted to admit. A spark of warmth had found it's way into her middle and her desire to follow the commands of this mage tore at sensibilities. Her hands held the light material between her legs as she waited for his next words.

"Pull up your skirt, up to your waist, you hide nothing I have not seen before." His voice light. "Gently pinch one of your nipples between your thumb and finger and roll it."

A little gasp escaped her lips as she complied. Her nipples growing even harder as she did it. The mage moved a bit in his chair to make himself more comfortable, but she did not notice. His own hunger nearly broke him from the job at hand, but he was a professional. Duty before pleasure.

"Suck your index finger into your mouth and get it nice and wet." She did, her eyes closed as the warmth began to climb slowly up her stomach. Her legs bounced slightly and he smiled. Her smell permeated the room, and had she been more aware she would have seen through the one illusion that rested in the room, but her need drove her beyond that realization.

"Slide your finger between your legs, into the wetness that soaks through your panties." Her head laid back onto the small sofa as the wetness soaked over her finger. Little gasps of pleasure leaving her lips. "Rub small circles into your clit, gently." He spoke and rose his hand in a sign of patience to the movement in the corner chair.

She trembled softly as her fingers explored her inner lips, feeling the warmth and the wetness grow at her every touch. She forgot to listen for more commands, her other hand working slowly over her breasts, each touch increasing the loudness of her gasps. Minutes of quiet ecstacy overtook her, she did not care that the mage watched, she nearly enjoyed as much her silent audience as the immense pleasure the touching brought. As her fingers began to move more rapidly Uiender realized it was time for the next step.

A silent wave of his hand released the illusion that surrounded the man in the corner. Derrick stood up slowly, they had discussed some of this, but watching it had made him far more desperate to live out his fantasies than he thought possible. Uiender waved the errand boy to stand before his Mistress.

Derrick stood before her, "Treddi," his voice a whisper. She responded to her first name with a loud gasp and her eyes opened burning with the hunger that was now a wave of ecstacy waiting to overcome her.

"Derrick," her voice quiet and needy. Her fingers did not pause, it was as if she could not stop them had she wanted to.

"Show him your wetness, show him the one part of your body he has not had the pleasure of viewing. What ever he asks of you, you will give him." He spoke quietly, almost as if a voice from the shadows.

Both hands slide down between her legs now, her legs spread out more showing the g-string soaked with her wetness. Her fingers dripped as she spread her lips open for him to see. Derrick knew he would have trouble with what came next. His hardness ached painfully against his leggings, begging to be set free to explore the marvelous sight that he beheld.

Master Uiender had spent weeks preparing him for this moment. Explaining to him the mind of Mistress Demuire. He wanted all that he could have, and this was the way he would learn. He knelt before her, her scent permeating his entire being.

"Tell her what you want from her, Derrick." The mage's voice a silent whisper in his head. Nothing seemed to exist besides his Mistress, but he heard the voice anyway. His hand reached out gently for hers, and she did not resist as his fingers lingered lightly over the soft swollen clit that her fingers explored as he watched.

"Derrick," she whispered again, unable to bring the hunger to words. Her hand grasped tightly in his followed him back to the buckle on his belt. Their eyes met and he beheld the sight he had longed for these past 5 years. He was no longer a child in her eyes, he was a man. Yearning and need softened her eyes. No longer did she hold the control of her whole world, now she searched for release, hunger to succumb to the pleasures that engulfed her.

"Take off my belt, Tre." He told her quietly and she did without objection. His fingers moved between her legs and took over the soft exploration her fingers had abandoned. Slowly, bringing a faint gasp, he pulled lose the string of her g-string and it fell to the floor.

As her fingers dropped the belt to the floor and undid his leggings his voice gained confidence. His manhood freed, he wrapped one hand lightly into the brown locks that fell over her face. "Tre, I want to feel your soft lips." He leaned over kissing her softly. "On my cock." He whispered. Her gasp of pleasure made his hardness jump. Her fingers grasped him as her lips pressed down to plant little kisses over the tip.

The moan that escaped his lips as he tried to keep his composure urged her on. Her tongue slowly drifted down the length of his hardness and a hidden desire to fulfill his every wish crept up from the hidden recess of her soul. She wanted him to demand of her anything, everything. His fingers held tightly to her hair, nearly painfully, but she did not squirm, she didn't want him to let go.

He had not known of her secret love, of her secret desire to be claimed. Even now, with her hands carefully exploring every inch of his manhood, he was not completely aware of the intense pleasure this brought her. His mind focused on keeping control over the part of his body that wished to lose itself in the satiny touch of her lips and fingers.

She grasped tightly to him, holding his hips as she wrapped her lips around his rigid manhood and sucked it deeply into her mouth.

Suddenly his hands tugged her head up. Derrick's eyes struggling to keep control of the situation. Submissively, she whispered. "Do I displease you, My Lord." His hands grasped her waist tightly and pulled her to him. A smile danced in his eyes, never once thinking he would hear those words uttered from her lips. With a hunger that she knew would bring her over the edge again, he set her onto his lap. Her tender folds pressing against him, bringing a wave of ecstacy that nearly brought tears to her eyes.

"Oh, you don't displease me." He pulled her closer, her legs wrapping around his hips, her warmth pressing roughly on his throbbing manhood. "Should you displease me, My Love, I would spank your pretty bottom."

Her squeal of delight seemed to lighten the whole world around him, as if he sat basking in the spring sun. His hands gently moved her hips over him, sliding her wetness across him, it soaked down between his legs and he moaned. "I want you to ride my cock. Press your sweetness over me," his voice barely a whisper, "hurry, before you miss your reward."

A soft squeal escaped her again, begging for fulfillment, to feel him pressed deep within her when his need overcame him. She slide her hand between her legs and grasped him tightly, aiming quickly and suddenly thrusting down on him.

In the heat of their lovemaking they did not notice the mage had left. Wrapped completely in each other. Derrick's need overwhelmed him at the soft delectable skin that encompassed his manhood, sliding over it again and again. Knowing he could do it again, and that she would enjoy other means of pleasure as well, he pulled her down on him faster.

Moaning heavily her fingernails bite into his shoulders. She could not recall a time when she had wanted or needed this more. It had been awhile, a very long while since she had allowed any of this sort of pleasure into her life. He grew in her, she wanted him to cum deep in her. Her only thought was the feel of his orgasm shooting into her, filling her with the fevered ecstacy. As his hands pulled her faster she let out a scream of pleasure.

Morning would find them wrapped in each other's arms. Gentle sunlight streaming onto them through the crack in mauve drapes that she would not have put in even her least visited room. Master Uiender visited them after a time, with breakfast in bed. The three talked the day away. At the end of their discussions it was decided that Sir Robin LaRouge would personally insure that her scrolls arrived safely to the Great Library, and that Mistress Demuire and Master Uiender would need to collaborate on a few new spells that would bring insight to both their guilds.